STI August 28 Ex Par


STI August 28 Ex Parte Submission


This document pretains to ITC-T/C-20170511-00094 for Transfer of Control on a International Telecommunications filing.


                                                                                                     Squire Patton Boggs (US) LLP
SQUIRE©                                                                                              2550 M Street, NW
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                                                                                                     Paul Besozzi
                                                                                                     T    +1 202 457 5292


August 28, 2017

Ms. Marlene H. Dortch
Federal Communications Commission
445 12th Street, SW
Washington, DC 20554

            Re:        Notice of Ex Parte and Ex Parte Submission1 - WC Docket No. 17-126:
                       ITC-T / C-20170511-00094:  ITC-T/C-20170511-00095     -   Secums
                       Investment Holdings. LLC; Securus Technologies. Inc.: T-NETIX.
                       Inc.; and T-NETIX Telecommunications Services. Inc.

Dear Ms. Dortch:
        On August, 24, 2017, the undersigned counsel for Securus Investment Holdings,
LLC, Securus Technologies, Inc., T-NETIX, Inc., and T-NETIX Telecommunications
Services, Inc. (collectively “STI”) in connection with the pending request for approval of the
indirect transfer of control of STI’s domestic and international Section 214 authority2
through a parent-level transaction (“Transaction”), telephonically advised Madeleine Findley,
Deputy Chief, Wireline Competition Bureau, that the California Public Utilities Commission

' Undersigned counsel submit this Notice of Ex Parte pursuant to Section 1.1206(b) of the
Commission’s rules. 47 C.F.R. § 1.1206(b).
2 joint Application of Securus Investment Holdings, LLC, Tranferor, Securus Technologies, Inc., Licensee
T-NETIX, Inc., Licensee T-NETIX Telecommunications Services, Inc., Licensee, and SCRS Acquisition
Corporation For Grant of Authority Pursuant to Section 214 of the Communications Act of 1934, as
amended, and Sections 63.04 of the Commission’s Rules to Transfer Indirect Ownership and Control of
Licensees to FCRT Acquisition Corporation, WC Docket 17-126 (filed May 11, 2017), ITC-T/C-
20170511-00094, ITC-T/C-20170511-00095 (filed May 11, 2017).

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Squire Patton Boggs (US) LLP
August 28, 2017

Page 2

(“CPUC”) had that day approved STBs then pending application for indirect transfer of
control to SCRS Acquisition Corporation.
          A copy of the CPUC order reflecting that approval is enclosed.

                                                       Respectfully submitted,

                                                        5aul C. Besozzi
                                                       Squire Patton Boggs (US) LLP
                                                       2550 M Street, NW
                                                       Washington, DC 20037
                                                       Counsel for Securus Investment Holdings,
                                                       TJ.C; Securus Technologies, Inc.; T-
                                                       NETIX,       Inc.;     and        T-NETIX
                                                       Telecommunications Services, Inc.
cc: Chairman Ajit Pai
     Commissioner Mignon Clyburn
    Commissioner Michael O’Rielly
    Commissioner Jessica Rosenworcel
    Commissioner Brendan Carr
    Kris Monteith, Chief, Wireline Competition Bureau
    Tom Sullivan, Chief, International Bureau
    Jay Schwarz, Office of Chairman Pai
    Kristine Fargotstein, Office of Chairman Pai
    Jim Bird, Office of General Counsel
    Madeleine Findley, Wireline Competition Bureau
    Daniel Kahn, Wireline Competition Bureau
    Jodie May, Wireline Competition Bureau
    Sherwin Siy, Wireline Competition Bureau
    Dennis Johnson, Wireline Competition Bureau
    Tracey Wilson, Wireline Competition Bureau
    David Krech, International Bureau
    Sumita Mukhoty, International Bureau
    Lee G. Petro, Counsel for Petitioners
    William B. Wilhelm, Counsel for Transferee.

ALJ/PM6/ek4                                                       Date of Issuance 8/25/2017

Decision 17-08-029 August 24, 2017


In the Matter of the Joint Application of SCRS
INVESTMENT HOLDINGS, LLC, and SECURUS                               Application 17-05-011
TECHNOLOGIES, INC. (U6888C) for Approval
to Transfer Indirect Control of Securus
Technologies, Inc.


        This decision grants the unopposed joint application of SCRS Acquisition
Corporation (SCRS), Securus Investment Holdings, LLC (SIH), and Securus
Technologies, Inc. (STI) (U6888C), (together the "Applicants") for authorization,
pursuant to Public Utilities Code Section 854,1 to transfer indirect control of STI
to SCRS.
        This proceeding is closed.

