Attachment Joint TC Application

This document pretains to ITC-T/C-20160708-00185 for Transfer of Control on a International Telecommunications filing.


                                    Before the
                              Washington, D.C. 20554

In the Matter of the Joint Application of
Oxford Networks Holdings, Inc.         )
       Transferor,                     )                      WC Docket No. 16- ____
and                                    )
                                       )                      IB File No. ITC-T/C-2016__
OHCP Northeastern Fiber Buyer, Inc.,   )
       Transferee                      )
For Consent to Transfer Control        )
Pursuant to Section 214 of the         )
Communications Act of 1934, as amended )


        Oxford Networks Holdings, Inc. (“Holdings” or “Transferor”) and OHCP

Northeastern Fiber Buyer, Inc. (“Transferee,” and with Transferor, the “Applicants”)

hereby request Commission consent to the transfer of indirect control of Oxford County

Telephone & Telegraph Company (“Oxford T&T”), Oxford Telephone Company

(“Oxford Telephone”), Oxford West Telephone Company (“Oxford West”), Oxford

County Telephone Service Company (“Oxford Service”), Northeast Competitive Access

Providers, LLC (“Northeast”), Revolution Networks, LLC (“Revolution”), and Freedom

Ring Communications, LLC d/b/a BayRing Communications (“BayRing”) 1 (collectively

the “Oxford Companies”), holders of domestic and international Section 214

  In December 2015, Freedom Ring Communications, LLC d/b/a BayRing Communications, a wholly-
owned subsidiary of Utel, Inc., underwent a tax free liquidation into Utel, Inc., which was subsequently
renamed BayRing Communications, Inc. This disposition did not result in a change in actual control of the
licensee — BayRing Communications, Inc. remains a wholly-owned subsidiary of Oxford T&T. To the
extent notice of any pro forma assignment is necessary, we request that this Application be treated as such

authorizations, from Transferor to Transferee. Applicants submit that prompt grant of

this Application will serve the public interest.

                                             I. Background

         As set forth in greater detail in Section IV, the Oxford Companies provide their

customers with various local exchange, exchange access, interexchange, long distance,

resale, global resale, data, colocation and Internet services. Oxford T&T, the parent of

the remaining Oxford Companies, is controlled by its sole shareholder, Holdings, an

entity that, as discussed below, is ultimately controlled by certain principals of Novacap

Management Inc. (“Novacap”). Novacap is a leading North American-based private

equity group founded in 1981 and has extensive experience purchasing, owning and

operating diverse businesses. Other than its interest in the Oxford Companies, Novacap

does not currently control any FCC-regulated telecommunications operations.

         Transferee is a corporation formed under the laws of Delaware. Post-closing,

Transferee will be predominantly owned and controlled by various private equity funds

formed in the Cayman Islands for investment purposes, specifically Oak Hill Capital

Partners IV (Management), L.P., Oak Hill Capital Partners IV (Onshore), L.P., Oak Hill

Capital Partners IV (Onshore Tax Exempt), L.P., Oak Hill Capital Partners IV (Offshore)

IV, L.P., and Oak Hill Capital Partners IV (Offshore 892), L.P. (collectively, the “Oak

Hill IV Funds”). 2 These funds are all ultimately controlled by OHCP MGP IV, Ltd.

(“MGP IV”), the voting members of which are all U.S. citizens. The equity in the Oak

  As disclosed further herein, the Oak Hill IV Funds will collectively hold 85.0% of the Transferee
indirectly. It is expected that 15.0% of Transferee will be held by other entities and individuals, including
members of management of the FirstLight Companies (described below) and other existing interest-
holders. In addition, it is expected that the Oak Hill IV Funds will implement a new incentive equity plan
for management in connection with or following the consummation of the Transaction.


Hill IV Funds is held by numerous, primarily U.S.-based investors, including individuals,

trusts, institutions and business entities.

        Transferee was initially formed for the purpose of acquiring TVC Albany, Inc.

(“TVC”), an FCC licensee, and its subsidiaries, including FCC-licensee segTEL, Inc.,

(“segTEL”) (collectively doing business as “FirstLight”, and referred to herein as the

“FirstLight Companies”). Applications for transfer of control of the FirstLight

Companies to Transferee were filed on March 29, 2016, 3 and remain pending. The

FirstLight purchase, not yet closed, is a wholly separate transaction from the Transaction

