Attachment 12 11 17 Transfer of

This document pretains to ITC-T/C-20171214-00219 for Transfer of Control on a International Telecommunications filing.


                                   Before the
                                    Washington, D.C. 20554

 In the Matter of                                     )
        Lackawaxen Telecommunications Services, Inc., )
        and                                           )
        Lackawaxen Long Distance Company,             )
 Transferors,                                         )
                                                      )            WC Docket No. 17—
and                                                         )
        Laurel Highland Total Communications,              )
        Inc.,                                              )
Transferee.                                                )
For Consent to Transfer Control pursuant to                )
Section 214 of the Communications Act of 1934,             )
 as amended                                    .           )

       Lackawaxen Telecommunications Services, Inc. ("LTSI") and Lackawaxen Long

Distance Company ("LLDC") (the "Lackawaxen Companies" or "Transferors" collectively, or

individually, a "Company" or "Transferor") through their direct parent company, Lackawaxen

Telecom, Inc. ("LTT") and ultimate parent company, LTC Communications, Inc. ("LCI"), and

Laurel Highland Total Communications, Inc. ("LHTC") (or "Transferee") (collectively, the

Lackawaxen Companies, LCI and LHTC being the "Applicants"), hereby submit this

Application for authorization to transfer control of each of the Lackawaxen Companies to LHTC.

Except for LTI, which is a Delaware corporation, each of the other companies involved in this

transaction is a Pennsylvania corporation. The transfer of control will be consummated through

 a "reverse triangular merger" whereby, after Laurel Submerg, Inc. (a Pennsylvania corporation

 wholly—owned by LHTC) merges into LCI with LCI being the surviving corporation, LHTC will

 then acquire 100% of the outstanding shares of LCI which will result in the transfer of

 ownership and control of LTI and its wholly—owned subsidiaries, the Lackawaxen Companies, to

 LHTC. Post consummation, the Lackawaxen Companies will: (1) continue to provide those

 services they each currently provide; and (2) will each become indirect wholly—owned

 subsidiaries of LHTC. For the reasons stated herein, Applicants respectfully submit that this

Application is subject to the Commission‘s "streamlined" processing rules found in Section

63.12 and Section 63.03, and thus prompt approval can be accomplished in a manner that raises

no competitive concerns that could delay Commission approval of the transaction.

                             SECTION 63.04(a) INFORMATION

                                         I. Background

        LTSI is a rural incumbent local exchange carrier ("RLEC") operating in portions of

Wayne and Pike Counties in northeastern Pennsylvania, providing local exchange and exchange

access service to approximately 1,600 access lines in this rural area. LTSI is a wholly—owned

subsidiary of LTI which, in turn, is a wholly—owned subsidiary of LCI. LLDC is a reseller of

long distance services operating in and around the service area of LTSI. LLDC provides its

resold long distance service to approximately 1,300 customers." LLDC is also a wholly—owned

subsidiary of LTT.

‘LLDC has also received certifications from the Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission ("PA
PUC") to provided competitive local exchange carrier ("CLEC") service within the service
territories of Verizon Pennsylvania LLC, Verizon North LLC, and The United Telephone
Company of Pennsylvania d/b/a CenturyLink and competitive access service throughout
Pennsylvania. LLDC has also filed intrastate tariffs to address the CLEC and CAP services that
it may provide. Presently, however, LLDC is not rendering any CLEC or CAP services.

                               II. Description of the Transaction

        This application proposes the transfer of control of the Section 214 authorizations held by

 LTSI and LLDC. Pursuant to the proposed transaction, the transfer of control will be

 consummated through a "reverse triangular merger" whereby, after Laurel Submerg, Inc. (a

 Pennsylvania corporation wholly owned by LHTC) merges into LCI with LCI being the

 surviving corporation, LHTC will then acquire 100% of the outstanding shares of LCI which will

result in the transfer of ownership and control to LHTC of the LCI indirect wholly—owned

 subsidiaries, the Lackawaxen Companies. Post consummation, the Lackawaxen Companies will

continue to exist and operate in their respective service territories, under the same names, and

provide service pursuant to the then—existing rates, terms and conditions. No carrier change

charges are associated with the transaction, and no customer service or billing contact

information will change as a result of the transfer. The transaction will not affect customers‘

preferred carrier freezes. Accordingly, the proposed transactions will be transparent to


       The Applicants have or will shortly be seeking authorization from the PA PUC. As is

true with the required FCC approvals, PA PUC prior authorization is required in order to

consummate the proposed transaction.

