Attachment Attachment 1

This document pretains to ITC-T/C-20180125-00018 for Transfer of Control on a International Telecommunications filing.


                                                                                     International Section 214
                                                                     Pro Forma Transfer of Control Notification
                                                                                                 Attachment 1

                                SECTION 214 AUTHORIZATION

          Pursuant to Section 214 of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended (“the Act”), 47
 U.S.C. § 214, and Section 63.24(f) of the Commission’s rules, 47 C.F.R. § 63.24(f), T-Mobile USA, Inc.,
 a Delaware corporation (“T-Mobile USA”), hereby notifies the Commission of the pro forma transfer of
 control of the international Section 214 authorization held by Iowa Wireless Services, LLC, a Delaware
 limited liability company (“Iowa Wireless”), File No. ITC-214-20020513-00251 (global resale service). This
 transfer is part of the purchase by T-Mobile USA’s subsidiary of membership interests in Iowa Wireless
 that occurred on January 2, 2018.1 The transaction did not change the ultimate ownership or control of the
 international Section 214 authorization at issue. Accordingly, the purchase of membership interests was
 pro forma in nature.

 Answer to Question 10 - Section 63.18(c)-(d):

        The transferor for the instant pro forma transfer of control filing is INS Wireless, Inc., an Iowa
 corporation (“INSW”):

            Contact Information:

            Craven Shumaker
            INS Wireless, Inc.
            7600 Office Plaza Drive South
            West Des Moines, Iowa 50266
            Tel: 515-258-7000
            Fax: 515-258-7100

            With a copy to:

            Tony Lee
            Fletcher, Heald & Hildreth, PLC
            1300 N 17th Street, 11th Floor
            Arlington, Virginia 22209
            Tel: 703-812-0442
            Fax: 703-812-0468

           Prior to the purchase of membership interests, the parties applied for and received consent to the pro forma
transfer of private “MG” wireless radio licenses and a single “NN” 3650-3700 MHz license (ULS file no. 0007979716,
granted by PN released Nov. 22, 2017, consummated ULS file no. 0008054710) held by Iowa Wireless’ wholly-owned
subsidiary, Iowa Wireless Services Holding Corporation, a Delaware corporation (“IWSHC”). Post-consummation
notification (under forbearance) was also filed with the Wireless Telecommunications Bureau with regard to the
common carrier radio licenses in the PCS and AWS services held by IWSHC impacted by the purchase of membership
interests in Iowa Wireless (ULS file no. 0008052619).

                                                                               International Section 214
                                                               Pro Forma Transfer of Control Notification
                                                                                           Attachment 1

       The transferee for the instant pro forma transfer of control filing is T-Mobile Central LLC, a
Delaware limited liability company and a wholly-owned subsidiary of T-Mobile USA (“T-Mobile

       Contact Information:

       Shannon Reilly
       T-Mobile USA, Inc.
       12920 SE 38th Street
       Bellevue, Washington 98006
       Tel: 425-383-4000
       Fax: 425-383-4840

       With a copy to:

       Doane Kiechel,
       Attorney at Law
       4005 Garrison Street, NW
       Washington, DC 20016
       Tel: 202-487-6770

       International Section 214 Authority:

       T-Mobile USA holds four international Section 214 authorizations, File Nos. ITC-214-20061004-
       00452 (global resale service), ITC-214-19960930-00473 (global resale service), ITC-214-
       20120301-00067 (global resale service), and ITC-214-20011116-00601 (global facilities-based and
       resale services). T-Mobile Puerto Rico LLC, a Delaware limited liability company and a wholly-
       owned subsidiary of T-Mobile USA, holds one international Section 214 authorization, File No.
       ITC-214-20070626-00246 (global resale service). As noted above, Iowa Wireless holds one
       international Section 214 authorization, File No. ITC-214-20020513-00251 (global resale service).

