Schurz Supplement to

SUPPLEMENT submitted by Schurz Communications, Inc.

Supplement to Joint 214 Application


This document pretains to ITC-T/C-20171220-00224 for Transfer of Control on a International Telecommunications filing.


                                                                          Suite 800
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                                                                          Washington, DC 20006-3401

                                                                          K.C. Halm
                                                                          202.973.4287 tel
                                                                          202.973.4499 fax


                                        January 8, 2018

Ms. Marlene H. Dortch, Secretary
Federal Communications Commission
Office of the Secretary
445 12th Street, SW
Washington, DC 20554

Re:    Supplement to Joint Domestic and International Section 214 Transfer Control
       Application filed by Schurz Communications, Inc. and Hiawatha Broadband
       Communications, Inc.; WC Dkt. 17-362; IB File No.: ITC-T/C-20171220-00224

Secretary Dortch:

       Schurz Communications, Inc., (“Schurz”) hereby file this supplement to the above-
captioned application, filed with the Commission on December 20, 2017.

        Following discussions with Staff, Schurz is supplementing the application with additional
ownership information and other information concerning the applicants’ affiliates, service areas
and related issues. Should you have any questions regarding the above, please do not hesitate to
contact counsel for the applicants. Thank you for your consideration of this matter.


                                                    K.C. Halm

cc:    Mr. Gregory Kwan, Wireline Competition Bureau
       Mr. David Krech, International Bureau
       Ms. Sumita Mukhody, International Bureau

Ownership Information

       In response to Staff’s request, the applicants are providing additional ownership

information concerning certain trustees and beneficiaries of the trusts that own or control 10% or

more of the Transferee, and its wholly owned affiliate, Ten Thousand Lakes Broadband, Inc.,

and clarifying the specific equity or voting interests of the 10% or greater interest holders (who

hold these interests through the trusts identified below). The ownership information set forth

herein is intended to replace, in its entirety, the Transferee’s ownership information previously

provided at page 7 of the Application.

       Transferee - The following entities own or control 10% or more of the Transferee,

Schurz, and its wholly-owned affiliate, Ten Thousand Lakes Broadband, Inc.:

       Name:                 Schurz Communications Voting Trust Agreement
                             (an irrevocable trust formed under the laws of Indiana)
       Address:              1301 E. Douglas Road, Suite 200
                             Mishawaka, IN 46545
       Citizenship:          USA
       Principal Business:   Trust
       % Interest Held:      75.17% voting interest

           Trustees of the Schurz Communications Voting Trust Agreement (“Trust”) with a
           voting interest of 10% or greater in the Trust are as follows:
       Name:                     Franklin D. Schurz, Jr.
       Address:                  389 Derek Way
                                 Bozeman, MT 59718
       Citizenship:              U.S. Citizen
       Principal Business:       Trustee
       % Interest Held:          33.3%


Name:                 Todd F. Schurz
Address:              1211 E. Eckman Street
                      South Bend, IN 46613
Citizenship:          U.S. Citizen
Principal Business:   Trustee and CEO of Schurz Communications, Inc.
% Interest Held:      33.3%

Name:                 Scott C. Schurz
Address:              50 Coe Road, Unit 226
                      Belleair, FL 33756
Citizenship:          U.S. Citizen
Principal Business:   Trustee and Chairman of Schurz Communications, Inc.
% Interest Held:      33.3%

   Beneficiaries of the Schurz Communications Voting Trust Agreement with an
   equitable interest of 10% or greater in the Trust are as follows:
Name:                 Franklin D. Schurz, Jr.
Address:              389 Derek Way
                      Bozeman, MT 59718
Citizenship:          U.S. Citizen
Principal Business:   Trustee
% Interest Held:      28%

Name:                 Scott C. Schurz
Address:              50 Coe Road, Unit 226
                      Belleair, FL 33756
Citizenship:          U.S. Citizen
Principal Business:   Trustee, and Chairman of Schurz Communications, Inc.
% Interest Held:      28%

Name:                 Mary Ann Schurz
Address:              10713 Bratton Ct.
                      Williamsport, MD 21795-1434
Citizenship:          U.S. Citizen
Principal Business:   Shareholder
% Interest Held:      19%


