Ex Parte Submission.


Ex Parte Submission


This document pretains to ITC-T/C-20170511-00094 for Transfer of Control on a International Telecommunications filing.


SQUIRE::                                                                                              Squire Patton Boggs (US) LLP
                                                                                                      2550 M Street, NW
PATTON BOGGS                                                                                          Washington, DC 20037

                                                                                                      O +1 202 457 6000
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                                                                                                      Paul Besozzi
                                                                                                      T +1 202 457 5292


July 20, 2017

Marlene H. Dortch
Federal Communications Commission
445 12th Street, SW
Washington, DC 20554

            Re: Ex Parte Submission       WC Docket No. 17-126; ITC-T/C-20170511-

                  00094; ITC-T /C-20170511-00095 Securus Investment Holdings, LLC;

                  Securus Technologies, Inc.; T-NETIX, Inc.; and T-NETIX
                  Telecommunications Services, Inc.

Dear Ms. Dortch:

        Securus Investment Holdings, LLC, Securus Technologies, Inc., T-NETIX, Inc., and
T-NETIX Telecommunications Services, Inc. (collectively "STI") and SCRS Acquisition
Corporation ("SCRS") (collectively, with STI, the "Applicants"), by and through the
undersigned counsel, and pursuant to Section 1.1206(b) of the Commission's rules, hereby
respond to the Ex Parte Response of the Wright Petitioners, filed on July 14, 2017 ("Wright
Ex Parte") t by their counsel in connection with the pending indirect transfer of control
application filed by the Applicants. 2

 Wright Petitioners Ex Parte Submission, WC Docket No. 17-126, ITC-T/C-20170511-
00094, ITC-T/C-20170511-00095 (filed July 14, 2017).
 Joint Application of Securus Investment Holdings, LLC, Transferor, Securus Technologies, Inc., Licensee
T-NETIX, Inc., Licensee T-NETIX Telecommunications Services, Inc., Licensee, and SCRS Acquisition
Corporation For Grant of Authority Pursuant to Section 214 of the Communications Act of 1934, as
amended, and Sections 63.04 and 63.24 of the Commission's Rules to Transfer Indirect Ownership and
Control of Licensees to SCRS Acquisition Corporation, WC Docket 17-126 (filed May 11, 2017),

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Squire Patton Boggs (US) LLP
July 20, 2017

Page 2

        The Wright Petitioners are among the petitioners to deny or delay approval of the
pending Joint Application ("Petitioners"). 3 This Ex Parte Response focuses in particular on
correcting certain assertions made in the Wright Ex Parte.

        1. STI Did Not Violate FCC Rules On Flat Rate or Per-Call Charges — STI
reiterates that even if Sections 64.6080 and 64.6090 were applicable to intrastate inmate
calling services ("ICS") rates, STI did not violate—and thus could not be continuing to
violate—those provisions.

           The Wright Ex Parte cites three facilities—Boulder County Jail, Boulder, Colorado;
Cypress Creek, Texas; and Sandy Creek, Texas—as "evidence" that "local ICS
rates.. . .remained as per-call or flat rate charges" (emphasis in original). But currently, STI does
not provide ICS services at any of these facilities.

        At the Boulder County Jail, STI has not provided ICS for almost a decade (i.e.,
service was deactivated November 1, 2007). STI currently only provides unregulated
information services, accessible to inmates and friends and families without charge,
regarding, for example, court dates or release dates. Because STI does provide non-ICS
services at Boulder County, the billing system has remained active but STI does not, and has
not provided ICS at Boulder for 10 years.

         The two Texas facilities were actually Cypress Creek Park and Sandy Creek Park. The
rates cited applied to public payphones that were located in the parks and the phones were
removed on April 16, 2016. In any case, the rules the Wright Ex Parte claims were violated
by STI do not apply to public payphones, which are of course, not ICS.

      The Wright Ex Parte asserts that the fees cited in their Reply establish violations of
FCC rule Sections 64.6080 and 64.6090 because "inmates and their families in more than

ITC-T/C-20170511-00094, ITC-T/C-20170511-00095 (filed May 11, 2017) ("Joint
 Petition To Deny By The Wright Petitioners, Cititien United For Rehabilitation Of Errants, Prison
Policy Initiative, Human Rights Defense Center, The Center For Media Justice, Working Narratives,
United Church Of Christ, OC, Inc., and Free Press, dated June 16, 2017, WC Docket 17-126; ITC-
T/C-20170511-00094; ITC-T/C-20170511-00095 ("Petition"); See Opposition To Petition To
Deny By The IYlright Petitioners, Cititien United For Rehabilitation Of Errants, Prison Policy Initiative,
Human Raghts Defense Center, The Center For Media Justice, Working Narratives, United Church Of
Christ, OC, Inc., and Free Press, dated June 16, 2017, WC Docket 17-126; ITC-T/C-20170511-
00094; ITC-T/C-20170511-00095, filed June 26, 2017 ("Opposition"); Reply To Opposition By
The Wright Petitioners, Cititien United For Rehabilitation Of Errants, Prison Policy Initiative, Human
Kzghts Defense Center, The Center For Media Justice, Working Narratives, United Church Of Christ,
OC, Inc., and Free Press, dated June 16, 2017, WC Docket 17-126; ITC-T/C-20170511-00094;
ITC-T/C-20170511-00095 ("Reply").

