STI Aug. 14 Ex Parte


STI Aug. 14 Ex Parte


This document pretains to ITC-T/C-20170511-00095 for Transfer of Control on a International Telecommunications filing.


 SQUIRE©                                                                                              Squire Patton Boggs (US) LLP
                                                                                                      2550 M Street, NW
 PATTON BOGGS                                                                                         Washington, DC 20037

                                                                                                      O    +1 202 457 6000
                                                                                                      F    +1 202 457 6315

                                                                                                     Paul Besozzi
                                                                                                     T    +1 202 457 5292


August 14, 2017

Marlene H. Dortch
Federal Communications Commission
445 12th Street, SW
Washington, DC 20554

            Re:        Ex Parte Submission - WC Docket No. 17-126: ITC-T/C-20170511-
                       00094: ITC-T/C-20170511-00095 - Securus Investment Holdings. LLC:
                       Securus Technologies. Inc.: T-NETIX. Inc.: and T-NETIX
                       Telecommunications Services. Inc.

Dear Ms. Dortch:
       On behalf of Securus Investment Holdings, LLC, Securus Technologies, Inc., T-
NETIX, Inc., and T-NETIX Telecommunications Services, Inc. (collectively “STI”) and
SCRS Acquisition Corporation (“SCRS,” and, together with STI, the “Applicants”), by and
through the undersigned counsel and in accordance with Section 1.1206(b) of the Federal
Communications Commission’s (“Commission”) rules1 submit this Ex Parte Submission in
connection with the pending request for approval of the indirect transfer of control of STI’s
domestic and international Section 214 authority though a parent-level transaction

’47 C.F.R. § 1.1206(b).
2 See Joint Application of Securus Investment Holdings, LLC, Tranferor, Securus Technologies, Inc.,
Licensee T-NETIX, Inc., Licensee T-NETIX Telecommunications Services, Inc., Licensee, and ti’CRT
Acquisition Corporation For Grant ofAuthority Pursuant to Section 214 of the Communications Act of
1934, as amended, and Sections 63.04 of the Commission’s Kules to Transfer Indirect Ownership and

44 Offices in 21 Countries

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legal entities.

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Squire Patton Boggs (US) LLP
August 14, 2017

Page 2

         Specifically, on Friday, August 11, 2017, in response to the requests of the
Commission’s staff, Paul C. Besozzi provided the documents contained in Attachment 1
hereto by email to Madeleine Findley, Deputy Chief, Wireline Competition Bureau, as well as
staff in the Competition Policy Division of the Wireline Competition Bureau: Daniel Kahn,
Division Chief; Jodie May, Assistant Division Chief; Sherwin Siy, Special Counsel; and
Dennis Johnson, Attorney Advisor. The documents in Attachment 1 include:
          1.         A list of states in which notice is required or being provided as a courtesy
                     with respect to the Transaction; and

          2.        Disclosure Schedules 3.5 and 4.3 of the April 29, 2017 Stock Purchase
                    Agreement (“SPA”), along with an explanation regarding Schedule 5.3 to the
       The Applicants respectfully reiterate their request that the Joint Application be
processed expeditiously.

                                                          Squire Patton Boggs (US) LLP
                                                          2550 M Street, NW
                                                          Washington, DC 20037
                                                          Counsel for Securus Investment Holdings,
                                                          LLC; Securus Technologies, Inc.; T-
                                                          NETIX,       Inc.;     and        T-NETIX
                                                          Telecommunications Services, Inc.

Control oflJcensees to FCW Acquisition Corporation, WC Docket 17-126 (filed May 11, 2017),
ITC-T/C-20170511-00094, ITC-T/C-20170511-00095 (filed May 11, 2017) (“Joint
3 In a separately-filed Notice of Ex Parte on August 11, 2017, STI provided the SPA with the
Disclosure Schedules redacted. See STI Notice of Ex Parte, WC Docket No. 17-126; ITC-
T/C-20170511-00094, ITC-T/C-20170511-00095, Attachment 7 (filed Aug. 11, 2017) (“STI
Aug. 11, 2017 Ex Parte”). As STI has provided further Disclosure Schedules to the
Commission’s staff, STI has updated final page to Attachment 7 of the STI Aug. 11, 2017
Ex Parte to reflect the Disclosure Schedules provided. See Attachment 2.

