Attachment Attachment 1

This document pretains to ITC-T/C-20151130-00282 for Transfer of Control on a International Telecommunications filing.


                                                                                       FCC FORM2I4TC
                                                                                           Attachment 1

        By this épplication, Columbus New Cayman Limited ("Columbus"‘ or "Transferor") and
Liberty Global plc ("Liberty Global"" or "Transferee") (together, the "Applicants"), request
Commission consent to the transfer of control of the international section 214 authorizations held by
Columbus Networks Telecommunications Services USA, Inc. ("CNTS") and Columbus Networks
Puerto Rico, Inc. ("CNPR") (collectively, "Licensees") from Columbus to Liberty Global.

        Parties to the Proposed Transaction

        CNTS is organized under the laws of Delaware. CNTS provides global, facilities—based and
resale services to customers in accordance with its Section 214 authorization issued by the
Commission under FCC File No. ITC—214—20070220—00077. CNPR is organized under the laws of
Puerto Rico. CNPR provides global, facilities—based and resale services to customers in accordance
with its Section 214 authorization issued by the Commission under FCC File No. ITC—214—
        CNTS is a direct wholly—owned subsidiary of ASN, which is in turn a direct wholly—owned
subsidiary of ARCOS. ARCOS and CNPR are direct wholly—owned subsidiaries of the Transferor.
        Columbus is indirectly wholly—owned by three of the previous shareholders of CIHI: ~CVBI
Holdings (Barbados) Inc., Clearwater Holdings (Barbados) Limited, and Mr. Brendan Paddick, a
Canadian citizen.

1        Columbus is a holding company formed under the laws of the Cayman Islands. Columbus wholly
owns and controls the CFX—1 and ARCOS—1 cable systems through its direct ownership interests in ARCOS—1
USA, Inc. ("ARCOS") and its indirect ownership interests in Columbus Networks USA, Inc. and A.SurNet,
Inc. (“ASN”) all of which hold submarine cable landmg licenses. The Licensees provide telecommunications
services to customers as described herein.
2       Liberty Global is an international provider of video, broadband internet, fixed—line telephony and
mobile services with operations in 14 countries. Through its subsidiaries Virgin Media Inc., Unitymedia
KabelBW GmbH and Telenet Group Holding N.V., Liberty Global provides video, broadband internet, fixed—
line telephony and mobile services in the United Kingdom, Germany and Belgium, respectively. In the
Netherlands, Liberty Global provides video, broadband internet, fixed—line telephony and mobile services
through its subsidiaries Ziggo Holding B.V. and UPC Nederland B.V. Liberty Global also provides video,
broadband internet and fixed—line telephony services in eight other European countries and mobile services in
four other European countries. In Latin America, subsidiaries of Liberty Global provide video, broadband
internet, fixed—line telephony and mobile services in Chile and video and broadband communications services
in Puerto Rico.

                                                                                  FCC FORM21I4TC
                                                                                Attachment 1
       Liberty Global is a publicly—listed company organized under the laws of England and Wales.
Liberty Global‘s shares are divided into two tracking stock groups: (1) Liberty Global Group, which
trades on the NASDAAQ‘ Global Select Market; and (2) Liberty Latin America and Caribbean Group,
which trades on the NASDAQ Global Select Market and the OTC link.,
       On November 16, 2015, Liberty Global and Cable & Wireless Communications ple ("C&W")
jointly announced a recommended offer pursuant to which Liberty Global would acquire 100 percent
of the issued and to be issued shares of C&W, subject to all required regulatory and corporate
approvals ("Transaction"). The Applicants respectfully submit that the Transaction will serve the
public interest, convenience and necessity.     The combination of C&W‘s Caribbean and Latin
American operations with Liberty Global‘s operations in Chile and Puerto Rico will facilitate the
creation of a leading video, broadband, mobile and business—to—business service provider across the
Latin American and Caribbean region. Liberty Global also expects that the Transaction will benefit
United States customers of the Licensees, and that the Licensees will continué to provide high—quality
services to customers under existing contracts without interruption, changes in rates, or other changes
in terms and conditions. Following completion of the Transaction, the combined Liberty Global and
C&W Group expect to utilize their product knowledge and customer service expertise to offer
innovative video products with superior broadband speeds and seamless connectivity.
Answer to Question 10 — Sections 63.18(c) and (d)

