Attachment Attachment 1

This document pretains to ITC-T/C-20160315-00122 for Transfer of Control on a International Telecommunications filing.


                                           ATTACHMENT 1
                                      INTERNATIONAL SECTION 214
                                       ASSIGNMENT APPLICATION

Pursuant to Section 214 of the Communications Act of 1934, as Amended, ! and Section 63.24 of
the Federal Communications Commission‘s ("Commission" or "FCC") rules, * NTCNet Long
Distance, Inc. ("NTC or "Assignor"), and The Middleburgh Telephone Company ("Middleburgh")
and Joseph A. Tomaino ("Tomaino‘), together ("Assignees"), and, together with NTC,
("Applicants") hereby request Commission consent to assignment of the international Section 214
authorization held by NTC to Middleburgh. NTC is a wholly owned subsidiary of NTC Net, Inc.,
which, in turn, is a wholly owned subsidiary of Newport Telephone Company, Inc. ("Newport").
The international Section 214 authorization of NTC is being assigned to Middleburgh as part of
Middleburgh‘s purchase of $0.10% ofthe stock of Newport, in association with the purchase of
19.90% of Newport‘s stock by Joseph A. Tomaino."


63.18 (c) and (d) Information for NTC — Transferor

     e   Contact Information for Transferor NTC (FRN.: 0004314522)

                  Company Contact:

                  Joseph A. Tomaino
                  Newport Telephone Company
                  Bridge Street
                  Box 201
                  Newport, NY 13416
                    Tel.: 315—845—8112

                    Legal Counsel:

                  Keith J. Roland
                  O‘Connell and Aronowitz
                    54 State Street
                  Albany, NY 12207
                  Tel.: 518—462—5601

147 U.S.C. § 214.
247 C.F.R. §§ 63.04 and 63.24.
* An Application is also being filed to assign the domestic Section 214 authorizations held by Newport, NTC, and
NTCNet Telecom, Inc. (a "sister" company of NTC) to Middleburgh.

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                          ,-                                                            ,-

   •   NTC is organized under the laws of New York

   •   NTC holds Section 214 authority to provide international and domestic
       telecommunications services. See File No.: ITC 97-760 and 47 C.F.R. § 63.01.

63.18 (c) and (d) Information for The Middleburgh Telephone Company and Joseph A.
Tomaino - Assignees

   •   Contact Information for The Middleburgh Telephone Company (FRN: 00034544-10)

             Company Contact

             Jason Becker
             Executive Vice President
             103 Cliff Street. Box 191
             Middleburgh. NY 12122
             Tel.: 518-827-5211
             Email: jasonb({/!J11idlel.nct

             Legal Counsel

             Keith J. Roland
             O'Connell and Aronowitz
             54 State Street
             Albany, NY 12207
             Tel.: 518-462-5601
             Email: hF>land!

   •   Middleburgh is organized under the laws of New York

   •   Middleburgh holds Section 214 authority to provide domestic telecommunications
       services. See 47 C.F.R. § 63.01. Its wholly owned subsidiary, Seamless Geoport
       Communications, Inc. (FRN: 0003749389), holds Section 214 authority to provide
       international telecommunications services. See ITC 214-20070726-00310.

   •   Contact Information for Joseph A. Tomaino

                                             Page 2of11

              Company Contact

              Joseph A. Tomaino (FRN: 0025385519)
              ¢/o Newport Telephone Company
              Bridge Street
              Box 201
              Newport, NY 13416
              Tel.: 315—845—8112

              Legal Counsel

              Keith J. Roland
              O‘Connell and Aronowitz
              54 State Street
              Albany, NY 12207
              Tel.: 518—462—5601

    e   Toseph A. Tomaino is a US Citizen.      He is cutrently General Manager of Newport
        Telephone Company.


