Attachment Attachment

This document pretains to ITC-T/C-20161027-00317 for Transfer of Control on a International Telecommunications filing.


                                                               Notification of Pro Forma Transfer

                          Notification of Pro Forma Transfer

        Pursuant to Section 214 of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended, (“the Act”), 47
U.S.C. § 214, and Section 63.24(f) of the Commission’s rules, 47 C.F.R. § 63.24(f), Verizon
Communications Inc. (“Verizon”) notifies the Federal Communications Commission
(“Commission” or “FCC”) of the pro forma transfer of control of international Section 214
authorizations as part of an internal corporate restructuring involving indirect subsidiaries of
Verizon. As discussed below, the restructuring eliminated or relocated several entities in the
Verizon ownership chain, resulting in the transfer of control of certain international Section 214
authorizations. The transaction did not change the ultimate ownership or control of the
international Section 214 authorizations at issue and was, therefore, pro forma in nature. This
transaction was completed on September 30, 2016.1

Answer to Question 10 - Section 63.18(c)-(d):

        Because ultimate ownership of these international Section 214 authorizations will not
change as a result of this transaction, Verizon has been designated as both the transferor and the
transferee for the instant pro forma transfer notification.

       Contact Information:

               Katharine Saunders
               1320 North Courthouse Road
               Ninth Floor
               Arlington, VA 22201
               Tel: 703-351-3097

       with a copy to:

               Colleen King
               Wiley Rein LLP
               1776 K Street, N.W.
               Washington, DC 20006
               Tel: 202-719-7307

        Prior to the closing of the transaction, Verizon applied for and received consent to the pro
forma transfer of the experimental authorization held by Cellco Partnership. See File No. 0024-
EX-TU-2016 (granted Sept. 13, 2016). Notification is concurrently being filed regarding the
assignment of an international Section 214 authorization and the assignment or transfer of
control of several common carrier radio licenses and leases held by subsidiaries of Verizon. See
ULS File No. 0007508550.

                                                                Notification of Pro Forma Transfer

               Fax: 202-719-7049

       Place of Formation:

       Verizon is a Delaware corporation.

       International Section 214 Authority:

         The Transferee, Verizon, does not hold any international Section 214 authorizations. A
list of entities holding Section 214 authorizations that are the subject of this pro forma transfer
notification is attached hereto.

Answer to Question 11 - Section 63.18(h):

       Verizon is a publicly traded company with no person or entity known to own ten percent
or more of the company’s outstanding stock.

Answer to Question 13:

         This is one of a series of notifications to the FCC to report the closing of a transaction
that effected the pro forma transfer of control or assignment of various FCC authorizations as
part of a planned internal restructuring involving indirect subsidiaries of Verizon. Specifically,
the restructuring eliminated or relocated several entities in the Verizon ownership chain,
resulting in the transfer of control or assignment of certain FCC licenses, authorizations, and
spectrum leases from and to subsidiaries of Verizon. The following steps took place on
September 30, 2016:

Dissolution of Verizon Americas Holdings Inc.

              Verizon Americas Holdings Inc. merged with and into Verizon Americas Finance
               1 Inc.
Restructuring of Cellco Entities
              Cellco Partnership (“Cellco”) contributed its 17.72% LP interest in Vermont RSA
               Limited Partnership to Bell Atlantic Mobile Systems of Allentown, Inc.
              Cellco contributed its 99% GP interest in NYNEX Mobile Limited Partnership 1
               to Bell Atlantic Mobile Systems of Allentown, Inc. Following the contribution,
               NYNEX Mobile Limited Partnership 1 and Vermont RSA Limited Partnership
               were dissolved by operation of law.
              Cellco contributed its 99% GP interest in Portland Cellular Partnership to Bell
               Atlantic Mobile Systems of Allentown, Inc. Following the contribution, Portland
               Cellular Partnership was dissolved by operation of law.
              Cellco contributed its 54% GP interest in NYNEX Mobile Limited Partnership 2
               to Bell Atlantic Mobile Systems of Allentown, Inc. Following the contribution,
               NYNEX Mobile Limited Partnership 2 was dissolved by operation of law.


