Attachment Attachment

This document pretains to ITC-T/C-20160609-00164 for Transfer of Control on a International Telecommunications filing.


                                        ATTACHMENT 1

                  Joint International and Domestic Section 214 Application to
              Transfer Control of Inmate Calling Solutions, LLC d/b/a ICSolutions

        This joint application seeks Commission consent under Section 214 of the
Communications Act of 1934, as amended (the “Act”), and Sections 63.04 and 64.24 of the
Commission’s rules 1 to transfer control of Inmate Calling Solutions, LLC d/b/a ICSolutions
(“ICS”) from Centric Group, L.L.C. (“Centric” or “Transferor”) to TKC Holdings, Inc. (“TKC”
or “Transferee”). ICS holds an international Section 214 authorization as well as blanket Section
214 domestic operating authority. As explained further below, grant of the application serves the
public interest.


       Responses to certain questions set forth in the application’s FCC 214 Main Form are as

Answers to Question 10

Transferor Contact Information                        Transferee Contact Information

James Theiss                                          Michael Gallagher
President and Chief Executive Officer                 Vice President
Centric Group, L.L.C.                                 H.I.G. Capital Management, Inc.
1260 Andes Blvd.                                      1450 Brickell Avenue
St. Louis, MO 63132                                   31st Floor
Tel. 314-214-2785                                     Miami, FL 33131
Fax 314 214-2790                                      Tel. 305-379-2322                              Fax 305-379-2013
With a copy to:
                                                      With a copy to:
Jeffrey Craven
Thompson Coburn LLP                                   Howard M. Liberman
1909 K Street, N.W. Suite 600                         Jennifer L. Kostyu
Washington, D.C. 20006                                Wilkinson Barker Knauer, LLP
Tel. 202-585-6958                                     1800 M Street, N.W., Suite 800N
Fax 202-508-1018                                      Washington, D.C. 20036                            Tel. 202-783-4141
                                                      Fax 202-783-5851

    47 U.S.C. § 214; 47 C.F.R. §§ 63.04, 64.24.


Place of Organization

       ICS is a limited liability company organized under the laws of the State of California.
Centric is a limited liability company organized under the laws of the State of Delaware. TKC is
a corporation organized under the laws of the State of Delaware.

Prior International Section 214 Authorizations

        ICS holds an international Section 214 authorization to provide global international
resold services between the United States and international points pursuant to Section
63.18(e)(2) of the Commission’s rules (File No. ITC-214-20030312-00128). TKC does not hold
any international Section 214 authorizations.

Answer to Question 11

         Pursuant to Section 63.18(h) of the Commission’s rules, the following entities will
directly or indirectly hold a ten percent or greater equity interest in ICS upon consummation of
this transaction. Charts showing the pre- and post-transaction ownership of ICS also are

       Keefe Group, LLC (“Keefe”), a Missouri limited liablity company, will hold 100 percent
of ICS. Keefe’s principal business is the provision of commissary management services,
packaging and distribution of food products, personal care products, electronics, clothing,
technology, telecommunications and software solutions to the correctional markets, and holding
company of businesses providing such products and services to the correctional markets. Its
address is 1260 Andes Boulevard, St. Louis, Missouri 63132.

        Post-closing, Keefe will be a wholly-owned direct subsidary of TKC, the Transferee.
TKC is a Delaware corporation, and its principal business is a holding company. As more fully
depicted in the attached ownership charts, TKC is indirectly controlled by H.I.G. Capital, a
private equity investment firm headquartered in Miami, Florida. All of the companies identified
in the post-closing ownership chart above TKC are organized under the laws of Delaware, and
the principal business of each company is an investment fund or a holding company. H.I.G.
Capital is ultimately controlled by Sami Mnaymneh and Anthony Tamer, both of whom are U.S.
citizens. The address for Mr. Mnaymneh, Mr. Tamer, TKC, and (with the exception of one
company) all of the companies identified in the post-closing ownership chart above TKC is c/o
H.I.G. Capital Management, Inc., 1450 Brickell Avenue, 31st Floor, Miami, Florida 33131. 2

        No other entity or individual will directly or indirectly hold a 10 percent or greater equity
interest in ICS post-closing.

 The address for Florida Growth Fund, LLC is c/o Hamilton Lane Advisors, LLC, Florida Growth Fund
Team, 200 SW 1st Avenue, Suite 880, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33301.