             III. Transfer of Control of International Section 214 Authorization

       Applicant LLDC resells switched international long distance toll services to residential

and business customers pursuant to an international Section 214 authorization granted by the

Nonetheless, out of an abundance of caution, the Applicant request that this aspect of LLDC‘s
blanket domestic Section 214 authorization be transferred as part of this Application.

 Commission under File No. ITC—214—19961105—00554." In accordance with the requirements of

 Section 63.24(e) of the Commission‘s Rules, Applicants submit the following Section 63.18


 (1)    Name, address and telephone number of each applicant.


                Lackawaxen Companies

                Frank M. Coughlin
                LTC Communications, Inc.
                104 Hotel Road, PO Box 8
                Rowland PA 18457
                Telephone: (315) 446—2690
                Fax: (570) 685—0039



                James J. Kail
                President and CEO
                Laurel Highland Total Communications, Inc.
                4157 Main Street
                Stahlstown, Pennsylvania 15687
                Telephone:    (724) 593—2411
                Facsimile:    (724) 593—2423

 (2)   Government, state or territory under the Iaws of which each corporate or
       partnership applicant is organized.

       LTSI is a Pennsylvania corporation and is organized under the laws of the

Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.

* The information contained herein references both LTSI and LLDC. The combined LTSI and
LLDC information is provided because it is relevant to the Applicants‘ responses in Section IV
infra regarding the transfer of the domestic Section 214 authorizations held by LTSI and held by
LLDC. As noted in this Section III, the only international authorization is that held by LLDC.
LTSI has no international Section 214 authorization.

       LLDC is a Pennsylvania corporation and is organized under the laws of the

Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.

       LCI is a Pennsylvania corporation and is organized under the laws of the Commonwealth

of Pennsylvania.

       LTI is a Delaware corporation and is organized under the laws of the State of Delaware.

       Laurel Submerg, Inc. is a Pennsylvania corporation and is organized under the laws of the

Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.

       LHTC is a Pennsylvania corporation and is organized under the laws of the

Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.

(3)   Name, title, post office address, and telephone number of the officer or contact point
      to whom correspondence concerning the application is to be addressed.


      Lackawaxen Companies

               Frank M. Coughlin
               LTC Communications, Inc.
               104 Hotel Road, PO Box 8
               Rowland PA 18457
               Telephone: (315) 446—2690
               Facsimile: (570) 685—0039

      With copies to:

               Philip W. Fisher, Esquire
               Reger Rizzo & Darnall LLP
               Circa Centre, 13¢" Floor
               2929 Arch Street
               Philadelphia, PA 19104
               Telephone: (215) 495—6500
               Facsimile: (215) 495—6600

               Sylvia Lesse, Esquire
               Communications Advisory Counsel, LLC
               5151 Wisconsin Avenue, NW

               Suite 311
               Washington, D.C. 20016
               Telephone: (202) 296—9052
               Facsimile: (202) 318—3213



               James J. Kail
               President and CEO
               Laurel Highland Total Communications, Inc.
               4157 Main Street
               Stahlstown, Pennsylvania 15687
               Telephone:    (724) 593—2411
               Facsimile:     (724) 593—2423

       With copies to:

               Thomas J. Moorman, Esquire
               Woods & Aitken LLP
               5151 Wisconsin Avenue, NW
               Suite 310
               Washington, D.C. 20016
               Telephone:    (202) 944—9502
               Facsimile:    (202) 944—9501

               Donald J. Snyder, Jr., Esquire
               McDonald Snyder, P.C.
               1004 Ligonier Street, 4‘" Floor
               Latrobe, PA 15650
               Telephone:      (724) 539—3511
               Facsimile:     (724) 539—3527

(4)    Statement as to whether the applicants had previously received authority under
       Section 214 of the Act.