                                                             Notification of Pro Forma Transfer

              Cellco contributed its 88% GP interest in Upstate Cellular Network to Bell
               Atlantic Mobile Systems of Allentown, Inc. Following the contribution, Upstate
               Cellular Network was dissolved by operation of law.
              Cellco contributed its 55% GP interest in New York RSA No. 3 Cellular
               Partnership to Bell Atlantic Mobile Systems of Allentown, Inc. Following the
               contribution, New York RSA No. 3 Cellular Partnership and its subsidiaries,
               Syracuse SMSA Limited Partnership and Bell Atlantic Mobile of Rochester, L.P.,
               were dissolved by operation of law.
              Cellco contributed its 35% LP interest in Binghamton MSA Limited Partnership
               to Bell Atlantic Mobile Systems of Allentown, Inc.
              UCN Subsidiary One, Inc. liquidated into Bell Atlantic Mobile Systems of
               Allentown, Inc. Following the liquidation, NYNEX Mobile of New York, L.P.
               and Binghamton MSA Limited Partnership were dissolved by operation of law.
              Cellco contributed its 61.53% LP interest in Pennsylvania 3 Sector 2 Limited
               Partnership to Bell Atlantic Mobile Systems of Allentown, Inc. Following the
               contribution, Pennsylvania 3 Sector 2 Limited Partnership was dissolved by
               operation of law.
              Cellco contributed its 50% LP interest in Pennsylvania 4 Sector 2 Limited
               Partnership to Bell Atlantic Mobile Systems of Allentown, Inc. Following the
               contribution, Pennsylvania 4 Sector 2 Limited Partnership was dissolved by
               operation of law.
              Cellco contributed its 15% LP interest in Dubuque MSA Limited Partnership, its
               5.9039% LP interest in Waterloo MSA Limited Partnership, and its 99.8% LP
               interest in Southwestco Wireless L.P. to Southwestco Wireless, Inc. Following
               the contribution, Dubuque MSA Limited Partnership, Waterloo MSA Limited
               Partnership, and Southwestco Wireless L.P. were dissolved by operation of law.
Distribution of Bell Atlantic and GTE Entities
              Cellco distributed (a) the stock of Bell Atlantic Cellular Consulting Group, Inc.,
               Southwestco Wireless, Inc., Bell Atlantic Mobile Systems of Allentown, Inc., and
               Bell Atlantic Mobile of Asheville, Inc. to Bell Atlantic Mobile Systems LLC in
               partial redemption of Bell Atlantic Mobile Systems LLC’s interest in Cellco, and
               (b) the stock of VZW Corp., Pinnacles Cellular, Inc., and GTE Wireless of the
               Midwest Incorporated to GTE Wireless LLC in partial redemption of GTE
               Wireless LLC’s interest in Cellco.

Attached hereto are charts showing the ownership of the affected FCC licensees before and after
the transactions. For the Commission’s convenience, separate charts are provided to show the
different portions of the transaction: Exhibits 1A and 1B provide before and after charts of the
dissolution of Verizon Americas Holdings Inc.; Exhibits 2A and 2B provide before and after
charts of the restructuring of Cellco entities; and Exhibits 3A and 3B provide before and after


                                                                Notification of Pro Forma Transfer

charts of the distribution of Bell Atlantic and GTE entities. Also attached hereto is a list of
affected licensee subsidiaries.2

Because the restructuring did not change the ultimate control of any license or licensee (all
remain controlled by Verizon), it was pro forma in nature.3 The Commission has stated that, in
situations “where no substantial change of control will result from the transfer or assignment,
grant of the application is deemed presumptively in the public interest.”4

        The call signs and file numbers referenced in these notifications are intended to be
complete and include all, authorizations, licenses and/or lease IDs held by the affected Verizon
subsidiaries at the closing date. However, the Applicants request that Commission acceptance of
the pro forma transfer or assignment notifications include any authorizations, call signs and/or
lease IDs that may have been inadvertently omitted or are in pending status.
        In re Fed. Communications Bar Ass’n’s Petition for Forbearance from Section 310(d) of
the Communications Act Regarding Non-Substantial Assignments of Wireless Licenses &
Transfers of Control Involving Telecomms. Carriers, Memorandum Opinion and Order, 13 FCC
Rcd. 6293, 6299, ¶ 8 (1998) (“FCBA Forbearance Order”) (“corporate reorganization which
involves no substantial change in the beneficial ownership of the corporation” is pro forma in
nature); cf. 47 C.F.R. § 63.24(d).
        Id. at 6295, ¶ 2. See also 1998 Biennial Review – Review of International Common
Carrier Regulations, Report and Order, 14 FCC Rcd 4909, ¶ 42 (1999) (finding that“[r]egulatory
review of [pro forma] transactions yields no significant public interest benefits, but may delay or
hinder transactions that could provide substantial financial, operational, or administrative
benefits for carriers.”).


