Attachment Attachment

This document pretains to ITC-T/C-20160519-00156 for Transfer of Control on a International Telecommunications filing.


                                        ATTACHMENT 1

                  Joint International and Domestic Section 214 Application to
                  Transfer Control of Call Catchers Inc. d/b/a FreedomVoice

       This joint application seeks Federal Communications Commission (“FCC” or
“Commission”) consent under Section 214 of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended (the
“Act”), and Sections 63.04 and 64.24 of the Commission’s rules 1 to transfer control of Call
Catchers Inc. d/b/a FreedomVoice (“FreedomVoice”) to GoDaddy Operating Company, LLC
(“GoDaddy Operating”). FreedomVoice holds an international Section 214 authorization as well
as blanket Section 214 domestic operating authority. As explained further below, grant of the
application serves the public interest.


       Responses to certain questions set forth in the application’s FCC 214 Main Form are as

Answers to Question 10

Transferor Contact Information                        Transferee Contact Information

Eric Thomas                                           Matthew A. Forkner
President, Chief Executive Officer                    Vice President, Deputy General Counsel
Call Catchers Inc.                                    GoDaddy Inc.
169 Saxony Road                                       14455 N. Hayden Road
Encinitas, CA 92024                                   Scottsdale, Arizona 85260
Tel. 800-477-1477 x86                                 Tel. 480-505-8800                    

With a copy to:                                       With a copy to:

Michael P. Donahue                                    Jennifer L. Kostyu
Marashlian & Donahue, PLLC                            L. Charles Keller
The CommLaw Group                                     Wilkinson Barker Knauer, LLP
1420 Spring Hill Road, Suite 401                      1800 M Street, N.W., Suite 800N
Tysons, Virginia 22102                                Washington, D.C. 20036
Tel. 703-714-1319                                     Tel. 202-783-4141
Fax 703-563-6222                                      Fax 202-783-5851                        

    47 U.S.C. § 214; 47 C.F.R. §§ 63.04, 64.24.


Place of Organization

      FreedomVoice is a corporation organized under the laws of the State of Delaware.
GoDaddy Operating is a limited liability company organized under the laws of the State of

Prior International Section 214 Authorizations

         FreedomVoice holds an international Section 214 authorization to provide global
international telecommunications services between the United States and international points on
a facilities and resold basis pursuant to Sections 63.18(e)(1) and 63.18(e)(2) of the Commission’s
rules (File No. ITC-214-20070612-00227). GoDaddy Operating does not hold any international
Section 214 authorizations.

Answer to Question 11

        Pursuant to Section 63.18(h) of the Commission’s rules, the following entities will
directly or indirectly hold a ten percent or greater ownership interest in FreedomVoice upon
consummation of this transaction.

Direct Ownership Interest in FreedomVoice:

       Name:                  Media Temple Inc.
       Address:               14455 N. Hayden Road
                              Scottsdale, Arizona 85260
       Citizenship:           Delaware
       Principal Business:    Holding Company
       Ownership Interest:    100% of FreedomVoice

Indirect Ownership Interest in FreedomVoice:

       Name:                  GoDaddy Operating Company, LLC
       Address:               14455 N. Hayden Road
                              Scottsdale, Arizona 85260
       Citizenship:           Delaware
       Principal Business:    Technology Provider
       Ownership Interest:    100% of Media Temple Inc.

       Name:                  Desert Newco, LLC (“Desert Newco”)
       Address:               14455 N. Hayden Road
                              Scottsdale, Arizona 85260
       Citizenship:           Delaware
       Principal Business:    Holding Company
       Ownership Interest:    100% of GoDaddy Operating Company, LLC

       Name:                  GoDaddy Inc. (“GoDaddy”)
       Address:               14455 N. Hayden Road
                              Scottsdale, Arizona 85260

       Citizenship:           Delaware
       Principal Business:    Holding Company
       Ownership Interest:    Approximately 51% of Desert Newco. 2 GoDaddy also is the sole
                              managing member and controls the management of Desert Newco,

       Name:                  Yam Special Holdings, Inc.
       Address:               15475 N. 84th Street
                              Scottsdale, Arizona 85260
       Citizenship:           Arizona
       Principal Business:    Holding Company
       Ownership Interest:    Approximately 20% of Desert Newco, LLC

       Name:                  Robert R. Parsons
       Address:               15475 N. 84th Street
                              Scottsdale, Arizona 85260
       Citizenship:           Arizona
       Ownership Interest:    100% of Yam Special Holdings, Inc.

