Attachment Transfer Application

This document pretains to ITC-T/C-20170612-00113 for Transfer of Control on a International Telecommunications filing.


                                   Before the
                              Washington, D.C. 20554

In the Matter of the Joint Application of                   )
GORES AC HOLDINGS, LLC, Transferor                          )
ALPHEUS COMMUNICATIONS, LLC, Licensee                       )
ALPHEUS DATA SERVICES, L.L.C., Licensee                     ) WC Docket No. 17-_______
and                                                         )
LOGIX ACQUISITION COMPANY, LLC, Transferee                  )
                                                            ) IB File No. ITC-T/C-
For Grant of Authority pursuant to Section 214 of the       ) 2017________
Communications Act of 1934, as amended, to Transfer         )
Indirect Control of Domestic and International Section      )
214 Authorization Holders to LOGIX Acquisition Com-         )
pany, LLC                                                   )

                                    JOINT APPLICATION

       Pursuant to Section 214 of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended (“the Act”),1

and Sections 63.04, 63.18 and 63.24 of the Federal Communications Commission’s (“FCC” or

“Commission”) rules,2 LOGIX Acquisition Company, LLC (“LAC” or “Transferee”), Gores AC

Holdings, LLC (“Gores AC” or “Transferor”), Alpheus Communications, LLC (“Alpheus

Communications”) and Alpheus Data Services, L.L.C. (“ADS”), (Alpheus Communications and

ADS, together, the “Licensees” and collectively with LAC and Gores AC, the “Applicants”)

respectfully submit this application to request Commission approval for the indirect transfer of

           47 U.S.C. § 214.
           47 C.F.R. §§ 63.04, 63.18 and 63.24.

control of Licensees to LAC. Licensees hold domestic and/or international Section 214 authori-

zations. LAC will acquire control of Alpheus Communications and ADS by indirectly acquiring

all of the equity interest in Alpheus Holdings, LLC, (“Alpheus Parent”) an intermediate holding

company that directly or indirectly controls Licensees, pursuant to a Membership Interest

Purchase Agreement by and among Alpheus Parent, Gores AC and Logix Holding Company

(“HoldCo”, a wholly-owned subsidiary of LAC) dated May 26, 2017 (the “Agreement”). The

proposed transaction will result in a change in the ultimate control of the Licensees, although no

assignment of authorizations, assets, or customers will occur as an immediate consequence of the

proposed transaction. Immediately upon closing, Licensees will continue to provide service to

their existing customers pursuant to their authorizations under the same rates, terms and condi-

tions as they currently do. Accordingly, these transactions will be transparent to the customers of


       Pursuant to Section 63.04(b) of the Commission’s rules, 47 C.F.R. § 63.04(b), the Appli-

cants are filing a combined application for the proposed transfer of control of Licensees, includ-

ing domestic and international authorizations. The Applicants provide below the information

required by Sections 63.24(e)(2) and 63.04(a)(6) through (a)(12) of the Commission’s Rules, 47

C.F.R. §§ 63.24(e)(2), 63.04(a)(6)-(12).

       In support of this Application, Applicants provide the following information:


       A.      Transferee – LOGIX Acquisition Company, LLC

       LAC is a Delaware limited liability company. LAC was formed for the purpose of indi-

rectly owning and acquiring Logix Communications, LP (“Logix Communications”), a transac-

            See Public Interest Statement, infra Section IV.


tion approved by the Commission in May 2016.4 LAC provides no telecommunications services

itself and holds no FCC authorizations.

         B.        Transferor – Gores AC Holdings, LLC

             Gores AC is a Delaware limited liability company with its principal office located at

9800 Wilshire Blvd, Beverly Hills, California 90212. Gores AC is ultimately managed by The

Gores Group, LLC ("The Gores Group") and its manager, Alec E. Gores. The Gores Group is a

private investment firm whose investment focus includes opportunities in the technology and

telecommunications sectors. The Gores Group has investment and oversight authority for the

entities it manages, including Gores AC.

         C.        Licensees – Alpheus Communications, LLC and Alpheus Data Services, LLC

             Alpheus Communications, a Delaware limited liability company, and ADS, also a Del-

aware limited liability company and wholly-owned direct subsidiary of Alpheus Communica-

tions, have their principal place of business located at 1301 Fannin St., 20th Floor, Houston, TX


             Together, Alpheus Communications and ADS are providers of telecommunications and

data center services for enterprises and carriers throughout Texas. Alpheus has approximately

2,800 route miles of intercity fiber backbone interconnecting Dallas, Austin, San Antonio and

Houston as well as approximately 3,200 route miles of metro fiber within these markets reaching

over 11,000 on-net or near-net enterprise buildings, data centers and telecommunication carrier


             Alpheus Communications delivers metro transport to end-user buildings, cell sites, car-

rier hotels, microwave relay points, and Wi-Fi hotspots under its blanket domestic Section 214

             See, e.g., IBFS File No. ITC-T/C-20151112-00261 (granted May 26, 2016).


authorization and international Section 214. ADS provides information and communications

solutions for enterprises, including those in the healthcare, energy, banking, IT and legal fields,

operating pursuant to Alpheus Communications’ international Section 214 license, under Section

63.21(h) of the Commission's Rules, as detailed through a notification filed with the FCC on

June 8, 2007.5 Additional information on Licensees, including type of service provider, FCC

registration numbers (“FRNs”) and the states in which Licensees’ services are provided is set

forth in Sections III and IV.


