2019 03 22 Ltr fr DO

LETTER submitted by U.S. Department of Justice

Letter to FCC Returning Application


This document pretains to ITC-T/C-20160316-00123 for Transfer of Control on a International Telecommunications filing.


                                                          U.S. Department of Justice

                                                          National Security Division

 Foreign Investment Review Staff                          Washington, D.C. 20004

                                                        March 22, 2019

By E-File

Ms. Marlene H. Dortch
Federal Communications Commission
445 l2th St. SW, Room TW-B204
Washington, DC 20554

Re:            Flock FZ-LLC (f/k/a Riva FZC)

      Dear Ms. Dortch:

      The Department of Justice (“DOJ”), Department of Homeland Security (“DHS”) and the
      Department of Defense (“DOD”) (collectively, the “Agencies”), write to inform the Federal
      Communications Commission (FCC) that the Agencies are no longer reviewing for national
      security and law enforcement concerns the March 16, 2016 Application for the unauthorized
      transfer of control of Flock FZ-LLC from Mr. Bhavin Turakhia to Mr. Divyank Turakhia. After
      discussing this matter with Flock FZ-LLC’s representatives, we have learned that:

      •   On March 1, 2016, Flock FZ-LLC changed its ultimate beneficial owner from Bhavin
          Turakhia to Divyank Turakhia by transferring shares of the ultimate parent company of
          Flock FZ-LLC (Directi Web Technologies) between these two individuals. This transaction
          resulted in the transfer of control of the international Section 214 authorization without the
          FCC’s prior review or approval;
      •   On March 16, 2016, Flock FZ-LLC filed an application for a transfer of control of its
          international Section 214 authorization (FCC File No. ITC-T/C-20160316-00123);
      •   On January 30, 2018, Bhavin Turakhia and Divyank Turakhia engaged in a transaction that
          resulted in a return to the ownership structure that existed prior to the March 1, 2016 transfer
          of control of the international Section 214 authorization;
      •   On February 27, 2018, Flock FZ-LLC applied for and received a Special Temporary
          Authority (STA) to avoid discontinuance of service to its customers while its application was
          pending FCC consideration;
      •   On October 4, 2018 and February 14, 2019, Flock FZ-LLC applied for and received
          extensions for the STA; and
      •   On March 13, 2019, Flock FZ-LLC informed the agencies that it had consulted with the FCC
          on this matter and would be filing a new application for transfer of control of the
          international Section 214 authorization.

      Based upon these facts, on March 16, 2019, DOJ informed Flock FZ-LLC’s representatives that
      the Agencies would no longer review the March 16, 2016 application for national security and
      law enforcement concerns. As a result, the Agencies are returning the application to the FCC.

      Thank you.

                                                         Respectfully submitted,

                                                         LOYAAN A. EGAL
                                                         Deputy Chief
                                                         Foreign Investment Review Staff
                                                         National Security Division
                                                         U.S. Department of Justice

                                                         Lee Licata

cc: David Krech (via email at david.krech@fcc.gov)
Adrienne McNeil (via email at Adrienne.McNeil@fcc.gov)

Document Created: 2019-03-22 16:49:24
Document Modified: 2019-03-22 16:49:24

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