       For Licensees and Transferor:         c/o Brendan Paddick
                                             chief executive officer
                                             Columbus Networks USA, Inc.
                                             1590 West Dixie Highway
                                             North Miami Beach, FL 33162
                                             Phone: (786) 274—7400
                                             Fax: (786) 274—7402

              with a copy to:                Ulises R. Pin, Esquire
                 :                           Brett P. Ferenchak, Esquire
                                             Morgan, Lewis & Bockius LLP
                                             2020 K Street, NW
                                             Washington, DC 20006
                                             Telephone: (202) 373—6664
                                             Fax: (202) 373—6001

                                                                                FCC FORM21I4TC
                                                                                  Attachment 1
       For Transferee:                      John P. Babb, Esquire
                                            Vice President, Legal
                                            Liberty Global, Inc.
                                             12300 Liberty Boulevard
                                            Englewood, CO 80112
                                            Telephone: (303) 220—6638

              with a copy to:               Robert L. Hoegle, Esquire
                                            Thomas F. Bardo, Esquire
                                            Nelson Mullins Riley & Scarborough LLP
                                            101 Constitution Avenue, Suite 900
                                            Washington, DC 20001
                                            Telephone: (202) 712—2816
                                            Fax: (202) 712—2836

       Neither the Transferor notr the Transferee previously received Section 214 authority from
the Commission. The Licensees are the only affiliates of Transferor with Section 214 authority.
Answer to Question 11 — Section 63.18 (h) — Ten percent or Greater Shareholders
       Following completion of the Transaction, Columbus will hold a (direct or indirect) 100%
voting interest and equity interest in each of CNTS and CNPR. The following entity will hold a
100% voting and equity interest in Columbus:
              Columbus Networks, Limited
              Suite 205—207 Dowell House
              Cr. Roebuck & Palmetto Streets
              Bridgetown, Barbados
              Jurisdiction: Barbados
              Business: international telecommunications services
              Interest: Direct holding of 100%

       The following entity will hold a 100% voting and equity interest in Columbus Networks
              Columbus TTNW Holdings Inc.
              Suite 205—207 Dowell House
              Cr. Roebuck & Palmetto Streets
              Bridgetown, Barbados
              Jurisdiction: Barbados
              Business: international telecommunications services
              Interest: Direct holding of 100%

                                                                                    FCC FORM214TC
                                                                                     Attachment 1
        The following entity will hold a 100% voting and equity interest in Columbus TTNW
Holdings Inc:
                Columbus International Inc.
                Suite 205—207 Dowell House
                Cr. Roebuck & Palmetto Streets
                Bridgetown, Barbados
                Jurisdiction: Barbados
                Business: international telecommunications services
                Interest: Direct holding of 100%

        The following entity will hold a 100% voting and equity interest in Columbus International

                Sable Holding Limited
                2nd Floor, 62—65 Chandos Place
                London, United Kingdom WC2N 4HG
                Jurisdiction: England
                Business: Holding Company
                Interest: Direct holding of 100%

        The following entity will hold a 100% voting and equity interest in Sable Holding Limited:
                Cable & Wireless Limited
                2nd Floor, 62—65 Chandos Place
                London, United Kingdom WC2N 4HG
                Jurisdiction: England
                Business: Holding Company
                Interest: Direct holding of 100%

        The following entity will hold a 100% voting and equity interest in Cable & Wireless

                Cable & Wireless Communications Limited®
                2nd Floor, 62—65 Chandos Place
                London, United Kingdom WC2N 4HG
                Jurisdiction: England
                Business: International Telecommunications Services
                Interest: Direct holding of 100%

        The following entity will hold a 100% voting and equity interest in Cable & Wireless

Communications Limited:

>       Cable & Wireless Communications ple, a public limited company, will be converted to Cable &
Wireless Communications Limited, a limited company.