with Holdings and therefore should be considered independently from the instant

Application. None of the Oak Hill IV Funds or MGP IV owns or operates any other

FCC-regulated providers of telecommunications services. 4

 See Joint Application of Tech Valley Holdings, LLC, Transferor, TVC Albany, Inc., Licensee, segTEL,
Inc., Licensee, and OHCP Northeastern Fiber Buyer, Inc., Transferee, for Grant of Authority to Complete a
Transfer of Ownership and Control of Licensees to OHCP Northeastern Fiber Buyer, Inc., ITC-T/C-
20160329-00129, WC Docket No. 16-107 (“FirstLight Section 214 Applications”); FCC Form 603
Transfer of Control Application, ULS File No. 0007203840 (“FirstLight Wireless Application”); Petition of
TVC Albany, Inc., Petitioner/Licensee and OHCP Northeastern Fiber Buyer, Inc., Petitioner/Transferee, for
Declaratory Ruling Under Section 301(b)(4) of the Communications Action of 1934, as Amended, ISP-
PDR-20160329-00005 (“FirstLight PDR”) (collectively, the “FirstLight Applications”).
 As disclosed further below, a separate group of funds managed by Oak Hill Capital owns interests in and
successfully manages investments in other telecommunications service providers. For example, in
November 2012, the FCC approved the transfer of control of Astound Broadband, LLC (“Astound”), a
holder of domestic and international Section 214 authorizations, from WaveDivision Holdings, LLC to OH
WDH Holdco, LLC, a company 100% owned and controlled by various funds ultimately controlled by
OHCP MGP III, Ltd. See Public Notice, DA 12-1834, November 14, 2012 (Domestic Section 214); Public
Notice, DA No. 12-1842 (International Section 214); see also FCC File No. ITC-T/C-20120619-00173.
Astound (now d/b/a Wave) offers a variety of telecommunications services, including local exchange, long
distance, and wholesale telecommunications services to residential and business customers in California,
Oregon, and Washington.


                              II. Description of the Transaction

        Pursuant to the Securities Purchase Agreement by and among Transferor,

Transferee, and the current holders of shares in Transferor and their representative, dated

as of June 23, 2016 (the “Agreement”), Transferee will acquire 100% of the outstanding

securities of Transferor (the “Transaction”). Before closing of the Transaction, assuming

the approval and consummation of the FirstLight transaction, Transferee will assign its

rights under the Agreement to TVC. As a result of the proposed Transaction, Transferor

will become a direct, wholly-owned subsidiary of TVC, and an indirect, wholly-owned

subsidiary of Transferee. The Applicants will also make necessary filings with state

telecommunications regulators with respect to this Transaction.

        To be clear, although the FirstLight Applications are being mentioned here in

view of the relevance of TVC to the post-closing organizational chart, the FirstLight

purchase is a wholly separate transaction and is in no way contingent on the closing of

the Transaction proposed herein. Further, subject to completion of the Team Telecom

review and the Commission’s subsequent approval and satisfaction of other closing

conditions, the FirstLight purchase is expected to close prior to the Transaction.

Accordingly, Transferee requests that the Commission proceed expeditiously with

approval of the FirstLight Applications without regard to any action it might later take on

the present Application. 5

  See e.g., In the Matter of Applications Filed by Altice N.V. and Cequel Corporation d/b/a Suddenlink
Communications to Transfer Control of Authorizations from Suddenlink Communications to Altice, N.V.,
Memorandum Opinion and Order, WC Docket No. 15-135 (rel. December 18, 2015), at n.10 (responding to
comments urging the Commission to delay review of the Suddenlink applications and to review Altice’s
purchase of Suddenlink and announced purchase of Cablevision together, the Commission stated that its
review in Suddenlink order “is distinct and independent from, and involves different authorizations,
applicants, services, and geographic areas than, the Commission’s review of Altice’s application to
purchase Cablevision, which the Commission will consider based on the record developed in that


       For the Commission’s reference, a chart depicting the post-Transaction ownership

of the Oxford Companies is provided as Exhibit A. For purposes of this chart and the

ownership information in the remainder of this Application, including the assignment of

rights under the Agreement to TVC, it is assumed that the FirstLight purchase described

above has closed.

       After the proposed Transaction, the Oxford Companies will continue to operate in

the same service territories, and will in the immediate future continue to provide services

to their customers under the same rates and on the same terms and conditions following

the transaction as they currently do today. There are no plans in place to transfer any of

the Oxford Companies’ customers to a new carrier, or to change any customer service or

billing contact information as a result of the Transaction. Accordingly, the proposed

Transaction will be transparent to consumers.

    III. Transfer of Indirect Control of International Section 214 Authorization

       Oxford T&T and BayRing are authorized to provide global facilities-based and/or

resale telecommunications service pursuant to international Section 214 authority granted

in IB FCC File Nos. ITC-214-19970902-00523 (Old File No. ITC-97-523) and ITC-214-

19961216-00630 (Old File No. ITC-96-678), respectively. As required under Sections

63.18 and 63.24(e) of the Commission’s rules, the Applicants submit the following


63.18(a) Name, address and telephone number of each applicant:


       Oxford Networks Holdings, Inc.                (FRN: 0023257173)
       375 Roland-Therrein Blvd
       Suite 210
       Longueuil, Québec, J4H 4A6, Canada
       Phone: (450) 651-5000


           Fax:         (450) 651-7585


           OHCP Northeastern Fiber Buyer, Inc.          (FRN: 0025420712)
           One Stamford Plaza
           263 Tresser Blvd., 15th floor
           Stamford, CT 06901
           Phone: (203) 328-1600
           Fax:    (203) 328-1651

63.18(b) Government, state or territory under the laws of which each corporate or
partnership applicant is organized

           Transferor is a corporation organized under the laws of the State of Delaware.