Assignor Ownership (NTC)

NTC is wholly owned by NTC Net, Inc., a New York Corporation, which is in turn owned by
Newport Telephone Company, Inc. The following have a ten percent or greater interest in Newport
Telephone Company, Inc.:

Harley M. Ruppert                           52.17%               US Citizen
Telecommunications Executive

Ruppert Family LLC                          47.83%               New York Limited
                                                                 Liability Company

Equity/Ownership of Ruppert Family LLC

        Ruppert Family Trust                100%                 New York Trust
        c/o Harley M. Ruppert
        Box 201
        Newport, NY 13416

                                         Page 3 of 11

Beneficial Ownership of Ruppert Family Trust (Beneficiaries)

       Michelle R. Ruppert                                                    US Citizen
       20 Walker Road
       Limerick, PA 19468

       Michael D. Ruppert                                                     US Citizen
       32 Old Farms Road
        Poughkeepsie, NY 12603

Assignor Ownership (NTCNet Long Distance, Inc. and NTCNet Telecom, Inc.

       NTC Net, Inc.                           100%                           New York
Ownership of NTC Net, Inc.

       Newport Telephone Company, Inc.         100%                           New York

Ownership of Newport Telephone Company, Inc.

        (See Above)

Assignee Ownership (The Middleburgh Telephone Company)

The following entities will hold a direct or indirect ten percent or greater equity ownership interest
in The Middleburgh Telephone Company:

Marjorie Becker                                        5.09%                          US Citizen
Telecommunications Executive

Trust U/W Randall F.                                   15.17%                       New York
Becker Article IV                                                             Testamentary Trust

RF and MR Becker Irrevocable Trust II                  79.174%                New York Trust

Beneficiaries of RF and RM Becker Irrevocable Trust II

        Bruce T. Becker                                                       US Citizen
        207 Main Street
        Middleburgh, NY 12122
        Telecommunications Executive

                                            Page 4 of 11

      Christopher L. Becker                                   US Citizen
      2031 Huntersland Road
      Middleburgh, NY 12122
      Telecommunications Executive

      Edmund l'C Becker                                       US Citizen
      2774 Hawthorne Drive. NE
      Atlanta, GA 30345
      College Professor

      James R. Becker                                         US Citizen
      6023 Baneberry Drive
      Schenectady, NY 12303
      Telecommunications Executive

      Jason S. Becker                                         US Citizen
      380 Oak Meadows Drive
      Middleburgh, NY 12157
      Telecommunications Execntive

      Lorraine M. Becker                                      US Citizen
      821 West Fulton Road
      VII est Fulton, NY 12194

      Keith M. Becker                                         US Citizen
      106 McCarthy Cook Circle
      Middleburgh, NY 12122
      Telecommunications Employee

      Jordan T. Becker                                        US Citizen
      180 S. Clarendon Street, Unit 1
      Cranston. RI 02910

Beneficiaries under Trust lJ/W Randall F. Hecker Article IV

      Bruce T. Becker                                         US Citizen
      207 Main Street
      Middleburgh, NY 12122
      Telecommunications Executive

      Christopher L. Becker                                   US Citizen
      2031 Huntersland Road
      Middleburgh, NY 12122
      Telecommunications Executive

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                                                       ,----   -   ------


       Edmund R. Becker                                                     US Citizen
       2774 Hawthorne Drive. NE
       Atlanta. GA 30345
       College Professor

       James R. Becker                                                      US Citizen
       6023 Baneberry Drive
       Schenectady, NY 12303
       Telecommunications Executive

       Jason S. Becker                                                      US Citizen
       380 Oak Meadows Drive
       Middleburgh, NY 12157
       Telecommunications Executive

       I ,orraine M. Becker                                                 US Citizen
       821 West Fulton Road
       West Fulton, NY 12194

       Keith M. Becker                                                      US Citizen
       106 McCarthy Cook Circle
       Middleburgh. NY 12122
       Telecommunications Employee

       Jordan T. Becker                                                     US Citizen
       180 S. Clarendon Street, Unit 1
       Cranston, RT 02910

Charts showing the pre and post transaction corporate structures are attached hereto as Exhibits


Description of the Applicants

       Middleburgh is an incumbent local exchange carrier servicing mostly rural areas of

Schoharie and Albany counties in Upstate New York. It provides traditional local exchange

services to business and residential customers over approximately 4, 700 access lines. Through

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                          ,-   - - - - - - - - - - ---   -, -                                          r------:-----

subsidiaries, it offers competitive long distance, local exchange (outside the Middleburgh franchise

area), internet, and cable TV services.