Answer to Question 11 - Section 63.18(h):

       The following entities hold a ten percent or greater ownership interest in T-Mobile Central:

       Name:               T-Mobile USA, Inc. (T-Mobile USA”)
       Address:            12920 SE 38th Street
                           Bellevue, WA 98006
       Citizenship:        USA (Delaware)
       Principal Business: Telecommunications
       Percentage Held:    T-Mobile USA directly holds 100 percent of the ownership interests of
                           T-Mobile Central.

       Name:                  T-Mobile US, Inc. (“T-Mobile US”)

                                                                    International Section 214
                                                    Pro Forma Transfer of Control Notification
                                                                                Attachment 1
Address:            12920 SE 38th Street
                    Bellevue, WA 98006
Citizenship:        USA (Delaware)
Principal Business: Commercial Mobile Radio Service
Percentage Held:    T-Mobile US directly holds 100 percent of the ownership interests of T-
                    Mobile USA, which directly holds 100 percent of the ownership interests
                    of T-Mobile Central. T-Mobile US therefor indirectly holds 100 percent
                    of the ownership interests of T-Mobile Central.

Name:               Deutsche Telekom Holding B.V. (“DTH”)
Address:            12920 SE 38th Street
                    Bellevue, WA 98006
Citizenship:        Netherlands
Principal Business: Commercial Mobile Radio Service
Percentage Held:    DTH directly holds 62.18 percent of the ownership interests of T-Mobile
                    US. T-Mobile US directly holds 100 percent of the ownership interests
                    of T-Mobile USA, which directly holds 100 percent of the ownership
                    interests of T-Mobile Central. DTH therefor indirectly holds 62.18
                    percent of the ownership interests of T-Mobile Central.

Name:               T-Mobile Global Holding GmbH (“TMHG”)
Address:            Landgrabenwerg 151
                    Bonn, 53227
Citizenship:        Germany
Principal Business: Commercial Mobile Radio Service
Percentage Held:    TMHG directly holds 100 percent of the ownership interests of DTH.
                    DTH directly holds 62.18 percent of the ownership interests of T-Mobile
                    US. T-Mobile US directly holds 100 percent of the ownership interests
                    of T-Mobile USA, which directly holds 100 percent of the ownership
                    interests of T-Mobile Central. TMHG therefor indirectly holds 62.18
                    percent of the ownership interests of T-Mobile Central.

Name:               T-Mobile Global Zwischenholding GmbH (“TGZ”)
Address:            Fredrich-Ebert-Allee 140
                    Bonn, 53111
Citizenship:        Germany
Principal Business: Commercial Mobile Radio Service
Percentage Held:    TGZ directly holds 100 percent of the ownership interests of TMHG.
                    TMHG directly holds 100 percent of the ownership interests of DTH.
                    DTH directly holds 62.18 percent of the ownership interests of T-Mobile
                    US. T-Mobile US directly holds 100 percent of the ownership interests
                    of T-Mobile USA, which directly holds 100 percent of the ownership
                    interests of T-Mobile Central. TGZ therefor indirectly holds 62.18
                    percent of the ownership interests of T-Mobile Central.

Name:                Deutsche Telekom AG (“DT”)
Address:             Fredrich-Ebert-Allee 140
                     Bonn, 53113

                                                                                 International Section 214
                                                                 Pro Forma Transfer of Control Notification
                                                                                             Attachment 1
       Citizenship:        Germany
       Principal Business: Commercial Mobile Radio Service
       Percentage Held:    DT directly holds 100 percent of the ownership interests of TGZ. TGZ
                           directly holds 100 percent of the ownership interests of TMHG. TMHG
                           directly holds 100 percent of the ownership interests of DTH. DTH
                           directly holds 62.18 percent of the ownership interests of T-Mobile US.
                           T-Mobile US directly holds 100 percent of the ownership interests of T-
                           Mobile USA, which directly holds 100 percent of the ownership interests
                           of T-Mobile Central. DT therefor indirectly holds 62.18 percent of the
                           ownership interests of T-Mobile Central.