        Pursuant to the Agreement, HoldCo will acquire all of the outstanding equity interests in

Alpheus Parent (the “Transaction”). As a result of the Transaction, Licensees will become

indirect subsidiaries of LAC. For the Commission's convenience, pre- and post-transaction

illustrative charts are provided as Exhibit A.

        Immediately following the consummation of the proposed transaction, Licensees will

continue to offer service with no change in the name of the companies, or their rates, terms or

conditions of service. Therefore, the transfer of control of Licensees will be seamless and virtual-

ly transparent to customers of Licensees. If in the future LAC seeks to change the names of

Licensees, it will do so in accordance with the Commission's requirements applicable to such



        Pursuant to Section 63.24(e)(2) of the Commission’s Rules, the Applicants submit the

following information requested in Section 63.18(a)-(d) and (h)-(p) in support of this Applica-


            See Section III(d) infra.


       (a)    Name, address and telephone number of each Applicant:


              LOGIX Acquisition Company LLC                            FRN: 0025038738
              1725 I Street NW
              Suite 900
              Washington, DC 20006


              Gores AC Holdings, LLC                                   FRN: 0021183561
              c/o The Gores Group, LLC
              9800 Wilshire Boulevard
              Beverly Hills, CA 90212


              Alpheus Communications, LLC                              FRN: 0005004361
              Alpheus Data Services, L.L.C.                            FRN: 0016137937
              1301 Fannin St., 20th Floor
              Houston, TX 77002
              (877) 257-4387

       (b)    Jurisdiction of Organizations:

       Transferee:   LAC is a limited liability company formed under the laws of Delaware.

       Transferor:   Gores AC is a limited liability company formed under the laws of Dela-

       Licensees:    Alpheus Communications and ADS are both limited liability companies
                     formed under the laws of Delaware.

       (c)    (Answer to Question 10) Correspondence concerning this Application should

be sent to:


For Transferor and Licensees:                    For Transferee:

       Andrew D. Lipman                               Brian D. Weimer
       Joshua M. Bobeck                               W. Ray Rutngamlug
       Stephany Fan                                   Douglas A. Svor
       1111 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW                      LLP
       Washington, DC 20004-2541                      2099 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
       Tel: 202-739-3000                              Suite 100
       Fax: 202-739-3001                              Washington, DC 20006-6801                  Tel: 202-747-1900                  Fax: 202-747-1901         

With a copy to:                                  With a copy to:

       Richard Martin                                 Matthew M. Murphy
       Patricia M. Hogue                              Vice President
       Alpheus Communications, LLC                    LOGIX Intermediate Holding Corporation
       1301 Fannin St. 20th Floor                     1725 I Street NW Suite 900
       Houston, TX 77002                              Washington, DC 20006              

       (d)     (Answer to Question 10 Continued) Section 214 Authorizations

       Transferee:    LAC’s indirect subsidiary Logix Communications holds international Sec-

tion 214 authority to provide global or limited global facilities-based and resale services granted

in IB File No. ITC-214-19970409-00200 (Old File No. ITC-97-209). Logix Communications is

also authorized to provide interstate service by virtue of blanket domestic Section 214 authority

under 47 C.F.R. § 63.01.

       Transferor: Gores AC Holdings, LLC (FRN: 0021183561) is a holding company that

provides no telecommunications services.

       Licensees: Each Licensee is authorized to provide interstate service by virtue of blanket

domestic Section 214 authority. 47 C.F.R. § 63.01. Alpheus Communications, LLC (FRN:


0005004361), a direct wholly owned subsidiary of Alpheus Parent, holds international Section

214 authorization for global or limited global facilities-based and resale service, granted in IB

File No. ITC-214-20070420-00148. Alpheus Data Services, L.L.C., (FRN: 0016137937), a

direct wholly owned subsidiary of Alpheus Communications, LLC operates pursuant to this

international Section 214 authority, consistent with 47 C.F.R. § 63.21(h). See Public Notice, DA

No. 07-3505, released August 2, 2007.

       (h)      (Answer to Questions 11 & 12) The Licensees are direct or indirect, wholly

owned subsidiaries of Alpheus Parent. (See Exhibit A for a complete corporate structure.)