       LTSI holds a blanket domestic Section 214 authorization as provided for under 47 C.F.R.

§ 63.01. LLDC holds a blanket domestic Section 214 authorization as provided for under 47

C.F.R. § 63.01and holds an international Section 214 authorization under File No. ITC—214—


(5)    Name, address, citizenship and principal business of any person or entity that
       directly or indirectly owns at least ten percent of the equity of the applicant entities.



           The Lackawaxen Companies are wholly owned subsidiaries of LTI.

           LTI is a wholly owned subsidiary of LCI.

           The shareholders that own Ten Percent (10%) or more of the issued and outstanding

 stock of LCI, and thus indirectly the Lackawaxen Companies are provided below.

           Name                 Occupation             Citizenship            Ownership

Hale S. Coughlin, Jr.
      Irrevocable Trust
      Organized under laws
      of the State of
          New York;             N/A                       USA                   45.05%
          Co—Trustees:    Ann M. Coughlin,
                         Frank M. Coughlin,
                         Hale S. Coughlin III, and
                         John Coughlin

Ann M. Coughlin                Retired                   USA                    19.20%

Frank M. Coughlin              Telecommunications        USA                    10.06%

Ann M. Coughlin, Frank M. Coughlin, Hale S. Coughlin III and John Coughlin are United States


          The address for each LCI shareholder is 7000 E. Genesee St., Lyndon Office Bldg. "A",

Fayetteville, NY 13066—1195.

          Following closing (1) LTSI will continue to operate as an RLEC serving its service

territory, using the same assets as it did prior to the closing and (2) LLDC will continue to

* The Applicants note that Hale S. Coughlin III and John Coughlin also are each individual
shareholders of LCI with each of the individuals owning less than ten percent (10%) of LCI‘s

 operate as a provider of resold interstate interexchange and international services in the areas

 served by LTSI.


        LHTC is a holding company organized under the laws of the Commonwealth of

Pennsylvania and owns six (6) telecommunications carriers operating in the Commonwealth of

Pennsylvania. No shareholder owns Ten Percent (10%) or more of the issued and outstanding

stock of LHTC. Operational control of LHTC rests with its Board of Directors and its President

and CEO. The individuals comprising the Board of Directors and the President and CEO of

LHTC are as follows:

        Name                            Title                Occupation               Citizenship

Morgan D. Withrow              Chairman of the Board          Retired                    USA

J. Harold Saylor               Vice Chairman of the Board      Retired                   USA

Connie B. Beam                 Secretary & Board Member        Retired                   USA

Dennis Piper                   Board Member                    CPA                       USA

John E. Shaffer                Board Member                    Retired                   USA

James J. Kail                  President and CEO               Telecommunications        USA

The address for each of these individuals is: 4157 Main Street, Stahlstown, Pennsylvania 15687.

       LHTC also owns 100% of the issued and outstanding stock of the following

telecommunications carriers:

       Name                              Type of Carrier                    Operations
Laurel Highland                   Rural Incumbent Local              PA PUC certificated area in
Telephone Company                 Exchange Carrier                   Southwestern Pennsylvania

Laurel Highland                   Competitive Local Exchange         Southwestern Pennsylvania
Telephone Company —CLEC           Carrier and Competitive            providing service in discrete
Division                          Access Provider                    areas outside service areas of
                                                                     Laurel Highland Telephone

                                                                    Company and Yukon—Waltz
                                                                    Telephone Company

 Laurel Highland Long              Resale Interexchange Carrier     Southwestern Pennsylvania
 Distance Company                                                   providing resold long distance
                                                                    service in areas in and around
                                                                    the area served by Laurel
                                                                    Highland Telephone

South Canaan                      Rural Incumbent Local             PA PUC
Telephone Company                 Exchange Carrier                  certificated area in
                                                                    Northeastern Pennsylvania

South Canaan                      Resale Interexchange Carrier      Northeastern Pennsylvania
Long Distance Company                                               providing resold long
                                                                    distance service in areas in
                                                                    and around the area served by
                                                                    South Canaan Telephone

Yukon—Waltz                       Rural Incumbent Local             PA PUC—
Telephone Company                 Exchange Carrier                  certificated area in
                                                                    Southwestern Pennsylvania

Yukon—Waltz                       Resale Interexchange Carrier      Southwestern Pennsylvania
Communications, Inc.                                                providing resold long
                                                                    distance service in areas in
                                                                    and around the area served
                                                                    by Yukon—Waltz
                                                                    Telephone Company.

