TelePacific Signed L

PETITION submitted by US Department of Justice

TelePacific LOA


This document pretains to ITC-T/C-20160307-00115 for Transfer of Control on a International Telecommunications filing.


c o m omou n C A T iO n §


September2, 2016

Assistant Attorney General for National Security
National Security Division
U.S. Department of Justice
600 E St. N.W., Suite 10000
Washington, D.C. 20004
Attn: Team Telecom

Assistant Secretary of Policy
U.S. Department of Homeland Security
3801 Nebraska Avenue, N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20528
Attn: Director Foreign Investment and Trade Policy

Ladies and Gentlemen:

        By letters dated March 2, 2005, July 24, 2006, February 6, 2007, March 7, 2011, October
18, 2011 and an August 25, 2010 amendment to a then—pending FCC transfer application in WC
Docket 10—156 (together, the "Commitment Documents") (all attached hereto), U.S. TelePacific
Corp., a wholly owned subsidiary of U.S. TelePacific Holdings Corp. (together, the "Company"),
made certain commitments to the U.S. Department of Justice ("DOJ"), including the Federal
Bureau of Investigation ("FBI"), and to the U.S. Department of Homeland Security ("DHS").
Those commitments addressed national security, law enforcement and public safety concerns
raised with regard to the Company‘s applications to the Federal Communications Commission
(*FCC") regarding the transfer of certain assets from Pac—West Telecomm, Inc. to U.S. TelePacific
Corp., transfers of control of Mpower Communications Corp. and Arrival Communications, Inc.
to Company, the transfer of certain assets from O1 Communications, Inc. to U.S. TelePacific
Corp., the transfer of control of NextWeb, Inc. to U.S. TelePacific Corp., and the transfer of
control of TelePacific Communications Co. (f/k/a Tel West Network Services Corporation) to U.S.
TelePacific Corp., 1'espective1y.I

      By this letter, the Companyagrees to extend the commitments made in the Commitment
Documents to address anynational security, law enforcement and public safety concerns that may
be raised with regard to the application filed at the FCC for authority pursuant to Section 214 ofthe
Communications Act of 1934, as amended, for the transfer of control of FCC international and
domestic authorizations, to wit, the transfer of control of DSCI, LLC to Company.

1       While Company submitted a letter dated. July 18, 2011, in connection with a transaction to acquire assets
from IXC Holdings, Inc., the Companysubsequently notified the FCC and DOJ on March 26, 2012 that the transaction
would not be consummated and the assets would not be operated by Company purusant to the lefter dated July 18,

                                                     515 S. Flower Street, 47th Floor, Los Angeles, California 90071

        In particular, this letteris being submitted for the purpose of extending the commitments
made in the Commitment Documents by the Company to the operations of DSCI, LLC and its
subsidiary, DSCI Corporation of Virginia, Inc., following their acquisition by the Company. Asa
result, following the acquisition, the commitments as set forth in the Commitment Documents will
apply with full force and effect to the Company‘s wholly owned telecommunications operating
subsidiaries: U.S. TelePacific Corp., Mpower Communications Corp., Arrival Communications,
Inc., NextWeb, Inc., TelePacific Communications Co. ({/k/a Tel West Network Services
Corporation), and, upon consummation ofthe proposed transferof controltransaction, DSCI, LLC
and DSCI Corporation of Virginia, Inc. (together, "Operating Subsidiaries").

        In addition, the Company agrees that it and its Operating Subsidiaries will comply withall
applicable lawful interception statutes, regulations, and requirements, including the
Communications Assistance for Law Enforcement Act (CALEA) and its implementing
regulations, and with all court orders and other legal process for lawfully authorized electronic
surveillance. As part of complying with CALEA and its implementing regulations, the Company
agrees thatit and its Operating Subsidiaries will implement and maintain a CALEA solution or
solutions that is or are in full compliance with CALEA‘s capability requirements. The Company
further agrees that to the extent any issues or problems arise with respect to conducting lawfully
authorized electronic surveillance or withit orits operating subsidiaries‘ CALEA solution or
solutions, it and its Operating Subsidiaries will work diligently with law enforcementto resolve
the issues or problems.

        Finally, the Company hereby confirms that Mr. Michael Cowan, the designated contact set
forth in U.S. TelePacific Corp.‘s February 4, 2016 letter, is the Company‘s designated—point of
contact forall of the Company‘s Operating Subsidiaries to hold authority and responsibility for
accepting and overseeing compliance with wiretap orders, electronic surveillance orders, pen/trap
orders, subpoenas or other legal process by U.S. law enforcement authorities for lawfully
authorized electronic surveillance or U.S. records, in accordance with the Commitment
Documents. The Company also agrees that it will promptly notify DOJ and DHS of any change in
such designation or any additional designees.