       Pre-Transaction Ownership of Alpheus Parent and Licensees:

     (1)     The following entity owns a ten percent or greater direct equity interest, or controlling
             interest, in Alpheus Data Services, L.L.C.:

       Name: Alpheus Communications, LLC
       Address:            1301 Fannin St., 20th Floor
                           Houston, TX 77002
       Citizenship:        U.S.
       Percentage Owned: 100%
       Principal Business: Telecommunications

     (2)     The following entity owns a ten percent or greater direct equity interest, or controlling
             interest, in Alpheus Communications, LLC:

       Name:                    Alpheus Holdings, LLC
       Address:                 c/o The Gores Group, LLC
                                9800 Wilshire Boulevard
                                Beverly Hills, CA 90212
       Citizenship:             U.S.
       Percentage Owned:        100%
       Principal Business:      Holding Company

     (3)     The following entity owns a ten percent or greater direct equity interest, or controlling
             interest, in Alpheus Holdings, LLC:

       Name:                    Gores AC Holdings, LLC
       Address:                 9800 Wilshire Boulevard
                                Beverly Hills, CA 90212
       Citizenship:             U.S.


 Percentage Owned:       100%
 Principal Business:     Holding Company

(4)   The following entity owns a ten percent or greater direct equity interest, or controlling
      interest, in Gores AC Holdings, LLC:

 Name:                   Gores Capital Partners III, LP
 Address:                9800 Wilshire Boulevard
                         Beverly Hills, CA 90212
 Citizenship:            U.S.
 Ownership:              93.98%
 Principal Business:     Investment Fund

(5)   The following entities own a ten percent or greater direct equity interest, or control-
      ling interest, in Gores Capital Partners III, LP:

 Name:                   Gores Capital Advisors III, LP
 Address:                9800 Wilshire Boulevard
                         Beverly Hills, CA 90212
 Citizenship:            U.S.
 Ownership:              General Partner
 Principal Business:     Investment Fund

 Name:                   Teacher Retirement System of Texas
 Address:                1000 Red River St.
                         Austin, TX 78701-2627
 Citizenship:            U.S.
 Ownership:              12.65% Limited Partner
 Principal Business:     Retirement Fund

 Name:                   Ohio Public Employees Retirement System
 Address:                277 East Town Street
                         Columbus, Ohio 43215-4642
 Citizenship:            U.S.
 Ownership:              10.12% Limited Partner
 Principal Business:     Retirement Fund

(6) The following entity owns a ten percent or greater direct equity interest, or controlling
    interest, in Gores Capital Advisors III, LP:

 Name:                   GCA III, LLC
 Address:                9800 Wilshire Boulevard
                         Beverly Hills, CA 90212
 Citizenship:            U.S.
 Ownership:              General Partner
 Principal Business:     Investment Fund


     (7) The following entities own a ten percent or greater direct equity interest, or controlling
         interest, in GCA III, LLC:

       Name:                   AEG Holdings, LLC
       Address:                9800 Wilshire Boulevard
                               Beverly Hills, CA 90212
       Citizenship:            U.S.
       Ownership:              100%
       Principal Business:     Private Equity/Merger & Acquisitions

       Name:                   The Gores Group, LLC
       Address:                9800 Wilshire Boulevard
                               Beverly Hills, CA 90212
       Citizenship:            U.S.
       Ownership:              Manager of GCA III, LLC (and Investment Manager of Gores Capi-
                               tal Partners III, L.P.)
       Principal Business:     Private Equity/Merger & Acquisitions

     (8) The following individual owns a ten percent or greater direct equity interest, or con-
         trolling interest, in AEG Holdings, LLC:

       Name:                   Alec E. Gores
       Address:                c/o The Gores Group, LLC
                               9800 Wilshire Boulevard
                               Beverly Hills, CA 90212
       Citizenship:            U.S.
       Ownership:              100%
       Principal Business:     Individual

       Except as stated above, to the Applicants’ knowledge, no other person or entity directly

or indirectly owns or controls a ten percent (10%) or more interest in Alpheus Parent through

Gores AC Holdings.

       Post-Transaction Ownership of Licensees:

       (1) Upon completion of the proposed Transaction, the following entities will hold a 10%

or greater, direct or indirect interest6 in Alpheus Parent:

           Unless otherwise indicated, the ownership interests provided herein represent both
equity and voting interests.


Name:                         LOGIX Holding Company
Address:                      2950 N Loop West, 8th Floor
                              Houston, TX 77092
Citizenship:                  U.S. (Delaware)
Ownership:                    100%
Principal Business:           Holding Company

Post-Transaction Ownership of HoldCo:

(1)    The following entity will hold a ten percent (10%) or greater direct interest in
       LOGIX Holding Company:

Name:                         LOGIX Acquisition Company, LLC
Address:                      1725 I Street NW
                              Suite 900
                              Washington, DC 20006

Citizenship:                  U.S. (Delaware)
Ownership:                    100%
Principal Business:           Holding Company

(2)    The following entity will hold a ten percent (10%) or greater direct interest in
       LOGIX Acquisition Company, LLC:

Name:                         LOGIX Intermediate Holding Corporation (“Sub-Parent”)
Address:                      1725 I Street NW
                              Suite 900
                              Washington, DC 20006

Citizenship:                  U.S. (Delaware)
Ownership:                    100%
Principal Business:           Holding Company

Sub-Parent is the sole member and manager of Transferee. As described below, Astra
Capital Management (“ACM”) will exercise day-to-day operational control of Transfer-
ee. ACM is a Washington, D.C.-based private equity firm that focuses on investments in
scalable telecommunications and technology companies. Mark J. Johnson, a U.S. citizen,
holds more than 50% of the equity of ACM and exercises control over the entity.