Answer to Question 13

Description of Transaction and Public Interest Statement

         ICS is a California limited liability company headquartered in San Antonio, Texas. ICS
has been providing institutional calling services since 2003, and currently serves correctional
facilities in 38 states. The company’s mission is to focus on advanced technology and proven
resources into transforming the inmate calling arena. Its dedication to ongoing technology
advances, market-specific solutions, and unsurpassed customer service has earned ICS a
reputation as an emerging industry leader.

        TKC is indirectly controlled by H.I.G. Capital, a private equity investment firm
headquartered in Miami, Florida. The H.I.G. family of funds includes private equity, growth
equity, real estate, debt/credit, lending and life sciences. The firm aligns itself with committed
management teams and entrepreneurs and helps build businesses of significant value. Its team of
over 250 investment professionals has substantial operating, consulting, technology and financial
management experience, enabling it to contribute meaningfully to its portfolio companies.

       TKC, Centric, Keefe, and Courtesy Group, L.L.C. entered into a Membership Interest
Purchase Agreement dated as of May 6, 2016 (the “Agreement”). Pursuant to the Agreement,
the membership interests of Keefe, which holds 100 percent of the equity interests of ICS, will
be acquired by TKC. 3 Accordingly, upon consummation of the transactions contemplated by the
Agreement (the “Proposed Transactions”), ICS will become an indirect wholly-owned subsidiary
of TKC and ultimately controlled by H.I.G. Capital.

        The Proposed Transactions will serve the public interest by providing additional capital
to ICS, which in turn will enhance its ability to maintain and improve its network and services
and better compete in the telecommunications marketplace. The Proposed Transactions will
have no adverse impact on ICS customers, and will be virtually transparent to customers in terms
of the service they now receive. ICS will continue to provide services at the same rates and on
the same terms and conditions as are currently in effect. Moreover, ICS holds only a de minimis
share of each of the domestic and U.S.-international markets. The Proposed Transactions thus
pose no risk of competitive harm to the domestic or U.S.-international telecommunications

Answer to Question 20

     This application qualifies for streamlined processing pursuant to Section 63.12 of the
Commission’s rules. Neither ICS nor TKC has any foreign carrier affiliates, and will have no

  Certain pre-closing restructuring transactions were recently completed by Centric to facilitate
this transaction. Specifically, prior to the restructuring, Keefe and ICS were both wholly-owned
direct subsidiaries of Centric (i.e., Keefe was a “sister” affiliate of ICS). As part of the
restructuring, the equity interests of ICS were contributed by Centric to Keefe. Keefe thus
remains a direct wholly-owned subsidiary of Centric and ICS has become a direct wholly-owned
subsidiary of Keefe and an indirect wholly-owned subsidiary of Centric. Ultimate control of ICS
resided and continues to reside with Centric before and after the restructuring.


such affiliates post-closing. They therefore qualify for a presumption of non-dominance under
Section 63.10 of the Commission’s rules on all U.S.-international routes.


       In support of the applicants’ request for consent to transfer control of ICS to TKC, the
following information is submitted pursuant to Section 63.04 of the Commission’s rules. 4
Specifically, Section 63.04(b) provides that applicants submitting a joint international/domestic
Section 214 application should submit in an attachment to the international Section 214
application responses to the information requested in paragraphs (a)(6) through (a)(12) of
Section 63.04:

(a)(6) Description of the transaction:

         A description of the transaction is set forth in Section I above.

(a)(7) Description of the geographic areas in which the applicants offer domestic
       telecommunications services, and what services are provided in each area:

       ICS is an institutional services provider certificated, registered or otherwise authorized to
provide service in all states except Alaska, District of Columbia, Delaware, Hawaii and
Vermont. ICS currently contracts with correctional facilities to provide service in Alabama,
Arizona, California, Colorado, Florida, Georgia, Iowa, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Kansas,
Louisiana, Massachusetts, Maryland, Michigan, Minnesota, Montana, Missouri, Mississippi,
North Carolina, Nebraska, New Hampshire, New Mexico, New York, Nevada, Ohio, Oklahoma,
Oregon, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Virginia, Washington, West
Virginia, Wisconsin and Wyoming. Neither TKC nor H.I.G. or its affiliates provide
telecommunications services.