        Mr. Cowan has his office in the United States, is a citizen ofthe United States, is resident in
the United States, and already has a security clearance to accept and process National Security
Letters. Mr. Cowan‘s contact information is:

       Michael I. Cowan
       General Counsel
        Office Address:        515 S. Flower Street, 47th Floor
                               Los Angeles, CA 90071—2201
       Tel. (Landline):        213—223—4470
       Tel. (Cell):            213—545—4470

       Home Address:           2124 Parnell Avenue
                               Los Angeles, CA 90025—6318
       Tel. (Landline):        310—470—8248
       Tel. (Cell):            310—409—9191

           All correspondence to the JOJ and DHS under the Commitment Documents will be
  directed to the addressees at the addresses provided on the first page of this letter. In addition, a
  courtesy electronic copyof all notices and communications will be forwarded to and Joanne.ongman@uado].gov.
          We anderstand that, upon execution ofthis letter by an authorized representative ofr
  attorney for the Company, the DOJ, PBI, and DHS shell notify the FCC that the DOJ, FBI, and
  DHS have no objection to the FCC‘s grant of the Company‘s application filed with the FCC.


                                         U.S. TelePacific Holdings Corp.
                                         U.8, TelePacific Corp.

                                         By:      fiAMQW
                                                 Néefae: Richerd A. Jalkut          /
                                                 Titlo:   President & Chief Executive Officer
                                                 Date: 09/02//5

  Attachments: March 2005 Commitment Letter (Pac—West Telecomm;)
               July 2006 Commitment Letter (Mpower Communications)
                  February 2007 Commitment Letter (Arrival Communications)
                  August 2010 Amendment (01 Communications)
                  March 2011 Commitment Letter (NextWeb)
                  October 2011 Commitment Letter (Tel West)

D81/ 88045770.4

MAR. 2.2005    4149PM      TELEPACIFIC                                                       NO. 597         P.173

        cCO M OM OL NT C A T P G N &

    March 2, 2005

    Laura W. Parsky
    Deputy Assistant Attorney General
    Office of the Assistant Attorney General
    Criminal Division— Room 2113
    United States Department of Justice
    950 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W.
    Washington, D.C. 20530

   Patrick W. Kelley
   Deputy General Counsel
   Federal Bureau of Investigation
   935 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W.
   Washington, D.C. 20535

   Tina W. Gabbrielli
   Director of Intelligence Coordination and
           Special Infrastructure Protection Programs
   Office of Infrastructure Protection
   Tnited States Department of Homeland Security
   Washington, DC 20528

   Dear Ms. Parsky, Ms. Gabbrielli, and Mr. Kelley:

           This letter outlines the commitments made by U.S. TelePacific Corp. ("the Company"),
   to the U.S. Department of Justice ("DOJ"), including the Federal Bureau ofInvestigation
   ("FBI), and to the U.$. Department of Homeland Security ("DHS"), in order to address national
   security, law enforeement and public safety concerns raised with regard to the Company‘s
   application to the Federal Communications Commission ("FCC") for authority pursuant to
   Section 214 ofthe Communications Act of 1934, as amended, for the transfer of assets of an
   authorized U.S. international and domestic common carrier, to wit, the transfer of certain
   customer accounts from Pac—West Telecomm, Inc. to the Company,

           The Company agrees that, for all customer billing records, subscriberinformation, or any
   other related information used, processed, or maintained in the ordingry course of business
   relating to communications services offered to U.S. persons, but not including subscriber listing
   information that the Company makes available for publication in public telephone books and
   public directory assistance in the normal course of business, ("U.§. records"), the Company will

                                                        515 South Flower Street, 47th Floor, Los Angeles, Cellfornla gooyt—2201
                                                        Telaphone: 213/213—3000 Fax: 213/213—2100

MAR. 2.2005      4:40PM     TELEPACIFIC                                              NO. 597     P.2273

    store such U.S. records exclusively in the United States. For these purposes, U.S. records shall
    include information disclosable to a U.S. federal or state governmental entity under the
    procedures specified in Sections 2703(c) and (d) and Section 2709 of Title 18 of the United
    States Code. The Company agrees to ensure that U.S. records are not made subject to mandatory
    destruction under any foreign laws. The Company agrees to take all practicable measures to
    prevent unauthorized access to or disclosure ofthe content of communications or U.S. records, in
    violation of any U.S. federal, state, or local laws or of the commitments set forth in this letter,

            The Company agrees that it will not, directly or indirectly, knowingly disclose or permit
    disclosure of or access to U.S8. records, or to any information (including the content of
    communications) pertaining to an order to intercept communications, an order for a pen register
    or a trap and trace device, a subpoena or other lawful demand by a U.S, law enforcement agency
    for U.S. records, to any person if the purpose of such disclosure or access is to respond to the
   legal process or request on behalf of a non—U.8. government withoutfirst satisfying all pertinent
   requirements of U.S. law and obtaining the express written consent of the DOJ and DHS or the
   authorization of a court of competent jnrigdiction in the United States, The term "non—U.S.
   government" means any government, including an identified representative, agent, component or
   subdivision thereof, that is not a local, state or federal government in the United States, Any
   such requests or legal process submitted by a non—U.S. government to the Company shall be
   reforred to the DOJ and DHS as soon as possible, and in no event later than five (5) business
   days after such request or legal process is received by and known to the Company, unless the
   disclogure of the request or legal process would be in violation of U.S. law or an order of a court
   in the U.S.