(3)    The following entity will hold a ten percent (10%) or greater direct interest in
       LOGIX Intermediate Holding Corporation:

Name:                         LOGIX Parent Corporation (“Logix Parent”)
Address:                      1725 I Street NW
                              Suite 900
                              Washington, DC 20006


       Citizenship:                   U.S. (Delaware)
       Ownership:                     100%
       Principal Business:            Holding Company

       (4)     The following entity will hold a ten percent (10%) or greater direct interest or a
               controlling interest in LOGIX Parent Corporation7:

       Name:                          Astra-LOGIX Holdings, LLC (“Astra Holdings”)
       Address:                       1725 I Street NW
                                      Suite 900
                                      Washington, DC 20006
       Citizenship:                   U.S. (Delaware)
       Ownership:                     4%
       Principal Business:            Holding Company

       Name:                          Astra-LOGIX Co-Invest I, LLC (“Co-Invest”)
       Address:                       1725 I Street NW
                                      Suite 900
                                      Washington, DC 20006
       Citizenship:                   U.S. (Delaware)
       Ownership:                     33%
       Principal Business:            Holding Company

       Name:                          WRA-Astra Logix Investors LLC
       Address:                       850 New Burton Road
                                      Suite 201
          As noted above, the three entities that will be equity holders in LOGIX Parent at con-
summation of the Transaction are Astra Holdings, Astra-LOGIX Co-Invest I, LLC, and WRA-
Astra Logix Investors LLC (collectively, the “Co-Investors”). Prior to the consummation of the
Transaction, Astra Holdings may increase its equity position in LOGIX Parent by reducing the
equity commitment of Astra-LOGIX Co-Invest I, LLC. As a result, the relative amount of the
equity contributions of these three entities could change prior to the consummation of the Trans-
action. In the event that Astra Holdings increases its equity position, the Applicants shall prompt-
ly notify the Commission and will provide appropriately updated ownership information.
Moreover, Astra Holdings (like ACM) is controlled by Mark J. Johnson. Thus, any change in
ownership of LOGIX Parent will only result in increased indirect ownership by Mark J. Johnson,
a U.S. citizen, and will not affect control of Licensee. Regardless of the level of the equity
contributions among the Co-Investors at consummation of the Transaction, ACM will continue
to manage the day-to-day operations of Astra Holdings and thus retain operational control of the


                              Dover, DE 19904
Citizenship:                  U.S. (Delaware)
Ownership:                    54%
Principal Business:           Investment Holding Company

(5)    The following individuals will hold a ten percent (10%) or greater direct interest
       in Astra-Logix Holdings, LLC:

Name:                         Mark J. Johnson
Address:                      1725 I Street NW
                              Suite 900
                              Washington, DC 20006
Citizenship:                  U.S.
Ownership:                    50%
Principal Business:           LLC Member

Name:                         Matthew M. Murphy
Address:                      1725 I Street NW
                              Suite 900
                              Washington, DC 20006
Citizenship:                  U.S.
Ownership:                    25%
Principal Business:           LLC Member

Name:                         Kevin L. Beebe
Address:                      1725 I Street NW
                              Suite 900
                              Washington, DC 20006
Citizenship:                  U.S.
Ownership:                    25%
Principal Business:           LLC Member

ACM is the Manager of Astra Holdings.

(6)    The following entity will hold a ten percent (10%) or greater direct interest in
       Astra-LOGIX Co-Invest I, LLC:

Name:                         Secondary Opportunities Fund III LP (“SOF III”)
Address:                      Deutsche Bank (Cayman) Limited
                              Boundary Hall
                              Cricket Square
                              P.O. Box 1984
                              Grand Cayman KY1-1104


                                     Cayman Islands
      Citizenship:                   U.K.
      Ownership:                     100%
      Principal Business:            Investment Fund

       Although SOF III will be the sole member of Co-Invest, the Manager of Co-Invest will
be Astra-LOGIX Manager, LLC (“Astra Manager”). The manager of Astra Manager is ACM.

