Attachment Attachment 1

This document pretains to ITC-T/C-20160711-00183 for Transfer of Control on a International Telecommunications filing.


                                                                              July 11, 2016

Via Electronic Filing

Marlene H. Dortch
Federal Communications Commission
445 12th Street, S.W.
Washington, D.C. 20554

        Re:      Cebridge Telecom Limited, LLC, ITC-214-20051216-00526
                 Cebridge Telecom TX, L.P., ITC-214-20060330-00173

                 Section 63.24(f) Notice of Pro Forma Restructuring

Dear Secretary Dortch:

        On December 21, 2015, Altice N.V. (“Altice”) consummated it acquisition of Cequel Corporation
d/b/a Suddenlink Communications (“Cequel”), parent company of Cebridge Telecom Limited, LLC and
Cebridge Telecom TX, L.P. (together, the “Cebridge 214 Holders”), each of which is authorized to
provide global facilities-based and resold telecommunications service pursuant to Section 214 of the
Communications Act. This submission notifies the Commission of a subsequent pro forma transfer of
control of the Cebridge 214 Holders.

         As described in the Section 63.24(f) notifications filed by the Cebridge 214 Holders on January
25, 2015, on December 23, 2015, Altice undertook the first step in a planned multi-step internal pro forma
restructuring (the “Restructuring”) that affected certain corporate affiliates — but not ultimate control —
of the Cebridge 214 Holders. 1

         Upon consummation of the first step of the Restructuring, Altice held approximately 68.7 percent
of the shares of Cequel through three intermediate subsidiaries organized under the laws of the
Netherlands (CVC 1 B.V., CVC 2 B.V., and CVC 3 B.V.) and approximately 0.64 percent of the shares
of Cequel through Altice U.S. Holdings I and Altice U.S. Holdings II (through which it previously held

 The Commission granted nunc pro tunc approval for the pro forma transfers of control of various wireless licenses
held by Cequel subsidiaries, which were consummated on December 23, 2015. See File No. 0007104471 (lead
application) (consent granted May 10, 2016).

Letter to Marlene H. Dortch
July 11, 2016
Page 2

all of its shares of Cequel). In addition, 0.95 percent of CVC 1 B.V. is held by an investment vehicle for
Jerry Kent, the former Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Cequel.

         On June 9, 2016, Altice completed the second step in the Restructuring, in which CVC 3 B.V.
contributed its entire interest in Cequel to Neptune Holding US Corp., a U.S. corporation directly wholly-
owned by CVC 3 B.V. and indirectly owned and controlled by Altice. 2 This Section 63.24(f) notification
letter reports on this second step in the Restructuring. 3

         The Restructuring is in the public interest. The Commission authorized the transfer of control of
Cequel to Altice in December 2015 based on its conclusion “that the transaction, on balance, serves the
public interest.” 4 The changes in corporate organizational structure described herein are minimal, do not
result in any change in the business, management, operations or assets of Cequel or its subsidiaries, and
do not affect in any way the ultimate control of all of these entities by Altice. Accordingly, the same
public interest analysis that supported Altice’s substantive acquisition of control of Cequel also supports
prompt approval of the pro forma changes proposed in these applications.

        Cebridge Telecom Limited, LLC (“Cebridge Telecom”), and Cebridge Telecom TX, L.P.
(“Cebridge TX”), both are organized under the laws of the State of Delaware. Both are located at 520
Maryville Centre Drive, Suite 300, St. Louis, Missouri 63141, and their telephone number is (314) 315-
9400. Correspondence concerning these entities can be addressed to Dennis Moffit, Counsel, Cequel
Corporation, at this same address. Mr. Moffit also can be reached by telephone at (314) 315-9400 or via
e-mail at

         Pursuant to the requirements of 63.24 of the Commission’s rules, included with this submission
in Exhibit A is name, address, citizenship, and principal business information for any person or entity that
directly or indirectly holds at least ten percent of the equity of the Cequel Corporation and its subsidiaries,
along with the percentage of equity held by each such entity. Exhibit B contains information about
interlocking directorates. For convenience, corporate organizational charts illustrating Cequel’s