Squire Patton Boggs (US) LLP
July 20, 2017

Page 3

200 correctional facilities are charged significantly less for the second minute and subsequent
minutes of each intrastate ICS call.” This statement in and of itself concedes that STI is not
imposing a “single fee for Inmate Calling Services call[s]” and thus is not in violation of
Section 64.6090.4 Nor does a varied per-minute charge reflect a “one-time fee charged to a
Consumer at call initiation.”5 As a result, there has been no violation of Section 64.6080.

        Again, even if these requirements applied to intrastate calling, neither is violated by
the rate structures challenged by the Petitioners. For that reason alone, the Petition should
be promptly dismissed and/or denied, and there should be no further delay in granting the
Joint Application.

        2. States Continue To Play A Role In ICS Rates – The Wright Ex Parte does not
contest that 20 states in which STI operates continue to impose rate caps or tariffing
requirements on intrastate ICS rates. By any reasonable definition that is a “role” in
regulating such rates. That is the point that STI made and the accounting is fully correct. STI
remains in full compliance with these requirements in all 20 states, including the existing
New Jersey rate cap law.

       The Wright Ex Parte claims that this state role over STI rates should in effect be
ignored because STI had an advocacy role in state regulatory and legislative decisions to
exempt regulation of Voice over Internet Protocol (‘VoIP”) and Internet-Protocol (“IP”)-
enabled service rates from state regulation. STI has had no such role in those state decisions.

         First, STI did not participate in the rulemaking proceeding initiated by the Iowa
Utilities Board (“Board”) in May of 2016 to consider rule changes, including restriction of
the Board’s own jurisdiction over IP-enabled services.6 Nor, to STI’s knowledge, did any
other ICS provider. These rule changes were a deregulatory initiative by the Board itself.
After the revised Board rules became effective on March 22, 2017,7 STI determined that its
IP-enabled ICS met the definitional requirements and notified the Board of its intent to
withdraw its tariff. The Board suspended any such withdrawal, established a proceeding and
set a schedule to consider STI’s request. Unless or until the Board finally agrees with that
conclusion, STI remains in full compliance with its existing approved tariff in Iowa and will
continue to remain subject to the Board’s jurisdiction.

    47 C.F.R. § 64.6000(h).
    47 C.F.R. § 64.6000(o).
 In Re: Amendments To Telecommunications Services Regulations [199 IAC 22], Order
Commencing Rulemaking, May 18, 2016.
    Iowa Admin. Code r. 199-22.1(3) (2017).

Squire Patton Boggs (US) LLP
July 20, 2017

Page 4

        Similarly, STI did not play any role in the Massachusetts 2016 decision to enact a
similar statutory provision regarding jurisdiction over IP-enabled services. 8 This was a
decision undertaken by the Massachusetts legislature and the governor, well before STI
sought to withdraw its tariff.

          The fact that these two states decided to adopt such jurisdictional exemptions and
that STI has sought to qualify thereunder does not warrant any conclusion that STI was not
forthright with the Commission about the role states continue to play. Further, and
consistent with all of the allegations made in Petitioners' filings, those state actions have no
bearing whatsoever on whether the proposed parent-level transfer of control is in the public

                                                              Res ct y sub tted,

                                                              Paul C. Besot
                                                              Squire Patton Boggs          ) P
                                                              2550 M Street, NW
                                                              Washington, DC 20037
                                                              Counsel for Securus Investment Holdings,
                                                              LLC; Securus Technologies, Inc.; T-
                                                              NETIX, Inc.; and T-NETIX
                                                              Telecommunications Services, Inc.
cc:        Chairman Ajit Pai
          Commissioner Mignon Clybum
           Commissioner Michael O'Rielly
          Brendan Carr, General Counsel
          Kris Monteith, Chief, Wireline Competition Bureau
          Tom Sullivan, Chief, International Bureau
          Jay Schwarz, Office of Chairman Pai
          Kristine Fargotstein, Office of Chairman Pai
          Jim Bird, Office of General Counsel
          Madeleine Findley, Wireline Competition Bureau
          Daniel Kahn, Wireline Competition Bureau
          Jodie May, Wireline Competition Bureau
          Sherwin Siy, Wireline Competition Bureau
          Tracey Wilson, Wireline Competition Bureau
          David Krech, International Bureau
          Sumita Mukhoty, International Bureau
          Lee G. Petro, Counsel for Petitioners
          William B. Wilhelm, Counsel for Transferee

8   Mass. Ann. Laws ch. 25C, § 6A (2016).

Document Created: 2017-07-20 11:13:36
Document Modified: 2017-07-20 11:13:36

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