WOW-Crestview supple

SUPPLEMENT submitted by WideOpen West Finance, LLC



This document pretains to ITC-T/C-20160111-00005 for Transfer of Control on a International Telecommunications filing.


                                                                                  March 8, 2017

Assistant Attorney General for National Security
U.S. Department of Justice
National Security Division
950 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
Washington, DC 20530

        Subject: Pending Joint Application for Consent to Transfer Control of Domestic and
                 International Section 214 Authorizations from WideOpen West Finance, LLC
                 and its Subsidiaries to Crestview, L.L.C., pursuant to Section 214 of the
                 Communications Act of 1934, as amended (FCC file number ITC-T/C-
                 20160111-00005 and ITC-T/C-20160111-00006; WC Docket No. 16-12; TT
                 Case 16-09/10)

Dear Assistant Attorney General,

        This Letter of Agreement (“LOA” or “Agreement”) outlines the commitments made by
Crestview, L.L.C. (“Crestview”) and WideOpen West Finance, LLC (“WOW”) (together, “the
Applicants”) and the U.S. Department of Justice (“USDOJ”), in order to address national
security, law enforcement, and public safety concerns raised with regard to the Applicants’
application (the “Application”) to the Federal Communications Commission (“FCC” or
“Commission”) for approval to transfer to Crestview control of WOW’s telecommunications
operating subsidiaries’ (“the WOW Companies”) authority to provide Global or Limited Global
Resale services between the U.S. and all authorized international points pursuant to Section 214
of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended (“Section 214”), Title 47, Code of Federal
Regulations, Section 63.18(e)(2).

                    WOW is a limited liability company, incorporated in Delaware, with corporate
            headquarters in Englewood, Colorado. Through the WOW Companies, WOW provides
            communications, video and broadband services, including digital cable, HDTV, DVR,
            Internet, local and long distance services. WOW is the 9th largest cable company in the
            United States with more than 809,000 subscribers. Three of the WOW Companies provide
            rural Incumbent Local Exchange Carrier Services (Rural ILEC) in Alabama and Georgia
            while the other WOW Companies provide service as competitive Local Exchange Carriers
            (LECs) and/or hold international section 214 authority.

                  Knology, Inc. (“Knology”) and Sigecom, LLC (“Sigecom”) are subsidiaries of WOW.
            Knology is a Delaware corporation headquartered at 1241 O.B. Skinner Drive, West Point,
            Georgia 31833.1 Sigecom is an Indiana Limited Liability Company headquartered at 7887
            East Belleview, Suite 1000, Englewood, Colorado 80111.
         The following wholly-owned subsidiaries operate under Knology’s license, ITC-214-20000203-0075:
Globe Telecommunications (Georgia); Knology of Alabama (Delaware); Knology of Florida (Delaware); Knology

                 Crestview, the acquirer, is a private equity firm based in New York. Crestview focuses
         on the energy, financial services, healthcare, industrial and media sectors. Crestview has
         acquired an approximate 37 percent ownership interest in Racecar Holdings, LLC (“Racecar
         Holdings”), a Delaware limited liability company and the ultimate owner of WOW, through
         several investment vehicles. Upon FCC grant of the Application, Crestview will obtain
         negative consent rights with respect to the hiring, firing, or entering into employment
         agreements with senior management of Racecar Holdings.

                  Crestview’s investment vehicles include three funds that made direct investments in
         Racecar Holdings: Crestview W1 Holdings, L.P. (“Crestview Holdings”); Crestview W1 Co-
         Investors, LLC (“Crestview Co-Investors”); and Crestview W1 TE Holdings, LLC. Of these
         investment vehicles, only Crestview Holdings owns a 10 percent or greater interest in Racecar
         Holdings (approximately 30 percent). The limited partnership interests in Crestview Holdings
         are held directly by Crestview Partners III Co-Investors, L.P., a Cayman Islands entity
         (“Crestview Cayman Islands”). Furthermore, the limited liability company interests of
         Crestview Co-Investors are held approximately 42 percent by Crestview Partners III (Co-
         Investment B), L.P., which is also a Cayman Islands entity. The sole general partner of
         Crestview Partners III (Co-Investment B), L.P. is Crestview Partners III GP, L.P. (“CPIII
         GP”). The investment committee of CPIII GP, which will control the Crestview investment,
         is made up of ten members, including nine U.S. citizens and one citizen of the United
         Kingdom. The investment committee operates by a majority rule with respect to voting,
         selling, and making follow-on investments in portfolio companies.

                Crestview’s investment provided additional capital to the WOW Companies, which
         enhanced the WOW Companies’ ability to maintain, improve, and extend their infrastructure,
         innovate and offer new products and services to consumers, and better compete in the

       Operations, Records, and Law Enforcement Requests. The Applicants agree that they
will inform USDOJ within 60 days if WOW changes its business model to provide
telecommunications services in the U.S. in addition to those identified herein, including notice of
any provision by WOW of service to the destination countries in which WOW reports the existence
of a foreign carrier affiliate to the FCC under 47 C.F.R. § 63.11. In addition, the Applicants
confirm that, for any services requiring compliance with the Communications Assistance for Law
Enforcement Act (“CALEA”), 47 U.S.C. §§ 1001-1010, the Applicants will comply with CALEA.

of South Carolina (Delaware); Knology of Tennessee (Delaware); Knology of the Valley (Georgia); Knology Total
Communications (Alabama); Valley Telephone Company (Alabama); and Wiregrass Telecom (Alabama).

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Document Created: 2010-01-01 00:00:00
Document Modified: 2010-01-01 00:00:00

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