Each of Oxford T&T, Oxford Telephone, Oxford West, and Oxford Service is a

corporation organized under the laws of the State of Maine. Each of Northeast and

Revolution is a limited liability company organized under the laws of the state of

Delaware. In December 2015, Freedom Ring Communications, LLC d/b/a BayRing

Communications underwent a tax free liquidation into its parent Utel, Inc., a New

Hampshire corporation and a wholly-owned subsidiary of Oxford T&T. Utel, Inc. was

subsequently renamed BayRing Communications, Inc. 6

           Transferee is a Delaware corporation.

63.18(c) Name, title, post office address, and telephone number of the officer or
contact point to whom correspondence concerning the application is to be
addressed. (Answer to Question 10)

For Transferor:

           Dawna Hannan
           Vice President, Regulatory Affairs
           Oxford County Telephone & Telegraph Company
           491 Lisbon Street
           Lewiston, ME 04240-7418
           Phone: (207) 333-3455

    See supra note 1.


       Fax:       (207) 333-3489

              With a copy to:

       Sherrese M. Smith
       Andrew J. Erber
       Paul Hastings LLP
       875 15th Street, N.W.
       Washington, DC 20005
       Phone: (202) 551-1700
       Fax:     (202) 551-1705

For Transferee:

       Caitlin Melchior
       c/o Oak Hill Capital Management, LLC
       65 East 55th Street, 32nd Floor
       New York, NY 10022
       Phone: (212) 527-8409
       Fax: (212) 527-8450

              With a copy to:

       Patrick S. Campbell
       Paul, Weiss, Rifkind, Wharton & Garrison LLP
       2001 K Street, NW
       Washington, DC 20006-1047
       Phone: (202) 223-7323
       Fax:      (202) 204-7371

63.18(d) Statement as to whether the applicants had previously received authority
under Section 214 of the Act. (Answer to Question 10)

       Oxford T&T resells switched international long distance toll service to residential

and business customers pursuant to an international Section 214 authorization granted by

the Commission under File No. ITC-214-19970902-00523. BayRing is authorized to

provide global facilities-based and resale telecommunications services pursuant to

international Section 214 authority granted in IB File No. ITC-214-19961216-00630.


The Oxford Companies also provide domestic interstate telecommunication services

pursuant to blanket Section 214 authority.

           As described above, Transferee has sought approval to acquire the FirstLight

Companies, holders of international and domestic Section 214 authorizations. One such

company, TVC, holds international Section 214 authority for (1) global resale service

granted in File No. ITC-214-19990825-00538 and (2) global facilities-based and resale

service granted in File No. ITC-214-20010209-00086. 7                   TVC also is authorized to

provide interstate service by virtue of blanket domestic Section 214 authority. Another

such company, segTEL, is authorized to provide interstate service by virtue of blanket

domestic Section 214 authority. Applications to transfer control of the FirstLight

Companies to Transferee are pending before the Commission. 8

63.18(h) Name, address, citizenship and principal business of any person or entity
that directly or indirectly owns at least ten percent of the equity of the applicant
entities. (Answers to Questions 11 and 12)


           The following entities hold, directly or indirectly, a ten percent (10%) or greater

equity interest in Transferor: 9

  The international Section 214 authorizations granted (1) in File No. ITC-214-19990825-00538 was
originally granted to Tech Valley Communications, Inc. and (2) in File No. ITC-214-20010209-00086 was
originally granted to Mid-Hudson Communications, Inc. In 2002, these authorizations were transferred to
TVC in File Nos. ITC-T/C-20020307-00149 and ITC-T/C-20020307-00158, respectively.
    See supra note 3.
  In August 2015, Oxford T&T obtained FCC consent to the transfer of control of Utel, Inc. See IB File
No. ITC-T/C-20150604-00140; WC Docket No. 15-133. As part of Oxford T&T’s joint section 214
application seeking this consent, Oxford T&T disclosed interests held by various Novacap entities in
Holdings. See Joint Application for Transfer of Indirect Control of a Holder of Domestic and International
Section 214 Authorizations, WC Docket No. 15-133 (filed June 12, 2015) (“2015 Application”). Since that
time, Novacap has minimally restructured the interests of shareholders in Novacap Management
Technologies III Inc., Novacap Management, Inc., and Novacap Fund Management, Inc. Compare infra at
5-8 with 2015 Application at 6-9.