                                                                                     FCC FORM214TC
                                                                                      Attachment 1
                 Coral New UKCo. Ltd.
                 c/o Griffin House, 161 Hammersmith Road
                 London, United Kingdom W6 8BS
                 Jurisdiction: England
                 Business: Holding Company
                 Interest: Direct holding of 100%

          The following entity will hold a 100% voting and equity interest in Coral New UKCo. Ltd.:
                 LGE Coral Holdco
                 c/o Griffin House, 161 Hammersmith Road
                 London, United Kingdom W6 8BS
                 Jurisdiction: England
                 Business: Holding Company
                 Interest; Direct holding of 100%

          The following entity will hold a 100% voting and equity interest in LGE Coral Holdeo:
                 Liberty Global ple
                 Griffin House, 161 Hammersmith Road
                 London, United Kingdom W6 8BS
                 Jurisdiction: England
                 Business: International provider of cable and telecommunications services
                 Interest: Direct holding of 100%

          Following consummation of the Transaction, the following persons and/or entities are
expected to have a shareholding greater than 10% of the voting and/or equity securities of Liberty

                 John C. Malone
                 c/o 12300 Liberty Boulevard
                 Englewood, Colorado 80112
                 U.S. citizen                                                        .
                 Interest:  Dr. Malone is expected to hold approximately 23.7% to 24.1% of the voting
                            power of the Liberty Global Group shares and approximately 8.2 % to 10.4% of
                            the voting power of the Liberty Global Latin America and Caribbean Group
                            shares.                                                    .

Attached as Exhibit 1 are pre— and post—transaction corporate structure charts.
Answer to Question 12 — Section 63.18(h) — Interlocking Directorates

          Liberty Global does not have any interlocking directorates with foreign carriers.

                                                                                     FCC FORM214TC
                                                                                      Attachment 1
Answer to Question 13 — Background and Description of Transaction

        On November 6, 2014, Columbus International, Inc. ("CII"), and C&W entered into an
agreement pursuant to which C&W would acquire 100 percent of the shares of CII. CII and C&wW
jointly filed an application seeking Commission consent to the transfer of control of the Licensees
from Columbus Networks, Limited ("CNL"), an indirect, wholly—owned subsidiary of CIH, to C&W.
See File No. ITC—T/C—20141121—00304; ITC—T/C—20141121—00307, filed Nov. 21, 2014 ("Joint
Application"). The Joint Application stated that the CII/C&W transaction likely would occur in a
two—step process. In the first step, the shares held by CNL in the Licensees would be transferred in a
pro forma transaction to a newly—formed company, Columbus, owned by the ultimate majority
owners and controlling parties of CII. In the second step, ownership and control of Columbus and the
Licensees would be transferred to C&W following Commission approval of the Joint Application and
related transfer of control applications.
        Consistent with the Joint Application, the first step pro forma transaction was completed on
March 31, 2015. By Order dated November 13, 2015, the Commission approved the transfer of
control of the Licensees from Columbus to C&W.°                                             |
       As noted above, on November 16, 2015, Liberty Global and C&W jointly announced a
recommended offer pursuant to which Liberty Global would acquire 100 percent of the issued and to
be issued shares of C&W, subject to all required regulatory and corporate approvals. Thus, in light of
the Transaction between Liberty Global & C&W, the second step of the CII/C&W transaction
described in the Joint Application is not currently expected to occur.° Columbus and Liberty Global

