Attachment Transfer Application

This document pretains to ITC-T/C-20161209-00339 for Transfer of Control on a International Telecommunications filing.


                                   Before the
                              Washington, D.C. 20554

In the Matter of the Joint Application of           )
Zayo Group, LLC                                     )           WC Docket No. 16-_____________
and                                                 )           IB File Nos. ITC-T/C-2016________
                                                    )                        ITC-T/C-2016________
Electric Lightwave Parent, Inc.,                    )                        ITC-T/C-2016________
                                                    )                        ITC-T/C-2016________
For Grant of Authority Pursuant to Section 214      )                        ITC-T/C-2016________
of the Communications Act of 1934, as amend-        )
ed, and Sections 63.04 and 63.24 of the Com-        )
mission’s Rules to Transfer Indirect Control of     )
Domestic and International Section 214 Authori-     )
zation Holders to Zayo Group, LLC                   )

                                    JOINT APPLICATION

       Zayo Group, LLC (“Zayo” or “Transferee”) and Electric Lightwave Parent, Inc. (“EL

Parent”) (together, “Applicants”), pursuant to Section 214 of the Communications Act of 1934,

as amended (the “Act”), 47 U.S.C. § 214, and Sections 63.04 and 63.24 of the Commission’s

Rules, 47 C.F.R. §§ 63.04 & 63.24, request Commission approval to transfer indirect control of

the subsidiaries of EL Parent listed in Exhibit A that hold domestic or international Section 214

authorizations (collectively, the “Licensees”) to Transferee.

       In support of this Application, Applicants provide the following information:


       A.      Zayo Group, LLC

       Zayo is a wholly owned subsidiary of Zayo Group Holdings, Inc. (“Holdings”), a public-

ly traded Delaware corporation (NYSE: ZAYO). Holdings has no majority owner. Zayo is a

provider of bandwidth infrastructure and network neutral colocation and interconnection services

over regional and metropolitan fiber networks. These services enable customers to manage,

operate, and scale their telecommunications and data networks. Such customers consist primarily

of wireless service providers, national and regional telecommunications carriers and other

communications service providers, media and content companies, schools, hospitals, govern-

ments, banks and other bandwidth-intensive enterprises.

        B.      Electric Lightwave Parent, Inc.

        EL Parent is a privately held Delaware corporation that functions as a holding company

and does not provide telecommunications in its own right. Through its wholly owned subsidiar-

ies, EL Parent owns and operates a number of telecommunications providers that operate primar-

ily in Arizona, California, Colorado, Idaho, Minnesota, Montana, Nevada, North Dakota,

Oregon, Utah, and Washington. EL Parent’s subsidiaries provide a broad range of communica-

tion and networking services primarily to business customers, wholesale carriers, web content

providers, government organizations, and educational institutions. EL Parent’s incumbent local

exchange carrier subsidiary, Scott-Rice Telephone Co. (“SRTC”), also services residential

customers. These services include but are not limited to facilities-based, integrated, resold and

facilities-based local, resold long distance, Internet, broadband transport and data services. EL

Parent operates an extensive network with access to over 12,500 fiber miles and over 3,200

fiber-lit buildings.

        A summary of the entities that currently hold, directly or indirectly, a ten percent (10%)

or greater interest in EL Parent is provided in Exhibit B.


        Pursuant to the Agreement and Plan of Merger, dated as of November 29, 2016, by and

among Zayo, ZELMS, Inc. (a direct, wholly owned subsidiary of Zayo created for purposes of

the merger) (“Merger Sub”), EL Parent, and Fortis Advisors LLC, as the Equityholder Repre-

sentative (the “Agreement”), Zayo will acquire all of the outstanding equity interests in EL


Parent (the “Transaction”). Specifically, Merger Sub will merge with and into EL Parent, where-

upon the separate existence of Merger Sub will cease and EL Parent will be the surviving corpo-

ration. As a result, EL Parent will become a direct, wholly owned subsidiary of Zayo. Licensees

will remain indirect subsidiaries of EL Parent and, therefore, Licensees will become indirect

subsidiaries of Zayo. Diagrams depicting the pre- and post-Transaction corporate ownership

structures are appended hereto as Exhibit C.


        Pursuant to Section 63.24(e)(2) of the Commission’s Rules, the Applicants submit the

following information requested in Section 63.18 (a)-(d) and (h)-(p) in support of this Applica-


        (a)    Name, address and telephone number of each Applicant:


               Zayo Group, LLC                              FRN: 0016555849
               1805 29th Street, Suite 2050
               Boulder, CO 80301
               Tel: 303-381-4683

        EL Parent:

               Electric Lightwave Parent, Inc.              FRN: 0026075382
               18110 SE 34th St
               Building One, Suite 100
               Vancouver, WA 98683
               Tel: 360-558-6900


               A list of authorized carriers and their FRNs is attached as Exhibit A. The address
               and telephone number for each Licensee is the same as that for EL Parent.

        (b)    Jurisdiction of Organizations:

        Transferee:   Zayo is a limited liability company formed under the laws of Delaware.

        EL Parent:    EL Parent is a corporation formed under the laws of Delaware.