        A prior disclosable interest holder, Mr. David C. Ray, passed away on August 10, 2017.
        Upon his passing his interests passed to his wife, Laura E. Ray, and their four children, in
        five separate trusts, each below the disclosure threshold. However, Mrs. Laura E. Ray is
        Family Trustee of each of the five separate trusts which, when aggregated, results in Mrs.
        Laura E. Ray holding certain indirect voting rights in Schurz Communications, Inc.
        above the disclosure threshold (as set forth below). In addition, Mr. Harvey B. Wallace,
        the family’s attorney, is Independent Trustee of all five trusts established for the benefit
        of Mrs. Laura Ray and the four children described above, and the David C. Ray Trust (an
        irrevocable trust formed under the laws of Indiana). As an Independent Trustee, Mr.
        Wallace holds certain indirect voting rights which are above the disclosure threshold, as
        set forth below.

        Name:                          Laura E. Ray
        Address:                       17565 Green Oaks Ct.
                                       Granger, IN 46530-6921
        Citizenship:                   U.S. Citizen
        Principal Business:            Trustee & Shareholder
        % Interest Held:               12% (indirect voting interest in Schurz Communications, Inc.)1

        Name:                          Harvey B. Wallace
        Address:                       Berry Moorman, P.C.
                                       535 Griswold, Suite 1900
                                       Detroit, MI 48226-3679
        Citizenship:                   U.S. Citizen
        Principal Business:            Trustee & Attorney
        % Interest Held:               15% (indirect voting interest in Schurz Communications, Inc.)

        NOTE: There is no other entity or individual with a direct or indirect 10 percent or
        greater equity or voting interest in Schurz or Ten Thousand Lakes Broadband, Inc.

  Mrs. Laura E. Ray’s 12% voting interest is exercised by Mr. Harvey B. Wallace, through the 15% indirect voting
interest Mr. Wallace controls (disclosed above) as an independent trustee and attorney for Mrs. Ray and her


Explanation of Changes from Prior Ownership Disclosures

       The differences in ownership disclosures made in the September 2017 application and the

December 2017 application are the result of the fact that control of Schurz Communications, Inc.

is exercised by a small number of individuals (all members of the Schurz family or the Ray

family) through trusts, as explained above. As noted above, the controlling interest holders are

nearly all members of the Schurz family or the Ray family, and several controlling interest

holders are officers or employees of Schurz Communications, Inc. The discrepancies between

the September application and the December application arose only because the filers did not

have clear guidance on how to disclose trustees and beneficiaries of these two trusts, not because

there was any change of control of the company.

Transferee’s Affiliates and Service Areas

       Ten Thousand Lakes Broadband, Inc. is a corporation formed under the laws of


       Schurz’s wholly-owned affiliates provide high-capacity broadband, video and voice

services to communities in Maryland, Iowa, Nebraska, South Dakota and Arizona through three

separately owned and operated service providers. Specifically, Schurz affiliates providing these

services are as follows: (1) Antietam Broadband, incorporated as Antietam Cable Television,

LLC (f/k/a Antietam Cable Television, Inc.), a limited liability company formed under the laws

of Indiana, serving Hagerstown, Maryland and surrounding communities in Washington County,

Maryland; (2) Long Lines, LLC, a limited liability company formed under the laws of Delaware,

serving sixteen communities in Iowa, Nebraska and South Dakota; and, (3) Orbitel

Communications, LLC, a limited liability company formed under the laws of Arizona, serving


the City of Maricopa, Arizona, and surrounding planned communities (also in Arizona): Sun

Lakes, Sun Bird, Robson Ranch, SaddleBrooke, and SaddleBrooke Ranch. Schurz does not have

any other affiliates offering telecommunications service, or other interests in any other

telecommunications service provider.

Supplement to Public Interest Statement: No Competitive Harm Because There Is No
Overlap of the Applicants’ Service Territories

       The Joint Applicants supplement their public interest showing of the Application by

affirming that the Transaction presents no competitive harms because the Transferee and

Transferors’ respective service areas do not overlap. As a result, this transaction will not result

in the loss of a competitive provider in the marketplace.


Document Created: 2018-01-08 14:21:43
Document Modified: 2018-01-08 14:21:43

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