The foregoing reflects all 10% or more derivative equity interests of the Applicants.

       Upon the consummation of the proposed transaction, services currently provided by the

Lackawaxen Companies will continue as noted below.

       Name                             Type of Carrier                   Operations
Lackawaxen                       Rural Incumbent Local             Pennsylvania PUC—certificated
Telecommunications Services,     Exchange Carrier                  area in portions of Wayne and
Inc. (LTST")                                                       Pike Counties, Pennsylvania

Lackawaxen Long Distance         Resale Interexchange Carrier     Northeastern Pennsylvania
Company ("LLDC")                                                  providing resold long

                                                                        distance service in areas in
                                                                        the area served
                                                                        by Lackawaxen
                                                                        Services, Inc.

 (6)     Certification as to whether or not Transferee is, or is affiliated with, a foreign

         LHTC certifies that it is not a foreign carrier in any country, nor is it affiliated with any

 foreign carrier.

 (7)     Certification as to whether or not Transferee seeks to provide international
         telecommunications services to any country for which certain conditions are true.

        Upon consummation, LLDC certifies that it does not seek to provide international

telecommunications services to any destination country to which 47 C.F.R. § 63.18(j)(1) through

(J)(4) applies.

(8)     Showing regarding provision of international telecommunications service to a
        country where the applicant is a foreign carrier or is affiliated with a foreign


(9)     Regulatory classification under Section 63.10 of the Rules for foreign—affiliated


(10)    Certification that applicant has not agreed to accept special concessions directly or
        indirectly from any foreign carrier.

        Upon consummation, LLDC certifies that it (a) has not agreed to accept special

concessions directly or indirectly from any foreign carrier with respect to any U.S. international

route where the foreign carrier possesses market power on the foreign end of the route and (b)

will not enter into such agreements in the future.


 (11)       Certification pursuant to 47 C.F.R. §§ 1.2001—1.2003 that no party to the application
            is subject to denial of federal benefits pursuant to section 5301 of the Anti—Drug
            Abuse Act of 1988, 21 U.S.C. § 583.

            Applicants hereby certify, pursuant to 47 C.F.R. §§ 1.2001—1.2003, that to the best of

 their knowledge, information, and belief, no party to the application is subject to denial of federal

 benefits pursuant to section 5301 of the Anti—Drug Abuse Act of 1988, 21 U.S.C. § 583.

 (12)       Qualification for streamlined processing.

            This Application qualifies for streamlined processing under Sections 63.12(a) and (b) of

the Commission‘s Rules. No party is affiliated with any foreign carrier in any destination

market. No party has an affiliation with a dominant US carrier whose international switched or

private line services the applicants seek authority to resell, and none is anticipated as a result of

the public offering which likely will result in widely held interests. No party to this application

seeks authority to provide switched basic services over private lines to a country for which the

Commission has not previously authorized the provision of switched services over private lines.

Authorization is sought to complete a public sale that would continue the current operations as a

non—dominant carrier reselling the international switched services of one or more unaffiliated US


                  IV. Transfer of Control of Domestic Section 214 Authorizations

        Pursuant to Section 63.04(b) of the Commission‘s Rules, Applicants submit information

required pursuant to Sections 63.04(a)(1) through 63.04(a)(12) of the Commission‘s Rules:

(1)     The name, address and telephone number of each applicant.

        Please see Section III(1).

(2)     The government, state, or territory under the laws of which each corporate or
        partnership applicant is organized.

        Please see Section III(2).


 (3)    The name, title, post office address, and telephone number of the officer or contact
        point, such as legal counsel, to whom correspondence concerning the application is
        to be addressed.                                          '

        Please see Section III(3).

 (4)    The name, address, citizenship and principal business of any person or entity that
        directly or indirectly owns at least ten (10) percent of the equity of the applicant,
        and the percentage of equity owned by each of those entities (to the nearest one (1)

        Please see Section III(5).