                                                                Notification of Pro Forma Transfer

            International Section 214 Authorization Holders Affected by the Restructuring
                                          Airtouch Cellular Inc.
                                      Alltel Communications, LLC
                               California RSA No. 4 Limited Partnership
                                            Cellco Partnership
                                   Fresno MSA Limited Partnership
                            GTE Mobilnet of California Limited Partnership
                           GTE Mobilnet of Fort Wayne Limited Partnership
                             GTE Mobilnet of Indiana Limited Partnership
                        GTE Mobilnet of Indiana RSA #3 Limited Partnership
                        GTE Mobilnet of Indiana RSA #6 Limited Partnership
                          GTE Mobilnet of South Texas Limited Partnership
                           GTE Mobilnet of Terre Haute Limited Partnership
                        GTE Mobilnet of Texas RSA #17 Limited Partnership
                              GTE Wireless of the Midwest Incorporated
                                 Indiana RSA #1 Limited Partnership
                                    Iowa RSA 5 Limited Partnership
                                 Iowa RSA No. 4 Limited Partnership
                                   Kentucky RSA No. 1 Partnership
                                   New Mexico RSA 6-1 Partnership
                           Northwest Missouri Cellular Limited Partnership
                             New Mexico RSA No. 5 Limited Partnership
                                       Rural Cellular Corporation
                                Sacramento Valley Limited Partnership
                                        San Antonio MTA, L.P.
                                     Tuscaloosa Cellular Partnership
                                       Upstate Cellular Network
                            Verizon Wireless Personal Communications LP
                                  Virginia RSA 5 Limited Partnership

                     Wireless Licensees/Lessees Affected by the Restructuring5
                              Bell Atlantic Mobile of Rochester, L.P.
                         Bell Atlantic Mobile Systems of Allentown, Inc.
                              Bell Atlantic Mobile of Asheville, Inc.
                              Binghamton MSA Limited Partnership
                                Dubuque MSA Limited Partnership
                               New York RSA 2 Cellular Partnership
                            New York RSA No. 3 Cellular Partnership
                                NYNEX Mobile of New York, L.P.
                              NYNEX Mobile Limited Partnership 1
                              NYNEX Mobile Limited Partnership 2
                           Pennsylvania 3 Sector 2 Limited Partnership

 Based on guidance from Wireless Telecommunications Bureau staff, Verizon is only
submitting transfer of control notifications for wireless licensees whose immediate parent was
changed by this transaction.


                                             Notification of Pro Forma Transfer

          Pennsylvania 4 Sector 2 Limited Partnership
                     Pinnacles Cellular Inc.
                  Portland Cellular Partnership
                   Southwestco Wireless L.P.
         St. Lawrence Seaway RSA Cellular Partnership
              Syracuse SMSA Limited Partnership
                   Upstate Cellular Network
               Vermont RSA Limited Partnership
               Waterloo MSA Limited Partnership

Experimental Authorization Holders Affected by the Restructuring
                      Cellco Partnership


Exhibit 1A: Dissolution of Verizon Americas Holdings Inc. – Pre-Restructuring

                                                                 Communications Inc.

                                                                  Verizon Americas
                                                                   Finance 1 Inc.

                                                                                                         GTE LLC
                                                                                                        BAMS  LLC

                            MCI Communications

                                                                   Verizon Americas
                                                                     Holdings Inc.

                                                                                                       GTE Wireless
                                                                                                        BAMS LLC

                                Bell Atlantic                         Verizon
                                BAMS  Systems
                                        LLC                         Americas Inc.

                            24.16%                                      45%


                                                                   FCC Licensees

• All interests are 100% unless otherwise noted.
• Shaded companies are being eliminated through the transaction.
• The charts depict only FCC licensees and/or parent companies affected by the transaction.                           1

Exhibit 1B: Dissolution of Verizon Americas Holdings Inc. – Post-Restructuring

                                                                 Communications Inc.

                                                                  Verizon Americas
                                                                   Finance 1 Inc.

                                                                                                         GTE LLC
                                                                                                        BAMS  LLC

                            MCI Communications

                                                                                                       GTE Wireless
                                                                      Verizon                           BAMS LLC
                                                                    Americas Inc.

                                Bell Atlantic
                                BAMS  Systems

                            24.16%                                      45%


                                                                   FCC Licensees

• All interests are 100% unless otherwise noted.
• The charts depict only FCC licensees and/or parent companies affected by the transaction.