  The Commission approved the pro forma transfer of control of Cequel’s wireless licenses on June 8, 2016. See
File No. 0007290099 (lead application) (consent granted June 8, 2016). Separately, Neptune Holding US Corp. also
directly wholly owns Cablevision Systems Corporation, pursuant to the June 21, 2016, consummation of the transfer
of control of Cablevision to Altice, as recently approved by the Commission. See Applications Filed by Altice N.V.
and Cablevision Systems Corporation to Transfer Control of Authorizations from Cablevision Systems Corporation
to Altice N.V., Mem. Op. & Order, WC Docket No. 15-257, DA 16-485, at ¶¶ 3, 6 (WCB, IB, MB, & WTB May 3,
2016) (“Altice-Cablevision Grant”). As described in the Altice-Cablevision Grant, Altice indirectly holds
approximately 70 percent of the interests in Neptune Holding US Corp., with the remaining interests (other than Mr.
Kent’s de minimis indirect interest) held by two co-investors.
  In the final step of the Restructuring, expected to be completed by the end of 2016, Altice U.S. Holdings I and
Altice U.S. Holdings II will contribute the 0.64 percent of the shares they collectively hold in Cequel to Neptune
Holding US Corp., which will then hold 100 percent of the shares of Cequel. Altice and Cequel intend to make the
required filings associated with this final step at the appropriate time.
 Applications Filed by Altice N.V. and Cequel Corporation d/b/a Suddenlink Communications to Transfer Control
of Authorizations from Suddenlink Communications to Altice N.V., Mem. Op. & Order, 30 FCC Rcd 14352 (WCB,
IB, MB, & WTB 2015).

Letter to Marlene H. Dortch
July 11, 2016
Page 3

ownership structure before and after completion of the most recent step in the Restructuring are included
with this submission in Exhibit C.

        Any questions concerning this submission should be addressed to the undersigned.

                                                                        Respectfully Submitted,

                                                                        /s/ Yaron Dori
                                                                        Yaron Dori
                                                                        Michael Beder
                                                                        Ani Gevorkian
                                                                        Covington & Burling LLP
                                                                        One CityCenter
                                                                        850 Tenth Street, N.W.
                                                                        Washington, DC 20001
                                                                        (202) 662-6000

                                                                        Counsel to Altice N.V.

                                                Exhibit A

                                    Updated Ownership Information

The following entities now hold a direct or indirect ten percent (10%) or greater ownership interest in
Cequel Corporation and its wholly owned subsidiaries.

Name:                   Neptune Holding US Corp.
Address:                2711 Centerville Rd Suite 400, Wilmington
Citizenship:            U.S.
Percentage Owned:       100%
Principal Business:     Holding Company

Name:                   CVC 3 B.V.
Address:                Cattenbroekerdijk 4-B, 3446 HA Woerden, the Netherlands
Citizenship:            Netherlands
Percentage Owned:       99.36% (indirectly via ownership of Neptune Holding US Corp.)
Principal Business:     Holding Company

Name:                   CVC 2 B.V.
Address:                Cattenbroekerdijk 4-B, 3446 HA Woerden, the Netherlands
Citizenship:            Netherlands
Percentage Owned:       99.36% (indirectly via ownership of CVC 3 B.V.)
Principal Business:     Holding Company

Name:                   CVC 1 B.V.
Address:                Cattenbroekerdijk 4-B, 3446 HA Woerden, the Netherlands
Citizenship:            Netherlands
Percentage Owned:       69.55% (indirectly via 70% ownership of CVC 2 B.V.)
Principal Business:     Holding Company

Name:                   CPPIB-Suddenlink LP
Address:                One Queen Street East, Suite 2600, P.O. Box 101, Toronto, Ontario,
                        M5C 2W5 Canada
Citizenship:            U.S.
Percentage Owned:       11.8% (indirectly via 11.8% ownership of CVC 2 B.V.)
Principal Business:     Pension Investment Fund

Name:                   CPPIB-Suddenvision GP LP (“CPPIB GP”)
Address:                One Queen Street East, Suite 2600, P.O. Box 101, Toronto, Ontario,
                        M5C 2W5 Canada
Citizenship:            U.S.
Percentage Owned:       11.8% (indirectly as general partner of CPPIB Suddenlink LP)
Principal Business:     Pension Investment Fund

Name:                   CPPIB US Private Holdings Inc. II (“CPPIB US Private”)
Address:                One Queen Street East, Suite 2600, P.O. Box 101, Toronto, Ontario,
                        M5C 2W5 Canada
Citizenship:            Canada
Percentage Owned:       11.8% (indirectly via ownership of CPPIB GP)

Exhibit A
Page 2

Principal Business:   Pension Investment Fund

Name:                 CPPIB LAV Holdings Inc. (“CPPIB LAV”)
Address:              One Queen Street East, Suite 2600, P.O. Box 101, Toronto, Ontario,
                      M5C 2W5 Canada
Citizenship:          Canada
Percentage Owned:     11.8% (indirectly via ownership of CPPIB US Private)
Principal Business:   Pension Investment Fund

Name:                 CPP Investment Board Europe, S.à.r.l. (“CPPIB Europe”)
Address:              One Queen Street East, Suite 2600, P.O. Box 101, Toronto, Ontario,
                      M5C 2W5 Canada
Citizenship:          Canada
Percentage Owned:     11.8% (indirectly via ownership of CPPIB-Suddenlink LP)
Principal Business:   Pension Investment Fund

