CTL-L3 FCC Applicati

LETTER submitted by CenturyLink, Inc.

CTL-L3 FCC Application Supplement 12-19-16


This document pretains to ITC-T/C-20161212-00348 for Transfer of Control on a International Telecommunications filing.


                                                             December 19, 2016


Marlene H. Dortch, Secretary
Federal Communications Commission
445 Twelfth Street, S.W.
Washington, D.C. 20554

          Re:     WC Docket No. 16-403

                  File Nos. ITC-T/C-20161213-00343, ITC-T/C-20161212-00344,
                            ITC-T/C-20161212-00345, ITC-T/C-20161212-00346,
                            ITC-T/C-20161212-00347, ITC-T/C-20161212-00348

                  File Nos. SCL-T/C-20161212-00022, SCL-T/C-20161212-00023
                            SCL-T/C-20161212-00024, SCL-T/C-20161212-00025

Dear Ms. Dortch:

        CenturyLink, Inc. (“CenturyLink”) and Level 3 Communications, Inc. (“Level 3” and
together with CenturyLink the “Applicants”) submit this letter to supplement their applications to
transfer control of Level 3 and its operating subsidiaries to CenturyLink. 1 This submission
provides additional information in response to questions from Commission staff.

       As explained in the Application, the transfer of control will enable the Applicants to
combine their complementary networks to, among other things, improve their ability to invest
and compete for the long term. 2 In this regard, by acquiring Level 3, CenturyLink will be

  The Applicants filed a number of different applications, as required by Commission rules, in
connection with their request to transfer control. See, e.g., CenturyLink, Inc., and Level 3
Communications, Inc., Consolidated Application to Transfer Control of Domestic and
International Section 214 Authorizations, WC Docket No. 16-403 (filed December 12, 2016)
(“Domestic 214 Application”). Unless otherwise noted, citations herein are to the Domestic 214
Application, but, for ease of reference, this supplement refers to all applications collectively as
the “Application.”
    See id. at B-1.

          •   A global telecommunications network of more than 209,000 owned or controlled 3
              route miles of fiber, including approximately 129,000 route miles of fiber in the
              North America region, 4 47,000 route miles in the LATAM and EMEA regions, and
              33,000 subsea route miles. Of the 209,000 route miles of fiber owned or controlled
              today by Level 3 in the North America region, approximately 70,000 are long-haul
              fiber and 59,200 are metro fiber. 5

          •   Owned or controlled fiber into 34,755 buildings (based on unique addresses) in the
              United States. Of these 34,755 buildings, 6,225 (approximately 18 percent) are
              located in CenturyLink’s ILEC region, and 28,530 (approximately 82 percent) are
              located outside of this region.

          •   A global IP network and global IP transport business, which, respectively, are ranked
              first by the Center for Applied Internet Data Analysis (“CAIDA”) and Dyn’s
              “Baker’s Dozen” list (by comparison, and as noted in the Application, CenturyLink is
              listed seventeenth in the CAIDA rankings and does not make the Dyn Baker’s Dozen
              list at all). 6

         The Application describes the myriad public interest benefits of the proposed
transaction. 7 It also explains why the proposed combination of CenturyLink and Level 3 will not
result in any countervailing harms. 8 Specifically, to support the claim that the transaction will
not meaningfully diminish competition for the delivery of enterprise services, the Applicants
noted that their analysis led them to tentatively conclude that the proposed combination will
result in only 90 2:1 buildings within CenturyLink’s ILEC region where there is not a
competitive provider within 0.1 mile, and 10 2:1 buildings outside of CenturyLink’s ILEC region
where there is not a competitive provider within 0.1 mile. 9 To put these figures in context, the
  As used herein with regard to fiber, the term “owned or controlled” includes fiber held through
long-term IRUs.
  Level 3’s North America region refers to the United States and Canada. Fewer than 1,000 of
the 129,000 route miles of fiber owned or controlled by Level 3 in the North America region are
in Canada.
 Level 3 does not have separate “dark fiber” and “lit fiber” network routes; while Level 3 sells
dark fiber where it has availability, all of Level 3’s route miles are lit. Generally, Level 3 does
not own or control facilities using any technology other than fiber to serve the last mile. Level 3
has a de minimis number of last mile routes that use microwave technology.
 Id. at B-16 to B-17, n.24 and n.25; citing Center for Applied Internet Data Analysis, AS Rank:
AS Ranking, http://as-rank.caida.org/?mode0=as-ranking&data-selected=39 (last visited Dec. 12,
2016) and Dyn, A Baker’s Dozen, 2015 Edition (Apr. 12, 2016), http://hub.dyn.com/dyn-blog/a-
    See Application at B-4 to B-14.
    See id. at B-14 to B-21.
  Id. at B-19. CenturyLink’s ILEC region consists of portions of the following 37 states:
Alabama, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Florida, Georgia, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana,

total number of overlapping fiber-fed buildings (that is, buildings into which both CenturyLink
and Level 3 today own or control fiber) is 3,468 within CenturyLink’s ILEC region and 1,327
outside of this region.