           The Company also agrees that it will, within ten (10) days from the date of this lefter,
   degignate one or more points of contact within the United States with the authority and
   responsibility for accepting and oversesing compliance with a wiretap order, pen/trap order,
   subpoena or other lawful demand by U.S. law enforcement authorities for the content of
   commmnications or U.S. records. The points of contact will be assigned to an office of the
   Company located in the United States, Upon designation, the Company will notify the FBI, DOJ
   and DHS in writing of the points of contact, and thereafter shall promptly notify the FBI, DOJ
   and DHS of any change in such designation. The points of contact shall be resident U.S. citizens,
   and the Company shall cooperate with any request by a U.S. government authority that a
   background check or security clearance process be completed for a designated point of contact.

          The Company agrees that it will notify the PBY, DOJ and DHS promptly if there are
   material changes in any of the facts as represented in this letter or in the event that the Company
   acquires, directly or indirectly, by ownership in fee, indefeasible right ofuse, or lease, any
   significant new facility, including, without limitation, a switch, an international communications
   transmission facility, or other major trangmission facility. All notices to be provided to the FBI,
   DOJ or DHS shall be directed to the named addressees ofthis letter.

          The Company agrees that, in the event the commitments set forth in this letter are
   breached, in addition to any other remedy available at law or equity, the DOJ, FBI or DHS may
   request that the FCC modify, condition, revoke, cancel, or render null and void any relevant
   license, permit, or other authorization granted by the FCC to the Company or any successor—in—

MAR. 2.2M05    4:41PM      TELEPACIFIC                                             NO. 597      P.373

    interest fo the Company. Nothing hercin shall be construed to be a waiver by the Company of, or
    limitation on, its right to oppose or comment on any such request.

           ‘We understand that, upon execution of this letter by an authorized representative
    or attorney for the Company, the DOJ, FBI and DHS shall notify the FCC that the DOJ,
    FBI and DHS have no objection to the FCC‘s grant ofthe Company‘s application filed
    with the FCC,


                                                        T.8. TelePacific Corp,

                                                        Date: March 2, 2005

                                                        Printed Name: Richard A. Jalkut
                                                        Title: President and Chief Executive Officer

      JUL. 21. 2006   1147PM       TELEPACIFIC                                                     NO. 815         P.173

             F o M ND N ic A T3 O N S

               July 24, 2006

               Benton J. Campbell
               Acting Deputy Assistant Attorney General
               Criminal Division
               United States Department of Justice
               950 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W.
               Washington, D.C. 20530

               Elaine N. Lammext
               Deputy General Counsel
               Federal Bureau ofInvestigation
               935 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW.
               Washington, D.C, 20535

               Stewart Baker
              Assistant Secretary for Policy
              United States Department ofHomeland Security
              3801 Nebraska Avenue, N.W.
              Washington, D.C. 20528

              Dear Ms. Lammert, Mr. Baker, and Mr. Campbell;

                      By lefter dated March 2, 2005 (the 2005 Commitment Letter"), U.S.
              TelePacific Corp., a wholly owned subsidiary ofU,$. TelePacific Holdings Corp. (the
              "Company‘), made certain commitments to the U.S. Department of Justice ("DOJ),
              including the Federal Rureau of Investigation ("FBI"), and to the U.S. Department of
              Homeland Security ("DHS"). Those commitments addressed national security, law
              enforcement and public safety concerns raised with regard to an application to the
              Federal Communications Commission ("FCC") regarding the transfer of certain assots
              from Pac—West Telecomm, Inc. to U.S. TelePacific Corp. By this letter, the Company
              agrees to extend the commitments made in the 2005 Commitment Letter to address any
              national security, law enforcement and public safety concems that may be raised with
              regard to the application filed at the FCC for authority pursuant to Section 214 of the
              Communications Act of 1934, as amended, for the transfer of control of an authorized
              U.S, international and domestic common cartier, to wit, the transfer of control of
              Mpower Communications Corp., through the acquisition of the stock of its parent,
              Mpower Holding Corporation, by the Company.

                                                            g15 South Flower Street, 47th Floor, Los Angeles, California gooyrerz01
                                                            Telephone: 113/213—3000 Fox: 213/213—3100.