Name:                 CPP Investment Board
Address:              One Queen Street East, Suite 2600, P.O. Box 101, Toronto, Ontario,
                      M5C 2W5 Canada
Citizenship:          Canada
Percentage Owned:     11.8% (indirectly via ownership of CPPIB Europe and CPPIB LAV)
Principal Business:   Pension Investment Fund

Name:                 BC European Capital - Suddenvision GP LP (“BC European GP”)
Address:              Heritage Hall, Le Marchant St., St. Peter Port, Guernsey, GY1 4HY
Citizenship:          Guernsey
Percentage Owned:     18.2% (indirectly as general partner of various funds affiliated with
                      BC Partners Holdings Limited, which funds will own a total of 18.2% of
                      CVC 2 B.V.)
Principal Business:   Investment management company

Name:                 CIE Management IX Limited (“CIE Management”)
Address:              Heritage Hall, Le Marchant St., St. Peter Port, Guernsey, GY1 4HY
Citizenship:          Guernsey
Percentage Owned:     18.2% (indirectly as general partner of BC European GP)
Principal Business:   Investment management company

Name:                 BC Partners Holdings Limited
Address:              Heritage Hall, Le Marchant St., St. Peter Port, Guernsey, GY1 4HY
Citizenship:          Guernsey
Percentage Owned:     18.2% (indirectly via ownership of CIE Management)
Principal Business:   Investment management company

Name:                 Altice N.V.
Address:              Cattenbroekerdijk 4-B, 3446 HA Woerden, the Netherlands
Citizenship:          Netherlands
Percentage Owned:     69.53% (indirectly via 99.05% ownership of CVC 1 B.V.)
Principal Business:   Telecommunications and Cable Television

Exhibit A
Page 3

Name:                 Next Alt Sàrl
Address:              3, Boulevard Royal, L-2449 Luxembourg
Citizenship:          Luxembourg
Percentage Owned:     40.23% (indirectly via 57.87% ownership of Altice N.V.)
Principal Business:   Telecommunications and Cable Television

Name:                 Next Luxembourg S.C.Sp
Address:              3, Boulevard Royal, L-2449 Luxembourg
Citizenship:          Luxembourg
Percentage Owned:     40.23% (indirectly via 100% ownership of Next Alt Sàrl)
Principal Business:   Telecommunications and Cable Television

Name:                 Patrick Drahi
Address:              Seilerwiesenstrasse 3920 Zermatt, Switzerland
Citizenship:          Israel
Percentage Owned:     40.23% (indirectly via 100% ownership of Next Luxembourg S.C.Sp)
Principal Business:   Telecommunications and Cable Television

                                                  Exhibit B

                                  Interlocking Directorates Information

Below is a list of Altice personnel that will serve as officers or directors of Cequel or its subsidiaries and
the positions those individuals hold in Altice’s other carriers outside the United States.

   Name          Address, Citizenship, and Position in Cequel              Positions Held in non-U.S. Altice
Dexter Goei     Address:       62, chemin des Gotettes,               CEO of Altice NV
                               CH-1222                                Director of Altice NV
                               Vesenay, Switzerland                   Director of Altice Portugal
                                                                      Director of Coditel Management
                Citizenship: United States                            Director of Cabovisao
                                                                      Director of Winreason
                Cequel Position: Executive Chairman                   Director of F300
                                                                      Director of ONI SGPS
                                                                      Director of Hubgrade
                                                                      Director of Knewon
                                                                      Director of ONI Maderia
                                                                      Director of ONI Azores
                                                                      Director of ONITelecom
                                                                      Manager of Vinluam
                                                                      Director of Vinluam
                                                                      Director of MTVC
                                                                      Director of WSG
                                                                      Director of Hot Telecommunication
                                                                      Director of Altice Blue Two
                                                                      Director of Wananchi
                                                                      Manager of More ATC
                                                                      Manager of Coditel Management
                                                                      Director of Coditel Holding*
                                                                      Director of Coditel Holding Lux*
                                                                      Director of Coditel Holding Lux II*
                                                                      Director of Altice Management Europe

                                                                      * Company represented by Coditel
Abdelhakim      Address:       Piso 10                                Vice President of Board of Directors of
Boubazine                      95 Avenida Anacaona                    Altice Hispaniola SA
                               Santo Domingo
                               Dominicana Republic

                Citizenship: France

                Cequel Position: Co-President and
                                 Chief Operating Officer

                                  Exhibit C

     Updated Pre- and Post-Restructuring Organizational Charts
Post-restructuring chart does not reflect all entities identified in Exhibit A.

                                                                       Altice N.V.
                                                                   (as of June 8, 2016)

                                                                          Patrick Drahi

                                                                    Next Luxembourg S.C.sp

                                                                                                                               Other Holders
                                                                                                                               (None >= 10%)
                                                                         Next Alt S.à.r.l.