           1.      Oxford County Telephone & Telegraph Company

         Name and Address                  Voting         Equity      Place of    Principal
                                          Interests      Interests Incorporation   Business
Oxford Networks Holdings,                     100%           100%    Delaware    Investment

           2.      Oxford Networks Holdings, Inc.

         Name and Address                  Voting         Equity          Place of           Principal
                                          Interests      Interests     Incorporation         Business
BSCP-OX Holdings, LLC 10                   15.8%          15.8%          Delaware           Investment
127 Pratt Street
Providence, RI 02906
Novacap Technologies III, L.P.              34.7%          34.7%            Québec          Investment
375 Roland-Therrien Blvd.,
Suite 210
Longueuil, Québec J4H 4A6,
Novacap TMT IV, L.P. 11                     35.9%          35.9%            Québec          Investment
Other shareholders, each of                 13.6%          13.6%              --                --
whom holds less than a 10%

           3.      Novacap Technologies III, L.P.

         Name and Address                  Voting         Equity          Place of           Principal
                                          Interests      Interests     Incorporation         Business
Novacap Partners Technologies               100%          2.00%           Québec            Investment
Limited Partners 12                          0%           98.00%               --                  --

           4.      Novacap Partners Technologies III, L.P.

         Name and Address                  Voting         Equity          Place of           Principal
                                          Interests      Interests     Incorporation         Business
Novacap Management                          100%            0%            Québec            Investment
Technologies III Inc.
Limited Partners 13                           0%           100%                --                  --

     BSCP-OX Holdings, LLC is controlled by its sole Managing Member, Thadeus Mocarski, a U.S. citizen.
  The address of all Novacap entities is 375 Roland-Therrien Blvd., Suite 210, Longueuil, Québec
J4H 4A6, Canada.
  The limited partners of Novacap Technologies III, L.P. are passive investors, none of which holds an
indirect interest in more than 10% of the equity of Oxford T&T.


       Name and Address                    Voting         Equity          Place of           Principal
                                          Interests      Interests     Incorporation         Business

        5.       Novacap Management Technologies III Inc.

       Name and Address                    Voting         Equity         Citizenship          Position
                                          Interests      Interests
Marc Beauchamp                             18.95%         18.95%            Canada         Shareholder,
Pascal Tremblay                            33.89%         33.89%            Canada         Shareholder,
Stéphane Tremblay                          32.54%         32.54%            Canada         Shareholder,
Other shareholders, each of                14.62%         14.62%               --               --
whom holds less than a 10%
interest in Novacap
Management Technologies III

        6.       Novacap TMT IV, L.P.

       Name and Address                    Voting          Equity          Place of    Principal
                                          Interests       Interests     Incorporation Business
Novacap Management Inc.                     100%           0.001 %         Québec     Investment
Limited Partners 14                          0%           99.999%             --           --

        7.       Novacap Management Inc.

        For purposes of controlling Novacap TMT IV, L.P.’s interest in Holdings, the

Board of Directors of Novacap Management Inc. has delegated to the TMT Investment

Committee all decision-making authority in connection with its role as the general partner

of Novacap TMT IV, L.P. in relation to its interest in Holdings. The members of the

TMT Investment Committee are included in the following table, and the majority of the

members are also shareholders of Novacap Fund Management Inc., the corporate parent

  The limited partners of Novacap Partners Technologies III, L.P. are passive investors, none of which
holds an indirect interest in more than 10% of the equity of Oxford T&T.
  The limited partners of Novacap TMT IV, L.P. are passive investors, none of which holds an indirect
interest in more than 10% of the equity of Oxford T&T.


of Novacap Management Inc., which holds 100% of the voting interests in Novacap

Management Inc. Equity interests are indirectly held by the TMT Investment Committee

members, as presented in the following table.

  Name and Address           Voting      Equity      Place of    Principal Business
                            Interests   Interests Incorporation/          /
                                                    Citizenship       Position
Novacap Fund                 100%          0%         Québec         Investment
Management Inc.
Pascal Tremblay                0%       27.71%       Canada         Member of TMT
Stéphane Tremblay              0%       24.91%       Canada         Member of TMT
Thadeus Mocarski               0%       13.76%         US           Member of TMT
François Laflamme              0%       13.76%       Canada         Member of TMT
Other TMT Investment           0%        8.09%          --                --
Committee Members,
each of whom holds less
than a 10% voting
Other non-TMT                  0%       11.76%          --                 --
Investment Committee
Members, each of whom
holds less than a 10%
equity interest

       8.     Novacap Fund Management Inc.

       Voting interests expressed below relate to each individual’s voting interest in

Novacap Fund Management Inc. as such interest relates to Novacap Management Inc.’s

role as the general partner of Novacap TMT IV, L.P. in relation to its interest in



     Name and Address              Voting         Equity        Citizenship              Position
                                  Interests      Interests
Pascal Tremblay                     50%             0%             Canada              Shareholder
Stéphane Tremblay                   50%             0%             Canada              Shareholder


        As stated above, before closing of the Transaction, the Transferee will assign its

rights under the Agreement to TVC, which Transferee will indirectly own and control, as

follows: 15

        Name:                      TVC Albany, Inc.
        Address:                   41 State Street, 10th Floor
                                   Albany, NY 12207
        Citizenship:               U.S. (Delaware)
        Principal Business:        Telecommunications
        Interest Held:             100% (directly in Holdings)