JUL. 21. 2006     11 48PM       TELEPACIFIC                                            No. 815      P.273

         July 24, 2006
         Pago 2

                  In particular, this lefter is being submitted for the purpose of extending the
         commitments made in the 2005 Commitment Letter by U.S. TelePacific Corp., to the
         operations of Mpower Communications Corp. following its acquisition by the
         Company. As a result, following the acquisition, the commnitments as set forth in the
         2005 Commitment Letter will apply with full force and effect to both ofthe
         Company‘s wholly owned telecommunications operating subsidiaries: U.S. TelePacific
         Corp. and Mpower Communications Corp.

                 In addition, on March 9, 2005, U.S. TelePacific Corp. designated a point of
         contact to hold authority and responsibility for accepting and overseeing compliance
         with a wiretap order, pen/trap order, subpoena or other lawful demand by (J.8. law
         enforcement authorities for the content of communications or U.S. records, in
         accordance with the 2005 Commitment Leiter. The Company hereby confitms that
         Mr, Brich E. Everbach, the designated contact set forth in U.$. TelePacific Cotp.‘s
         March 9, 2005 letter for U.8, TelePacific Corp., including the customers acquired from
         Pac=West Telecomm, Inc., will also serve as the designated contact for Mpower
         Communications Corp. following its acquisition by the Company. The Company also
         agrees that it will prompfly notify the FBI, DOJ, and DHS of any change in such
         designation or any additional designees.

                 Mr. Everbach has his office in the United States, is a citizen of the United
         States, is resident in the United States, and already has a security clearance to accept
         and process National Security Letters, Mr. Everbach‘s contact information is:

                            Erich Everbach
                            Sectetary and Ceneral Counsel
                            Office Address: 515 8. Flower Street, 47th Floor
                                            Los Aungeles, CA 90071—2201
                            Telephone:      (213) 213—3690
                            Facsimile:       (213) 213—3691

                         Home Address: 19322 Winged Foot Circle
                                       Northridge, CA 91326—1454
                         Telephone:    (818) 368—6987

               We understand that, upon execution ofthis letter by an authorized
        representative or attorney for the Company, the DOJ, FBI, and DHS shall notify the

JUL. 21. 2006      1:48PM     TELEPACIFIC                                          NO. 815   P.373

         Tuly 24, 2006
         Page 3

         FCC that the DOJ, FBI, and DHS have no objfection to the FCC‘s grant ofthe
         Company‘s application filed with the FCC.


                                                       U.S. TelePacific Holdings Corp.

                                                             6: Richard A. Jalkut
                                                       Title: President & ChiefExecutive
                                                      Date:   July 24, 2006

         co:       Michael J. Stawasz, Esq.
                   U.8. Department of Justice
                   950 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W.
                   Criminal Division
                   Computer Crime and Intellectual Property Section
                   John C. Keeney Building, Suite 600
                   Washington, D.C. 20330—0001


                    coo m Mou NoT C a t io N G

                 February 6, 2007

                 Sigal P. Mandelker
                 Deputy Assistant Attorney General
                 Criminal Division
                 United States Department of Justice
                 950 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W.
                 Washington, D.C. 20530

                 Elaine N. Lammert
                Deputy General Counsel
                Federal Bureau of Investigation
                935 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W.
                Washington, D.C. 20535

                Stewart Baker
                Assistant Secretary for Policy
                United States Department of Homeland Security
                3801 Nebraska Avenue, N.W.
                Washington, D.C. 20528

                Dear Ms. Lammert, Mr. Baker, and Ms. Mandelker:

                        By letter dated March 2, 2005 (the "2005 Commitment Letter") and letter dated July 24,
                2006 (the ©2006 Commitment Letter") (together, the "Commitment Letters"), U.S. TelePacific
                Corp. ("Company"), a wholly owned subsidiary of U.S. TelePacific Holdings Corp., made
                certain commitments to the U.S. Department of Justice ("DOJ"), including the Federal Bureau of
                Investigation ("EBI"), and to the U.S. Department of Homeland Security ("DHS"). Those
                commitments addressed national security, law enforcement and public safety concerns raised
                with regard to the Company‘s application to the Federal Communications Commission ("FCC")
                regarding the transfer of certain assets from Pac—West Telecomm, Inc. to U.S. TelePacific Corp.
                and transfer of control of Mpower Communications Corp. to U.S. TelePacific Holdings. Corp,
               respectively. By this letter, the Company agrees to extend the commitments made in the
               Commitment Letters to address any national security, law enforcement and public safety
               concerns that may be raised with regard to the application filed at the FCC for authority pursuant
               to Section 214 of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended, for the transfer of control of an
               authorized U.S. international and domestic common carrier, to wit, the transfer of control of
               Arrival Communications, Inc. to the Company.