       Name:               Kreditanstalt fur Wiederaufbau (“KfW”)
       Address:            Palmengartenstrasse 5-9
                           Frankfort, Germany 60325
       Citizenship:        Germany
       Principal Business: Commercial banking
       Percentage Held:    KfW, a bank controlled by the German government and federal states,
                           directly holds approximately 17.5 percent of the ownership interests of
                           DT. DT directly holds 100 percent of the ownership interests of TGZ.
                           TGZ directly holds 100 percent of the ownership interests of TMHG.
                           TMHG directly holds 100 percent of the ownership interests of DTH.
                           DTH directly holds 62.18 percent of the ownership interests of T-Mobile
                           US. T-Mobile US directly holds 100 percent of the ownership interests
                           of T-Mobile USA, which directly holds 100 percent of the ownership
                           interests of T-Mobile Central. KfW therefor indirectly holds 10.88
                           percent of the ownership interests of T-Mobile Central.

       Name:               Federal Republic of Germany (“FRG”)
       Address:            c/o Federal Ministry of Finance
                           Wilhelmstr 97
                           Berlin, Germany 10117
       Citizenship:        Germany
       Principal Business: Government entity
       Percentage Held:    FRG directly holds approximately 14.5 percent of the ownership interests
                           of DT. FRG also directly holds approximately 80 percent of the ownership
                           interests of KfW which, as described above, holds approximately 17.5
                           percent of the ownership interests of DT. DT directly holds 100 percent of
                           the ownership interests of TGZ. TGZ directly holds 100 percent of the
                           ownership interests of TMHG. TMHG directly holds 100 percent of the
                           ownership interests of DTH. DTH directly holds 62.18 percent of the
                           ownership interests of T-Mobile US. T-Mobile US directly holds 100
                           percent of the ownership interests of T-Mobile USA, which directly holds
                           100 percent of the ownership interests of T-Mobile Central. Thus, FRG is
                           deemed to hold approximately 28.5 percent of the equity and voting
                           interests in DT and indirectly holds approximately 17.72 percent of the
                           ownership interests of T-Mobile Central.

No other person or entity has a direct or indirect, voting or equity ten percent or greater

                                                                                  International Section 214
                                                                  Pro Forma Transfer of Control Notification
                                                                                              Attachment 1
ownership interest in T-Mobile Central.

Answer to Question 12 - Section 63.18(h):

       DT has the following interlocking directorates: (1) Timotheus Höttges is the Chairman, Board of
Management of Deutsche Telekom AG and a member of the Board pf Directors of BT plc, a
telecommunications company located in the United Kingdom; (2) Raphael Kübler is a member of the
Board of Directors of Hellenic Telecommunications Organization S.A., a company located in Greece and
(3) David R. Carey is Executive Vice President, Corporate Services, of T-Mobile US, Inc. and a member
of the Board of Directors of Freedom Mobile (formerly Wind Mobile), a mobile phone company located
in Canada.

Answer to Question 13 - Narrative of Transaction and Public Interest Statement:

       T-Mobile USA hereby notifies the Commission of the pro forma transfer of control of the
international Section 214 authorization held by Iowa Wireless as a result of the sale of membership
interests in Iowa Wireless from INS Wireless, Inc., an Iowa corporation (“INSW”), to T-Mobile

      Specifically, Iowa Wireless, which holds the international Section 214 Authorization, had two
members prior to the instant transaction, INSW, which held a 46.4 percent interest in Iowa Wireless,
and VoiceStream PCS I Iowa Corporation, a Delaware corporation and a wholly-owned subsidiary of
T-Mobile USA (“VSPCS”), which held a 53.6 percent interest in Iowa Wireless.

      On January 2, 2018, T-Mobile Central purchased from INSW its 46.4 percent membership interest
in Iowa Wireless. This transaction resulted in the reduction of the units of membership interest in Iowa
Wireless held by INSW to zero and the increase of the units of membership interest in Iowa Wireless held
by T-Mobile USA to 100 percent through its two wholly-owned subsidiaries VSPCS (53.6 percent) and
T-Mobile Central (46.4 percent).