           Licensees:    The jurisdiction of organization of each Licensee is included in Exhibit A.

           (c)    (Answer to Question 10) Correspondence concerning this Application should be

sent to:

For Zayo:                                          For EL Parent and the Licensees

           Catherine Wang                                 Douglas Denney
           Brett P. Ferenchak                             Vice President, Costs & Policy
           Morgan, Lewis & Bockius LLP                    Electric Lightwave
           2020 K Street, N.W., Suite 1100                18110 SE 34th St
           Washington, DC 20006-1806                      Building One, Suite 100
           202-373-6000 (tel)                             Vancouver, WA 98683
           202-373-6001 (fax)

With copies for Zayo to:

           Wendy Cassity, VP, Secretary & General Counsel
           Gregg Strumberger, General Counsel
           Zayo Group
           1805 29th St., Suite 2050
           Boulder, CO 80301

           (d)    Section 214 Authorizations

           Transferee:   Zayo holds international Section 214 authority to provide global or limited
                         global facilities-based and resale services granted in IB File No. ITC-214-
                         20091106-00475.1 Zayo also is authorized to provide interstate service by
                         virtue of blanket domestic Section 214 authority. 47 C.F.R. § 63.01.

           EL Parent:    EL Parent is a holding company with no operations and does not hold do-
                         mestic or international Section 214 authority.

           Licensees:    The following Licensees hold international Section 214 authorizations:

       Zayo’s indirect subsidiary, Zayo Group EU Limited (f/k/a AboveNet Communications
Europe Limited), provides international telecommunications services, pursuant to Section
63.21(h), under the international Section 214 authorization of Zayo.


International Section 214                   Type of Authorization     File No(s).
Authorization Holder
Electric Lightwave Holdings, Inc.L          Global Facilities-Based   ITC-214-19970820-00500
                                            Services and Resale
The following subsidiaries of Electric      Services
Lightwave Holdings, Inc. operate under
its International Section 214 Authoriza-
tion pursuant to 47 C.F.R. § 63.21(h):

    Integra Telecom ofldaho, Inc.
    Integra Telecom of Minnesota, Inc.
    Integra Telecom of No1th Dakota, Inc.
    Integra Telecom of Oregon, Inc.
    Integra Telecom of Utah, Inc.
    Integra Telecom of Washington, Inc.
    Scott-Rice Telephone Co.

Electric Lightwave, LLC                     Resold Public Switched    ITC-214-1994041500137
                                            Services and Global       (Old File No. ITC-94-277);
                                            Resale Services           ITC-214-19980616-00425
                                                                      (Old File No. ITC-98-472)
Eschelon Telecom, Inc.                      Resold Public Switched    ITC-214-19990729-00490
The following subsidiaries of Eschelon      Services and Global
Telecom, Inc. operate under its Intema-     Resale Service
tional Section 214 Autho1ization pursu-
ant to 47 C.F.R. § 63 .21(h):
    Advanced TelCom, Inc.
    Eschelon Telecom of Arizona, Inc.
    Eschelon Telecom of Colorado, Inc.
    Eschelon Telecom of Minnesota, Inc.
    Eschelon Telecom of Nevada, Inc.
    Eschelon Telecom of Oregon, Inc.
    Eschelon Telecom of Utah, Inc.
    Eschelon Telecom of Washington, Inc.
    Mountain Telecommunications of
       AI·izona, Inc.
    OneEighty Communications, Inc.
    Oregon Telecom, Inc.
    Shared Communications Se1vices, Inc.
    United Communications, Inc.

        The Commission 's public international authorization database (IBFS) cmTently lists the
name of this authorization as Integra Telecom Holdings, Inc. On August 8, 2016, Electric
Lightwave Holdings, Inc. filed with the Commission a letter regarding the name change from
Integra Telecom Holdings, Inc., but the FCC's database does not cun ently reflect that change.


International Section 214                 Type of Authorization       File No(s).
Authorization Holder
opticAccess, LLC                          Global or Limited           ITC-214-20140922-00266
                                          Global Facilities-Based
                                          Service an d Resale
World Communications, Inc.                Global or Limited           ITC-214-20051011-00431
                                          Global Resale Service

                       Each of th e Licensees, except Electi·ic Lightwave Holdings, Inc., is author-
                       ized to provide interstate service by virtue of blanket domestic Section 214
                       authority. 47 C.F.R. § 63.01.

       (h)     (A nswer to Questions 11 & 12) The Licensees ar e each indirect, wholly owned

subsidiar ies of EL Par ent as depicted on the ownership structure chaii provided as Exhibit C. Of

th e entities that ai·e in the chain of ownership of one or more of the Licensees, EL Pai·ent an d the

following inten nediate pai·ent companies are holding companies:

               Elech'ic Lightwave Communications, Inc., an Oregon C01poration.
               Elech'ic Lightwave Holdings, Inc. (a Licensee), an Oregon Co1poration.
               Mountain Telecom, Inc., a Delawai·e co1poration.
Each of th ese entities has the saine address as EL Pai·ent.