4      See Notification of Pro Forma Transfer and Minor Amendment to Applications, File Nos. SCL—T/C—
20141121—00013; SCL—T/C—20141121—00014; TTC—T/C—20141121—00304; ITC—T/C—20141121—00307, filed
April 14, 2015 (the "Pro Forma Notification"). As described in the Joint Application and Pro Forna
Notification, two indirect subsidiaries of CIH acquired by C&W in the first step entered into intercompany
management agreements to provide day—to—day management services for the benefit of the Licensees.
However, Columbus and the Licensees retain ultimate authority and control over all regulated aspects of the
U.S. business, including having appropriate staff in place to oversee and supervise the provision of
management services by the relevant C&W entities.
5       iSee Applications of Cable & Wireless Communications ple and Columbus New Cayman Limited for
Transfer of Control of Cable Landing Licenses and Section 214 Authorizations, Memorandum Opinion and
Order, DA 15—307 (LB. rel. Nov. 13, 2015) ("Columbus Approval Order").
6         The Transaction is subject to a number of conditions, including, without limitation, securing
shareholder approval and obtaining Commission consent for the Transaction. If such conditions are not
fulfilled, Columbus expects to consummate the second step of the CH/C&W transaction in accordance with the
Columbus Approval Order.

                                                                                         FCC FORM214TC
                                                                              Attachment 1
therefore request approval of the transfer of control of the Licensees from Columbus to Liberty

Answer to Question 14 — Section 63.18({) — Certification Regarding Foreign Carrief Status and
Foreign Affiliation
          Transferee, Liberty Global, certifies that it is not a foreign carrier.   Following completion of
the Transaction, Liberty Global will become affiliated with the following foreign dominant carriers,
which are currently affiliated with C&W:
                              Foreign Carrier                                          Country
    Cable and Wireless (Anguilla) Limited                                Anguilla
    Cable & Wireless Antigua & Barbuda Limited                           Antigua and Barbuda
    The Bahamas Telecommunications Company Limited                       The Bahamas
    Cable & Wireless (Barbados) Limited                                  Barbados
    Cable and Wireless (British Virgin Islands) Limited                  British Virgin Islands
    Cable and Wireless (Cayman Islands) Limited                          Cayman Islands
    Cable & Wireless Dominica Limited                                    Dominica
    CWC Cable & Wireless Communications Dominican Republic SA            Dominican Republic
    Cable & Wireless Grenada Limited                                     Grenada
    Cable & Wireless Jamaica Limited                                     Jamaica
    Cable and Wireless (West Indies) Limited                             Montserrat
    Cable & Wireless Panama S.A.                                         Panama
    CWC WS Holdings Panama S.A.                                          Panama
    Cable & Wireless (St. Lucia) Limited                                 St. Lucia
    Cable & Wireless St. Kitts & Nevis Limited                           St. Kitts and Nevis
    Cable & Wireless St. Vincent and the Grenadines Limited              St. Vincent and the Grenadines
    Cable & Wireless (Seychelles) Limited                                Seychelles
    Telecommunications Services of Trinidad and Tobago Limited           Trinidad & Tobago‘
    Cable and Wireless (TCI) Limited                                     Turks and Caicos Islands

          Further, upon consummation of the Transaction, Liberty Global will become affiliated with
the following non—dominant foreign carriers, which are currently affiliated with C&W:*
                          Foreign Carrier                                          Country
    Kelcom International (Antigua & Barbuda) Ltd.                        Antigua & Barbuda

        C&W is in the process of divesting its indirect 49% ownership interest in Telecommunications
Services of Trinidad and Tobago Limited.
8       None of the carriers listed in this table is listed in the Commission‘s List of Foreign
Telecommunications Carriers that are Presumed to Possess Market Power in Foreign Telecommunications
Markets. In addition, these foreign carriers offer services in competition with dominant foreign carriers and
others. These foreign carriers each hold significantly less than a 50% market share in the international
transport market between the U.S. and their home markets in the local access markets in the countries where
they operate. Moreover, these foreign carriers do not have the ability to discriminate against unaffiliated U.S.
international carriers through the control of bottleneck services or facilities to exercise market power in the
countries where they operate.