        Name:                      Oak Hill Buyer (Name To Be Determined)
                                   (“TVC Buyer”)
        Address:                   One Stamford Plaza
                                   263 Tresser Blvd., 15th floor
                                   Stamford, CT 06901
        Citizenship:               U.S. (Delaware LLC or corporation)
        Principal Business:        Holding Company
        Interest Held:             100% (directly in TVC, indirectly in Holdings)

        Name:                      OHCP Northeastern Fiber Buyer, Inc.
        Address:                   One Stamford Plaza
                                   263 Tresser Blvd., 15th floor
                                   Stamford, CT 06901
        Citizenship:               U.S. (Delaware)
        Principal Business:        Holding Company
        Interest Held:             100% (directly in TVC Buyer, indirectly in Holdings)

        The following entities hold, directly or indirectly, a ten percent (10%) or greater

equity interest in Transferee:

        Name:                      OHCP Northeastern Fiber Buyer Holdco, L.P.
                                   (“OHCP Holdco”)

  Unless otherwise indicated, the ownership interests provided herein represent both equity and voting


         Address:                   One Stamford Plaza
                                    263 Tresser Blvd., 15th floor
                                    Stamford, CT 06901
         Citizenship:               U.S. (Delaware)
         Principal Business:        Holding Company
         Interest Held:             100% (directly in Transferee)

         Name:                      OHCP Aggregator (Name To Be Determined)
                                    (“OHCP Aggregator”)
         Address:                   One Stamford Plaza
                                    263 Tresser Blvd., 15th floor
                                    Stamford, CT 06901
         Citizenship:               U.S. (Delaware)
         Principal Business:        Holding Company
         Interest Held:             85.0% (directly in OHCP Holdco)

         Upon completion of the FirstLight purchase, entities and individuals other than

the Oak Hill IV Funds, including members of TVC management and other existing

interest-holders in TVC, are expected to hold, in aggregate, a 9.90% equity interest in

OHCP Holdco, while 90.10% will be indirectly owned by the Oak Hill IV Funds through

OHCP Aggregator. Upon completion of the instant Transaction, existing interest-holders

in Holdings, including Novacap IV funds and BSCP-OX Holdings, LLC will also hold

interest in OHCP Holdco such that the non-Oak Hill entities will hold, in aggregate,

approximately 15.0% of OHCP Holdco, 16 leaving an 85.0% interest to be indirectly held

by the Oak Hill IV Funds through OHCP Aggregator, as described above. It is expected

that none of these entities or individuals outside the Oak Hill IV Funds will have a 10%

or greater interest in the Transferee.

         Upon completion of the Transaction, the Oak Hill IV Funds collectively, and Oak

Hill Capital Partners IV (Onshore), L.P. and Oak Hill Capital Partners IV (Offshore) L.P.

 To be clear, these existing interest holders in Holdings will not have any interest in the FirstLight
Companies unless and until both the FirstLight purchase and the instant Transaction are completed.


individually, will own or control a ten percent (10%) or greater indirect interest in

Transferee: 17

        Name:                      Oak Hill Capital Partners IV (Onshore), L.P.
                                   (“Onshore Fund”)
        Address:                   One Stamford Plaza
                                   263 Tresser Blvd., 15th floor
                                   Stamford, CT 06901
        Citizenship:               Cayman Islands
        Principal Business:        Investment Activities
        Interest Held:             58.6% (indirectly in Transferee)

        Name:                      Oak Hill Capital Partners IV (Management), L.P.
                                   (“Management Fund”)
        Address:                   One Stamford Plaza
                                   263 Tresser Blvd., 15th floor
                                   Stamford, CT 06901
        Citizenship:               Cayman Islands
        Principal Business:        Investment Activities
        Interest Held:             6.6% (indirectly in Transferee)

        Name:                      Oak Hill Capital Partners IV (Onshore Tax Exempt), L.P.
                                   (“Tax Exempt Fund”)
        Address:                   One Stamford Plaza
                                   263 Tresser Blvd., 15th floor
                                   Stamford, CT 06901
        Citizenship:               Cayman Islands
        Principal Business:        Investment Activities
        Interest Held:             0.7% (indirectly in Transferee)

        Name:                      Oak Hill Capital Partners IV (Offshore), L.P.
                                   (“Offshore Fund”)
        Address:                   One Stamford Plaza
                                   263 Tresser Blvd., 15th floor
                                   Stamford, CT 06901
        Citizenship:               Cayman Islands
        Principal Business:        Investment Activities
        Interest Held:             15.8% (indirectly in Transferee)

  Because the Oak Hill IV Funds described below have not closed and additional investors could still
participate, and the equity interests of other investors have not been finalized, the respective ownership
percentages in Transferee disclosed above may change. The Oak Hill IV Funds are, however, under
common management and control. If any new investment or change in the ownership percentages causes an
entity or individual not already disclosed herein to obtain a 10% or greater interest in Transferee,
Applicants will update the information in this Application.