      (7)     The following entity will hold a ten percent (10%) or greater direct interest in
              Secondary Opportunities Fund III, LLP:

      Name:                          Leonardo Secondary Opportunities Fund III (GP) Limited
                                     (“Leonardo SOF III”)
      Address:                       Deutsche Bank (Cayman) Limited
                                     Boundary Hall
                                     Cricket Square
                                     P.O. Box 1984
                                     Grand Cayman KY1-1104
                                     Cayman Islands
      Citizenship:                   Cayman Islands
      Ownership:                     less than .01% (as General Partner of SOF III)
      Principal Business:            Investment Fund

      Name:                          Leonardo Secondary Opportunities Fund III (Alternate
                                     GP), LP (“Leonardo SOF III-Alt-GP”)
      Address:                       1209 Orange Street
                                     Wilmington, DE 19801
      Citizenship:                   U.S. (Delaware)
      Ownership:                     less than .01% (as the second General Partner of SOF III)
      Principal Business:            Investment Fund

      Leonardo SOF III-Alt-GP is the second GP of SOF III, and is wholly-owned by Leonardo
      SOF III.

      (8)     The following entity will hold a ten percent (10%) or greater direct interest in
              Leonardo Secondary Opportunities Fund III (GP) Limited:

      Name:                          Intertrust Fund Services Limited
      Address:                       190 Elgin Avenue
                                     George Town
                                     Grand Cayman KY1-9005
                                     Cayman Islands
      Citizenship:                   Cayman Islands
      Ownership:                     100%
      Principal Business:            Specialized financial and administrative services


        The direct parent of Intertrust Fund Services Limited is Intertrust NV, a publicly traded
company (ENXTAM: INTER). To Transferee’s knowledge, no other person or entity indirectly
holds a cognizable interest in Transferee through ownership of Intertrust NV.

       (9)    The following entity will hold a ten percent (10%) or greater direct interest in
              WRA-Astra Logix Investors LLC:

       Name:                         WRA-Logix Investors LLC
       Address:                      850 New Burton Road
                                     Suite 201
                                     Dover, DE 19904
       Citizenship:                  U.S. (Delaware)
       Ownership:                    100%
       Principal Business:           Investment Holding Company

       WRA-Logix Investors LLC is the Sole Member of WRA-Astra Logix Investors LLC.

       (10)   The following entity will hold a ten percent (10%) or greater direct interest in
              WRA-Logix Investors LLC:

       Name:                         WRA-Logix Holdings Ltd.
       Address:                      Ideation House
                                     94 Pitts Bay Road, 1st Floor
                                     Pembroke HM08
       Citizenship:                  Bermuda
       Ownership:                    100%
       Principal Business:           Investment Holding Company

       WRA-Logix Holdings Ltd. is the Sole Member of WRA-Logix Investors LLC.

       (10)   The following entity will hold a ten percent (10%) or greater direct interest in
              WRA-Logix Holdings Ltd.:

       Name:                         Wafra Real Assets & Infrastructure Fund I L.P.
       Address:                      Landmark Square, 1st Floor, 64 Earth Close
                                     West Bay Beach South
                                     Grand Cayman KY1-1107
                                     Cayman Islands
       Citizenship:                  Cayman Islands
       Ownership:                    100%
       Principal Business:           Closed-ended Investment Fund

       Wafra Real Assets & Infrastructure Fund I L.P. is the Sole Shareholder of WRA-Logix
       Holdings Ltd.


       (10)   The following entity will hold a ten percent (10%) or greater direct interest in
              Wafra Real Assets & Infrastructure Fund I L.P.:

       Name:                         WRAIF I GP L.P.
       Address:                      Landmark Square, 1st Floor, 64 Earth Close
                                     West Bay Beach South
                                     Grand Cayman KY1-1107
                                     Cayman Islands
       Citizenship:                  Cayman Islands
       Ownership:                    less than .01% (as General Partner of Wafra Real Assets &
                                     Infrastructure Fund I L.P.)
       Principal Business:           General Partner of Wafra Real Assets & Infrastructure
                                     Fund I L.P.

       WRAIF I GP Ltd. is the ultimate General Partner of WRAIF I GP L.P.

       Name:                         WRAIF I GP Ltd.
       Address:                      Landmark Square, 1st Floor, 64 Earth Close
                                     West Bay Beach South
                                     Grand Cayman KY1-1107
                                     Cayman Islands
       Citizenship:                  Cayman Islands
       Ownership:                    less than .01% (as General Partner of WRAIF I GP L.P.)
       Principal Business:           General Partner of WRAIF I GP L.P.

       WRAIF I GP Ltd. is a holding company that is ultimately owned by three U.S. persons
       who are employees of Wafra Investment Advisory Group, Inc.

       Name:                         Public Institution for Social Security
       Address:                      Al Sour Street, Safat
                                     13104 Kuwait
       Citizenship:                  Kuwait
       Ownership:                    95.24% (Limited Partnership interest in Wafra Real As-
                                     sets & Infrastructure Fund I L.P.)
       Principal Business:           Autonomous agency of the Government of Kuwait

       As explained in Footnote 7, supra, despite the 54% equity investment of WRA-Astra

Logix Investors, LLC in LOGIX Parent, day-to-day control of Licensees will be exercised by

ACM through its indirect control of Astra-Logix Holdings LLC. Upon completion of the pro-

posed Transaction, no other entities will hold a 10% or greater direct or indirect interest in

Alpheus Parent.