                                                                                 FCC FORM2I4TC
                                                                                   Attachment 1
                       Foreign Carrier                                        Country
 Columbus Communications Limited                                  The Bahamas
 Columbus Telecommunications (Barbados) Limited                   Barbados
 Karib Cable Inc.                                                 Barbados
 ARCOS—1 USA, Inc.                                                Belize
 Columbus Networks Bonaire, N.V.                                  Bonaire
 Columbus Networks de Colombia, Ltda.                             Colombia
 Columbus Networks Zona Franca Ltda.                              Colombia
 Lazus de Colombia S.A.S.                                         Colombia
 Columbus Networks de Costa Rica S.R.L.                           Costa Rica
 Promitel Costa Rica S.A.                                         Costa Rica
 Columbus Communications Curacao N.V.                             Curacao
 Columbus Networks Curacao, N.V:                                  Curacao
 Columbus Networks Netherlands Antilles, N.V.                     Curacao
 Columbus Networks Dominicana, S.A.                               Dominican Republic
 Columbus Networks Centroamerica, S. de R.L.                      El Salvador
 Columbus Networks El Salvador S.A.                               El Salvador
 Columbus Communications (Grenada) Limited                         Grenada
 Columbus Networks de Guatemala Limitada                          Guatemala
 Columbus Networks de Honduras, S. de R.L.                        Honduras
 Columbus Communications Jamaica Limited                          Jamaica
 Columbus Networks Jamaica Limited                                Jamaica
 Columbus Networks de México S. de R.L. de C.V.                   Mexico
 Columbus Networks Nicaragua y Compafifa Limitada                 Nicaragua
 Columbus Networks de Panam&S.R.L.                                Panama
 Promitel Panama S.A.                                             Panama
 Lazus Peru S.A.C.                                                Peru
 Columbus Communications (St. Lucia) Limited                      St. Lucia
 Tele (St. Lucia) Inc.                                            St, Lucia
 Columbus Communications St. Vincent and the Grenadines           St. Vincent & The Grenadines
 Columbus Networks International (Trinidad) Limited             ] Trinidad & Tobago
 Columbus Communications Trinidad Limited                         Trinidad & Tobago
 Columbus Networks, Limited                                       Turks & Caicos
 Columbus Networks de Venezuela, S.A.                             Venezuela

Answer to Question 15 — Section 63.18(i) — Certification Regarding Destination Markets
       Upon consummation of the Transaction, the Licensees would be authorized to provide
international telecommunications services to all the destination points listed in response to Question

                                                                        FCC FORM214TC
                                                                          Attachment 1
Answer to Question 16 — Section 63.18(m) — Requests for Non—Dominant Status

        Pursuant to Section 63.10(a)(3), upon completion of the Transaction, Transferee will qualify
for a presumption of non—dominant status on all international routes except those listed below,
because each of the Transferee‘s post—Transaction foreign carrier affiliates (except those listed below)
lacks 50% market share in the fixed local access and international transport markets on the foreign
end of the route.
Answer to Question 17 — Certification Regarding Dominant Carrier Safeguards
        Transferee certifies that, following completion of the Transaction, it will comply with the
dominant carrier safeguards of Sections 63.10(c) and (e) of the Commission‘s Rules in the provision
of international services to the destination markets where it will become affiliated with a carrier (see
response to Question 14) that has dominant status:"
©Destination Market                  Foreign Carriers with Market Power
Anguilla                             Cable and Wireless (Anguilla) Limited
Antigua and Barbuda                  Cable & Wireless (Antigua and Barbuda) Ltd.*
Bahamas                              The Bahamas Telecommunications Company Limited*
Barbados                             Cable & Wireless (Barbados) Ltd.*
British Virgin Islands               Cable & Wireless (British Virgin Islands) Ltd.*
Cayman Islands               '       Cable & Wireless (Cayman Islands ) Ltd.
Dominica                             Cable & Wireless Dominica Limited*
Grenada                              Cable & Wireless Grenada Ltd.*
Jamaica                              Cable & Wireless Jamaica Ltd.
Montserrat                           Cable & Wireless (West Indies) Ltd.
Panama                               Cable & Wireless Panama S.A.
St. Kitts & Nevis                    Cable & Wireless (St. Kitts and Nevis) Ltd.*
St. Lucia                            Cable & Wireless (St. Lucia) Limited
St. Vincent/Grenadines               Cable & Wireless (St. Vincent and the Grenadines) Ltd.
Seychelles                           Cable & Wireless (Seychelles) Ltd.
Trinidad & Tobago                   Telecommunications Services of Trinidad & Tobago Limited