                                                                                                                                      JLKT, LLC
                                                                           Altice N.V.
                                                      CPPIB – Suddenlink LP                                            BC Partners Holding Entities
                                                    See BCP/CPPIB Post-Closing                  CVC 1 B.V.             See BCP/CPPIB Post-Closing
                     Altice U.S. Holdings I
                                                              Detail                                                             Detail
                                                                           11.8%                                       18.2%
                                                                                                CVC 2 B.V.
                    Altice U.S. Holdings II

                                                                                                CVC 3 B.V.
Notes:                                    0.32%
All interests are 100% unless
otherwise indicated. Solid lines                                      Cequel Corporation
indicate direct interests. Dotted
lines indicate indirect interests.

                                                                    Intermediate Subsidiaries

                                                                       Cebridge Telecom         Cebridge Telecom
                                                   Holdings, LLC         Limited, LLC                TX, L.P.

                                           Altice N.V.
                                      (as of June 9, 2016)
                                                                                                          All interests are 100% unless
                                                                                                          otherwise indicated. Solid lines
                                              Patrick Drahi                                               indicate direct interests. Dotted
                                                                                                          lines indicate indirect interests.

                                         Next Luxembourg S.C.sp

                                                                                                       Other Holders
                                                                                                       (None >= 10%)
                                             Next Alt S.à.r.l.

                                                                                                            JLKT, LLC
                                               Altice N.V.
                             CPPIB – Suddenlink LP                                             BC Partners Holding Entities
                           See BCP/CPPIB Post-Closing               CVC 1 B.V.                 See BCP/CPPIB Post-Closing
 Altice U.S. Holdings I
                                     Detail                                                              Detail
                                               11.8%                                           18.2%
                                                                    CVC 2 B.V.

Altice U.S. Holdings II
                                                                    CVC 3 B.V.


                                                             Neptune Holding US Corp.


                                                                 Cequel Corporation

                                                             Intermediate Subsidiaries

                                                              Cebridge Telecom        Cebridge Telecom
                                        Holdings, LLC           Limited, LLC               TX, L.P.

                                                        BCP/CPPIB Post-Closing Detail Chart
                         CPP Investment                                                                                              BC Partners
                            Board1                                                                                                 Holdings Limited2

           100%                                  100%                                                                                100%

    CPP Investment Board                     CPPIB LAV                                                                                           CIE Management
                                                                                Altice LP S.à.r.l.
       Europe, S.à.r.l.                     Holdings Inc.                                                                                           IX Limited
                                                                                                                                                               GP 100%
LP 0% Control,                                                                                                  GP 100% Control,                                                    GP 100%
                                           100%                                                                                                                Control, 0%
100% Equity                                                                                                     0% Equity                                                           Direct or
                                                                                          LP 0% Control,                                                       Equity
(Class A)                                                                                                                                                                           Indirect
                                         CPPIB US Private                                 100% Equity
                                                                                                                 BC European Capital –                 Limited Partners/            Control,
                                          Holdings Inc. II                                                       Suddenvision GP LP4                      Investors3                0% Equity
                             GP 100% Control,                                                             GP 100% Control,
                                                                         LP 0% Control,
                             0% Equity (Class A)                                                          0% Equity                               LP 0% Control,
                                                                         100% Equity
                                                                                                                                                  100% Equity
                                      CPPIB – Suddenvision                                                             BC Partners
                                             GP LP4                                                                  Holding Entities5

                            GP 100% Control,                                                                   0% Control,
                            0% Equity (Class A)                                                                100% Equity

                             CPPIB – Suddenlink LP                                                                     Additional BC Partners Holding Entities5

                                          11.8%                                                                                     18.2%
                                                                                  CVC 2 B.V.

                                                                                  CVC 3 B.V.

                                                                         Neptune Holding US Corp.

                                                                    Cablevision Systems Corporation

1   CPP Investment Board is an investment management organization incorporated in Canada which invests the assets of the Canada Pension Plan.
2   BC Partners Holdings Limited is a limited corporation organized under the laws of Guernsey.
3   Consists of various BC Partners funds and co-invest entities. A de minimis (less than 5%) portion of the BC Partners equity interest in CVC 2 will be held through separate entities
    directly owned by BC Partners Holdings Limited.
4   At closing, the GP LP entities are expected to make small capital contributions to CPPIB – Suddenlink LP and the BC Partners Holding Entities, respectively, resulting in the GP LP
    entities receiving a de mimimis amount of equity (less than 2%) in Class B shares. Certain affiliates of CPPIB and BCP hold de minimis Class C equity interests ($1) in their respective
    GP LP with no control rights.
5   Consists of various limited partnerships and other intermediate holding entities directly or indirectly controlled by CIE Management IX Limited.

Document Created: 2016-07-11 15:43:56
Document Modified: 2016-07-11 15:43:56

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