        Newport Telephone Company is also an incumbent local exchange earner, servicing

mostly rural areas of Herkimer, Hamilton, and Oneida counties in Upstate New York. It provides

traditional local exchange services to business and residential customers over approximately 2,300

access lines. Through its subsidiaries, it provides competitive internet service, as well as resold

toll and local service.

        NTCNet Long Distance, Inc., an indirect wholly owned subsidiary of Newport Telephone

Company, is a reseller of toll services with approximately 1900 customers in the counties of

Herkimer, Hamilton, and Oneida in Upstate New York. It was issued a Certificate of Public

Convenience and Necessity by the New York State Public Service Commission in PSC Case 97-


        NTCNet Telecom, Inc., an indirect wholly owned subsidiary of Newport Telephone

Company, resells local telephone service as a CLEC to approximately 120 customers in the

counties of Herkimer and Oneida in Upstate New York. It was issued a Certificate of Public

Convenience and Necessity by the New York State Public Service Commission in Case 99-C-

00556 on June 11, 1999.

Description of Transaction

        Ruppert and Ruppert Family, LLC seek to sell their stock in Newport Telephone Company

to Middleburgh and Tomaino, with Middleburgh purchasing 80.l % of the stock and Tomaino

purchasing 19.9% of the stock. Newport Telephone Company is the ultimate 100% parent (at the

                                                         Page 7 ofll

grandparent level) of NTCNet Long Distance, Inc. and NTCNet Telecom Inc., so the ownership

of those two companies will pass in the same 80.1%/19.9% proportions to Middleburgh and


        The transaction will be transparent to customers ofNewport Telephone Company, NTCNet

Telecom, Inc., and NTCNet Long Distance, Inc. and there will be no transfer of customers or

change of service provider. Each Newport company will continue to provide existing services to

existing customers and no immediate change in any tariff, customer contract or other terms and

conditions of service is contemplated. Newport Telephone Company‘s current President (Harley

Ruppert) will remain President for three years, and Newport‘s existing management and

employees will, with assistance from Middleburgh management and employees, continue to

operate their business and provide the services now conducted by the Newport companies.

Public Interest Statement

        Small, privately owned rural telephone companies in New York, and elsewhere across the

country, face serious challenges. Traditional landline access line counts and revenues continue to
fall in the face of competition from wireless, cable TV, and internet competitors.*                 Traditional

sources of funding, including federal USF and intercarrier compensation (such as carrier access

charges) are rapidly disappearing.         Lack of financial resources; absence of large commercial

customers; and the high cost of building and operating facilities in sparsely populated rural areas,

* For example, Staff of the New York Department of Public Service recently noted that since 2000, incumbent
telephone access lines fell in New York from more than 13 million to less than 4 million, See PSC Case 15—M—
0647, Joint Petition of Altice N.V. and Cablevision Systems Corporation, Redacted Comments of the New York
State Department of Public Service Staff, February 5, 2016 (Cablevision Staff Report) at pp. 10—11.

                                                 Page 8 of 11

result in an inability to deploy the latest technologies and services, particularly high speed

broadband services to unserved and underserved areas.

        Rural ILECs are unable to take advantage of economies of scale, and separation and

isolation of service territories often precludes sharing of facilities and services.

        As New York PSC Staff has recognized:

        "The weakening of the financial position of New York's small ILECs may threaten their

ability to continue to provide reliable, quality service throughout their service territories and puts

New York's goal of universal service at risk." Memorandum from Peter McGowan, General

Counsel; Doris Stout, Director, Office of Accounting and Finance; and Chad Hume, Director,

Office of Telecommunications Re: Guidelines for Regulatory Review of Mergers and Acguisitions

of Small Incumbent Local Exchange Companies, January 24, 2012, (hereinafter, PSC Staff

Memo) at page 3.

        The acquisition of Newport by Middleburgh will allow the sharing of financial, technical,

and managerial resources, and as such improve the economies of scale for both companies. As the

PSC Staff Memo recognizes (at page I 0):

        "Another factor for consideration is the economies of scale that an acquirer would bring to

        the transaction. Economies of scale describe the cost advantages due to the expansion of

        a business where costs decline as production increases. To put this in the context of the

        small ILEC industry, the administration and maintenance of one small ILEC can be

        relatively costly on a per access line basis. If several ILECs combine, the administration

        and maintenance functions are largely redundant; and costs may be reduced through

        consolidation.    Thus, by providing economies of scale the transaction may present

        opportunities to reduce costs and the potential for long term viability post-transaction."