1.     Parties to the Transaction
        Securus Technologies, Inc. (STI) is a Delaware corporation.2 STI holds a
certificate of public convenience and necessity (CPCN) to operate as a
nondominant interexchange carrier.3

1 All Code references are to the Public Utilities Code, unless otherwise stated.
2 See Application at 2 and 5. STI's business address is 4000 International Parkway, 6th Floor,
Carrollton, TX 75007.

194614550                                  -1-

A.17-05-011 ALJ/PM6/ek4

        Securus Investment Holdings, LLC (SIH) is a limited liability company
organized under the laws of Delaware.34 It presently holds 100% of the stock of
Connect Acquisition Corp. (Connect),5
        SCRS Acquisition Corporation (SCRS) is a holding company created for
the purposes of this transaction. It is wholly owned by SCRS Holding
Corporation, a Delaware corporation.6

2.     Proposed Transaction
       Under the (SCRS, SIH, and STI's (Applicants) proposed transaction, SCRS
will acquire 100% of the stock of Connect, which will result in SCRS having
indirect control of STI.7 Applicants represent that with SCRS's acquisition of
indirect control of STI, there will be no modifications to STI's existing price lists
or customer contracts. STI will continue under the same management, and

3 See Decision (D.) 04-05-049, in which the Commission authorized STI, then operating under
the name, Evercom Systems, Inc., to provide resold interLATA and intraLATA services in
California. According to its application, STI notified the Commission of its name change by
advice letter filed on September 21, 2010.
4 See Application at 2 and 5. SIH's business address is c/o ABRY Partners,
111 Huntington Street, 29th Floor, Boston, MA 02199.
5 See D.11-12-041, in which the Commission authorized transfer of control of STI to Castle
Harlan Partners V, L.P. (Castle) in 2011. Through the 2011 transaction, Connect (94% owned by
Castle), acquired 100% of the stock of Securus Holdings Inc., which has indirect control over
6 See Application at 2 and 5. SCRS Holding Corporation will receive private equity investments
sponsored by Platinum Equity, LLC in connection with the transaction. SCRS's business
address is c/o Platinum Equity, 360 North Crescent Drive, South Building, Beverly Hills,
California 90210.
7 Exhibit D to the Application includes charts of the existing corporate structure of the Joint
Applicants as well as the intended post-transaction corporate structure.


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customers will continue to receive the same rates, terms and conditions that
currently apply.8
        Applicants further represent that the reason for entering into the
transaction is to give STI access to additional financial resources to enable it to
better meet the needs of their customers and better compete in the
telecommunications marketplace.9

3.      Discussion
        The Applicants request Commission authorization pursuant to § 854 for
the transfer of indirect control of STI to SCRS. Section 854 states, in relevant part,
as follows:

        No person or corporation...shall merge, acquire, or control
        either directly or indirectly any public utility organized and
        doing business in this state without first securing
        authorization to do so from the commission...Any merger,
        acquisition, or control without that prior authorization shall
        be void and of no effect.

        Section 854 requires that the Commission review a proposed transaction,
before it takes place, in order to assure that it is in the public interest. The
Commission has broad discretion under § 854 to approve or reject a proposed
transaction. If necessary and appropriate, the Commission may attach
conditions to a transaction in order to protect and promote the public interest.10
        When a company that does not possess a CPCN desires to acquire control
of a company or companies that do possess a CPCN, the Commission will apply

8 Application at 11.
9 Id.
10 D.01-06-007,2001 Cal. PUC LEXIS 390, *24.


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the same requirements to the acquiring company as would be applied to an
initial applicant seeking the type of CPCN held by the company being acquired.

4.     Financial Qualifications
       An applicant who desires to operate as a provider of resold interexchange
services must demonstrate that it has a minimum of $25,000 in cash or cash
equivalent for operations of the company, plus the costs of deposits to be paid to
other carriers. In confidential exhibits to the application,11 Applicants have
provided financial documents which demonstrate that SCRS meets the
Commission's financial requirements for the issuance of a CPCN authorizing the
provision of resold interexchange services.
       If, as promised, the transaction will provide STI with additional financial
resources, it will become a stronger competitor in California's
telecommunications marketplace. The transaction will be transparent to
customers, and will not harm the public. In addition, the application is

5.     Technical Qualifications
       An applicant is required to make a reasonable showing of technical
expertise in telecommunications or a related business. Exhibit H to the
Application contains biographies of the key management personnel of both STI12

11 Joint Applicants filed Exhibit E - Stock Purchase Agreement by and among Securus
Investment Holdings, LLC, Connect Acquisition Corp. and SCRS Acquisition Corporation;
Exhibit F - Financial Information for Transferee SCRS and Exhibit G - Audited Consolidated
Financial Report of Securus Technologies Holdings, Inc. and Subsidiaries under seal.
12 Richard Smith, Chief Executive Officer and Board Chairman of STI, and Robert Pickens,
President of STI together have decades of experience in telecommunications. Dennis Reinhold,
Vice President, General Counsel and Secretary of STI, has legal and technology related patent
and acquisition experience.