(a)(8) Statement as to how the application qualifies for streamlined treatment:

       This application qualifies for streamlined treatment under Section 63.03(b) of the
Commission’s rules because: (1) the Transferee is not a telecommunications provider; (2) ICS’s
market share of the interstate, interexchange market is significantly less than 10 percent; and (3)
ICS provides competitive telecommunications services exclusively in geographic markets served
by a dominant local exchange carrier that is not a party to this transaction. No applicant is
dominant with respect to any telecommunications service offered in the United States.

(a)(9) Identification of all other Commission applications related to this transaction:

       Centric is the licensee of a private, industrial/business pool wireless station, WQTS411.
A separate application is being submitted for consent to assign that license to Keefe as part of the
Proposed Transactions.

    47 C.F.R.§ 63.04.


(a)(10) Statement of whether the applicants request special consideration because either
        party is facing imminent business failure:

      The applicants request no special consideration of this application for reasons relating to
imminent business failure.

(a)(11) Identification of any separately filed waiver requests being sought in conjunction
        with this transaction:

        The applicants seek no separately filed waiver requests in conjunction with this

(a)(12) Statement showing how grant of the Application will serve the public interest,
        convenience and necessity:

       A demonstration of how the grant of application serves the public interest, convenience
and necessity is set forth in Section I above.


            Exhibit 1

Pre-Closing Ownership Structure

       Centric Group, L.L.C.


         Keefe Group, LLC


    Inmate Calling Solutions, LLC


                                        Post-Closing Ownership Structure1

                         H.I.G. Middle Market            H.I.G. Capital           H.I.G. TSG         Other
                         LBO Fund II, L.P.*              Partners IV, L.P.**      Parent, LLC**      Investors**

                          H.I.G. Centric, LLC*                                   H.I.G. TSG, LLC**

                             72.14%                                                    27.86%
                                                 H.I.G. Centric Holdings, LLC


                                                       TKC Topco LLC


                                                     TKC Holdings, LLC


                                             TKC Intermediate Holdings, LLC


                                                     TKC Holdings, Inc.


                                                      Keefe Group, LLC


                                                 Inmate Calling Solutions, LLC
* See page 3.
** See page 4.

1      Percentages in the post-closing ownership charts are approximate. Percentages on this page 2 reflect both vote
and equity interests.

                                        Post-Closing Ownership Structure (Continued)

                    Sami Mnaymneh                                        Anthony Tamer

             50% vote                                              50% vote
             50% equity                                            50% equity

                                    H.I.G. – GPII, Inc.

                                                                        Anthony Tamer2
         Sami Mnaymneh2                100% vote
                                       0% equity
             0% vote                                                  0% vote
             50% equity                                               50% equity

                                  H.I.G. Middle Market
                                    Advisors II, LLC
                                                                                          Limited Partners
                                   (General Partner)

                      100% vote
                                                                                   0% vote
                      0.0543% equity
                                                                                   99.9457% equity

                                                    H.I.G. Middle Market LBO
                                                           Fund II, L.P.

                                                           100% vote
                                                           100% equity

                                                          H.I.G. Centric, LLC

                                                             [See Page 2.]

2A portion of Mr. Mnaymneh's and Mr. Tamer's ownership interests are held through estate planning vehicles the beneficiaries of
which are family members.

                                       Post-Closing Ownership Structure (Continued)

                                      Sami Mnaymneh                                 Anthony Tamer

                                    50% vote                                               50% vote
                                    50% equity                                             50% equity
                                                             H.I.G. – GPII, Inc.

                       Sami Mnaymneh3                           100% vote
                                                                0% equity                       Anthony Tamer3

                                0% vote                                                 0% vote
                                50% equity                                              50% equity
                                                      H.I.G. Advisors IV, L.L.C.
          Limited Partners                                (General Partner)
                                                                                                          Florida Growth Fund, LLC

    0% vote
    99.8733% equity                          100% vote                         100% vote                             0% vote
                                             0.1267% equity                    0% equity                             100% equity

                          H.I.G. Capital Partners IV, L.P.                                 H.I.G. TSG Parent, LLC

     Other Investors
                                                   75.23% vote                                       16.53% vote
                                                   75.23% equity                                     16.53% equity

               8.24% vote
               8.24% equity
                                                                  H.I.G. TSG, LLC

                                                                    [See Page 2.]

3 A portion of Mr. Mnaymneh's and Mr. Tamer's ownership interests are held through estate planning vehicles the beneficiaries of

which are family members.

Document Created: 2016-06-09 17:24:57
Document Modified: 2016-06-09 17:24:57

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