         As explained in the Application, 10 CenturyLink and Level 3 tentatively determined that
there are only 90 2:1 buildings within CenturyLink’s ILEC region and 10 2:1 buildings outside
of this region where there is not a competitive provider within 0.1 mile as follows: first, the
Applicants identified the total number of overlapping fiber-fed buildings within CenturyLink’s
ILEC region and outside of this region. This resulted in the 3,468 and 1,327 figures noted above.
Each of these buildings was then compared to the datasets described on pages B-18 and B-19 of
the Application’s (i.e., GeoResults, Level 3-supplied lists (based on its competitive intelligence),
FCC Form 477 data, and information from cable company websites) to assess the presence of in-
building or nearby competitors. 11 Overlapping buildings for which one or more in-building or
nearby competitor was found (e.g., buildings that could be described as “3:2” or “4:3” buildings)
were then removed, as were overlapping buildings for which competitors were found to be
within 0.1 mile of the building. Using this methodology, the Applicants tentatively determined

Iowa, Kansas, Louisiana, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska,
Nevada, New Jersey, New Mexico, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon,
Pennsylvania, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Virginia, Washington,
Wisconsin and Wyoming. However, in many of these states CenturyLink’s ILEC operations are
exceedingly small, sometimes limited to only a few communities. A map depicting the areas in
which CenturyLink operates as an ILEC can be found in Attachment A hereto. CenturyLink
provides ILEC services in these regions through its CenturyTel, Qwest Corporation and Embarq
Corporation operating companies. Although CenturyLink also has a CLEC/IXC subsidiary
(CenturyLink Communications, LLC) that provides certain types of services in these (and all
other) states and in the CenturyLink ILEC regions, this non-ILEC affiliate provides interstate
services and intrastate toll services in these ILEC regions and does not provide services for
which the ILEC is subject to traditional ILEC regulation, such as TDM-based local voice
services or TDM-based special or switched access services. CenturyLink anticipates that the
Level 3 operating companies will continue to operate as CLECs/IXCs (as applicable) post-
transaction, including in the CenturyLink ILEC regions. CenturyLink will be evaluating the
extent to which any services offered by the Level 3 operating companies overlap with
CenturyLink’s ILEC services, and, if so, whether they will continue to do so in the future. To
the extent that such services are interstate multi-location in nature, they would be the same type
offered today by CenturyLink’s CLEC/IXC operating subsidiary and likely would continue to be
offered as such by the Level 3 operating companies in the future.
     See Application at B-18 to B-19.
   A passage in the Application suggests that a list of 2:1 buildings was compared by address to
the GeoResults and Level 3 competitive intelligence data. See Application at B-18. What was
compared to the GeoResults and Level 3 competitive intelligence data, however, was a list of
buildings where the Applicants concluded that their fiber networks overlapped. Accordingly, the
list of buildings would have been better described as “overlap” buildings. For many of these
buildings, and as explained above and in the Application, further investigation revealed the
presence of another provider with fiber facilities in the building; additional investigation revealed
the presence of additional alternative providers in the building or nearby.


that there are only 90 (out of a total of 3,468) fiber-fed 2:1 buildings within CenturyLink’s ILEC
region and 10 (out of a total of 1,327) fiber-fed 2:1 buildings outside of this region where there is
not a competitive provider within 0.1 mile of the building.

        With regard to the Application’s assessment of competition on long-haul routes, the
Applicants determined that out of the universe of total overlapping long-haul fiber routes served
by both CenturyLink and Level 3 in which each owns or controls the fiber, only three relatively
short routes are not also served by one or more of AT&T, Comcast, and/or Verizon. 12 These
three short routes — Boise, ID, to Portland, OR; Jackson to Seminary, MS; and Birmingham to
Montgomery, AL — are, however, also served by at least one other fiber provider, as described
in the Application. 13

        As described in the Consolidated Application to Transfer Control of the Submarine Cable
Landing Licenses, Level 3 Telecom of Hawaii LP (“Level 3 Hawaii”) is a joint cable landing
licensee for the Hawaiian Islands Fiber Network. 14 The entities that will hold a 10-percent-or-
greater direct or indirect voting or equity interest in Level 3 Hawaii are described therein, 15 and
Level 3 Hawaii (which also provides service pursuant to a domestic Section 214 authorization) is
among the direct subsidiaries of Level 3 Telecom Holdings II, LLC (“Level 3 TH II”), identified
as the “Level 3 Domestic 214 Licensees Group A” entities (the “Group A Entities”) in Exhibit A
thereto. 16 Although pages A-3 and A-4 of that Exhibit A correctly identify Level 3 TH II as
holding a 99 percent interest in the Group A Entities, page A-5 of that Exhibit A mistakenly
refers to the Group A Entities as “wholly-owned” by Level 3 TN II. A corrected page A-5 (with
the reference to term “wholly-owned” stricken) can be found in Attachment B hereto.