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and SCRS' parent entity.13 The biographies reflect experience in accounting, legal
matters and merger and acquisitions work. STI will continue to be managed and
operated by the same officers and personnel after the acquisition. Therefore,
applicants have met the Commission's requirement for a showing of technical
expertise in telecommunications.

6.     Disclosures Under § 17000 et seq. of the California
       Business and Professions Code
        The Joint Applicants filed verifications, under penalty of perjury, from
SCRS, SIH and STI14 that no affiliate, officer, director, partner, or owner of more
than ten percent, or any person acting in that capacity, has filed for bankruptcy
or been sanctioned by any state regulatory commission for failure to comply with
any regulatory statute, rule or order; and that no such person has been found
criminally or civilly liable for a violation of § 17000 et seq. of the California
Business and Professions Code or for any actions that involved
misrepresentations to consumers, or is currently under investigation for similar
violations.15 Thus, applicants satisfy the Commission's requirements for
regulatory disclosures.

13 Mary Ann Sigler is President, Treasurer and Chief Compliance Officer of Platinum Equity.
Ms. Sigler's background is in accounting and taxation. She has extensive experience managing
high profile acquisitions and disposition for corporate clients. Eva M. Kalawski is Vice
President and Secretary of Platinum Equity. She has legal and human resources background.
14 Eva M. Kalawski, Vice President and Secretary of SCRS, signed on behalf of SCRS. Dennis J.
Reinhold, Vice President, General Counsel and Secretary of SIH, signed on behalf of SIH, STI
and Connect.
15 See Application at 9, section 10.


A.17-05-011 ALJ/PM6/ek4

7.     California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA)
       CEQA requires the Commission as the designated lead agency, to assess
the potential environmental impact of a project in order that adverse effects are
avoided, alternatives are investigated, and environmental quality is restored or
enhanced to the fullest extent possible.
       This application proposes no new construction. Accordingly, there is no
possibility that the transaction described herein may have any significant impact
on the environment.
       We therefore find that the transaction is not adverse to the public interest
and grant the application pursuant to § 854.

8.     Categorization and Need for Hearings
       In Resolution ALJ176-3398, dated May 25, 2017, the Commission
preliminarily categorized this application as ratesetting, and preliminarily
determined that hearings were necessary. No protests have been received.
Therefore, although the preliminary determination was that there would be need
for hearing, we agree with the conclusion of the assigned Commissioner that
there are no contested issues of material fact which require a need for hearing.16
Accordingly, we revise our preliminary determination to find that hearings are
not necessary.

9.     Waiver of Comment Period
       This is an uncontested matter in which the decision grants the relief
requested. Accordingly, pursuant to Section 311(g)(2) of the Public Utilities Code

16 See Section 6 of July 31,2017 Scoping Memo and Ruling of Assigned Commissioner Liane M.


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and Rule 14.6(c)(2) of the Commission's Rules of Practice and Procedure, the
otherwise applicable 30-day period for public review and comment is waived.

10.      Motion for Protective Order
         Pursuant to Pub. Util. Code § 583 and General Order 66-C, the Joint
Applicants request that the financial information in Exhibits E, F and G
submitted with the application be kept under seal. The financial information,
comprised of audited consolidated financial statements of Securus Technologies
Holdings, Inc., a stock purchase agreement by and among SIH, Connect, and
SCRS, and other financial information is proprietary and sensitive. We have
granted similar requests in the past and will do so here. The financial
information will be kept under seal for a period of two years after the effective
date of this order.

11.     Assignment of Proceeding
         Liane M. Randolph is the assigned Commissioner and Patricia Miles is the
assigned Administrative Law Judge in this proceeding.
Findings of Fact
      1. STI, a Delaware corporation, holds a CPCN to operate as a nondominant
interexchange telecommunications carrier in California.
      2. SCRS is a holding company, wholly owned by SCRS Holding Corporation,
which has been created to receive private equity investments sponsored by
Platinum Equity, LLC in connection with the acquisition transaction.
   3. Connect is a company owned by Castle, which the Commission in 2011
authorized to acquire 100% of the stock of Securus Holding Inc.
Securus Holdings Inc. has indirect control over STI.
   4. Under the proposed transaction, SCRS will acquire 100% of the stock of
Connect, which will result in SCRS having indirect control of STI.


