10 16 17 Supplement.

SUPPLEMENT submitted by Gridley Communications, Inc.

10 16 17 Supplement


This document pretains to ITC-T/C-20170928-00157 for Transfer of Control on a International Telecommunications filing.


LINCOLN OFFICE                          WOODs &AITKEN                                                    DENVER OFFICE
SUITE 500                                             Lo— L «P                                                     SultE 525
301 SOUTH 13TH STREET                                                                              8055 EAST TUFTS AVENUE
LINCOLN, NEBRASKA 68§508—2578                                                                DENVER, COLORADO 80237—2835
TELEPHONE 402—437—8500                                                                             TELEPHONE 303—606—6700
FAx 402—437—8558                                                                                          FAXx 303—606—6701

                                                THOMAS J. MOORMAN
OMAHA OFFICE                                   DIRECT: (202) 944—9502                               WASHINGTON OFFICE
SuUITE 525                              EMAIL: TMOORMAN@WOODSAITKEN.COM                                            SUITE 310
10250 REGENCY CIRCLE                                                                          5151 WISCONSIN AVENUE, N. W.
OMAHA, NEBRASKA 68114—                                                                        WaAasHINGTON, D.C. 20016—4124
                                       ADMITTED TO PRACTICE ONLYIN THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBL
3754                                                                                               TELEPHONE 202—944—9500
TELEPHONE 402—898—7400                                                                                    Fax 202—944—9501
FaAxXx 402—898—7401                    PLEASE RESPOND TO WASHINGTON ADDRE!

                                                   October 16, 2017


    Marlene H. Dortch, Secretary
    Federal Communications Commission
    445 12"" Street SW, Room TW—B204
    Washington, DC 20554

             Re:      WC Docket No. 17—257
                      File No. 214—T/C—2017—0928—00157 of Original Authorization File No.
                      Joint Application for Transfer of Control of Domestic and International

    Dear Ms. Dortch:

           Gridley Telephone Company ("GTC"), Gridley Communications, Inc. ("GCI") and
   Egyptian Communication Services, Inc. ("ECSI") hereby supplement the above—referenced
   international transfer of control application by confirming that, upon consummation of the
   proposed transaction stated in the application, Mail Holdings, Inc. (the 100% owner of GTC and
   GCI) will, as the transferor, transfer its 100% ownership interest in GTC and GCI to ECSI.

             Mail Holdings, Inc. address and contact information is as follow:

             Mail Holdings, Inc.
             Mr. Charles T. Lake, Managing Director, Signal Equity Partners II, L.P.
             301 Arlington Drive
             Suite 3
             Greenville, Pennsylvania 16125
            Phone: (646) 580—3195
            Fax: (212) 208—4433

            Finally, Transferor (Mail Holdings, Inc.), and Transferee (ESCI) confirm that, with
   respect to its domestic application that there are no service area overlaps between Transferor and
   its affiliates, GTC, GCI, Gridley Communications, Inc. and Gridley Cable, Inc. and Transferee
   and its affiliate Egyptian Telephone Cooperative Association.

Marlene H. Dortch, Secretary
Federal Communications Commussion
October 16, 2017
Page 2

           Please contact the undersigned should you have any questions or require additional

                                            Respectfully submitted,

                                            Thomas J. M
Attachments                                          i/

co:   J. May, Federal Communications Commussion (via email)
      M. Charles, Federal Communications Commussion (via email)
      T. Wilson, Federal Communications Commussion (via email)
      D. Johnson, Federal Communications Commission (via email)
      G. Kwan, Federal Communications Commussion (via email)
      D. Krech, Federal Communications Commussion (via email)
      S. Mukhoty, Federal Communications Commussion (via email)
      V. Garcia—Ulloa, Federal Communications Commission (via email)


         I, Kevin J. Jacobsen, Chief Executive Officer of Egyptian Communication Services, Inc.
(the "Company"), do hereby declare under penalties of perjury that I have read the foregoing
"Supplement" to the "Joint Application for Transfer of Control of Domestic and International
Authorizations," and the information contained therein regarding the Companyand its affiliates
is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge, information, andbelief.

                                                           |         Dob
                                                           Date: _/b//20}t—
Kevin J. Jacobsen
Chief Executive Officer
Egyptian Communication Services, Inc.


        I, Charles T. Lake II, Treasurer of Mail Holdings, Inc. (the "Company*") (the immediate
parent company of Gridley Telephone Company and Gridley Communications, Inc.), do hereby
declare under penalties of perjury that I have read the foregoing "Supplement" to the "Joint
Application for Transfer of Control of Domestic and International Authorizations," and the
information contained therein regarding the Company and its affiliates is true and accurate to the
best of my knowledge, information, and belief.

 uc         es_b                                            Date: _/0 /f{//?
Charles T. Lake, II
Mail Holdings, Inc.

Document Created: 2017-10-16 16:23:31
Document Modified: 2017-10-16 16:23:31

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