       The following entities will hold, directly or indirectly, a ten percent (10%) or greater in-

terest3 in EL Parent upon completion of the Transaction as calculated pursuant to the Cormnis-

sion 's ownership atti-ibution mles for wireline an d international telecormnunications caiTiers:

       Unless othe1wise indicated, the ownership interests provided herein represent both equity
and voting interests.


Post-Transaction Ownership of EL Parent:

       Upon completion of the Transaction, the following entity will directly, wholly own EL

              Name:                  Zayo Group, LLC
              Address:               1805 29th Street, Suite 2050
                                     Boulder, CO 80301
              Citizenship:           U.S. (Delaware)
              Principal Business:    Telecommunications
              % Interest:            100% (directly)

       The following entity currently holds a ten percent (10%) or greater direct interest in Za-

              Name:                  Zayo Group Holdings, Inc. (“Holdings”)
              Address:               1805 29th Street
                                     Boulder, CO 80301
              Citizenship:           U.S. (Delaware)
              Principal Business:    Holding Company
              % Interest:            100% (directly in Zayo)

       The following entities and individuals currently hold a ten percent (10%) or greater, di-
       rect or indirect, interest in Holdings:

              Name:                  GTCR Partners X/A&C LP
              Address:               300 N. LaSalle Street, Suite 5600
                                     Chicago, IL 60654
              Citizenship:           U.S. (Delaware)
              Principal Business:    Investments
              % Interest:            Approx. 18.70% (indirectly in Holdings as the general
                                     partner of (i) GTCR Fund X/A LP (approx. 9.31% direct
                                     interest in Holdings), (ii) GTCR Fund X/C LP (approx.
                                     2.67% direct interest in Holdings) and (iii) GTCR Investors
                                     (CII) LP (approx. 6.73% direct interest in Holdings))

                      Name:                  GTCR Investment X LLC
                      Address:               300 N. LaSalle Street, Suite 5600
                                             Chicago, IL 60654
                      Citizenship:           U.S. (Delaware)
                      Principal Business:    Investments
                      % Interest:            Approx. 18.79% (indirectly in Holdings as the gen-
                                             eral partner of (i) GTCR Partners X/A&C LP and
                                             (ii) GTCR Co-Invest X/C LP (approx. 0.08% direct
                                             interest in Holdings))


                      The following individuals are members of the board of managers of
                      GTCR Investment X LLC, are all U.S. citizens, and can be reached
                      through GTCR Investment X LLC:

                                      Mark M. Anderson
                                      Craig A. Bondy
                                      Philip A. Canfield
                                      David A. Donnini
                                      Constantine S. Mihas
                                      Collin E. Roche
                                      Sean L. Cunningham
                                      Aaron D. Cohen

                      To Zayo’s knowledge, no other person or entity, directly or indirectly,
                      owns or controls a 10% or greater interest in Holdings through GTCR
                      Partners X/A&C LP or GTCR Investment X LLC.

       Holdings is a publicly traded company (NYSE: ZAYO) whose stock ownership varies on

a daily basis. Based on information filed with the SEC with respect to Holdings and other

information provided to Holdings, to the knowledge of Zayo’s management, no other person or

entity currently holds a 10% or greater direct or indirect interest in Zayo. Additional information

regarding Holdings’ ownership is available in Holdings’ most recent proxy statement available



       Except for the foreign carrier subsidiaries listed in (i) below, which share certain officers

and/or directors as Zayo, Zayo does not have any interlocking directorates with a foreign carrier.

       (i)     (Answer to Question 14) Transferee certifies that it is a non-dominant foreign car-

rier in Canada by virtue of its Reseller Registration and Basic International Telecommunication

Services (“BITS”) License. Transferee is also currently affiliated within the meaning of Section

63.09(e) of the Commission’s rules, 47 C.F.R. § 63.09(e), with the following foreign carriers

(collectively, the “ZG Foreign Carriers”):


Country          Affiliate Name          Description of the Company

Canada           Zayo Canada, Inc.       Zayo Canada is a direct, wholly owned subsidia1y of
(WTO Member)     ("Zayo Can ada")        Zayo.

                 A Canadian entity       Zayo Can ada holds a BITS License an d Registrations
                                         as a Competitive Local Exchange CaiTier, Reseller,
                                         Reseller of High Speed Internet Service, an d Reseller
                                         of Digital Subscriber Line Service in Can ada.

Canada           Allstreain Business,    ABI is an indirect, wholly owned subsidiaiy of Zayo.
(WTO Member)     Inc. ("ABI")
                                         ABI holds a BITS License and a Registration as a
                 A Canadian entity       Reseller.

France,          Zayo Group EU           Zayo-EU is an indirect, wholly owned subsidiaiy of
Ge1many,         Limited ("Zayo-EU")     Zayo.
United Kingdom   A UK entity             Zayo-EU provides primarily lit services between the
(WTO Members)                            United Kingdom and Fran ce, Gen nany and Nether-

Ge1many and      Zayo Group UK           Zayo-UK is an indir ect, wholly owned subsidiaiy of
United Kingdom   Limited                 Zayo.
(WTO Members)    ("Zayo-UK")
                                         Zayo-UK provides dedicated fiber networks primari-
                 A UK entity             ly used for data services, lit services, and access to
                                         network facilities.