                       In particular, this letter is being submitted for the purpose of extending the commitments
               made in the Commitment Letters by U.S. TelePacific Holdings Corp., to the operations of

,,,,,,,, DCiNManiage/®4I9BAR4t 3 n 5on n t nc tototot on t oton on n e nb on 6n d s k n on e g k e k s ob on e e e k e n k k2
                                                                     515 South Flower Street, 47th Floot, Los Angeles, California 9oo71—2201
                                                                     Telephone: 213/213—3000 Fax: 213/213—3100.

  February 6, 2007
  Page 2

  Arrival Communications, Inc. following its acquisition by the Company. As a result, following
  the acquisition, the commitments as set forth in the Commitment Letters will apply with full
  force and effect to the Company‘s wholly owned telecommunications operating subsidiaries:
  U.S. TelePacific Corp., Mpower Communications Corp. and Arrival Communications, Inc.

          In addition, on March 9, 2005, U.S. TelePacific Corp. designated a point of contact to
  hold authority and responsibility for accepting and oversecing compliance with a wiretap order,
  pen/trap order, subpoena or other lawful demand by U.S. law enforcement authorities for the
  content of communications or U.S. records, in accordance with the 2005 Commitment Letter.
  The Company hereby confirms that Mr. Erich Everbach, the designated contact set forth in U.S.
  TelePacific Corp.‘s March 9, 2005 letter and affitmed in its July 24, 2006 letter for U.S.
  TelePacific Corp., including the customers acquired from Pac—West Telecomm, Inc. and U.8.
  TelePacific‘s Corp.‘s affiliate Mpower Communications Corp., will also serve as the designated
 contact for Arrival Communications, Inc. following its acquisition by the Company. The
 Company also agrees that it will promptly notify the FBI, DOJ, and DHS of any change in such
 designation or any additional designees.

          Mr. Everbach has his office in the United States, is a citizen of the United States, is
 resident in the United States, and already has a security clearance to accept and process National
 Security Letters. Mr. Everbach‘s contact information is:

                      Erich E. Everbach
                      Secretary and General Counsel
                      Office Address: 515 S. Flower Street, 47th Floor
                                     Los Angeles, CA 90071—2201
                      Telephone:     (213) 213—3690
                      Facsimile:     (213) 213—3691

                      Home Address: 19322 Winged Foot Circle
                                    Northridge, CA 91326—1454
                      Telephone:     (818) 368—6987



  February 6, 2007
  Page 3

         We understand that, upon execution of this letter by an authorized representative or
 attorney for the Company, the DOJ, FBI, and DHS shall notify the FCC that the DOJ, FBI, and
 DHS have no objection to the FCC‘s grant of the Company‘s application filed with the FCC.


                                                U.S. TelePacific Holdings Corp..
                                                U.S. TelePacific Corp.

                                                             e: Richard A. Jalkut
                                                       Title:   President & Chief EXecutive Officer
                                                       Date:    February 6, 2007

 cc:       Joseph Springsteen, Esq.
           U.S. Department of Justice
           950 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W.
           Criminal Division
           Computer Crime and Intellectual Property Section
           John C. Keeney Building, Suite 600
           Washington, D.C. 20530—0001


  Confirmation Page                                                                                      Page 1 of 1

                             Your submission has been accepted
                                [ ECFS Filing Receipt — Confirmation number: 2010825246035 |—
                                 4 Proceeding {7
                                                     Name     Subject
                                                              Application filed for the assignment of
                                                     10—156   assets of 01 Communications, U.S.
                                                              TelePacific Corp.

                                ‘i Contact Info i
                                            Name of Filer: U.S. TelePacific Corp.
                                            Email Address:
                                   Aftorney/Author Name: BreftP. Ferenchak
                                  Lawfirm Name (required Bingham McCutchen LLP
                                         if represonted by

                                           Address For: Author
                                         Address Line 1: 2020 K Street, N.W.
                                                   City: Washington
                                                    State: DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA
                                                     Zip: 20006
                                                      +4: 1806

                                          Type of Filing: AMENDMENT

                                File Name                            Custom Description        Size
                                TPAC—O1 FCC Amendment.pdf                                       194 KB

                                This confirmation verifies that ECFS has received and
                                accepted your fillng. However, your filing will be rejected
                                by ECFS if it contains macros, passwords, redlining, read—
                                only formatting, a virus, or automated links to other
                                Filings are generally processed and made available for
                                online viewing within one business day of receipt. You may
                                use the link below to check on the status of your filing:
                                For any problems please contact the Help Desk at 202—418

http://fjallfoss. Skdiojh188                          8/25/2010

        BIN C H A M

                                 Jean L. Kiddoo
                                 Brett P. Ferenchak

                                 August 25, 2010

                                 Pia ECES

                             Marlens H. Dortch, Secretary
                             Federal Communications Commission
                             445 12th Street, S.W.
                             Room TW—A325
                             Washington, DC 20554

                             Re: WC Docket No, 10—156 — In the Matterof the Joint Application of O1
                                 Communications, Inc., Assignor, and U.8, TelePacific Corp., Assignee, for
                                 Grant of Authority Pursuant to Section 214 of the Communications Act of
                                 1934, as amended, and Section 63.04 of the Commission‘s Rules to Complete an
                                 Assignment of Assets of an Authorized Domestie Section 214 Carrier

                            Dear Ms, Dortch:

                            Pursuant to the request of Tean Telecom, U.8, TelePacific Corp. files the attached
                            Amendment to the Application, Please direct any questions regarding this filing to us.