      A corporate organizational chart depicting generally the post-consummation relationship
between Level 3’s existing operating subsidiaries and those of CenturyLink can be found in
Attachment C hereto.

     See id. at B-18.
     Id. at n.28.
  See CenturyLink, Inc., and Level 3 Communications, Inc., Consolidated Application to
Transfer Control of Submarine Cable Landing Licenses, SCL-T/C-20161212-00024 (filed
December 12, 2016) (“Level 3 Hawaii SCL Application”) at 5-6.
     Id. at 13.
     Id. at A-3 to A-5.


          Please contact the undersigned should you have questions concerning this submission.

                                                               Respectfully submitted,


      /s/ Thomas Jones                               /s/ Yaron Dori
      Thomas Jones                                   Yaron Dori
      Mia Guizzetti Hayes                            Michael Beder
      WILLKIE FARR & GALLAGHER LLP                   Brandon Johnson
      1875 K Street, N.W.                            Ani Gevorkian
      Washington, DC 20006                           COVINGTON & BURLING LLP
      (202) 303-1000                                 One City Center
      tjones@willkie.com                             850 Tenth Street, N.W.
      mhayes@willkie.com                             Washington, DC 20001
                                                     (202) 662-6000

      Its Attorneys                                  Its Attorneys


cc:       Terri Natoli
          Brian Hurley
          Mike Ray


                   Attachment A

              CenturyLink ILEC Regions

ILEC Region

                                                               Attachment B

                     List of Level 3 Entities Providing Service Pursuant to Blanket Domestic Section 214 Authority

                  Group A:                                      Group B:                                     Group C:

Level 3 domestic Section 214 entities        Level 3 domestic Section 214 entities that     Level 3 domestic Section 214 entities
that are direct subsidiaries of Level 3       are direct, wholly—owned subsidiaries of         that are direct, wholly—owned
      Telecom Holdings IL, LLC                    Level 3 Telecom Holdings, LLC               subsidiaries of Level 3 Telecom
                                                                                                  Management Co., LLC

Level 3 Telecom of California, LP          Level 3 Telecom of Arizona, LLC                Level 3 Telecom of Alabama, LLC
Level 3 Telecom of Florida, LP             Level   3   Telecom of Colorado, LLC           Level 3 Telecom of Arkansas, LLC
Level 3 Telecom of Georgia, LP             Level   3   Telecom Data Services, LLC         Level   3   Telecom of D.C., LLC
Level 3 Telecom of Hawaii, LP**            Level   3   Telecom of Idaho, LLC              Level   3   Telecom of Kansas City, LLC
Level   3   Telecom of Indiana, LP         Level   3   Telecom ofIllinois, LLC            Level   3   Telecom of Kentucky, LLC
Level   3   Telecom ofNew Jersey, LP       Level 3 Telecom of Towa, LLC                   Level   3   Telecom of Louisiana, LLC
Level   3   Telecom ofNew York, LP         Level 3 Telecom of Minnesota, LLC              Level   3   Telecom of Maryland, LLC
Level   3   Telecom ofNorth Carolina, LP   Level 3 Telecom of New Mexico, LLC             Level   3   Telecom of Mississippi, LLC
Level   3   Telecom of Wisconsin, LP       Level 3 Telecom of Ohio, LLC                   Level   3   Telecom ofNevada, LLC
                                           Level   3   Telecom of Oregon, LLC             Level   3   Telecom of Oklahoma, LLC
                                           Level   3   Telecom of South Carolina, LLC     Level   3   Telecom of Virginia, LLC
                                           Level   3   Telecom of Tennessee, LLC
                                           Level   3   Telecom of Texas, LLC
                                           Level   3   Telecom of Utah, LLC
** Also holds submarine cable landing      Level 3 Telecom of Washington, LLC

                                                                                 Attachment C

                                                   CenturyLink Post-Transaction Operating Company Affiliate Relationships

                                                                                CenturyLink, Inc.

                                          CenturyLink                     CenturyTel          ILEC
                                       Communications, LLC                                  Operating          Qwest Communications             Embarq Corporation
  Wildcat Holdco, LLC                                                     Holdings,
                                                                                            Companies            International Inc.
                                   Operates as a CLEC/IXC in 50 states

 WWG Merger Sub LLC                                                        ILEC                                                                      ILEC
                                                                         Operating                           Qwest Services Corporation
                                                                         Companies                                                                 Companies

  Level 3 Companies
    (Refer to Exhibit A                                                                                           Qwest Corporation
      of Consolidated                                                                                        Operates as an ILEC in 14 states
Application for More Detail)                                                                                 AZ, CO, ID, IA, MN, MT, NE, NM,
                                                                                                                 ND, OR, SD, UT, WA, WY


        Includes operating companies directly
        and indirectly held by immediate parent.

Document Created: 2019-04-09 02:24:35
Document Modified: 2019-04-09 02:24:35

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