Japan            MFN JapanKK             ABN-Japan is a direct, wholly owned subsidiaiy of
(WTO Member)     ("ABN-Japan")           Zayo.

                 A Japanese entity.      ABN-Japan foimerly provided peering services but is
                                         essentially don nant at this time.

United Kingdom   Geo Networks Limited.   Geo Networks is an indirect, wholly owned subsidi-
and Ireland      ("Geo Networks")        aiy ofZayo.
(WTO Members)
                 A U.K. entity.          Geo Networks provides dedicated fiber networks
                                         primarily used for data services and access to net-
                                         work facilities.


Country             Affiliate Name          Description of the Company

United Kingdom      Geo Metro Limited       Geo Metro is a direct, wholly owned subsidiaiy of
(WTO Member)        ("Geo Metrn")           Geo Networks.

                    A U.K. entity.          Geo Metro provides dedicated fiber networks primar -
                                            ily used for data services and access to network

Ireland             Emerald Bridge Fibres   Geo Networks, which is an indirectly, wholly owned
(WTO Member)        Limited                 subsidia1y of Zayo, directly owns 50% of Emerald
                    ("Emerald Bridge")      Bridge.

                    An Irish Entity.        Emerald Bridge is registered as an Authorized
                                            Undertaking with the Commission for Communica-
                                            tions Regulation in Ireland an d provides a subsea
                                            cable service between Dublin, Ireland an d Anglesea,
                                            Wales, UK.

United Kingdom      FibreSpeed Limited      FibreSpeed is a direct, wholly owned subsidiaiy of
(WTO Member)        ("FibreSpeed")          GEO.

                    A U.K. entity.          FibreSpeed provides dedicated fiber networks
                                            primarily used for data. services and access to net-
                                            work facilities.

     France,        Zayo France SAS         Zayo-France is an indirect, wholly owned subsidiaiy
United Kingdom,     (fo1merly known as      ofZayo.
     Spain,         Neo Telecoms SAS)
    Geimany,        ("Zayo-France")         Zayo-France provides fiber networks primai·ily used
Austria, Switzer-                           for data services, IP transit, lit services, and cloud
  land, Nether-     A French entity.        services.
(WTO Members)
     France         Neocenter Est SARL      Zayo-France directly owns approximately 32.86% of
(WTO Member)        ("Neo-Est")             Neo-Est. Neo telecom Group SAS, the direct parent
                                            company of Zayo-France, directly owns approxi-
                    A French entity.        mately 17.14% of Neo-Est. As the indirect parent of
                                            Zayo-France and Neo Telecom Group SAS, Zayo
                                            indirectly owns approximately 50% ofNeo-Est.

                                            Neo-Est provides lit services, colocation and related


Country        Affiliate Name        Description of the Company

   France      Neocenter Ouest SAS   Zayo-Fran ce directly owns approximately 36.58% of
(WTO Member)   ("N eo-Ouest")        Neo-Ouest.

               A French entity.      Neo-Ouest provides lit services, colocation and
                                     related services.

   France      NeoClyde SAS          Zayo-France, an indirect, wholly owned subsidiaiy of
(WTO Member)   ("N eoClyde")         Zayo, directly owns 50% ofNeoClyde.

               A French entity.      NeoClyde provides lit services, colocation and
                                     related services.

  Belgium      Zayo Infrastrncture   ZI-Belgium is a direct, wholly owned subsidiaiy of
(WTO Member)   Belgium NV            Zayo.
                                     ZI-Belgium provides dedicated fiber networks
               A Belgium entity.     primarily used for data services, lit services, an d
                                     access to network facilities

  Ge1many      Zayo Infrastrncture   ZI-Deutschlan d is a direct, wholly owned subsidiaiy
(WTO Member)   Deutschland GmbH      ofZayo.
                                     ZI-Deutschlan d provides dedicated fiber networks
               A Gen nan entity.     primarily used for data services, lit services, and
                                     access to network facilities.

   France      Zayo Infrastrncture   ZI-Fran ce is a direct, wholly owned subsidiaiy of
(WTO Member)   France SA             Zayo.
                                     ZI-Fran ce provides dedicated fiber networks primai·i-
               A French entity.      ly used for data services, lit services, and access to
                                     network facilities.

   Ireland     Zayo Infrastrncture   ZI-Ireland is a direct, wholly owned subsidiaiy of
(WTO Member)   Ireland Ltd.          Zayo.
                                     ZI-Ireland provides dedicated fiber networks primai·i-
               An Irish entity.      ly used for data services, lit services, and access to
                                     network facilities.


Country             Affiliate Name            Description of the Company

  Netherlan ds      Zayo Infrastrncture       ZI-Nederlan d is a direct, wholly owned subsidiaiy of
(WTO Member)        Nederland B.V.            Zayo.
                    ("ZI-N ederland")
                                              ZI-Nederlan d provides dedicated fiber networks
                    A Dutch entity.           primai·ily used for data services, lit services, and
                                              access to network facilities.