                            Respectfully submitted,

                                     Baxk Y Trombac.
                           Jean L. Kiddoo
            Hfong Kang
                           Brett P. Ferenchak
           Los Angetes     Counsel for U.S. TelePacific Corp.
              Hew York
        Orange County      ce:         Richard Sofield (DOJ) (
                                       Joanne Ongman (DOJ) (
         Santa Monica
         Silican Valley
                                       Richard Hagar (DHS) (richard.
                 Tokye                 Glenn Kaminsky (DHS) (

Blngham McCuicheo LLP
     2020 K Street HW
      Washington, 0C

    1 +1,202473,6000
    1 41.002373,6001


                                           Before the
                                     Washington, DC 20554

    In the Matter of the Joint Application of            )
    O1 COMMUNICATIONS, INC,,                             )
              Assignor,                                  )

   and                                                          WC Docket No, 10—156

   U.S, TELEPACIEIC CORP,,                              )
         Assignee,                                      )
   For Grant of Authority Pursuant to                    )
   Section 214 of the Communications Act of 1934,       )
   as amended, and Section 63.04 of the                 )
  Commission‘s Rules to Complete an                     )
  Assignment of Assets of an Authorized                 )
  Domestic Section 214 Carrier                          )

                                 AMENDMENT TO APPLICATION

             U.S. TelePacific Corp. ("TelePacific®) and O1 Communications, Inc. ("O1" and together

 with TelePacific, "Applicants"), hereby amend the above—referenced Application to make

 express Applicants® request that the Commission‘s grant of authority pursuant to section 214 of

 the Communications Act of 1934, as amended, and Section 63.04 of the Commission‘s Rules be

 conditioned on the continued compliance of TelePacific and U.8. TelePacific Holdings Corp.

 ("Holdings") with the terms of the Commitment Letter between TelePacific, Holdings., the U.S.

Department of Justice, including the Federal Bureau of Investigations, and the U.S. Department

of Homeland Security, dated February 6, 2007, a copy ofwhich is attached hereto.


              Applicants furtherrequest that the Commission maintain the Streamlined Pleading Cycle

    established forthe Application and approve the Application with the condition requested by this


                                                        Respectfully submitted,

                                                              BaX Y Frombec.
                                                       Tean L. Kiddoo
                                                       Brett Ferenchak
                                                       BNGHAM MCCUTCHEN LLP
                                                       2020 K Street, N. W.
                                                       Washington, DC 20006—1806
                                                       202—373—6000 (Tel)
                                                       202—373—6001 (Fax)

                                                       Counsel for U.S. TelePacific Corp.

             Dated: August 25, 2010


          C 0 M M U ND C A T IGO N &

          March 7, 2011

          Mz, Todd Hinnen
          Acting Assistant Attorney General
          National Security Division
          U.8. Department of Justice
          950 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W.
          Washington, DC 20530

          Mr. David Heyman
          Assistant Secretaryfor Policy
          United States Department of Homeland Security
          3801 Nebraska Avenue, N W.
          Washington, DC 20528

          Dear Assistant Secretary Heyman and Assistant Attorney General Hinnen:

                By letters dated March 2, 2005 (the "2005 Commitment Letter"), July 24, 2006
         (the 2006 Commitment Letter"), and February 6, 2007 (the ©2007 Commitment Letter®),
         and the August 25, 2010 amendment to a then—pending FCC transfer application in WC
         Docket 10—156 (the "2010 Amendment") (together, the "Commitment Documents") (all
         attached hereto), U.S, TelePacific Corp., a wholly owned subsidiary of U.S. TelePacific
         Holdings Corp. ("Company"), and the Company made certain commitments to the U.S.
         Department of Justice ("DOJ"), including the Federal Bureau of Investigation ("FBI"), and
         to the U.S. Department of Homeland Security ("DHS"). Those commitments addressed
         national security, law enforcement and public safety concerns raised with regard to the
         Company‘s applicationto the Federal Communications Commission ("FCC") regarding
         the transfer of certain assets from Pac«West Telecomm, Inc. to U.S. TelePacific Corp.,
         transfers of control ofMpower Communications Corp. and Arvival Communications, Inc.,
         to U.S, TelePacific Holdings Corp., and the fransfer of certain assets from O1
         Communications, Inc. to U.S. TelePacific Corp., respectively.