         In addition, entities affiliated with Kohlberg Kravis Roberts & Co. L.P together indirectly
hold an approximate 10% interest in Desert Newco through a series of investment vehicles
(approximately 20% when inclusive of ownership of the Class A Common Stock of GoDaddy
Inc., as publicly disclosed). Specifically, KKR Management LLC is the general partner of KKR
& Co. L.P., which is the sole shareholder of KKR Group Limited, which is the general partner of
KKR Group Holdings, L.P. KKR Group Holdings, L.P. is the general partner of KKR Fund
Holdings L.P. (which is the designated member of KKR 2006 GP LLC) and the sole shareholder
of KKR Fund Holdings GP Limited (which is the general partner of KKR Fund Holdings L.P.)
and KKR Management Holdings Corp. (which is the general partner of KKR Management
Holdings L.P., which is the designated member of KKR 2006 AIV GP LLC). KKR 2006 GP
LLC is the general partner of KKR Associates 2006 L.P. (which is the manager of OPERF Co-
Investment LLC)..KKR Associates 2006 AIV L.P. is the general partner of KKR 2006 Fund
(GDG) L.P. KKR 2006 AIV GP LLC is the general partner of KKR 2006 GDG Blocker L.P. and
KKR Associates 2006 AIV L.P. and the sole member of GDG Co-Invest GP LLC (which is the
general partner of GDG Co-Invest Blocker L.P.). KKR III GP LLC is the general partner of
KKR Partners III, L.P.

        KKR 2006 Fund (GDG) L.P., OPERF Co-Investment LLC, KKR 2006 GDG Blocker
L.P., GDG Co-Invest Blocker L.P., and KKR Partners III, L.P. each hold shares directly in
GoDaddy and/or Desert Newco. The address for all of the above KKR entities is c/o Kohlberg
Kravis Roberts & Co. L.P., 9 West 57th Street, Suite 4200, New York, New York 10019. All of
these entities are investment funds, general partners of investment funds, or holding companies.

 GoDaddy holds an approximate 50 percent ownership interest in Desert Newco. GD Subsidiary Inc., a
wholly-owned subsidiary of GoDaddy, holds an approximate 1 percent ownership interest in Desert
Newco. GD Subsidiary Inc. is a Delaware corporation, and its address is 14455 N. Hayden Road,
Scottsdale, Arizona 85260.


All are organized under the laws of Delaware with the exception of KKR Fund Holdings L.P.,
KKR Group Holdings L.P., and KKR Group Limited, which are organized under the laws of the
Cayman Islands. Henry R. Kravis and George R. Roberts are the designated members of KKR
Management LLC and the managing members of KKR III GP LLC. Both Mr. Kravis and Mr.
Roberts are United States citizens. The address for Mr. Kravis is c/o Kohlberg Kravis Roberts &
Co. L.P., 9 West 57th Street, Suite 4200, New York, New York 10019. The address for Mr.
Roberts is c/o Kohlberg Kravis Roberts & Co. L.P., 2800 Sand Hill Road, Suite 200, Menlo
Park, California 94025.

        Entities affiliated with Silver Lake Partners hold an approximate 11% interest in Desert
Newco through a series of investment vehicles (approximately 20% when inclusive of ownership
of the Class A Common Stock of GoDaddy Inc., as publicly disclosed). Specifically, Silver
Lake Group, L.L.C. is the managing member of SLTA III (GP), L.L.C., which in turn is the
general partner of Silver Lake Associates III, L.P., which in turn is the general partner of SLP III
Kingdom Feeder I, L.P. and Silver Lake Partners III DE (AIV IV), L.P. Silver Lake Partners III
DE (AIV IV), L.P. is the managing member of SLP GD Investors, L.L.C. An investment
committee of Silver Lake Technology Associates III, L.P. is made up of Mike Bingle, Jim
Davidson, Egon Durban, Ken Hao, Christian Lucas, Greg Mondre and Joe Osnoss and may also
be deemed to have shared voting and investment power over the securities beneficially owned by
the Silver Lake entities described in this paragraph.

        SLP GD Investors, L.L.C. and SLP III Kingdom Feeder I, L.P. each hold shares directly
in GoDaddy or Desert Newco. The address for all of the above Silver Lake entities and
individuals is c/o Silver Lake, 2775 Sand Hill Road, Suite 100, Menlo Park, California, 94025.
All of these entities are investment funds, general partners of investment funds, or holding
companies. All entities are organized under the laws of Delaware. All member of the Silver
Lake investment committee are U.S. citizens except Mr. Durban, who is a citizen of Germany,
and Mr. Lucas, who is a citizen of France.

        To the best of GoDaddy’s knowledge, no other entity or individual will directly or
indirectly hold a 10 percent or greater ownership interest in FreedomVoice post-closing.