  Switzerland       Zayo Infrastrncture       ZI-Switzerland is a direct, wholly owned subsidiaiy
(WTO Member)        Switzerlan d AG           ofZayo.
                                              ZI-Switzerlan d provides dedicated fiber networks
                    A Swiss entity.           primai·ily used for data services, lit services, and
                                              access to network facilities.

United Kingdom      Zayo Infrastrncture       ZI-(UK) is a direct, wholly owned subsidiaiy of
(WTO Member)        (UK) Ltd.                 Zayo.
                                              ZI-(UK) provides dedicated fiber networks primai·ily
                    A U.K. entity.            used for data services, lit services, and access to
                                              network facilities.

  Singapore         Zayo Singapore Pte.       Zayo-Singapore is a direct, wholly owned subsidia1y
(WTO Member)        Ltd.                      ofZayo.
                                              Zayo-Singapore has applied for a Service Based
                    A Singaporean entity.     Operator (Individual) license, and is expecting
                                              issuance of the license in December 2016.

       Similarly, Licensees will be affiliated with Zayo and the ZG Foreign CaiTiers upon com-

pletion of the Transaction.

       CmTently, Licensees are affiliated with Electric Lightwave Communications, Inc.

("ELCI''), a British Columbia c01poration that holds a BITS License and a Registration as a Non-

Dominant Facilities-Based CaiTier in Can ada. Upon completion of the Transaction, ELCI will

also be affiliated with Zayo and the ZG Foreign Can iers.

       (j)     (A nswer to Questi on 15) Transferee ce1iifies that, through its acquisition of con-

trol of Licensees, Transferee does not seek to provide international telecommunications services


to any destination country where two or more foreign carriers (or parties that control foreign

carriers) own, in the aggregate more than 25 percent of Transferee and are parties to, or the

beneficiaries of, a contractual relation affecting the provision or marketing or international basic

telecommunications services in the United States. However, Transferee certifies that it is a non-

dominant foreign carrier and also is affiliated with a non-dominant foreign carrier as described in

(i) above. Upon completion of the Transaction, Transferee and Licensees will be affiliated with

multiple non-dominant foreign carriers, as described in (i) above, including the ZG Foreign

Carriers and ELCI.

       (k)     Transferee certifies that each country listed in (i) above is a Member of the World

Trade Organization (“WTO”). None of Zayo, the ZG Foreign Carriers or ELCI is on the Com-

mission’s List of Foreign Telecommunications Carriers that are Presumed to Possess Market

Power in Foreign Telecommunications Markets, released on January 26, 2007. In addition, each

of these foreign carriers offers services in competition with dominant foreign carriers and others.

       (m)     Transferee qualifies for a presumption of non-dominance under Section

63.10(a)(1) and (3) of the Commission’s rules, 47 C.F.R. § 63.10(a)(1,3), because it is a non-

dominant foreign carrier and is affiliated with non-dominant foreign carriers only in countries

that are Members of the WTO.

       (n)     Transferee and Licensees certify that they have not agreed to accept special con-

cessions, directly or indirectly, from any foreign carrier with respect to any U.S. international

route where the foreign carrier possesses market power on the foreign end of the route and will

not enter into such agreements in the future.

       (o)     Applicants certify that they are not subject to denial of federal benefits pursuant to

Section 5301 of the Anti-Drug Abuse Act of 1998. See 21 U.S.C. § 853a; see also 47 C.F.R.

§§ 1.2001-1.2003.


       (p)       Applicants respectfully submit that this Application is eligible for streamlined

processing pursuant to Section 63.12(a)-(b) of the Commission’s rules, 47 C.F.R. § 63.12(a)-(b).

Transferee qualifies for streamlined treatment under Section 63.12(c) because Transferee qualifies

for a presumption of non-dominance under Section 63.10(a)(3) for the reasons detailed in response

to paragraphs (k) and (m) above.


       Pursuant to Commission Rule 63.04(b), 47 C.F.R. § 63.04(b), Applicants submit the fol-

lowing information in support of their request for domestic Section 214 authority to transfer

indirect control of Licensees to Zayo in order to address the requirements set forth in Commis-

sion Rule 63.04(a)(6)-(12):

       (a)(6) A description of the proposed Transaction is set forth in Section III above.

       (a)(7) (i)       EL Parent does not provide telecommunications services. The Licensees

provide telecommunications services as follows:

                Collectively, the Intregra-named Licensees provide competitive local exchange,
                 interexchange, and international telecommunications services to business custom-
                 ers in Minnesota, North Dakota, Oregon, Utah and Washington and is authorized
                 to provide such services in Idaho.
                Scott-Rice is an incumbent local exchange carrier in Minnesota serving the Prior
                 Lake, New Market and Webster exchanges and also provides interexchange, in-
                 ternational and telecommunications services to residential and business custom-
                 ers. Scott-Rice also provides cable services in certain communities of Scott
                 County, Minnesota.4
                Electric Lightwave provides business and carrier customers a suite of integrated
                 telecommunications products and services (including competitive local exchange,

        Zayo does not provide local exchange services (or other telecommunications services) in
the cable franchise areas of Scott-Rice.