        Name:                      Oak Hill Capital Partners IV (Offshore 892), L.P.
                                   (“892 Fund”)
        Address:                   One Stamford Plaza
                                   263 Tresser Blvd., 15th floor
                                   Stamford, CT 06901
        Citizenship:               Cayman Islands
        Principal Business:        Investment Activities
        Interest Held:             3.4% (indirectly in Transferee)

        The equity in the Oak Hill IV Funds is held through passive limited partnership

interests held by numerous, primarily U.S.-based investors, including individuals, trusts,

institutions and business entities. Based on current investment percentages, the following

limited partners of the Oak Hill IV Funds will own or control a ten percent (10%) or

greater direct or indirect interest in Transferee through their investments in one or more

of these funds:

        Name:                      Ohio Public Employees Retirement System 18
                                   (“Ohio Public”)
        Address:                   277 East Town Street
                                   Columbus, OH 43215
        Citizenship:               U.S. (Ohio)
        Principal Business:        Statutorily-created pension plan
        Interest Held:             16.6% (indirectly, through limited partnership invest in the
                                   Onshore Fund)

        Name:                      FW Oak Hill Limited IV, L.P.
                                   (“FW Limited IV”)
        Address:                   201 Main Street, Suite 3100
                                   Fort Worth, TX 76102
        Citizenship:               U.S. (Delaware)
        Principal Business:        Investment Activities
        Interest Held:             13.3% (indirectly, through limited partnership investment
                                   in the Onshore Fund)

  As noted above, the Oak Hill IV Funds have not closed. At the time of the FirstLight Applications, Ohio
Public had not yet invested, and thus was not listed as a 10% or greater interest holder. The applicants to
the FirstLight Applications supplemented the ownership information in the dockets of the FirstLight
Applications to reflect this change.


       The sole general partner of FW Limited IV is FW Oak Hill Limited Genpar IV,

LLC, a Delaware limited liability company. The sole member of FW Oak Hill Limited

Genpar IV, LLC is FW GP Holdco, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company. The sole

member of FW GP Holdco, LLC is Jay H. Hebert, a U.S. citizen. The address for each of

these entities and Mr. Hebert is 201 Main Street, Suite 3100, Fort Worth, TX 76102.

       Control of the Oak Hill IV Funds is vested in the following entities and


       Name:                  OHCP GenPar IV, L.P. (“GenPar IV”)
       Address:               One Stamford Plaza
                              263 Tresser Blvd., 15th floor
                              Stamford, CT 06901
       Citizenship:           Cayman Islands
       Principal Business:    Investment Activities
       Interest Held:         As sole general partner of each of the Oak Hill IV Funds,
                              GenPar IV indirectly controls Transferee. Gen Par IV has
                              less than 1% indirect equity interest in Transferee.

       Name:                  OHCP MGP IV, Ltd. (“MGP IV”)
       Address:               One Stamford Plaza
                              263 Tresser Blvd., 15th floor
                              Stamford, CT 06901
       Citizenship:           Cayman Islands
       Principal Business:    Investment Activities
       Interest Held:         As sole general partner of GenPar IV, MGP IV indirectly
                              controls Transferee. MGP IV has less than 1% indirect
                              equity interest in Transferee.

       The shares in MGP IV are distributed equally (100 shares each) among thirteen

individuals (collectively referred to herein as the “Oak Hill Representatives”), each of

whom is a U.S. citizen: J. Taylor Crandall, Steven B. Gruber, Tyler J. Wolfram, Scott A.

Baker, Brian N. Cherry, Benjamin Diesbach, Stratton R. Heath, III, Scott B. Kauffman,

Kevin M. Mailender, John R. Monsky, William J. Pade, Steven G. Puccinelli, and David

S. Scott. None of these individuals has a 10% or greater equity interest in Transferee.


To the Transferee’s knowledge, no other person or entity, directly or indirectly, will own

or control a ten percent (10%) or greater interest in the Oxford Companies through


        Transferee does not have any interlocking directorates with a foreign carrier.

63.18(i) Certification as to whether or not Transferee is, or is affiliated with, a
foreign carrier. (Answer to Question 14)

        Transferor certifies that it is not a foreign carrier in any country, nor is it affiliated

with any foreign carrier.

        Transferee certifies that it is not a foreign carrier in any country, nor is it affiliated

with any foreign carrier. 19

63.18(j) Certification as to whether or not Transferee seeks to provide international
telecommunications services to any country for which certain conditions are true.
(Answer to Question 15)

        Transferor certifies that it does not seek to provide international

telecommunications services to any destination country to which 47 C.F.R. § 63.18(j)(1)

through (j)(4) applies.

        Transferee certifies that it does not seek to provide international

telecommunications services to any destination country to which 47 C.F.R. § 63.18(j)(1)

through (j)(4) applies.