       Exhibit 2A: Restructuring of Cellco Entities – Pre-Restructuring

                                                                                                          Bell Atlantic Mobile
                                                                                                         Systems of Allentown,
                                Wireless, Inc.

             99.8%                  .2%

                                                                                                      99%           1%

                     Southwestco                                                                       NYNEX
                     Wireless, LP                                                                     Mobile LP 1

5.9%                  94.1%
                                          85%       15%                    17.72%             82.28%           99%                     1%
         Waterloo                         Dubuque                                   RSA LP
         MSA LP                           MSA LP


                                                                     45%                                                                                              12%          88%

                                                             NYNEX                                                                                                           Upstate
                                                            Mobile LP 2                                                                                                      Cellular
                                                                                                                                                                           (New York)

                                                                                                                                                                                           42.86%           40%
                                                                                                                                                        55%           45%
                                                                                                                                                                                          New            Lawrence                UCN Subsidiary
                                                                                                                                                           York RSA
                                                                                                                                                                                        York RSA       Seaway RSA                  One, Inc.
                                                                                                                                                          No. 3 Cellular
                                                                                                                                                                                    2 Cellular Pship   Cellular Pship
                                                                                                                                                        Pship (New York)
                                                                                                                                                                                       (New York)       (New York)

                                                                                                                                   98.18%                                  1.18% Bell 98.82%                            99%            1%
                                                                                                                                         Syracuse                                                                          NYNEX
                                                                                                                                                                                Mobile of
                                                                                                                                         SMSA LP                                                                           Mobile of
                                                                                                                                                                              Rochester LP
                                                                                                                                        (New York)                                                                       New York, L.P.
                                                                                                                                                                               (New York)

                                                                                                                                                                                  65%            35%      38.47%        61.53%               50%        50%

       Notes:                                                                                                                                                                             MSA LP
                                                                                                                                                                                                             3 Sector 2 LP
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              4 Sector 2 LP
                                                                                                                                                                                        (New York)
       • All interests are 100% unless otherwise noted.
       • Shaded companies are being eliminated through the transaction.
       • The charts depict only FCC licensees and/or parent companies affected by the transaction.                                                                                                                                                            3

Exhibit 2B: Restructuring of the Cellco Entities – Post-Restructuring (Prior to
Distribution of Certain Bell Atlantic and GTE Entities)


                                                                                      Bell Atlantic Mobile
                                                                                     Systems of Allentown,
                                                     Wireless, Inc.

• All interests are 100% unless otherwise noted.
• The charts depict only FCC licensees and/or parent companies affected by the transaction.

Exhibit 3A: Distribution of Certain Bell Atlantic and GTE Entities – Pre-
                                                     Bell Atlantic             Verizon                GTE Wireless
                                                     BAMS LLC                                          BAMS LLC
                                                    Mobile Systems           Americas Inc.               LLC


                                                                       Bell Atlantic         Bell Atlantic Mobile                                           GTE Wireless
                      Bell Atlantic Cellular   Southwestco
                                                                     Mobile Systems of        of Asheville, Inc.     VZW Corp.   Pinnacles Cellular, Inc.   of the Midwest
                     Consulting Group, Inc.    Wireless, Inc.
                                                                      Allentown, Inc.         (North Carolina)                                               Incorporated

• All interests are 100% unless otherwise noted.
• The charts depict only FCC licensees and/or parent companies affected by the transaction.

Exhibit 3A: Distribution of Certain Bell Atlantic and GTE Entities – Post-

                                              Bell Atlantic
                                                                                                          Verizon              GTE Wireless
                                              BAMS  Systems
                                                      LLC                                                                       BAMS LLC
                                                                                                        Americas Inc.             LLC

                                                                                                                                                                         GTE Wireless
                                                                                                                        VZW Corp.             Pinnacles Cellular, Inc.   of the Midwest
                                                                                 Bell Atlantic Mobile                                                                     Incorporated
   Bell Atlantic Cellular   Southwestco                   Bell Atlantic Mobile                             Cellco
                                                                                  of Asheville, Inc.     Partnership
  Consulting Group, Inc     Wireless, Inc.               Systems of Allentown,
                                                                                  (North Carolina)

• All interests are 100% unless otherwise noted.
• The charts depict only FCC licensees and/or parent companies affected by the transaction.

Document Created: 2016-10-27 11:39:06
Document Modified: 2016-10-27 11:39:06

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