    interexchange data, Internet access and broadband transport services) primarily in
    metropolitan areas in Arizona, California, Idaho, Nevada, Oregon, Utah and
    Washington. Electric Lightwave is also authorized to provide intrastate interex-
    change services in Alabama, Arkansas, Colorado, Delaware, Florida, Georgia,
    Hawaii, Illinois (and competitive local exchange), Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Ken-
    tucky, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota (local
    niche services only), Mississippi, Missouri, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York
    (also authorized to provide local exchange), North Carolina, Oklahoma, Pennsyl-
    vania, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas (and competitive local exchange), Vir-
    ginia, Wisconsin and Wyoming, where it primarily serves satellite location of
    customers whose primary service locations are located in a core market(s).
   Collectively, the Eschelon-named Licensees provide competitive local exchange
    and interexchange, to business customers in Arizona, California, Colorado, Min-
    nesota, Montana, Nevada, Oregon, Utah, and Washington and are authorized to
    provide such services in Idaho and New York.
   Mountain Telecommunications of Arizona, Inc. provides competitive local ex-
    change and interexchange telecommunications services in Arizona.
   Advanced TelCom, Inc. provides competitive local exchange and interexchange
    telecommunications services in California, Nevada, Oregon and Washington.
   One-Eighty Communications, Inc. provides competitive local exchange and
    interexchange telecommunications services in Montana
   opticAccess, LLC provides competitive local exchange and/or interexchange tele-
    communications services in California, Oregon and Washington.
   Oregon Telecom, Inc. provides competitive local exchange and interexchange tel-
    ecommunications services in Oregon and is authorized to do so in Washington.
   Shared Communications Services, Inc. provides competitive local exchange and
    interexchange telecommunications services in Oregon and Washington and is au-
    thorized to provide such services in Nevada
   United Communications, Inc. provides competitive local exchange and interex-
    change telecommunications services in Oregon and Washington.


              X2 Telecom, LLC operates a festoon cable off the coast of California and pro-
               vides dark fiber to Electric Lightwave Holdings, Inc. and its affiliates. It does not
               provide service directly to end user customers.
              World Communications, Inc. provides competitive local exchange and interex-
               change telecommunications services in California, Oregon and Washington.

               (ii)    Zayo is authorized to provide competitive local exchange, competitive ac-

cess and/or interexchange in the District of Columbia and every state except Alaska and Hawaii.

Zayo’s primary telecommunications service offerings include high-capacity bandwidth services

such as private line, Ethernet, wavelength and higher services. Zayo does not provide voice

services. Zayo does not provide telecommunications services in the ILEC territory of Scott-Rice,

nor does Zayo provide telecommunications services in exchanges that are adjacent to the ILEC

territory of Scott-Rice.

               (iii)   Through GTCR Investment X, LLC, to its knowledge, Transferee is cur-

rently affiliated (as defined in the Act) with the following domestic telecommunications services

providers: (1) Telecommunications Management, LLC, which through its subsidiaries Ultra

Communications Group LLC and Avenue Broadband Communications LLC provides cable,

broadband and interconnected VoIP services to residential and commercial customers in parts of

Missouri, Indiana, Illinois, Mississippi, Louisiana, Arkansas and Texas; and (2) Onvoy, LLC and

its subsidiaries, which provide or are authorized to provide competitive local exchange and/or

interexchange telecommunications services in every state and the District of Columbia.

               (iv)    To Transferee’s knowledge, Transferee is not affiliated with any other tel-

ecommunications carriers.

       (a)(8) Applicants respectfully submit that this Application is eligible for streamlined pro-

cessing pursuant to Sections 63.03 of the Commission’s Rules, 47 C.F.R. §63.03. In particular, with

respect to domestic authority, this Application is eligible for streamlined processing pursuant to


Section 63.03(b)(2)(ii) because, immediately following the Transaction, (i) Transferee (and its

Affiliates, as defined in the Act) will have a market share in the interstate, interexchange market

of less than ten percent (10%), and (ii) Transferee (and its Affiliates) will provide competitive

telephone exchange services or exchange access services (if at all) exclusively in geographic

areas served by a dominant local exchange carrier that is not a party (or affiliate to a party) to the


        (a)(9) Other than their Section 214 authorizations described in this Application, Licen-

sees do not hold any other authorizations or licenses from the Commission.

        (a)(10) No party is requesting special consideration because it is facing imminent business

failure. However, the parties to the Transaction are targeting completion of the corporate steps

resulting in the transfer of indirect control within approximately 60 days of signing the Agreement.

Therefore, Applicants respectfully request expedited processing of the review and approval of this

application in order to allow the parties to meet this schedule.

        (a)(11) Not applicable.

        (a)(12) Applicants submit that the Transaction is in the public interest. As part of Zayo,

Licensees will continue to provide high-quality telecommunications services to consumers while

gaining access to the additional resources and operational expertise of Zayo. Licensees will also

benefit by being able to offer services to multi-location business and enterprise customers across

a larger footprint in combination with Zayo. The network of EL Parent and its subsidiaries,

including Licensees, complements Zayo’s network and the acquisition will increase Zayo’s

existing fiber footprint. Approval of the Transaction also will serve the public interest in promot-

ing competition among telecommunications carriers by providing Licensees with access to

greater financial resources that will allow them to become more effective competitors to larger

incumbent telecommunications providers. In essence, the Transaction will make Licensees and


Zayo stronger competitors and thereby benefit consumers.