Squire Patton Boggs (US) LLP
August 14, 2017

Page 3

cc:       Chairman Ajit Pai
          Commissioner Mignon Clyburn
          Commissioner Michael O’Rielly
          Commissioner Jessica Rosenworcel
          Commissioner Brendan Carr
          Kris Monteith, Chief, Wireline Competition Bureau
          Tom Sullivan, Chief, International Bureau
          Jay Schwarz, Office of Chairman Pai
          Kristine Fargotstein, Office of Chairman Pai
          Jim Bird, Office of General Counsel
          Madeleine Findley, Wireline Competition Bureau
          Daniel Kahn, Wireline Competition Bureau
          Jodie May, Wireline Competition Bureau
          Sherwin Siy, Wireline Competition Bureau
          Dennis Johnson, Wireline Competition Bureau
          Tracey Wilson, Wireline Competition Bureau
          David Krech, International Bureau
          Sumita Mukhoty, International Bureau
          Lee G. Petro, Counsel for Petitioners
          William B. Wilhelm, Counsel for Transferee.

               Attachment 1
Documents provided to the Commission’s staff

                                 STI/SCRS NOTICE STATES

Pre-Closing Notices (Already Fiied)
Rhode Island
South Dakota

Post-Closing Required Notices
New Mexico

Courtesy Notices (to be sent post-closing)*
New Hampshire
South Carolina

* Note: The courtesy notices are not required but will be filed based on past practices in similar

                                            Schedule 3.5
                    Consents and Requisite Governmental Approvals; No Violations

   1.        Schedule 6,3 (Money Transmitter Consents) is incorporated in its entirety by reference

   2.        Federal Communications Commission Approvals:

           (0       Securus International Section 214 Authorization

           (>i)     T-Netix International Section 214 Authorization

           (iii)    Securus Domestic Section 214 Authorization

           (iv)     T-Netix Domestic Section 214 Authorization

           (v)      T-Netix Telecommunications Domestic Section 214 Authorization

           (vi)     CellBlox Acquisition, LLC - Multiple Spectrum De Facto Leases

           (vii)    CellBlox Acquisition, LLC - Multiple Special Temporary Authority for
                    Experimental Services

   3.       State Public Utility Commission Filings

           (0       Alabama

           (ii)     Alaska

           (iii)    Arizona

           (iv)     Arkansas

           (v)      California

           (vi)     Connecticut

           (vii)    Delaware

           (viii)   Florida

           (ix)     Georgia

           (x)      Hawaii

           (xi)     Idaho

           (xii)    Illinois

DB2/ 31377814.10                                   6

           (xiii)    Indiana

           (xiv)     Iowa

           (xv)      Kansas

           (xvi)     Kentucky

           (xvii) Louisiana

           (xviii) Maine

           (xix)     Maryland

           (xx)      Massachusetts

           (xxi)     Michigan

           (xxii) Minnesota

           (xxiii) Mississippi

           (xxiv) Montana

           (xxv) Nebraska

           (xxvi) New York

           (xxvii) Nevada

           (xxviii)New Hampshire

           (xxix) New Mexico

           (xxx) Ohio

           (xxxi) Oregon

           (xxxii) Pennsylvania

           (xxxiii)Rhode Island

           (xxxiv)South Carolina

           (xxxv) South Dakota


          (xxxvii)          Texas

DB2/ 31377814.10                     7

           (xxxviii)       Vermont

           (xxxix) Washington

           (xl)     West Virginia

           (xli)    Wisconsin

           (xlii)   Wyoming

   4.       The Credit Facilities

   5.       Items 27 through 80 of Schedule 3.7(aXT) are incorporated by reference herein.

   6.       Items 1, 5, 23, 28, 31, 32, 47, 48 and 51 of Schedule 3.7(a)(iin are incorporated by
            reference herein.