  The FirstLight Applications noted, out of an abundance of caution, that TVC provides, on a private
carriage basis, certain telecommunications services between Canada and the U.S. that do not require a
Basic International Telecommunications Services license or other authorization from the Canadian Radio
and Telecommunications Commission (“CRTC”). Since TVC does not have an authorization from the
CRTC and provides services in Canada only on a private carriage basis, it is not “authorized within a
foreign country to engage in the provision of international telecommunications services offered to the
public” in Canada and, therefore, is not a “foreign carrier” under the Commission’s Rules. See 47 C.F.R. §
63.09(d) (emphasis added). Even upon completion of the FirstLight purchase, therefore, Transferee will
not be affiliated, within the meaning of Section 63.09(e) of the Commission’s rules, 47 C.F.R. § 63.09(e),
with a foreign carrier.


63.18(k) Showing regarding provision of international telecommunications service
to a country where the applicant is a foreign carrier or is affiliated with a foreign

63.18(m) Regulatory classification under Section 63.10 of the Rules for foreign-
affiliated carrier.


63.18(n) Certification that applicant has not agreed to accept special concessions
directly or indirectly from any foreign carrier.

       Applicants certify that they (a) have not agreed to accept special concessions

directly or indirectly from any foreign carrier with respect to any U.S. international route

where the foreign carrier possesses market power on the foreign end of the route and

(b) will not enter into such agreements in the future.

63.18(o) Certification pursuant to 47 C.F.R. §§ 1.2001-1.2003 that no party to the
application is subject to denial of federal benefits pursuant to section 5301 of the
Anti-Drug Abuse Act of 1988, 21 U.S.C. § 583.

       Applicants hereby certify, pursuant to 47 C.F.R. §§ 1.2001-1.2003, that to the best

of their knowledge, information, and belief, no party to this Application is subject to

denial of federal benefits pursuant to section 5301 of the Anti-Drug Abuse Act of 1988,

21 U.S.C. § 583.

63.18(p) Qualification for streamlined processing.

       Applicants are not requesting streamlined processing, but for the reasons provided

herein, request the expeditious grant of this Application.

           IV. Transfer of Control of Domestic Section 214 Authorizations

       Pursuant to Section 63.04(b) of the Commission’s Rules, Applicants submit

information required pursuant to Sections 63.04(a)(6) through 63.04(a)(12) of the

Commission’s Rules:


63.04(a)(6) Description of the transaction

       Please see Section II, above.

63.04(a)(7) Description of the geographic areas in which the transferor and
transferee (and their affiliates) offer domestic telecommunications services, and
what services are provided in each area


       Transferor is a holding companies that does not provide telecommunications

services. The Oxford Companies provide the following domestic telecommunications


            •   Oxford Telephone provides incumbent local exchange and exchange
                access services to approximately 3,621 access lines in the exchanges of
                Buckfield, Turner, North Turner, Sumner, Canton and West Paris, Maine.

            •   Oxford West provides incumbent local exchange and exchange access
                services to approximately 4,563 access lines in the exchanges of Hebron,
                Bryant Pond, Bethel, West Bethel, Roxbury Pond, Locke Mills, North
                Norway, Andover, and Upton, Maine.

            •   Oxford Service provides competitive local exchange and exchange access
                services to approximately 15,280 access lines located within exchanges of
                the LEC operating territory of Fairpoint NNE (former Verizon territory
                within the State of Maine).

            •   Revolution is certified to provide competitive local exchange service in
                New Hampshire and Maine. Neither Oxford Service nor Revolution offer
                competitive local exchange services within the certificated territory of any
                independent local exchange company (including within Oxford Telephone
                and Oxford Wests’ incumbent local exchange territory as described
                above). Each local exchange company also provides broadband services
                to its local exchange customers.

            •   Oxford T&T (doing business as Oxford Long Distance and as Oxford
                Networks) offers IXC services (domestic and international) to the local
                service subscribers of Oxford Telephone, Oxford West, and Oxford
                Services. As an IXC, Oxford T&T currently serves approximately 12,398
                interstate customers (and 11,062 intrastate customers).

            •   Northeast serves as a carrier’s carrier, offering transport services through
                its fiber facilities from Boston to Bangor and multiple points in between.


           •   BayRing provides competitive local exchange, interexchange, colocation
               and data services primarily in Maine, Massachusetts and New Hampshire.
               BayRing’s services are primarily located within exchanges of the LEC
               operating territories of Fairpoint NNE (former Verizon territory within the
               State of Maine and New Hampshire) and Verizon (within the State of

       No other affiliate of Transferor provides domestic telecommunications services.


       Transferee does not itself provide telecommunications. As described above,

Transferee currently has an agreement to acquire the FirstLight Companies and their

licenses and operations, and the FirstLight Applications, cited above, are pending. The

FirstLight Companies operate in Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New York, and

Vermont, but there is no overlap of service area with the Oxford ILECs in Maine. In

addition, Transferee is currently affiliated (as defined in the Act), through a separate

group of funds managed by Oak Hill Capital ultimately controlled by OHCP MGP III,

Ltd., with the following domestic telecommunications services providers:

           •   Astound (d/b/a/ Wave), a provider of domestic telecommunications
               services, including local exchange, long distance, and wholesale
               telecommunications services, to residential and business customers in
               California, Oregon, and Washington. See n. 4 supra.

