STI Benefits Letter.


Ex Parte Submission - Benefits


This document pretains to ITC-T/C-20170511-00094 for Transfer of Control on a International Telecommunications filing.


SQUIREC)                                                                                              Squire Patton Boggs (US) LLP
                                                                                                      2550 M Street, NW
                                                                                                      Washington, DC 20037
                                                                                                      O +1 202 457 6000
                                                                                                      F    +1 202 457 6315

                                                                                                      Paul Besozzi
                                                                                                      T    +1 202 457 5292


July 21, 2017

Marlene H. Dortch
Federal Communications Commission
445 12th Street, SW
Washington, DC 20554

           Re:         joint At nlication to Transfer Domestic and International Section 214
                       Authorizations, WC Docket No. 17-126; ITC-T /C-20170511-00094; ITC-
                       T/C-20170511-00095 Securus Investment Holdings. LLC; Securus

                       Technologies, Inc.; T-NETIX, Inc.; and T-NETIX
                       Telecommunications Services, Inc.

Dear Ms. Dortch:

       Securus Investment Holdings, LLC; Securus Technologies, Inc.; T-NETIX, Inc.; and
T-NETIX Telecommunications Services, Inc. (collectively "STI"); and SCRS Acquisition
Corporation ("SCRS") (collectively, with STI, the "Applicants"), by and through the
undersigned counsel, and per the request of certain staff in the Federal Communications
Commission Wireline Competition Bureau ("WCB"),' hereby provide information on STI
prospective and existing services and programs to benefit both the inmate and law
enforcement communities that STI serves. STI fully expects to implement and continue to
support these initiatives with resources provided by the proposed transferee.

' On July 19, 2017, representatives of the Applicants met with certain FCC staff to discuss
the above referenced pending joint applications. A notice of ex parte will be timely filed in
accordance Section 1.1206 of the Commission's rules. 47 C.F.R. § 1.1206.
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July 21, 2017

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"Find A lob" Assistance Prosram

Within the first 12 months following the transfer of control, STI will invest approximately
$6 Million in programs to assist inmates prior to being released from jail/prison in finding
and applying for jobs that they would begin post release. Nearly 650,000 people are
released from state and federal prison yearly, and far greater numbers reenter the job market
from local jails; each of them need a job. Through this investment, STI is committed to
assisting soon to be released inmates in (i) nationwide job searches; (ii) matching skills to
available jobs; and (iii) getting jobs—all of which will have a direct impact on reducing
recidivism. This will be a free-of-charge service.

State Department Of Corrections Offerings.

Within the first 12 months following the transfer of control, STI will invest up to $5 million
in connection with programs with one or more state departments of correction systems
("DOC") which will include the following features:

    •    Inmate Tablets. STI will provide approximately 10,000-15,000 inmate tablets free
         of charge, pre-loaded with DOC-approved and authorized content, including off-line
         entertainment, as well as educational and religious content. Such tablets will also
         allow inmates to place telephone calls at normal rates via the tablet from their cell,
         while maintaining all security requirements.

    •    Tablet Administrators.        STI will provide full-time tablet administrators free of
         charge to facilitate the tablet program at the direction of the DOC. These individuals
         will operate within the guidelines set forth by DOC personnel and will assist the
         DOC staff in delivering meaningful learning opportunities to the inmate population.

    •    CellSense Detection Devices.      STI will provide approximately 100 CellSense
         detection devices, manufactured by MetraSens free of charge to the DOCs, to help
         combat contraband cell phones. CellSense is a portable, ferrous-metal detection
         system that detects all cell phones regardless of if it is switched on or off or
         concealed in a body cavity. It also alerts to other ferrous metal contraband on/in
         inmates such as shanks, knives, razors, lighters, tattoo guns . . . etc. CellSense
         conducts a full body scan in a single walk-by and can screen up to 30 people per
         minute. It can also be placed horizontally to quickly screen mattresses, laundry, and
         mail or hung up on the wall to screen staff and visitors.