        None of the equity and/or controlling interest holders in LAC reported above have a ten

percent or greater direct or indirect interest in any FCC regulated businesses other than Logix


        To the best of the Applicant’s knowledge, there are no officers or directors of Applicants

who also serve as an officer of director of a foreign carrier as defined in Section 63.09(d).

        (i)     (Answer to Question 14) The Applicants certify that following consummation of

the Transaction: (i) Transferee will not be a foreign carrier within the meaning of Section

63.09(d) of the Commission's Rules, 47 C.F.R. § 63.09(d); and (ii) Transferee will not become

affiliated with a foreign carrier.

        (j)     (Answer to Question 15) Applicants certify that following consummation of the

Transaction they do not seek to provide international telecommunications services to any desti-

nation country where:

                (1) An Applicant is a foreign carrier in that country; or
                (2) An Applicant controls a foreign carrier in that country; or
                (3) Any entity that owns more than 25 percent of an Applicant, or that controls an
                Applicant, controls a foreign carrier in that country; or
                (4) Two or more foreign carriers (or parties that control foreign carriers) own, in
                the aggregate more than 25 percent of an Applicant and are parties to, or the bene-
                ficiaries of, a contractual relation affecting the provision or marketing of interna-
                tional basic telecommunications services in the United States.

        (k)     Not Applicable.

        (l)     Not Applicable.

        (m)     (Answer to Question 16) Not Applicable.

        (n)     Applicants certify that they have not agreed to accept special concessions, directly

or indirectly, from any foreign carrier with respect to any U.S. international route where the

foreign carrier possesses market power on the foreign end of the route and will not enter into

such agreements in the future.


       (o)     Applicants certify that they are not subject to denial of federal benefits pursuant to

Section 5301 of the Anti-Drug Abuse Act of 1998. See 21 U.S.C. § 853a; see also 47 C.F.R.

§§ 1.2001-1.2003.

       (p)     Applicants respectfully submit that this Application is eligible for streamlined pro-

cessing pursuant to Sections 63.12(a)-(b) of the Commission's Rules, 47 C.F.R. §§ 63.12(a)-(b). In

particular, Section 63.12(c)(1) is inapplicable because none of the Applicants are or are affiliated

with any foreign carriers and none of the scenarios outlined in Section 63.12(c) of the Commission's

Rules, 47 C.F.R. § 63.12(c), apply. Accordingly, this Joint Application qualifies for streamlined

processing pursuant to Section 63.12 of the Commission's Rules.


       Pursuant to Commission Rule 63.04(b), 47 C.F.R. § 63.04(b), Applicants submit the fol-

lowing information in support of their request for domestic Section 214 authority to transfer

indirect control of Licensees to LAC as specified in Commission Rule 63.04(a)(6)-(12).

       (a)(6) A description of the proposed Transaction is set forth in Section II above.

       (a)(7) Alpheus Parent does not provide telecommunications services. Both Alpheus

Communications and ADS are Competitive Local Exchange Carriers authorized to provide

telecommunications services in Texas.

       LAC is a holding company that does not provide telecommunications services. LAC’s

indirect subsidiary, Logix Communications, provides telecommunications services as a Competi-

tive Local Exchange Carrier primarily in Texas and Oklahoma. Logix Communications also has

limited resold local exchange operations in Kansas and Missouri and is authorized to provide

competitive local exchange and/or interexchange telecommunications services in Kansas and

Missouri in addition to Oklahoma and Texas.


           (a)(8) Applicants request streamlined processing pursuant to Sections 63.03 of the Com-

mission’s Rules, 47 C.F.R. §63.03. Applicants respectfully submit that this Application is eligible

for streamlined processing pursuant to Section 63.03(b)(2)(i) because, immediately following the

transactions, Transferee (and its Affiliates) will have a market share in the interstate, interexchange

market of less than 10 percent, and the Transferee (and its Affiliates) will provide competitive

telephone exchange services or exchange access services (if at all) exclusively in geographic areas

served by a dominant local exchange carrier that is not a party to the transactions, and none of the

Applicants (or their Affiliates) are dominant with respect to any service.

           (a)(9) Through this Application, Applicants seek authority with respect to both interna-

tional and domestic Section 214 authorizations in compliance with Section 63.04(b) of the

Commission’s rules.

           (a)(10) No party is requesting special consideration because it is facing imminent business


           (a)(11) Not applicable.

           (a)(12) Public Interest Statement

           Applicants submit that the proposed Transaction is consistent with the public interest.

Alpheus Parent, through Licensees, has a long history of providing wireline telecommunications

services in Texas and providing competitive high bandwidth services to enterprise and carrier

customers via its owned fiber network. Following consummation of the proposed transactions,

Licensees will have access to the expanded managerial and financial support of Logix Commu-

nications and its affiliates. Such support will strengthen the competitive position of Licensees to

allow them to compete with much larger telecommunications providers in the region.