 (3)    Certification pursuant to §§1.2001 through 1.2003 of this chapter that no party to
        the application is subject to a denial of Federal benefits pursuant to section 5301 of
        the Anti—Drug Abuse Act of 1988. See 21 U.S.C. 853.

        Please see Section III(11).

(6)     Description of the Transaction.

        Please see Section II.

(7)     Description of the geographic areas in which the transferor and transferee (and
        their affiliates) offer domestic telecommunications services, and what services are
        provided in each area.

        With respect to the Transferors, please see Section I.

       With respect to the Transferees, please see Section III(5), including pre— and post—


(8)    Statement as to how the application fits into one or more of the presumptive
       streamlined categories in Section 63.03 of the Commission‘s Rules or why it is
       otherwise appropriate for streamlined treatment.

       Applicants request streamlined treatment of this Application in accordance with Sections

63.03(b)(2)(ii) and (iii). With respect to Section 63.03(b)(2)(iii), LTSI serves 1,600 access lines

in portions of Wayne and Pike Counties in northeastern Pennsylvania, which is fewer than two


 (2) percent of the nation‘s subscriber lines installed in the aggregate nationwide," and the

 transaction will result in no new overlapping or adjacent service areas with another incumbent

 local exchange carrier. See Attachment A.

          With respect to Section 63.03(b)(2)(ii), neither LTSI or any currently owned LHTC—

 affiliated RLEC provides competitive telephone exchange services or exchange access services

 within the service area of LTSI. See 47 C.F.R. § 63.03(b)(2)(ii). Moreover, neither Laurel

 Highland Long Distance Company, South Canaan Long Distance Company nor Yukon—Waltz

Communications, Inc. provide telephone exchange service or exchange access. See id. Thus, the

presumptive streamlining of the instant Application is proper under Section 63.03(b)(2)(ii) and

(iii) of the Commission‘s Rules.

(9)      Identification of all other Commission applications related to the same transaction.

         In addition to the transfers of control noted herein regarding LTSI‘s domestic Section 214

authority and LLDC‘s domestic and international Section 214 authorities, the Applicants will

also be filing an application for the transfer of control of Station WPTA456, LTSI‘s

Industrial/Business Pool Conventional Radio license.

* As of June 30, 2016, the Commission reported that the retail switched access lines were
approximately 62,276,000 nationwide. See Voice Telephone Services: Status as ofJune 30, 2016
(Industry Analysis and Technology Division, Wireline Competition Bureau, April, 2017), Figure
2. LTSI‘s 1,600 access lines are far less than 2% of the nation‘s access lines reported by the
Commission. Even if LHTC‘s separate RLEC operations are considered (Laurel Highland
Telephone Company (approximately 3,600 access lines), South Canaan Telephone Company
(approximately 1,650 access lines) and Yukon—Waltz Telephone Company (approximately 500
access lines), the post—consummation of the RLEC affiliates commonly owned by LHTC would
be approximately 7,350 access lines, again considerable less than 2% of the presubscribed access


 (10)    Statement of whether the applicants are requesting special consideration because
         either party to the transaction is facing imminent business failure.

        Neither party to the transaction is facing imminent business failure. Therefore, Applicants

 are not requesting special consideration for this reason.

 (11)   Identification of any separately filed waiver requests being sought in conjunction
        with the transaction

        No separately filed waiver requests are being sought in conjunction with the transaction.

(12)    Statement showing how grant of the application will serve the public interest,
        convenience and necessity, including any additional information that may be
        necessary to show the effect of the proposed transaction on competition in domestic

        Applicants respectfully submit that a grant of this application for the transfer of control of

the Companies is in the public interest.

        Upon consummation of the contemplated transaction, LTSI and LLDC will continue to

provide the same high—quality, modern services to their current respective subscribers as those

provided today, and will do so in a manner that will render the transfers for which authorization

is sought herein transparent to their respective customers. LHTC‘s management has a

demonstrated commitment to the provision of high quality telecommunications services in rural

areas of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and will continue to advance that commitment

through the operations of LTSI and LLDC, which commitments will redound to the benefit of

the customers of LTSI and of LLDC.