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           r---   -------- --                                                                   !"""' ------

       With the combined resources of Middleburgh and Newport, it will be possible to draw on

the strengths of each employee group, such as executive, technical, accounting, and marketing,

without having to duplicate areas of expertise. Moreover, with the affiliation of the two companies,

additional infrastructure investment can be made. As an example, following the acquisition, an

investment of up to $500,000 in a new voice and broadband switching network for Newport is

anticipated. The source of that funding will come from Newport and its selling shareholders.

Another cost saving will be the ability to share switching intelligence through a common

Metasphere Platform.

       Here, the proposed acquisition will be transparent to customers of Newport Telephone

Company, Middleburgh, and their subsidiaries, and will have no negative impact on any of their

subscribers. No change to Newport's tariffs or customer contracts, or the types and quality of

services provided, is contemplated. Newport customer accounts will continue to be handled by

experienced employees, and the retention of the Company's President and General Manager will

assure a continuity of management.        Eventually, as opportunities arise, a consolidation of

operational, management, and service functions among the two work forces should be possible,

reducing costs and improving efficiency for both Newport and Middleburgh.

        A further example of positive benefits of the transaction is the ability to seek funding from

various New York State and federal sources for the combined companies, including New York

State Broadband and Economic Development grants. Obtaining broadband funding, and having

the financial and management resources to expand the availability of broadband service, is a key

factor in meeting the Governor of New York's public policy of bringing high speed, reliable, and

affordable broadband services to every part of New York by 2018.              Middleburgh, and its

management team, have extensive experience in seeking (and obtaining) such funding.

                                           Page 10 ofll

        None of the proposed transactions will adversely impact Middleburgh‘s customers. No

change to Middleburgh tariffs or customer contracts, or the types and quality of service offered, is

contemplated. Management of Middleburgh will remain with the Becker family.

        As noted herein, there are no "negative results" from the acquisition, only positive benefits.

The combined strength of the two companies will help protect their customers from the adverse

impacts being suffered by small rural carriers.      Customer rates will not be affected, and the

transaction will be totally transparent to those customers.        The financial standing of both

companies will remain strong.        Combining the resources of two rural ILECs, including

management expertise, will allow the development of efficiencies and cost savings for both, with

the beneficiaries being existing and future subscribers oftraditionaltelephone and new broadband


        In light of these positive net benefits to accrue to the subscribers of both Middleburgh and

Newport, and the financial strengthening of both companies, this transaction will be in the public



This application for assignment ofinternational Section 214 authorization qualifies for streamlined
processing pursuant to Section 63.12(c) of the Commission‘s rules." Middleburgh is not a foreign
carrier and is not affiliated with any foreign carriers (47 C.F.R. § 63.12(c)(1)). Moreover,
Middleburgh has no affiliation with any dominant U.S. carrier whose international switched or
private line services will be resold (47 C.F.R. § 63.12(c)(2).

Joseph A. Tomaino has no ownership interest in, or any relationship with, any foreign carrier.

+47 C.F.R. § 63.12(c).

                                            Page 11 of 11

                       Existing Ownership Structure

                    Newport Telephone Company, Inc.

                                 NTCNet, Inc.

  Newport       lnternet@ntc..     NTCNet Long        NTCNet        NTCNet Access
Network, Inc.        Inc.          Distance, Inc.   Telecom, Inc.    Billing, Inc.

                                                                                 r---- ----

                               Post Transaction Structure

                The Middleburgh Telephone Co     Joseph A. Tomaino              19.9%
                     80.1% (1842 Shares)                    (458 Shares)

                         Newport Telephone Company, Inc.

                                       NTCNet, Inc.

  Newport            lnternet@ntc::,     NTCNetlong                  NTCNet             NTCNet Access
Network, Inc.              Inc.          Distance, Inc.         Telecom, Inc.             Bllling', lnc.

Document Created: 2016-03-14 16:36:06
Document Modified: 2016-03-14 16:36:06

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