Answer to Question 13

Description of Transaction and Public Interest Statement

       FreedomVoice, founded in 1996, is a Delaware corporation and headquartered in
Encinitas, California. FreedomVoice is an industry-leading provider of cloud-based
communications systems for small to mid-sized businesses nationwide. Its solutions include toll
free numbers, vanity numbers, and local number virtual phone systems, as well as interconnected
Voice over Internet Protocol, resold interexchange services, and cloud-based conference

         GoDaddy, through its affiliates, is an Internet domain registrar and web hosting company.
It is the world’s largest technology provider dedicated to small businesses. GoDaddy’s mission
is to radically shift the global economy toward small businesses by empowering people to easily
start, confidently grow and successfully run their own ventures. With more than 14 million


customers worldwide and more than 62 million domain names under management, GoDaddy
gives small business owners the tools to name their idea, build a beautiful online presence, attract
customers and manage their business.

        GoDaddy Operating, its direct wholly-owned subsidiary San Fernando Merger Sub Inc.
(“Merger Sub”), FreedomVoice, and certain FreedomVoice shareholders entered into an
Agreement and Plan of Merger dated as of May 17, 2016 (the “Agreement”). Pursuant to the
Agreement, Merger Sub will be merged with and into FreedomVoice, with FreedomVoice being
the surviving entity. All equity securities of FreedomVoice will be canceled and its shareholders
will be entitled to receive consideration for those securities. FreedomVoice will thus become a
direct, wholly-owned subsidiary of GoDaddy Operating.

       The proposed transaction will serve the public interest by further facilitating the provision
of cloud-based communications and other services to small businesses. The success of local,
national and global economies are dependent on small businesses, which foster entrepreneurship,
innovation, growth, and employment. The transaction also will not impact FreedomVoice’s
customers, and will be virtually transparent to customers in terms of the service they now
receive. Moreover, FreedomVoice holds only a de minimis share of each of the domestic and
U.S.-international markets. The proposed transaction thus poses no risk of competitive harm to
the domestic or U.S.-international telecommunications markets.

Answer to Question 20

         This application qualifies for streamlined processing pursuant to Section 63.12 of the
Commission’s rules. Neither GoDaddy Operating nor FreedomVoice has any foreign carrier
affiliates, and will have no such affiliates post-closing. They therefore qualify for a presumption
of non-dominance under Section 63.10 of the Commission’s rules on all U.S.-international


        In support of the applicants’ request for consent to transfer control of FreedomVoice to
GoDaddy Operating, the following information is submitted pursuant to Section 63.04 of the
Commission’s rules. 3 Specifically, Section 63.04(b) provides that applicants submitting a joint
international/domestic Section 214 application should submit in an attachment to the
international Section 214 application responses to the information requested in paragraphs (a)(6)
through (a)(12) of Section 63.04:

(a)(6) Description of the transaction:

         A description of the transaction is set forth in Section I above.

    47 C.F.R.§ 63.04.


(a)(7) Description of the geographic areas in which the applicants offer domestic
       telecommunications services, and what services are provided in each area:

         FreedomVoice is an industry-leading provider of cloud-based communications systems
for small to mid-sized businesses nationwide. Its solutions include toll free numbers, vanity
numbers, and local number virtual phone systems, as well as interconnected Voice over Internet
Protocol, resold interexchange services, and cloud-based conference bridging. It offers service
in all fifty states, the District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico. Neither GoDaddy Operating nor its
affiliates provide telecommunications services in the United States.

(a)(8) Statement as to how the application qualifies for streamlined treatment:

        This application qualifies for streamlined treatment under Section 63.03(b) of the
Commission’s rules because: (1) the transferee is not a telecommunications provider; (2)
FreedomVoice’s market share of the interstate, interexchange market is significantly less than 10
percent; and (3) FreedomVoice provides competitive telecommunications services exclusively in
geographic markets served by a dominant local exchange carrier that is not a party to this
transaction. Neither applicant is dominant with respect to any telecommunications service
offered in the United States.

(a)(9) Identification of all other Commission applications related to this transaction:

       This joint application is the only application filed with the Commission that relates to the
proposed transfer of control of FreedomVoice.

(a)(10) Statement of whether the applicants request special consideration because either
        party is facing imminent business failure:

      The applicants request no special consideration of this application for reasons relating to
imminent business failure.

(a)(11) Identification of any separately filed waiver requests being sought in conjunction
        with this transaction:

        The applicants seek no separately filed waiver requests in conjunction with this

(a)(12) Statement showing how grant of the Application will serve the public interest,
        convenience and necessity:

      A demonstration of how the grant of the proposed transaction serves the interest,
convenience and necessity is set forth in Section I above.


Document Created: 2016-05-19 16:35:08
Document Modified: 2016-05-19 16:35:08

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