        In addition, prompt grant of this Application will allow LHTC and its operating

telecommunications carriers to take advantage of increased efficiencies that will be realized from

broader—based rural operations associated with it and its affiliated RLECs® operations while, at

the same time, expanding post—consummation through the operations of the LTSI and LLDC,

LHTC‘s existing corporate commitment to having its telecommunications carrier operations


 provide high—quality, reasonably priced rural telecommunications services in Pennsylvania.

 Applicants respectfully submit that this result can be accomplished in a manner that raises no

 competitive concerns that should delay Commission approval of the transaction.

        Accordingly, the Applicants respectfully submit that the public interest would be served

 by a grant of this requested transfer of control.

                                         v. CONCLUSION

        For the foregoing reasons, the Applicants respectfully request the expeditious grant of

this Application.

                                        Respectfully submitted,

                                        Lackawaxen Telecommunications Services, Inc. and
                                        Lackawaxen Long Distance Company

                                            / /           «     z’f /
                                             .L';»'/ Ei l4     ;‘V CfiA /
                                        Sylvia Lesse,Esquire
                                        Communications Advisory Counsel, LLC
                                        5151 Wisconsin Avenue, NW
                                        Suite 311
                                        Washington, D.C. 20016
                                        Telephone: (202) 296—9052
                                       Facsimile: (202) 318—3213

                                       Their Attorney

                                        Laurel Highland Total Communications, Inc.

                                          Jé/d [/G%fl(w
                                       Thomas J.              MgOrman
                                       Woods & KMtken LLP
                                        5151 Wisconsin Avenue, NW
                                       Suite 310
                                       Washington, D.C. 20016
                                       Telephone: (202) 944—9502
                                       Facsimile: (202) 944—9501

December 11, 2017                      Its Attorney


                                           Attachment A

                                                            South Canaan
                                                          Telephone Company
                                                                                    Services, Inc.

     Yukon Waltz
_ Telephone Company
                         Laurel Highland
                       Telephone Company


       I, Frank M. Coughlin, President of LTC Communications, Inc. (the "Company"), do
hereby declare under penalties of perjury that I have read the foregoing "Joint Application for
Transfer of Control of Domestic and International Authorizations," and the information
contained therein regarding the Company and its affiliates is true and accurate to the best of my
knowledge, information, and belief.

 CA 77@’//                                                  Date: —z/~/7
E{ankM. cOugrsf
LTC Commumcatlons, Inc.


         I, James J. Kail, President and Chief Executive Office of Laurel Highland Total
Communications, Inc. (the "Company"), do hereby declare under penalties of perjury that I have
read the foregoing "Joint Application for Transfer of Control of Domestic and International
Authorizations," and the information contained therein regarding the Company and its affiliates
is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge, information, and belief.

         //,(Z;//                                         Date: _/A////7
James LEKAil —
President and Chief Executive Office
Laurel Highland Total Communications, Inc.

                               CERTIFKCATE OF SERVICE

        I, Thomas J. Moorman, of Woods & Aitken LLP, 5151 Wisconsin Avenue, N.W., Suite
310, Washington, DC 20016, do hereby certify that on this 1 1°" day of December, 2017, the
foregoing "Joint Application for Transfer of Control of Domestic and International
Authorizations" was mailed, first class postage prepaid, to the following:

The Honorable Tom Wolf
Governor, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
Office of the Governor
508 Main Capitol Building
Harrisburg, PA 17120

US Department of Defense
Assistant Secretary for Network
       Information and Integration (NI)
6000 Defense Pentagon
Washington, DC 20301—6000

Department of State
Room 4826
2201 C Street, N.W.
Washington, DC 20520

*Jodie May
Wireline Competition Bureau
Federal Communications Commission
445 12¢" Street, S.W.
Washington, D.C. 20554

*Sumita Mukhoty
International Bureau
Federal Communications Commission
445 12¢" Street, S.W.
Washington, D.C. 20554

* via email

Document Created: 2017-12-14 17:53:56
Document Modified: 2017-12-14 17:53:56

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