    •    Investigative Support. Through STI's industry-first team of more than 100 highly
         trained analysts, STI will monitor an agreed upon percentage (e.g., up to seven
         percent (7%)) of all inmate calls and provide live, real-time investigative analysis to


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July 21, 2017

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         establish links between selected inmates and called parties and to identify activities
         such as gang, drug, victimization, extortion, and other nefarious activities.
    •    Call Pattern Analysis and Alerting with THREADS. In addition to the
         investigative support, STI will utilize the only call pattern analysis and alerting
         solution that was designed and built exclusively for law enforcement and corrections
         use to identify trends within inmate calling patterns and issue an indicator when
         pattern changes occur.
    •    Voice Recognition, Identification, and Analysis Using STI's Investigator Pro
         (IPRO). Using first-in-the-industry ability to identify, not just that multiple inmate
         voices appear within a call, but to identify and report the names of all inmate voices
         that appear within a call, Investigator Pro will verify the inmate identity via voice
         identification and continuously monitor every call to identify additional/different
         voices throughout the call.
    •    Compare Called Parties by Voice with Searchable Voice. This exclusive feature
         of IPRO compares called parties by voice and identifies potential matches for all
         inmate calls statewide. It gives investigators the ability to select a voice sample from
         either the inmate or called party side of an inmate's telephone call and then use that
         sample to search for all other calls where that voice occurs.
    •    MBE/WBE Participation. STI recognizes the importance of partnering with
         organizations that have historically been underutilized or disadvantaged in the
         workforce, such as Minority Business Enterprise (MBE) and Women Business
         Enterprise (WBE). STI is committed to continued inclusion of and partnering with
         state-certified M/WBEs in providing services to the DOCs.

STI will use access to post-closing resources to continue the following existing programs:
    •    Free Inmate Calls. STI provides inmates with approximately 180 million free calls,
         per year. In Alaska, STI provides 10,000 free calls per month for indigent inmates.
    •    Educational and Rehabilitative Tablet Content. Where permitted by facility
         administrators, STI offers inmates the opportunity for tablet-based education and
         rehabilitation programs, including GED and other educational courses, as well as
         access to job search applications. These programs allow inmates to advance their
         education and search for post-release employment opportunities. STI's tablet
         program also includes self-improvement tools, including books and podcasts.


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July 21, 2017

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      •   Law Library. Where permitted by facility administrators, STI provides inmates with
          access to complete federal- and state-specific law libraries, through STI's tablets and
          inmate terminals, allowing for easy electronic research and analysis.
      •   Prison Entrepreneurship Program. STI works with the Prison Entrepreneurship
          Program, which provides unparalleled resources and real-world values-based
          business skills to inmates so that inmates reintroduced into society have the tools,
          skills, and support structure to pursue healthy, fulfilling, and productive lives.
      •   Correctional Officer Memorial Fund. This fund provides financial assistance to
          grieving families of non-administrative correctional officers who have fallen in the
          line of duty at any of STI's customer facilities, including payment of one year's salary
          to the families of fallen officers.
      •   The Securus Foundation. The Securus Foundation is a recently launched non-
          profit foundation dedicated to reducing recidivism rates and modernizing the re-
          entry process for returning citizens.
      •   United Way Contributions. STI associates contributed more than $437,000 in
          2017 (some portion of which is directed to inmate education programs) to make the
          company's total nine-year commitment more than $1.7 million.
With the completion of the transfer of control and the financial backing of Platinum,
Securus believes that it will be better able to continue existing benefits and work toward
adding further benefits to those listed. With the new financial backing Securus expects it will
have a greater ability to advance its research, develop new technology, and continue to fund
programs that benefit inmates, families, friends, and the public.

                                                         Y           y sub d,

                                                          Squire Patton Boggs (US) LLP
                                                          2550 M Street, NW
                                                          Washington, DC 20037
                                                          Counsel for Securus Investment Holdings,
                                                          LLC; Securus Technologies, Inc.; T-
                                                          NETIX, Inc.; and T-NETIX
                                                          Telecommunications Services, Inc.
cc:       Chairman Ajit Pai
          Commissioner Mignon Clyburn
          Commissioner Michael O'Rielly
          Brendan Carr, General Counsel
          Kris Monteith, Chief, Wireline Competition Bureau

Squire Patton Boggs (US) LLP
July 21, 2017

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         Tom Sullivan, Chief, International Bureau
         Jay Schwarz, Office of Chairman Pai
         Kristine Fargotstein, Office of Chairman Pai
         Jim Bird, Office of General Counsel
         Madeleine Findley, Wireline Competition Bureau
         Daniel Kahn, Wireline Competition Bureau
         Jodie May, Wireline Competition Bureau
         Sherwin Siy, Wireline Competition Bureau
         Tracey Wilson, Wireline Competition Bureau
         David Krech, International Bureau
         Sumita Mukhoty, International Bureau
         Lee G. Petro, Counsel for Petitioners
         William B. Wilhelm, Counsel for Transferee


Document Created: 2017-07-21 14:44:53
Document Modified: 2017-07-21 14:44:53

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