9       This list includes all carriers currently affiliated with C&W that appear on the FCC‘s "List of Foreign
Carriers that are Presumed to Possess Market Power in Foreign Telecommunications Markets," DA 07—233,
January 26, 2007 ("Foreign Carrier List").

                                                                                      FCC FORM214TC
                                                                                       Attachment 1
Turks and Caicos                    Cable and Wireless (TCI) Ltd.*
*An asterisk indicates that the name of the foreign carrier providing service has changed since the
Foreign Carrier List was list compiled, or that a successor to that carrier is now providing service.

Answer to Question 18 — Section 63.18(k) — Demonstration Regarding WTO Status and Market

        With the exception of the Bahamas"®and the Seychelles, all of the foreign desitination markets
identified in Questions 15 are members of the World Trade Organization (“WTO”).11 The affiliated
foreign carriers are presumed by the Commission to have market power."
Answer to Question 19 — Section 63.18(1) [deleted] and 43.61(c) [deleted]
        This question and certification are obsolete given the deletion of related FCC rules provisions.
Answer to Question 20 — Section 63.18(p) — Streamlined Processing

        Not applicable.

10    _ Although The Bahamas is not a member of the WTO, it has applied for membership status and its
application is pending.      The Bahamas currently holds observer status at the WTO.             See
U       The FCC has treated the British overseas territories as WTO Members. See, e.g., Letter from Robert
E. Dalton, Assistant Legal Adviser for Treaty Affairs, United States Department of State, to Rebecca
Arbogast, Chief, Telecommunications Division, International Bureau, Federal Communications Commission
(Feb. 16, 2000), at 1, cited in In the Matter of Cable & Wireless USA, Inc., Order, Authorization and
Certificate, File No. ITC—214—19990709—00412, rel. Feb. 18, 2000, at [ 7, a. 14. Thus, Anguilla, the British
Virgin Islands, the Cayman Islands, Montserrat, and Turks and Caicos should be treated as a WTO Member
for purposes of this application.
12      To avoid any competitive concerns, Cable & Wireless Communications, Inc. agreed to provide service
to the Seychelles through unaffiliated switched resellers. See Supplement to Section 214 Application
submitted by Cable & Wireless Holdings, Inc., File No. ITC—214—20100512—00191.


                                                                                  FCC FORM214TC
                                                                                   Attachment 1
       For the foregoing reasons, Liberty Global and Columbus respectfully submit that grant of this
Application will serve the public interest, convenience and necessity.