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   5. SCRS does not hold a CPCN authorizing the company to provide
telecommunications services in California.
    6. After the acquisition, STI will retain its CPCN, will continue to operate
under the same management, and will provide the same range of services, terms
and rates that it presently offers.
   7. The Joint Applicants have filed financial documents under seal which
show that SCRS meets the Commission's financial requirements for issuance of a
CPCN authorizing the provision of resold interexchange service.
   8. SCRS and STI have demonstrated sufficient technical expertise in
telecommunications to meet Commission requirements for approval of this
transaction, because STI will retain its present day-to-day management.
   9. The proposed transaction is intended to give STI access to additional
financial resources to enable it to better meet the needs of their customers and
better compete in the telecommunications marketplace.
 10. Pursuant to Rule 11.4, Applicants have filed a motion for leave to file
confidential materials contained in Exhibits E, F and G to the application, under
 11. Notice of this application appeared on the Commission's Daily Calendar
on May 18, 2017.
 12. There are no protests to this Application.
 13. No hearing is necessary.
Conclusions of Law
   1. Under Section 854, the Commission must approve any transfer of control
of a regulated utility in order to ensure that the transfer is in the public interest
and is not adverse to the interests of customers.


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   2. The Commission will apply the same requirements to a request for
approval of an agreement for the transfer of control of a provider of
telecommunications services within California as it does to an initial applicant
for authority to provide such services.
  3. STI will retain its current day-to-day management after the acquisition by
SCRS and will therefore have sufficient technical expertise in
telecommunications to meet Commission requirements for approval of this
   4. The Joint Applicants have met the Commission's requirements for
approval of a transfer of control.
   5. This transaction is not adverse to the public interest.
   6. Applicants' motion to file their Exhibits E, F and G to the application under
seal is granted for two years.
   7. Since this matter is uncontested, this decision should be effective on the
date it is signed.

      IT IS ORDERED that:
   1. The joint application of SCRS Acquisition Corporation, Securus
Investment Holdings, LLC, and Securus Technologies, Inc. (U6888C) for
authorization, pursuant to Public Utilities Code Section 854, to transfer indirect
control of Securus Technologies, Inc. to SCRS Acquisition Corporation, is
   2. Securus Technologies, Inc. must maintain its performance bond of at least
$25,000 in accordance with Decision 13-05-035. The performance bond must be a
continuous bond (i.e., there is no termination date on the bond) issued by a
corporate surety company authorized to transact surety business in California,


A.17-05-011 ALJ/PM6/ek4

and the Commission must be listed as the obligee on the bond. Securus
Technologies, Inc. must submit a Tier-1 advice letter annually, but not later than
March 31.
   3. Securus Technologies, Inc. must not allow its performance bond to lapse
during any period of its operation. Pursuant to D.13-05-035, the Commission
may revoke a CPCN if a carrier is more than 120 days late in providing the
Director of the Communications Division a copy of its executed performance
bond and the carrier has not been granted an extension of time by the
Communications Division.
   4. Within five days of the closing of the transaction, the surviving entities
shall notify the Commission's Communications Division, by letter, of the
consummation of the transaction.
   5. The joint motion of SCRS Acquisition Corporation, Securus Investment
Holdings, LLC, and Securus Technologies, Inc. (U6888C) to file Exhibits E, F and
G to the application under seal is granted. The information will remain under
seal for a period of two years after the date of issuance of this order. During this
two-year period, this information may not be viewed by any person outside of
the Commission, except as agreed to in writing by the parties or their successors
in interest, or as ordered by a court of competent jurisdiction. If SCRS
Acquisition Corporation, Securus Investment Holdings, LLC, or Securus
Technologies, Inc. (U6888C) or their successors in interest, believe that it is
necessary for this information to remain under seal for longer than two years,
they or their successors in interest may file a new motion at least 30 days before
the expiration of this limited protective order.


A.17-05-011 ALJ/PM6/ek4

  6. Application 17-05-011 is closed.
  7. This order is effective today.

     Dated August 24, 2017, at San Francisco, California.

                                      MICHAEL PICKER
                                      CARLA J. PETERMAN
                                      LIANE M. RANDOLPH
                                      MARTHA GUZMAN ACEVES
                                      CLIFFORD RECHTSCHAFFEN


Document Created: 2017-08-28 11:19:14
Document Modified: 2017-08-28 11:19:14

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