DB2/ 31377814 10                                  8

                                         Schedule 4.3
                            Consents and Approvals; No Violations.

   1.       Schedule 3.5 (Consents and Requisite Governmental Approvals; No Violations) is
            incorporated in its entirety by reference herein.

DB2/ 31377814.10

                                         Schedule 6.3
                                  Money Transmitter Consents

  Applications or Notices need to be filed in a total of 48 U.S. jurisdictions where JPay Inc. is
  licensed as a money transmitter.
  Formal Applications and Approvals:
     1. Alaska                                              18. Minnesota
     2. Arizona                                            19. Mississippi
     3. Arkansas                                           20. Nevada
     4. California                                         21. New Jersey
     5. Colorado                                           22. New Mexico
     6. Delaware                                           23. New York
     7. D.C.                                               24. North Carolina
     8. Florida                                            25. North Dakota
     9. Georgia                                            26. Ohio
     10. Hawaii                                            27. Oklahoma
     11. Illinois                                          28. Puerto Rico
     12. Iowa                                              29. South Dakota
     13. Kansas                                            30. Texas
     14. Kentucky                                          31. Vermont
     15. Louisiana                                         32. Virginia
     16. Maryland                                          33. Washington
     17. Michigan                                          34. Wyoming
                                                           35. South Carolina

 Notice   States:
     1.   Alabama                                          8. Oregon
    2.    Connecticut                                      9. Pennsylvania
    3.    Idaho                                            10. Rhode Island
    4.    Maine                                            11.Tennessee
    5.    Nebraska                                         12. Utah
    6.    New Hampshire                                    13. West Virginia
    7.    Missouri                                         14. Wisconsin

DB2/ 31377814.10                               87

From:                                            Sullivan, Laura A. <>
Sent:                                            Friday, August 11, 2017 5:22 PM
To:                                              Besozzi, Paul
Cc:                                              Dennis Reinhold; Loss, James W.; Andrew Ray; William B. Wilhelm
Subject:                                         SAFE - Disclosure Schedules
Attachments:                                     Pages from Securus - Disclosure Schedules - EXECUTION.pdf


See attached for Schedule 3.5, Schedule 4.3 and Schedule 6.3. As discussed, there is not a Schedule 5.3 in the disclosure
schedules despite the reference thereto in the SPA. With respect to the first reference to Schedule 5.3 in the rep, this
should have included a cross reference to Schedule 3.5 (or been a reference to Section 3.5 in the SPA itself). For the
second reference to Schedule 5.3, there are no responsive matters to be listed so there was no separate schedule

I've copied the Morgan Lewis team to the extent there are follow up questions on Schedule 5.3.


Laura Sullivan

60 ) Lexington Avenue New York. NY 10022
T +1 212 446 4849 f;i +1 347 419 2832
f +1 212 446 4900

jaiira   null tv   ifn;y.n M   inti i>:• j   i

The information contained in this communication is confidential, may be attorney-client privileged, may constitute inside information, and is intended only
for the use of the addressee It is the property of Kirkland & Ellis LLP or Kirkland & Ellis International LLP Unauthorized use disclosure or copying of
tins communication or any par! thereof io strictly prohibited arid may be unlawful If you have received this communication in eiror, please notify us
immediately by return email or by email to •                 s           and destroy this communication and all copies thereof, including all attachments


                                           Schedule 3.5
                   Consents and Requisite Governmental Approvals: No Violations

   1.      Schedule 6.3 (Money Transmitter Consents) is incorporated in its entirety by reference

  2.       Federal Communications Commission Approvals:

          (i)      Securus International Section 214 Authorization

          (ii)     T-Netix International Section 214 Authorization

          (iii)    Securus Domestic Section 214 Authorization

          (iv)     T-Netix Domestic Section 214 Authorization

          (v)      T-Netix Telecommunications Domestic Section 214 Authorization

          (vi)     CellBlox Acquisition, LLC - Multiple Spectrum De Facto Leases

          (vii)    CellBlox Acquisition, LLC - Multiple Special Temporary Authority for
                   Experimental Services