                Bythis letter, the Company agrees to extend the commitments made in the
         Commitment Documents to address any national security, law enforcement and public
        safety concerns that may be raised with regard to the application filed at the FCC for
        authority pursuant to Section 310(b)(4) of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended,
        for the transferof control of multiple FCC wireless licenses, to wit, the transfer of control
        of NextWeb, Inc., to the Company,

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   March 7, 2011
   Page 2

          In particular, this Ietteris being submitted for the purpose ofextending the
  commitments made in the Commitment Documents by U.S, TelePacific Holdings Corp., to
  the operations ofNextWeb, Inc. following its acquisition by the Company. As a result,
  following the acquisition, the commitments as set forth in the Commitment Documents
  will apply with full force and effect to the Company‘s wholly owned telecommunications
  operating subsidiaries: U.S. TelePacific Corp., Mpower Communications Corp., Arrival
  Communications, Inc., and NextWeb, Inc.

          In addition, on March 9, 2005, U.S. TelePacific Corp. designated a point of contact
  to hold authority and responsibility for accepting and overseeing compliance with a
  wiretap order, pen/trap order, subpoena or otherlawful demand by U.S. law enforcement
  authorities for the content of communications or U.S, records, in accordance with the 2005
  Commitment Letter, The Company hereby confirms that Mr. Erich Everbach, the
  designated contact set forth in U.S. TelePacific Corp.‘s March 9, 2005 letter and affirmed
  in its subsequent Commitment Documents, will also serve as the designated contact for
  NextWeb, Inc. following its acquisition by the Company. The Company also agrees that it
  will promptly notify DOJ and DHS of any change in such designation or any additional

           Mr. Everbach has his office in the United States, is a citizen of the United States, is
 resident in the United States, and already has a security clearance to accept and process
 National Security Letters, Mr. Everbach‘s contact information is:

                  Erich E. Everbach
                  Senior Vice President and General Counsel
                  Office Address: 515 S. Flower Street, 47th Floor
                                   Los Angeles, CA 90071—2201
                  Telephone:       (213) 213—3690
                  Facsimile;       (213) 213—3691

                  Home Address: 19322 Winged Foot Circle
                                   Northridge, CA 91326—1454
                  Telephone:       (818) 368—6987

        All correspondence to DOJ and DHS under this LOA will be directed to the
addressees at the addresses provided on the first page of the LOA. In addition, a courtesy
electronic copyof all notices and communications will be forwarded to


   March 7, 2011
   Page 3

               We understand that, upon execution ofthis letterby an authorized representative or
   attorney for the Company, the DOJ, FBI, and DHS shall notify the FCC that the DOJ, FBI,
   and DHS have no objection to the FCC‘s grant of the Company‘s application filed with the


                                           U.S. TelePacific Holdings Corp.
                                           U.S. TelePacific Corp.

                                                    ame: Richard A, Jalkut
                                                  Title: President & Chief Executive Officer
                                                  Date:   March 7, 2011

         2005 Commitment Letter
         2006 Commitment Letter
         2007 Commitment Letter
         2010 Amendment


.\ TelePacific

     October 18, 2011

     Ms. Lisa O. Monaco
     Assistant Attorney General
     National Security Division
     U.S. Department of Justice
     950 Pennsylvania Avenue, N. W.
     Washington, DC 20530

     Mr. David Heyman
     Assistant Secretary for Policy
     United States Department of Homeland Security
     3801 Nebraska Avenue, N.W.
     Washington, DC 20528

     Dear Assistant Secretary Heyman and Assistant Attorney General Monaco:

           Byletters dated March 2, 2005, July 24, 2006, February 6, 2007, March 7, 2011, and
    July 18, 2011, and an August 25, 2010 amendment to a then—pending FCC transfer
    application in WC Docket 10—156 (together, the "Commitment Documents") (all attached
    hereto), U.S. TelePacific Corp., a wholly owned subsidiary of U.S. TelePacific Holdings
    Corp. ("Company"), made certain commitments to the U.S. Department of Justice ("DOJ"),
    including the Federal Bureau of Investigation ("FBI"), and to the U.S. Department of
    Homeland Security ("DHS"). Those commitments addressed national security, law
    enforcement and public safety concerns raised with regard to the Company‘s application to
    the Federal Communications Commission ("FCC") regarding the transfer of certain assets
    from Pac—West Telecomm, Inc. to U.S. TelePacific Corp., transfers of control of Mpower
    Communications Corp. and Arrival Communications, Inc. to Company, the transfer of
    certain assets from 01 Communications, Inc. to U.S. TelePacific Corp., the transfer of
    control of NextWeb, Inc. to U.S. TelePacific Corp., and the transfer of certain assets from
    IXC Holdings, Inc. to TelePacific Managed Services, respectively.

