Attachment Attachment 1

This document pretains to ITC-T/C-20180112-00009 for Transfer of Control on a International Telecommunications filing.


Document Aftachment 1
Company: Welcome Tel nc.
Answer to Question 10;
(1). Paragraph (c) of Section 63.18 requires the name, tile, post office address, and
telephone number of the officer and any other contact point, such as legal counsel, to
whom correspondence concerning the application is to be addressed. Please see below
for the required data.
Name:Raheela A Shah (the Assignor/Transferor
Title: Current President and 100% Owner
                                        of        Tel Inc.
Address: 941 Mclean Avenue, Yonkers. New York 10704
Telephone number: 914—226—3302
Name: Amir Ayub     Sheri (the Assignee:Transfere
Title: President and 100% Owner of Welcome TelInc. Upon Commission Approval
Address: 241 Mclean Avenue. Yonkers. New York 10704
Telephone number: 914—226—3302
Other: Bevene
Title: Consultant to Welcome Tel Inc. (the      Applicant
Address: 8303 Blue Lagoon Drive, Su‘te 400. Miami, Flonida 33126
Telephone number: 786—505—18f
There are no interlocking directorates.
(1). Paragraph (d) of Section 63.18 requests a statement as to whether the applicant
has previously received authority underSection 214 of the Act and, if so, a general
description of the categories offaciities and services authorized (Le., authorized to
provide interational switched services on a facilties basis). Please see below for the
required data.
Welcome Tel Inc. (the Applicant    viously received authorty under Section 214 of the
Communications Act as a non—dominant carrier for ITG—214—20150922—00223 that the
Commission aranted on October 9, 2015. General description of categories offaciities
and services
aut          is izatio       to provide
                                 n Global or Limited Global Faciities—Based
Service \
G              o
        and Global    biResale
                   or Limited         Service.

Answer to Question 13
The following is a narrative of the means through which the  propos ed assign ment or
transfer of control will take place. The 100% ownership of Welcome Tel Inc. held
Raheela A. Shah wl be transferred to Amir Ayub Shert upon receiving the approva
                                                                                    l of
the Commission. Amir Aub Shen wil be listed as President of Welcome Tel Inc.
documents to be fled with the Secretary of State ofthe Division of Corporations ofonthe
home state of Welcome Tel Inc. Amir Ayub Shert will be listed as the 100% owner
                                                                                of all
shares of Welcome Tel Inc.
Based on conversations with the Comnission‘s International Bureau staff and per
Section 63.24(e), the transfer will be a substantial assianment or transfer of control
rather than a pro forma transfer
Reheela A. Shah as Assianor‘Transferor. does not wish to assign any assets and/or
customer base of Welcome Tel Inc. to herself, nor to retain the name of Welcome Tel
Inc. for herself, As Assignot/Transfero:, she does not request authony to continue to
operations under any or all international Section 214 File Nos. of Welcome Tel Inc. for
herself after consummation.
After consummation of the transfer once the Commission has granted approval
Welcome Tel Inc. will etain its name Welcome Tel Inc., all ts assets. and customer
bases. It would also be solely owned by Amir Ayub Sheri (the Assignee/Transferee
Answer to Question 16
Neither the Assignee, the Assignor nor the Applicant Welcome Tel Inc., are foreign
cartiers. Also, uon consummation of the proposed assignment or transfer of control.
the Applicant and the Section 214 holder Welcome Tel Inc. will not be aftliated with a
foreign carrer. As a result, the answer No was entered on the Application for Question
14 and the Application only requires an answer to Question 16 if the answer to Question
14 was ves. However. the system is making an answer to Question 16 mandatony, so
Question 16 is hereby voluntarly answered as listed below
The Assignor, the Assignee and the Applicant Welcome Tel Inc. request classification of
the Section 214 holder Welcome Tel Inc. as a "non—dominant" cartier. upon
consummation of the proposed transaction, between the United States and any or all
countries listed in response to Question 14. The Section 214 holder Welcome Tel Inc.
qualfies for non—dominant classification on each U.S.—destination country route and all
other routes since it is not a foreign cartier. nor is it afiliated with a foreign carner.

Answer to Question 20—
Welcome Tel Inc. desires streamiined processing pursuant to Section 63.12 of the
Commission‘s rules. Welcome Tel Inc. qualifes for streamlined processing since
(). The restrictions set forth in Section 63.12 (c) of the Commission‘s rules do not appl
(1). Welcome Tel Inc. is not affiiated with a foreign cartier in a destination market
(11). WelcomeTel . does not have an affation with a dominant U.S. carrier whose
international switched or private line services the applicant seeks authority to resell
(!V). Welcome Tel Inc. does not seek authoriy to provide switthed basic services over
private lines to a country for which the Gommission has n    evious)\    horize
provision of switched services over private lines.
(V). The Application is not being filed i1 connection with a sale of assets or
reorganization of a cartier or ts parent pursuant to the U.S. bankruptoy laws

Document Created: 2017-12-17 19:56:57
Document Modified: 2017-12-17 19:56:57

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