OHCP-Oxford Suppleme

SUPPLEMENT submitted by OHCP Northeastern Fiber Buyer, Inc.

Section 1.65 Supplement


This document pretains to ITC-T/C-20160708-00186 for Transfer of Control on a International Telecommunications filing.


September 6, 2016


Marlene H. Dortch, Secretary
Federal Communications Commission
445 12th Street, S.W.
Room TW-A325
Washington, DC 20554

Re:      WC Docket No. 16-222
         Domestic Section 214 Application Filed for the Transfer of Control of Oxford
         Networks Holdings, Inc. to OHCP Northeastern Fiber Buyer, Inc.

         IB File No. ITC-T/C-20160708-00185
         IB File No. ITC-T/C-20160708-00186
         International Section 214 Applications Filed for the Transfer of Control of Oxford
         Networks Holdings, Inc. to OHCP Northeastern Fiber Buyer, Inc.

Dear Ms. Dortch:

        Oxford Networks Holdings, Inc. (“Transferor”) and OHCP Northeastern Fiber
Buyer, Inc. (“Transferee”), pursuant to Section 1.65 of the Commission’s Rules, and at
the request of Commission staff, hereby supplement the above-referenced transfer of
control Applications to provide additional information on any existing overlap between
the competitive local exchange (“CLEC”) operations of TVC Albany, Inc. d/b/a
FirstLight and its subsidiaries (collectively, “FirstLight”), which will soon be acquired
by Transferee in a separate transaction, 1 and Transferor and its subsidiaries (collectively

       The fiber networks and businesses of FirstLight and Oxford are complementary
and adjacent, with minimal overlap, including with respect to their CLEC operations.

•     New Hampshire. Both FirstLight and Oxford have presence in New Hampshire, but
      with largely complementary footprints and limited CLEC overlap. FirstLight and
      Oxford generally own and operate fiber networks in different metropolitan areas
      throughout the state of New Hampshire.

         o Oxford’s owned fiber network and on-net CLEC customers are predominantly
           located in the southern, coastal areas of New Hampshire, near Portsmouth,
           toward Maine and Massachusetts.

  The Commission recently granted approval for the FirstLight purchase, but the transaction has not yet
closed. See ITC-T/C-20160329-00129, WC Docket No. 16-107; ULS File No. 0007203840; ISP-PDR-


        o FirstLight’s owned fiber network is more broadly dispersed throughout the
          state but with few routes or on-net buildings that overlap the Oxford network.

        o FirstLight and Oxford have low combined market share in the state of New
          Hampshire, estimated at around 7.5% in terms of annual communications
          market spending.

        o In addition to this low market share, a low percentage of the companies’
          existing and near-net buildings overlap. Broadly speaking, there is owned
          fiber network overlap primarily in the following metro areas: Manchester-
          Nashua, Concord, Rockingham-Strafford. This includes areas where there is
          only near-net/near-net overlap, and not necessarily actual overlap. Oak Hill
          has identified only one “enterprise” or end-customer building that is on both
          owned networks.

        o Fairpoint and either Comcast or Time Warner Cable (now Charter), which are
          much larger companies than the combined entity, generally are facilities-based
          competitors in all of FirstLight’s and Oxford’s New Hampshire markets.

•   Maine. Oxford serves Maine with very little presence from FirstLight.

        o There is no material overlap between FirstLight’s CLEC operations and
          Oxford’s operations in Maine.

        o FirstLight has very little business presence in Maine, and earns an immaterial
          amount of revenue in Maine.

        o In particular, as noted in the above referenced Applications, there is no
          overlap between FirstLight and the Oxford ILECs in Maine. 2

        o Fairpoint and either Comcast or Time Warner Cable (now Charter), which are
          much larger companies than the combined entity, generally are facilities-based
          competitors in all of FirstLight’s and Oxford’s Maine markets.

•   Massachusetts. Oxford serves portions of northeastern Massachusetts, with very little
    presence from FirstLight.

        o There is no material overlap between FirstLight’s CLEC operations and
          Oxford’s operations in Massachusetts.

 See Joint Application of Oxford Networks Holdings, Inc. and OHCP Northeastern Fiber Buyer, Inc. for
Transfer of Indirect Control of Holders of Domestic and International Section 214 Authorizations, WC
Docket No. 16-222, at 20 (filed July 8, 2016).


         o FirstLight has very little business presence in Massachusetts, does not own
           any fiber in the state, and earns an immaterial amount of revenue in

         o Verizon and either Comcast or Time Warner Cable (now Charter), which are
           much larger companies than the combined entity, generally are facilities-based
           competitors in all of FirstLight’s and Oxford’s Massachusetts markets.

•     New York and Vermont. Oxford does not own fiber in New York or Vermont,
      markets in which FirstLight operates.

        The complementary nature of FirstLight’s and Oxford’s networks and CLEC
operations means that local business customers will continue to enjoy service from their
current network provider, but with the benefit of the complete product portfolio of
FirstLight and Oxford, as well as the potential for additional network construction to
more business locations due to the increased capital available to the combined
companies. At the same time, the broader geographic coverage resulting from the
combination of FirstLight and Oxford is expected to allow the combined company to
better serve large regional business and telecommunications carrier customers, increasing
competition in this segment of the market.

         Please let us know if you need any additional information.

                                              Respectfully submitted,

         /s/ Patrick S. Campbell                     /s/ Sherrese M. Smith
         Patrick S. Campbell                         Sherrese M. Smith
         Paul, Weiss, Rifkind, Wharton               Paul Hastings LLP
         & Garrison LLP                              875 15th Street, N.W.
         2001 K Street, N.W.                         Washington, D.C. 20005
         Washington, D.C. 20006                      (202) 551-1700
         (202) 223-7300                              sherresesmith@paulhastings.com

         Counsel to OHCP Northeastern                Counsel to Oxford Network
         Fiber Buyer, Inc.                           Holdings, Inc.

cc:      Brett Ferenchak, Counsel to TVC Albany, Inc.
         Dennis Johnson, FCC Wireline Competition Bureau
         Jodie May, FCC Wireline Competition Bureau

Document Created: 2016-09-06 18:00:43
Document Modified: 2016-09-06 18:00:43

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