       The Transaction described herein will not result in a change of carrier for any customers

or any assignment of existing Commission authorizations. Further, the rates, terms and condi-

tions of services currently provided by Licensees to their customers will not change as a result of

the Transaction. Accordingly, the Transaction will be seamless to customers, who will continue

to enjoy the same rates, terms and conditions of service as they do prior to closing. The only

immediate change resulting from the Transaction will be that the Licensees will be ultimately

owned by Zayo.


       For the reasons stated above, Applicants respectfully submit that the public interest,

convenience and necessity would be furthered by a grant of this Application to transfer indirect

ownership and control of Licensees to Transferee.

                                             Respectfully submitted,

/s/ Douglas K. Denney                       /s/ Brett P. Ferenchak
Douglas K Denney                              Catherine Wang
Vice President, Costs & Policy                Brett P. Ferenchak
Electric Lightwave                            MORGAN, LEWIS & BOCKIUS LLP
18110 SE 34th Street                          2020 K Street, N.W.
Building One, Suite 100                       Washington, DC 20006
Vancouver, WA 98683                           202-373-6000 (tel)
360-558-4318 (tel)                            202-373-6001 (fax)
763-745-8459 (fax)                        

For EL Parent and Licensees                  Counsel for Zayo Group, LLC

Dated: December 9, 2016


                                          EXIDBIT A

                                        List of Licensees

                                             Jurisdiction of
Licensee Name                                 Oreanization        FRN
Advanced TelCom, Inc.                           Delaware       0003726197
Electiic Lightwave, LLC                         Delaware       0015577745
Electiic Lightwave Holdings, Inc.                Oregon        0004257010
Eschelon Telecom, Inc.                          Delaware       0010289114
Eschelon Telecom of Arizona, Inc.              Minnesota       0003768082
Eschelon Telecom of Colorado, Inc.             Minnesota       0003767852
Eschelon Telecom of Minnesota, Inc.            Minnesota       0003767985
Eschelon Telecom of Nevada, Inc.               Minnesota       0003768074
Eschelon Telecom of Oregon, Inc.               Minnesota       0006796809
Eschelon Telecom of Utah, Inc.                 Minnesota       0003768116
Eschelon Telecom of Washington, Inc.           Minnesota       0003768041
Integra Telecom ofldaho, Inc.                    Oregon        0005071188
Integra Telecom of Minnesota, Inc.             Minnesota       0005069760
Integra Telecom of North Dakota, Inc.            Oregon        0005071014
Integra Telecom of Oregon, Inc.                  Oregon        0005069497
Integra Telecom of Utah, Inc.                    Oregon        0005069570
Integra Telecom of Washington, Inc.              Oregon        0005069588
Mountain Telecommunications of                  Arizona        0004351391
Arizona, Inc.
OneEighty Communications, Inc.                  Montana        0005075866
opticAccess, LLC                                Nevada         0022842124
Oregon Telecom, Inc.                            Oregon         0009194960
Scott-Rice Telephone Co.                       Minnesota       0002648285
Shared Communications Se1vices, Inc.            Oregon         0003753795
United Communications, Inc.                     Oregon         0003740511
World Communications, Inc.                     Washington      0004373973

                                          EXHIBIT B

                               Current Ownership of EL Parent

       The following is a summary of the entities that currently own or control a ten percent

(10%) or greater interest in EL Parent:

       1.      Collectively, funds managed by Searchlight Capital Partners, L.P., a Delaware
               limited liability company, directly own approximately 36.29% of EL Parent. Ex-
               cept for Searchlight Capital PV LP, a Delaware limited partnership that directly
               owns approximately 17.26% of EL Parent, no Searchlight Capital fund owns 10%
               or more of EL Parent. Searchlight Capital is an investment firm located at 745
               Fifth Avenue, 32nd Floor, New York, NY 10151.

       2.      Collectively, funds managed by Farallon Capital Management, L.L.C., a Dela-
               ware limited liability company, directly own approximately 17.65% of EL Parent.
               None of those funds individually owns 10% or more of EL Parent. Farallon Capi-
               tal is an investment firm located at One Maritime Plaza, San Francisco, CA

       3.      Collectively, funds managed by Tennenbaum Capital Partners, LLC, a Delaware
               limited liability company, directly own approximately 21.79% of EL Parent. Ex-
               cept for Tennenbaum Opportunities Partners V LP, a Delaware limited partner-
               ship that directly owns approximately 10.05% of EL Parent, none of the
               Tennenbaum funds owns 10% or more of EL Parent. Tennenbaum Capital is an
               investment firm located at 2951 28th Street, Suite 100, Santa Monica, CA 90405-

                         EXHIBIT C

Pre- and Post-Transaction Corporate Ownership Structure Charts

                             Current Corporate Ownership Structure of EL Parent
                                                                 I                                                    i
                                                                 i          Shareholders            i
                                                                 1 (See Application for 10% Ouners) i
                                                                  keReRIR EOEA D edecanoce. d

                                                                                     h Coprnes

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Unless otherwise indicated all ownership percentages are 100%.