                                             Respectfully submitted,

                                             LIBERTY GLOBAL PLC

                                                    /s/ Robert L. Hoegle
                                             Robert L. Hoegle, Esquire
                                             Thomas F. Bardo, Esquire
                                             Nelson Mullins Riley & Scarborough LLP
                                             101 Constitution Avenue, Suite 900
                                             Washington, DC 20001
                                             Telephone: (202) 712—2800

                                             Counselfor Liberty Global ple

                                             COLUMBUS NETWORKS TELECOMMUNICATIONS
                                             SERVICES USA, INC., COLUMBUS NETWORKS
                                             PUERTO RICO, INC. AND COLUMBUS NEW
                                             CAYMAN LIMITED

                                                     /s/ Ulises R. Pin
                                             Ulises R. Pin, Esquire
                                             Brett P. Ferenchak, Esquire
                                             Morgan, Lewis & Bockius LLP
                                             2020 K Street, NW.
                                             Washington, DC 20006
                                             Telephone: (202) 373—6664
                                             Fax: (202) 373—6001

                                             Counsel for Columbus Networks Telecommunications
                                             Services USA, Inc., Columbus Networks Puerto Rico,
                                             Inc. and Columbus New Cayman Limited

November 30, 2015



                                   Columbus Licensees Current Structure

CVBI Holdings              Clearwater Holdings
(Barbados) Inc.            (Barbados) Limited                Brendan
   (Barbados)                  (Barbados)                    Paddick
      [——‘————,                                              (Canada)

   CP New Cayman                          CP New Cayman
   Holdco I Limited                      Holdco II Limited
   (Cayman Islands)                       (Cayman Islands)

                                       New Cayman Limited
                                         (Cayman Islands)

                                         ARCOS—1 USA, Inc                            Columbus Networks,
                                             (Delawarc)’     ‘                        Puerto Rico Inc.
                                                                                           (Puerto Rico)

                  Networks USA, Inc.                             A.SurNet, Inc.
                      (Delaware)                                   (Delaware)

                                                                 Columbus Networks
                                                                  Services USA, Inc.
                                                                        (Delaware)     ‘

                         Columbus Licensees Post—Transaction Structure

                                               Liberty Global ple

                                               LGE Coral Holdco

                                             Coral New UKCo Ltd.

                                               Cable & Wireless
                                             Communications Ltd."

                                            Cable & Wireless Limited
                                                   (England) .

                                             Sable Holding Limited

                                               International Inc.

                                               Columbus TTINW
                                                 Holdings Inc.

                                              Networks, Limited

                                            Columbus New Cayman,
                                                (Cayman Islands)

                                                                                             Columbus Networks,
                                             ARCOS—1 USA, Inc.
                                                                                              Puerto Rico Inc.
                                                                                                (Puerto Rico)
                               y                        I
                                                                         A.Sur Net, Inc.
                       Networks USA, Inc.
                                                                       Columbus Networks
                                                                        Services USA, Inc.

        Cable & Wireless Communications plc, a public limited company, will be converted to Cable and
Wireless Communications Ltd., a limited company.


       1, Bryan H, Hall, state that I am Executive Vice President, General Counsel and Secretary

of Liberty Global plc, and that I am authorized to make this verification on behalf of Liberty

Global plc; that the statements regarding the Transaction and the certifications contained in the

foregoing Federal Communication Commission International Section 214 Authorization Transfer

of Control Application seeking consent to the transfer of control of Columbus New Cayman

Limited and the Licensees, except as otherwise specifically attributed, are true and correct to the

bost ofmy knowledge and belief.

       I declate under the penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct.

                                                     Bryan H. Hall
                                                     Executive Vice President, General Counsel
                                                       and Secretary
                                                     Liberty Global plo

Executed on November 22, 2015 °


       I, Brendan Paddick , state that I am the chief executive officer, of Columbus New

Cayman Limited ("Columbus"); that I am authorized to represent Columbus and its subsidiaries

including Licensee(s) and to make this verification on their behalf; that the statements regarding

the Transaction, Columbus and the Licensee(s) contained in the foregoing Federal

Communications Commission application seeking consent to the transfer of control of Columbus

and the Licensee(s), except as otherwise specifically attributed, are true and correct to the best of

my knowledge and belief.

       I declare under the penalty of perjury that the foregoing i     gand correct.

Executed on November 25, 2015

Document Created: 2015-11-30 14:02:37
Document Modified: 2015-11-30 14:02:37

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