Correction and Clari

OTHER submitted by Welcome Tel Inc.

Correction and Clarification Letter


This document pretains to ITC-T/C-20180112-00009 for Transfer of Control on a International Telecommunications filing.


                                 Welcome Tel Inc.
                                     941 Mclean Avenue, Suite 485
                                       Yonkers, New York 10704

February 6, 2018


Marlene H. Dortch, Secretary
Federal Communications Commission (FCC)
Office of the Secretary
445 12th Street, S.W., Suite TW-A325
Washington, DC 20554

Subject:         To Correct and Clarify Items Submitted for ITC-T/C-20180112-00009 (Welcome Tel Inc.)

Dear Secretary Dortch and FCC Staff,

Per the instructions of Sumita Mukhoty of the FCC International Bureau, this letter is submitted to clarify
and correct the application for ITC-T/C-20180112-00009. That application was filed January 12, 2018 to
request FCC approval for the substantial transfer of control of International Section 214 Authorization
holder Welcome Tel Inc. Specifically, the application for ITC-T/C-20180112-00009 requests FCC approval
to allow Ms. Raheela A. Shah (a US Citizen and the 100% owner of Welcome Tel Inc.) to transfer her
100% ownership and control of Welcome Tel Inc. to Mr. Amir Ayub Sheri, who is also a US Citizen. Below
are the clarifications and corrections regarding the application for ITC-T/C-20180112-00009:

(I). For question 5 of the application, the Name of the Section 214 Authorization holder should be listed
as Welcome Tel, Inc.

(II). For question 7 of the application, the Name of Assignee / Transferee should be listed as Mr. Amir
Ayub Sheri.

(III). All references to an assignment of assets should be disregarded since this is a transfer of control to
allow the ownership of Welcome Tel, Inc. to transfer from Ms. Raheela A. Shah to Mr. Amir Ayub Sheri.

(IV). For the narrative of the means through which the proposed transfer of control of Welcome Tel Inc.
will take place, Mr. Amir Ayub Sheri will buy 100% of the ownership of Welcome Tel, Inc. from Ms.
Raheela A. Shah after receiving approval for the transfer of control application from the FCC. Upon the
closing that will take place after receiving FCC approval, he will be the 100% owner of Welcome Tel, Inc.

/s/ Raheela A. Shah
Raheela A. Shah
President and Sole Owner of Welcome Tel Inc.

Document Created: 2018-02-08 10:45:35
Document Modified: 2018-02-08 10:45:35

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