                                                                               Exhibit C — Page 1

                Post—Transaction Corporate Ownership Structure of EL Parent and Zayo
* The entites listed herein only include Zayo and its
subsidiaries that (1) hold authorization to provide intrastate,
interstate or intemational telecommunications services, (2)
hold foreign authorizations, or (3) are in the chain of
ownership of those entiies. The chart excludes subsidiaries                 Zayo Group Holdings, Inc.
and affifates of Zayo that do not hold authorization to provide                      (‘Holdings*)
intrastate, interstate, international or foreign
telecommunications services
                                                                                 Zayo Group, LLC

  Zayo Canada, Inc.                      MFN Japan KK                               Zayo Group                         Zayo Singapore                               Electric Lightwave
    (ZG—Canada)                           (ABN—Japan®)                           International Ltd.                       Ple. Ltd.                                     Parent, Inc.
            |                                                                         (ZG—intt)                        (‘Zayo—Singapore")                                (‘EL Parent‘)
       Allstream                                                                                                                                                                          1
     Business, Inc.                                                                                                                                             :    See Page 1 for       |
         CABI)                                                                                                                                                  i        Subsidiaries     i
                  Neo Telecom                   Zayo                     Zayo                       Zayo                        Zayo                     Geo Networks
                   Group SAS               Infrastructure          Infrastructure             Infrastructure              Infrastructure                  Limited
                                            Belguim NV              Ireland Ltd.              (UK) Limited                 France SA                  (‘Geo Networks")
                                            (Zl—Belgum")            (Z—reland)                    (Z4u8)                   (‘Z—France")

                               Zayo Group                                                                                                   Zayo Group
                                EU Limited                  2we                       Zayo                       Zayo                       UK Limited
                                (ZayoEU")              Infrastructure            Infrastructure             Infrastructure                  (Zeyo—UC)
                                                       Deutschland              Nederland B.V.             Switzerland AG
                                                          GmbH                  (Z1—Nederland)             (Z—Switzcrland")
                Zayo France SAS                       e              »
                 (Zayo—France")                      (Zl—Deutschland")

         50%                                      32.00%                            36.50%                                  —                                              —
                                                                                                               Emerald Bridge                  Geo Metro                  FibreSpeed
      NepClyde SAS                  Neocenter Est SARL             Neocenter Ouest SAS                          Fibre Limited                   Limited                     Limited
        (NeoClyde®)                        (Neo—Est)                      (‘Neo—Ouest)                         (‘Emerald Bridge")              (‘Geo Metro‘)             (FibereSpeed")

 Unless otherwise indicated all ownership percentages are 100%.

                                                                                    Exhibit C — Page 2

                                                Current 10% Ownership of Holdings

                                                                       Members of Board of Managers -
                                                                         Mark M. Anderson, Craig A.
                                                                      Bondy, Philip A. Canfield, David A.
                                                                        Donnini, Constantine S. Mihas,
                                                                          Collin E. Roche, Sean L.
                                                                        Cunningham, Aaron D. Cohen

                                                                        GTCR Investment X LLC3

                                                                  (General Partner)

                                                                        GTCR Partners X/A&C LP2


                                                                        Zayo Group Holdings, Inc.

2 GTCR Partners X/A&C LP indirectly controls approximately an

18.70% interest in Holdings as the General Partner of (i) GTCR Fund
X/A LP (approx. 9.31% direct interest in Holdings) , (ii) GTCR Fund
X/C LP (approx. 2.67% direct interest in Holdings), and (iii) GTCR
Investors (CII) LP (approx. 6.73% direct interest in Holdings).

3 GTCR Investment X LLC indirectly controls approximately an

18.79% interest in Holdings as the General Partner of (i) GTCR
Fund X/A&C LP and (ii) GTCR Co-Invest X LP (approx. 0.08%
direct interest in Holdings).

                                                                             Exhibit C - Page 3


       I, Gregg Strumberger, am General Counsel of Zayo Group, LLC (the "Company"); that I

am authorized to make this Verification on behalf of the Company; that the foregoing filing was

prepared under my direction and supervision; and that the contents are true and correct to the

best of my knowledge, information, and belief.

       I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct. Executed this

Lfi%il;}; oWbuerzpliew 2016                                 o
                                                        ="  =
                                           /,Gféég S'tr“’umberger                     <—___)
                                    //       General Counsel
                                             Zayo Group, LLC


       I, Douglas K. Denney, am Vice President, Costs & Policy of Electric Lightwave

Holdings, Inc.; that I am authorized to make this Verification on behalf of the Electric Lightwave

Parent, Inc. and its subsidiaries (collectively, the "Company"); that the foregoing filing was

prepared under my direction and supervision; and that the contents with respect to the Company

are true and correct to the best of my knowledge, information, and belief.

       I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct. Executed this

! day of MOvyemloer__, 2016.                 &Q\h B\/

                                              Douélés K. Denney
                                              Vice President, Costs & Pohcy
                                              Electric Lightwave Holdings, Inc.


Document Created: 2019-04-05 22:47:24
Document Modified: 2019-04-05 22:47:24

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