  3.       State Public Utility Commission Filings:

          (i)      Alabama

          (ii)     Alaska

          (iii)    Arizona

          (iv)     Arkansas

          (v)      California

          (vi)     Connecticut

          (vii)    Delaware

          (viii)   Florida

          (ix)     Georgia

          (x)      Hawaii

          (xi)     Idaho

          (xii)    Illinois

DB2/31377814.10                                    6

          (xiii)   Indiana

          (xiv)    Iowa

          (xv)     Kansas

          (xvi)    Kentucky

          (xvii) Louisiana

          (xviii) Maine

          (xix)    Maryland

          (xx)     Massachusetts

          (xxi)    Michigan

          (xxii) Minnesota

          (xxiii) Mississippi

          (xxiv) Montana

          (xxv) Nebraska

          (xxvi) New York

          (xxvii) Nevada

          (xxviii)New Hampshire

          (xxix) New Mexico

          (xxx) Ohio

          (xxxi) Oregon

          (xxxii) Pennsylvania

          (xxxiii)Rhode Island

          (xxxiv)South Carolina

          (xxxv) South Dakota

          (xxxvi) T ennessee

          (xxxvii)          Texas

DB2/3t377814.10                     7

          (xxxviii)      Vermont

          (xxxix) W ashington

          (xl)     West Virginia

          (xli)    Wisconsin

          (xlii)   Wyoming

  4.       The Credit Facilities

  5.       Items 27 through 80 of Schedule 3.7(a)(T) are incorporated by reference herein.

  6.       Items 1, 5, 23, 28, 31, 32, 47, 48 and 51 of Schedule 3.7(a~)(ni) are incorporated by
           reference herein.

DB2/31377814.10                                   8

                                         Schedule 4.3
                            Consents and Approvals; No Violations.

   1.       Schedule 3.5 (Consents and Requisite Governmental Approvals; No Violations)
            incorporated in its entirety by reference herein.


                                        Schedule 6.3
                                 Money Transmitter Consents

 Applications or Notices need to be filed in a total of 48 U.S. jurisdictions where JPay Inc.
 licensed as a money transmitter.
 Formal Applications and Approvals:
    1. Alaska                                             18. Minnesota
    2. Arizona                                            19. Mississippi
    3. Arkansas                                           20. Nevada
    4. California                                         21. New Jersey
    5. Colorado                                           22. New Mexico
    6. Delaware                                           23. New York
    7. D.C.                                               24. North Carolina
    8. Florida                                            25. North Dakota
    9. Georgia                                            26. Ohio
    10. Hawaii                                            27. Oklahoma
    11. Illinois                                          28. Puerto Rico
    12. Iowa                                              29. South Dakota
      13.   Kansas                                        30. Texas
      14.   Kentucky                                      31. Vermont
      15.   Louisiana                                     32. Virginia
      16.   Maryland                                      33. Washington
      17.   Michigan                                      34. Wyoming
                                                          35. South Carolina

 Notice States:
    1. Alabama                                            8.    Oregon
    2. Connecticut                                        9.    Pennsylvania
     3.     Idaho                                         10.   Rhode Island
     4.     Maine                                         11.   Tennessee
     5.     Nebraska                                      12.   Utah
     6.     New Hampshire                                 13.   West Virginia
     7.     Missouri                                      14.   Wisconsin

DB2/31377814.10                                87

                Attachment 2
Amendment to final page of Attachment 7 of the
        STI Aug. 11, 2017 Ex Parte

 1.1(a) - 3.4(d); 3.7(a) - 3.24; 6.1



      SCHEDULE 5.3

Document Created: 2017-08-14 11:59:59
Document Modified: 2017-08-14 11:59:59

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