         In addition, the Transaction will be conducted in a manner that is seamless to customers

of the Licensees. The transfer of control of the Licensees will not result in a change of carrier for

customers or any assignment of authorizations. In addition, the Licensees will continue to

provide high-quality communications services to their customers without interruption and

without immediate change in rates, terms or conditions. Accordingly, the transactions will be

virtually transparent to customers, and in no event will they result in the discontinuance, reduc-

tion, loss, or impairment of service to customers.

         The Transaction also presents no competitive concerns with respect to the retail and

wholesale enterprise services provided by the Applicants. As an initial matter, the “Wireline

Competition Bureau has consistently found that, in transactions in which competitive local

exchange carriers (LECs) combine to form a stronger competitor to the incumbent LEC, the

transaction will enhance competition.”8 This is precisely what will occur upon consummation of

the Transaction. Logix Communications currently is a competitive, non-dominant provider of

telecommunications that primarily serves business and enterprise customers in Texas. Licensees

are also competitive, non-dominant providers serving only enterprise and wholesale customers in


         Combining these two complementary networks under the same ownership will allow the

Applicants to pair Logix Communications’ strong sales team and substantial experience provid-

ing voice and data services to enterprise customers with the Licensees’ extensive fiber footprint

and wholesale carrier focus. This combination serves the public interest, necessity, and conven-

ience by strengthening the ability of both companies to vigorously and effectively compete with


more highly-capitalized entities such as the established incumbents, cable companies, and larger

competitive providers present in the Applicants’ market today. For example, upon consumma-

tion of the Transaction the Applicants anticipate being able to move many existing customers of

Logix Communications from “off-net” facilities – last-mile connectivity purchased from another

provider, typically the incumbent – to Licensees’ owned facilities. This will achieve significant

operational and cost efficiencies, resulting in improved customer-facing benefits such as greater

service control and provisioning, the offering of more tailored services, and decreased costs for

the Applicants’ customers.9

       Upon consummation of the transaction, the Applicants will serve approximately 1,368

on-net buildings. Of these on-net buildings, the Applicants estimate that only a tiny fraction

(approximately eighteen) are buildings currently served by both Logix Communications and the

Licensees; this amounts to 1.3% of the total on-net buildings served by the Applicants. Howev-

er, the Applicants’ data indicates that all of these buildings will continue to be served by two or

more other providers upon consummation of the Transaction. In addition, the Applicants’ in-

building penetration rate in these buildings is often quite low. For example, in most of these

  Applications Filed for the Transfer of Control of tw telecom inc. to Level 3 Communications,
Inc., Memorandum Opinion and Order, 29 FCC Rcd. 12842, 12846 ¶ 13 (Wireline Comp. Bur.
& Int’l Bur. 2014) (internal citations omitted).
  The Commission has consistently recognized the benefits that accrue to providers utilizing
owned facilities. See, e.g., Applications of XO Holdings and Verizon Communications Inc. for
Consent to Transfer Control of Licenses and Authorizations, Memorandum Opinion and Order,
31 FCC Rcd 12501, 12509 n. 52 (Wireline Comp. Bur., Wireless Bur., and Int’l Bur. 2016)
(“The Commission has previously found that many purchasers of wholesale special access
services view Type I services as substantially superior to Type II services that are provided over
a combination of the carrier's own facilities and the BDS of another carrier, because of differ-
ences in performance, reliability, security, and price – differences that are sufficiently large that
Type I special access services fall into a separate relevant product market than BDS that are not
provisioned wholly over a carrier's own facilities.”).


buildings, Logix Communications serves no more than 10% of the available customers. In short,

the Transaction will enhance the Applicants’ ability to compete with more established, well-

financed providers while not negatively impacting the otherwise vibrant and competitive market

for wholesale and retail enterprise services.


       For the reasons stated above, Applicants respectfully submit that the public interest, con-

venience and necessity would be furthered by a grant of this Application for the transfer of

indirect ownership and control of Licensees to Transferee.

                                                     Respectfully submitted,

/s/ Brian D. Weimer                                  /s/ Joshua M. Bobeck

Brian D. Weimer                                      Andrew D. Lipman
W. Ray Rutngamlug                                    Joshua M. Bobeck
Douglas A. Svor                                      Stephany Fan
HAMPTON LLP                                          1111 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
2099 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW                         Washington, DC 20004-2541
Suite 100                                            Tel: 202-739-3000
Washington, DC 20006-6801                            Fax: 202-739-3001
Tel: 202-747-1900                          
Fax: 202-747-1901                                           

Counsel for LOGIX Acquisition Company, LLC           Counsel for Alpheus Communications, LLC,
                                                     Alpheus Data Services, L.L.C. and Gores
                                                     AC Holdings, LLC

Dated: June 12, 2017


                              EXHIBIT A

Diagrams of the Pre- and Post-Transaction Corporate Ownership Structures

                                                     Current Simplified Ownership Structure of Alpheus

                                                                         Alec E. Gores

                                                                                                             The Gores
                                                                      AEG Holdings, LLC                  L   Group, LLC

              Teacher                 Ohio Public                                          To
            Retirement                Employees                           GCA III, LLC                        i mare@
            System of                 Retirement
               Texas                    System                                   |         mssn«
                                                                 Gores Capital Advisors III, L.P.
        1265% P                   10.12% LP                                      |_        carrme

                                                                 Gores Capital PartnersIII, L.P.
                                                                                 |_ *
                                                                    Gores AC Holdings, LLC

                                                                     Alpheus Holdings,



                                                                   Alpheus Data Services,

Unless otherwise indicated all ownership percentages are 100%.