            Bythis letter, the Company agrees to extend the commitments made in the
    Commitment Documents to address any national security, law enforcement and public
    safety concerns that may be raised with regard to the application filed at the FCC for
    authority pursuant to Section 214 of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended, for the
    transfer of control of FCC international and domestic authorizations, to wit, the transfer of
    control of Tel West Network Services Corporation("Tel West"), to the Company.

                                                    515 South Flower Street, 47th Floor, Los Angeles, California g0071—2201

           In particular, this letteris being submitted for the purpose of extending the
 commitments made in the Commitment Documents by the Company to the operations of Tel
 West following its acquisition by the Company.‘ As a result, following the acquisition, the
 commitments as set forth in the Commitment Documents will apply with full force and
 effect to the Company‘s wholly owned telecommunications operating subsidiaries: U.S.
 TelePacific Corp., Mpower Communications Corp., Arrival Communications, Inc.,
 NextWeb, Inc., TelePacific Managed Services and, upon consummation of the proposed
 transfer of control transaction, Tel West (together, "Operating Subsidiaries").

          In addition, the Companyagrees that it and its Operating Subsidiaries will comply
 with all applicable lawful interception statutes, regulations, and requirements, including the
 Communications Assistance for Law Enforcement Act (CALEA) and its implementing
 regulations, and with all court orders and otherlegal process for lawfully authorized
 electronic surveillance. As part of complying with CALEA and its implementing
 regulations, the Companyagrees that it and its Operating Subsidiaries will implement and
 maintain a CALEA solution or solutions that is or are in full compliance with CALEA‘s
 capability requirements. The Company further agrees that to the extent any issues or
 problems arise with respect to conducting lawfully authorized electronic surveillance or
 with it or its operating subsidiaries‘ CALEA solution or solutions, it and its Operating
 Subsidiaries will work diligently with law enforcement to resolve the issues or problems.

        Finally, the Company hereby confirms that Mr. Erich E. Everbach, the designated
contact set forth in U.S. TelePacific Corp.‘s March 9, 2005 letter and affirmed in its
subsequent Commitment Documents, is the Company‘s designated—a point of contact forall
of the Company‘s Operating Subsidiaries to hold authority and responsibility for accepting
and overseeing compliance with wiretap orders, electronic surveillance orders, pen/trap
orders, subpoenas or other legal process by U.S. law enforcement authorities for lawfully
authorized electronic surveillance or U.S. records, in accordance with the Commitment
Documents. The Companyalso agrees that it will promptly notify DOJ and DHS of any
change in such designation or any additional designees.

          Mr. Everbach has his office in the United States, is a citizen of the United States, is
resident in the United States, and already has a security clearance to accept and process
National Security Letters. Mr. Everbach‘s contact information is:

                  Erich E. Everbach
                  Senior Vice President and General Counsel
                  Office Address: 515 S. FlowerStreet, 47th Floor
                                      Los Angeles, CA 90071 —2201
                  Telephone:          (213) 213—3690
                  Facsimile:          (213) 213—3691

1        Tel West is the general partner of ICG ChoiceCom, L.P., which only provides intrastate wholesale
services in Texas to Tel West, and does not provide telecommunications services to any end user customers.
The commitments set forth herein will apply with full force and effect to the services that ICG ChoiceCom, L.P.
provides to Tel West.


                 Home Address: 19322 Winged Foot Circle
                                 Northridge, CA 91326—1454
                 Telephone:       (818) 368—6987

          All correspondence to DOJ and DHS under the Commitment Documents will be
 directed to the addressees at the addresses provided on the first page of this letter. In
 addition, a courtesy electronic copyofall notices and communications will be forwarded to

          We understand that, upon execution of this letter by an authorized representative or
 attorney for the Company, the DOJ, FBI, and DHS shall notify the FCC that the DOJ, FBI,
 and DHS have no objection to the FCC‘s grant of the Company‘s application filed with the


                                        U.S. TelePacific Holdings Corp.
                                        U.S. TelePacific Corp.

                                       y               __{(xchuurl Q W
                                               Nante: Richard A. Jalkut
                                               Title: President & Chief ExecutlveOfficer
                                               Date:   October 18, 2011

Attachments: March2005 Commitment Letter (Pac—West Telecomm)
             July 2006 Commitment Letter (Mpower Communications)
             February 2007 Commitment Letter (Arrival Communications)
             August 2010 Amendment (01 Communications)
             March 2011 Commitment Letter (NextWeb)
                July 2011 Commitment Letter (IXC Holdings)


Document Created: 2016-09-09 12:30:34
Document Modified: 2016-09-09 12:30:34

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