        Years prior to the instant transaction, the FCC already approved T-Mobile USA’s qualifications to
control Iowa Wireless and IWSHC. On June 22, 2006, the parties filed a transfer of control application
for IWSHC’s Personal Communications Services (“PCS”) licenses,2 which sought FCC approval for the
increase in VSPCS’s membership interest in Iowa Wireless from less than 50 percent to greater than 50
percent, and a related application for the transfer of control of international Section 214 authorization, File
No. ITC-214-20020513-00251 (global resale service),3 then held by IWSHC. The public interest statement
attached as Exhibit 1 to the application for the transfer of the PCS licenses indicated that, post-
consummation, the equity and voting interest of VSPCS would exceed 50 percent (see p. 2 thereof), and
Attachment 1 to the application for the transfer of the international Section 214 authorization included a
similar statement in Answer to Question 13 (see p. 3 thereof). Both transfer of control applications were

          ULS File No. 0002618243, filed May 25, 2006 and amendment, filed June 22, 2006.


                                                                                   International Section 214
                                                                 Pro Forma Transfer of Control Notification
                                                                                               Attachment 1
                             4                                                             5
 granted by the Commission, and the transaction was consummated on January 31, 2007. Since that
 time, T-Mobile USA’s membership interest in Iowa Wireless and, indirectly, in IWSHC remained above
 50 percent. Also, the management of IWSHC was vested in a board of directors composed of five
 members. Two members were appointed by INSW, two were appointed by VSPCS, and the fifth member
 was appointed as an independent director by both INSW and VSPCS. Since January 31, 2007, there have
 been no other pro forma transfers of control of Iowa Wireless (other than the January 2, 2018 transaction).
 Following the January 2, 2018 transfer of control, all of the board members of IWSHC are appointed by
 T-Mobile USA.

         In view of the facts above, based on Commission precedent6 and the advice of Commission staff,
 the parties are treating the instant purchase of membership interests by T-Mobile USA from, and
 departure from Iowa Wireless by, INSW as a transfer of negative control of Iowa Wireless, IWSHC and
 their authorization and license holdings that is pro forma, i.e., involving a non-substantial change in
 ownership of such entities that does not change ultimate control of Iowa Wireless, which holds the
 international Section 214 authorization. The Commission has stated that, in situations “where no
 substantial change of control will result from the transfer or assignment, grant of the application is
 deemed presumptively in the public interest.”7

         Wireless Telecommunications Bureau Assignment of License Authorization Applications, etc., Public Notice,
Report No. 2780 p. 2 (rel. Dec. 20, 2006); Wireless Telecommunications Bureau Assignment of License Authorization
Applications, etc., Public Notice, Report No. 2800 p. 3 (rel. Dec. 27, 2006); and International Authorizations Granted,
Public Notice, DA No. 06-2567, Report No. TEL-01098 p. 5 (rel. Dec. 21, 2006).
            ULS File No. 0002903083, filed Feb. 6, 2007.
           See Barnes Enterprises, Inc., 55 FCC 2d 721, 725 (1975) (“Through long administrative interpretation, the
test for substantiality is generally: (a) whether 50 percent or more of the stock is being transferred, and (b) whether, as
a result of the transaction, 50 percent or more of the outstanding stock will be held by a person or persons whose
qualifications have not been approved or passed on in a long form application for the particular station involved.”). See
also Fed. Communications Bar Ass’n’s Petition for Forbearance from Section 310(d) of the Communications Act
Regarding Non-Substantial Assignments of Wireless Licenses & Transfers of Control Involving Telecom. Carriers,
Memorandum Opinion and Order, 13 FCC Rcd 6293, 6299 (1998) (“FCBA Forbearance Order”) (“corporate
reorganization which involves no substantial change in the beneficial ownership of the corporation” is pro forma in
nature); Stephen F. Sewell, “Assignments and Transfer of Control of FCC Authorization under Section 310(d) of the
Communications Act of 134,” 43 Fed. Comm. L.J. 277 (July 1991); cf. 47 C.F.R. § 63.24(d).
            FCC Forbearance Order, 13 FCC Rcd at 6299, ¶ 2.

Document Created: 2018-01-25 09:53:34
Document Modified: 2018-01-25 09:53:34

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