           •   Metronet Holdings, LLC, a fiber company providing services in Indiana
               and Illinois.

           •, Inc., a hosted exchange and PBX company providing
               services nearly nationwide, including, in terms of the states served by
               Firstlight, New York, Massachusetts, and Maine.

       To Transferee’s knowledge, Transferee is not affiliated with any other

telecommunications carriers.


63.04(a)(8) Statement as to how the application fits into one or more of the
presumptive streamlined categories in Section 63.03 of the Commission’s Rules or
why it is otherwise appropriate for streamlined treatment

       Applicants are not requesting streamlined processing, but for the reasons provided

herein, request the expeditious grant of this Application.

63.04(a)(9) Identification of all other Commission applications related to the same


63.04(a)(10) Statement of whether the applicants are requesting special
consideration because either party to the transaction is facing imminent business

       Neither party to the transaction is facing imminent business failure. Therefore,

Applicants are not requesting special consideration for this reason.

63.04(a)(11) Identification of any separately filed waiver requests being sought in
conjunction with the transaction.

       No separately filed waiver requests are being sought in conjunction with the


63.04(a)(12) Statement showing how grant of the application will serve the public
interest, convenience and necessity, including any additional information that may
be necessary to show the effect of the proposed transaction on competition in
domestic markets

       Applicants submit that the proposed transaction is consistent with the public

interest. The proposed ownership structure and investment participation will enable the

continued provision of high-quality communications services to Oxford Companies’

customers. The primary purpose of the transaction is to recapitalize Oxford T&T to

assure that it will have a strengthened balance sheet and increased access to capital,

which will enhance the ability of Oxford Companies to innovate and provide ever-more

sophisticated advanced network services to Maine, Massachusetts, and New Hampshire


customers and businesses, which will in turn advance the telecommunications and

information infrastructure of these states and their economic health.

       Moreover, the Applications raise no significant foreign ownership or control

issues that would be of interest to the U.S. government with respect to U.S. national

security. The Transferee is ultimately controlled entirely by U.S. citizens. Although the

Oak Hill IV Funds (and their general partners) are domiciled in the Cayman Islands, they

remain part of the Oak Hill U.S.-based private equity funds whose investments are

managed entirely by the Oak Hill Representatives made up entirely of U.S. citizens and

whose investors are primarily U.S. entities or individuals. These investment funds are

thus “foreign” solely due to their jurisdiction of formation; they were formed in the

Cayman Islands because it is a jurisdiction with which private fund investors are familiar

and offers courts and legal advisors with expertise in this area. Furthermore, these

Cayman Islands entities do not assert any influence, management or control over the

Transferee, independent of oversight and control by the Oak Hill Representatives, but are

merely intermediary vehicles through which various passive and institutional investors

have made their financial investments. Other than these Cayman Islands entities, there are

no foreign owners with a 5% or greater direct or indirect ownership interest in the


       In sum, other than through the Oak Hill Representatives, none of the Cayman

Islands investment funds (and their general partner) or any other foreign entity or

government will have any independent management role whatsoever in the Transferee.

Accordingly, the Applications should be approved expeditiously without a significant or

lengthy review or concern with respect to U.S. national security issues.


                                     V. Conclusion

       For the foregoing reasons, the Applicants respectfully request the expeditious

grant of this Application.

                                     Respectfully submitted,

                                     By:           /s/
                                            Sherrese M. Smith
                                            Andrew J. Erber
                                            Paul Hastings LLP
                                            875 15th Street, N.W.
                                            Washington, DC 20005
                                            (202) 551-1700

                                            Counsel for Oxford Networks Holdings, Inc.

                                     By:            /s/
                                            Patrick S. Campbell
                                            Paul, Weiss, Rifkind, Wharton & Garrison
                                            2001 K Street, NW
                                            Washington, DC 20006-1047
                                            (202) 223-7323

                                            Counsel for OHCP Northeastern Fiber
                                            Buyer, Inc.

Date: July 8, 2016


          EXHIBIT A

Post-Closing Ownership Structure


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I, Thadeus Mocarski, state that I am President of Oxford Networks Holdings, Inc.
("Transferor"); that I am authorized to make this Verification on behalf of Transferor;
that the foregoing filing was prepared under my direction and supervision; and that the
statements made in the foregoing filing with respect to Transferor are true and correct to
the best of my knowledge, information and belief.

Thadeus Mogarski, President
Oxford Networks Holdings, Inc.


I, Scott A. Baker, state that I am President of OHCP Northeastern Fiber Buyer, Inc.
("Transferee"); that I am authorized to make this Verification on behalf of Transferee;
that the foregoing filing was prepared under my direction and supervision; and that the
statements made in the foregoing filing with respect to Transferee are true and correct to
the best of my knowledge, information and belief.

I deElare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct. Executed this
_Q"Hay of July 2016.

      gottA,         Faken—
8e     . Baker\President
OHCP Northeastern Fiber Buyer, Inc.

Document Created: 2016-07-08 12:55:24
Document Modified: 2016-07-08 12:55:24

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