       Post-Closing Ownership Structure of Alpheus Communications and ADS

                                                      :       See Page 3 for     :
                                                      :    ownership of LOGIX Parent   :

                                                          LOGIX Parent Corporation
                                                             ("LOGIX Parent")

                                              LOGIX Intermediate Holding Corporation

                                                                 Company, LLC

                                                                 LOGIX Holding
                                                                 Company, LLC

                                                                              99% Ownership LP


                                          Alpheus                                LOGIX
                                        Holdings, LLC                         Communications,


                                         Alpheus Data

Unless otherwise indicated all ownership percentages are 100%.


                           Post—Closing Ownership Structure of LOGIX Parent

                                   WRAIF I GP Ltd.

                                                                             Public Institution for
                                   WRAIF I GP LP.                              Social Security
                               General Patter                                             Approx
                               (<0.01% Equty)                                             ssase
                                                                                      Limited Partner

                                                            Watra Real Assets &
                                                            Infrastructure Fund I
                                                                Holdings Ltd.

                   i _‘ SeePamSbr
                           Page 5 for . )1                       WRA—Logix                      enc                   4
                   :1o See
                        uSV              ||                     Investors LLC                   i
                                                                                                |_ Co—invest
                                                                                                      SeePage4for      |
                         Ownershi        i
                                                                                                             Ownership |
                                                                                                 ) Bemest SMmceer.
                   i                                                                                             ;

                  Astra—LOGIX Holdings LLC                      WRA—Astra Logix                    Astra—LOGIX Co—Invest
                        (‘Astra Holdings*)                       Investors LLC                          1, LLC (‘Co—Invest")
                             a%                                  sax                                                 son

                                                            LOGIX Parent Corporation
                                                                 (LOGIX Parent‘)

Unless otherwise indicated all ownership percentages are 100%

                                Post-Closing Ownership Structure of Co-Invest

                                                                       Intertrust NV

                                                            Intertrust Fund Services Limited

                                                                 Leonardo Secondary
           Mark J. Johnson                                       Opportunities Fund III
                                                                     (GP) Limited
                                                                 (“Leonardo SOF III”)

            Astra Capital
          Management, LLC
                                                                                            Leonardo Secondary
                                                                                           Opportunities Fund III
                                                                                        (Alternate GP) (LP) Limited
                                                                                        (“Leonardo SOF III-Alt-GP”)

                                                                                  Second General
                                                                                  (<0 01% Equity)

            Astra LOGIX                                          Secondary Opportunities
            Manager, LLC                                              Fund III LP
                                                                       (“SOF III”)


                                                                 Astra-LOGIX Co-Invest I,

Unless otherwise indicated all ownership percentages are 100%.


                          Post-Closing Ownership Structure of Astra Holdings

                                 Mark J. Johnson                 Matthew M. Murphy      Kevin L. Beebe

                                            50%                    25%                  25%

                   Mark J. Johnson


            Astra Capital Management, LLC

                                         Manager             Astra-LOGIX Holdings LLC
                                                                  (“Astra Holdings”)

Unless otherwise indicated all ownership percentages are 100%.




       I, Scott Widham, state that I am the Chief Executive Officer of Alpheus

Communications, LLC and Alpheus Data Services, L.L.C., and that I am Vice President of Gores

AC Holdings, LLC; that I am authorized to make this Verification on behalf of Alpheus

Communications, LLC, Alpheus Data Services, L.L.C. and Gores AC Holdings, LLC; that the

foregoing filing was prepared under my direction and supervision; and that the contents are true

and conect to the best of my knowledge, information, and belief.

       I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct. Executed this   :?
day of June, 2017.

                                                 Scott Widham
                                                 CEO, Alpheus Communications, LLC and
                                                    Alpheµs Data Services, L.L.C.
                                                 Vice President, Gores AC Holdings, LLC


       I, Mark J. Johnson, state that I am the President and CEO of LOGIX Intermediate Hold-

ing Corporation, the sole member and manager of LOGIX Acquisition Company, LLC ("LAC");

that I am authorized to make this Verification on behalf of LAC; that the foregoing filing was

prepared under my direction and supervision; and that the contents are true and correct to my

knowledge, information, and belief. I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true

and correct. Executed this 8th day of June, 2017.

                                                    LOGIX Intermediate Holding Corporation

Document Created: 2019-04-12 05:37:31
Document Modified: 2019-04-12 05:37:31

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