Application Form [pdf]

This document pretains to ITC-T/C-20151112-00261 for Transfer of Control on a International Telecommunications filing.


                                     Before the
                                Washington, D.C. 20554

 In the Matter of the Joint Application of       )
 Ronald W. Henriksen, Transferor,                )
 Logix Communications, LP, Licensee,             )
                                                 )           WC Docket No. 15-_____________
 and                                             )
                                                 )           IB File No. ITC-T/C-2015________
 LOGIX Acquisition Company, LLC, Transferee, )
 For Grant of Authority Pursuant to              )
 Section 214 of the Communications Act of 1934, )
 as amended, and Sections 63.04 and 63.24 of the )
 Commission’s Rules to Complete a Transfer of    )
 Indirect Ownership and Control of               )
 Logix Communications, LP to LOGIX               )
 Acquisition Company, LLC                        )

                                      JOINT APPLICATION

          Ronald W. Henriksen (“Transferor”), Logix Communications, LP (“Logix” or “Licen-

 see”), and LOGIX Acquisition Company, LLC (“LAC” or “Transferee”) (collectively, “Appli-

 cants”), pursuant to Section 214 of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended (the “Act”), 47

 U.S.C. § 214, and Sections 63.04 and 63.24 of the Commission’s Rules, 47 C.F.R. §§ 63.04 &

 63.24, respectfully request Commission approval under streamlined procedures for LAC to

 acquire indirect ownership and control of Licensee (the “Transaction”).

          In support, Applicants provide the following information:

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          A.      Transferor and Licensee

          Logix is a Texas limited partnership that does business as Logix Communications. Logix

 is a fiber focused, integrated communications company that provides telephone, Internet, data

 and cloud services. Logix currently has the following ownership:

                  Name:                 LOGIX GP, LLC
                  Address:              2950 N Loop West, 8th Floor
                                        Houston, TX 77092
                  Citizenship:          U.S. (Delaware)
                  Principal Business:   General Partner
                  % Interest:           100% (directly in Logix as its General Partner with a 1%
                                        equity interest)

                  Name:                 LOGIX Investors, LLC (“Investors”)
                  Address:              2950 N Loop West, 8th Floor
                                        Houston, TX 77092
                  Citizenship:          U.S. (Delaware)
                  Principal Business:   Limited Partner
                  % Interest:           100% (directly in Logix as its Limited Partner with a 99%
                                        equity interest and indirectly in Logix as 100% owner of
                                        LOGIX GP, LLC)

                  Name:                 LOGIX Holding Company (“HoldCo”)
                  Address:              2950 N Loop West, 8th Floor
                                        Houston, TX 77092
                  Citizenship:          U.S. (Delaware)
                  Principal Business:   Holding Company
                  % Interest:           100% (indirectly in Logix as the 100% owner of Investors)

                  Name:                 Ronald W. Henriksen
                  Address:              c/o Logix Communications
                                        2950 N Loop West, 8th Floor
                                        Houston, TX 77092
                  Citizenship:          U.S.
                  Principal Business:   Individual
                  % Interest:           100% (indirectly in Logix as the majority direct owner
                                        (75%) of HoldCo and as the sole trustee of four trusts (the

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                                        trust collectively with Mr. Henriksen, the “Sellers”) that
                                        directly own HoldCo1)

          No other person or entity, directly or indirectly, owns or controls a 10% or greater inter-

 est in Logix. See Exhibit A for a detailed depiction of the pre- and post-Transaction corporate

 structure of Licensee.

          B.      Transferee

          LAC is a Delaware limited liability company. LAC was formed for the purpose of own-

 ing and acquiring the LOGIX operating entities, including Licensee. Upon consummation of the

 Transaction, it will be the direct parent of HoldCo. LAC provides no telecommunications

 services itself and holds no FCC authorizations.

          As described in more detail below, the sole member and Manager of Transferee is

 LOGIX Intermediate Holding Corporation (“Sub-Parent”), a Delaware corporation. Mark J.

 Johnson, a U.S. citizen, is the President, CEO, Secretary, and Treasurer of Sub-Parent. Matthew

 M. Murphy, also a U.S. citizen, is Vice President of Sub-Parent. However, day-to-day opera-

 tional control of Transferee will be exercised by Astra Capital Management, LLC (“ACM”), a

 Delaware limited liability company, pursuant to a Management Services Agreement entered into

 between ACM and Sub-Parent. ACM is a Washington, D.C.-based private equity firm that

 focuses on investments in scalable telecommunications and technology companies. Mark J.

 Johnson, a U.S. citizen, holds more than 50% of the equity of ACM and exercises control over

 the entity.

          See Exhibit A for a detailed depiction of the post-Transaction corporate structure of


         None of the trusts individually owns 10% or more of Holdco, but collectively the trusts
 directly own 25% of HoldCo.

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          Pursuant to a Stock Purchase Agreement dated as of October 29, 2015 (the “Agree-

 ment”), LAC will acquire from Sellers all of the issued and outstanding stock of HoldCo, the

 ultimate parent of Licensee. As a result, indirect ownership and control of Licensee will be

 transferred from Transferor to LAC. For the Commission’s reference, a chart depicting the pre-

 and post-Transaction ownership of Licensee is provided in Exhibit A.


          Pursuant to Section 63.24(e)(2) of the Commission’s Rules, the Applicants submit the

 following information requested in Section 63.18 (a)-(d) and (h)-(p) in support of this Applica-


          (a)     Name, address and telephone number of each Applicant:


                  Ronald W. Henriksen                       FRN: 0012205365
                  c/o Logix Communications
                  2950 N Loop West, 8th Floor
                  Houston, TX 77092


                  Logix Communications, LP                  FRN: 0007427487
                  2950 N Loop West, 8th Floor
                  Houston, TX 77092


                  Logix Acquisition Company, LLC            FRN: 0025038738
                  1900 K Street, N.W.
                  Suite 1130
                  Washington, DC 20006

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            (b)    Jurisdiction of Organizations:

            Transferor:   Mr. Henriksen is a U.S. citizen

            Licensee:     Logix is a limited partnership formed under the laws of Texas.

            Transferee:   LAC is a limited liability company formed under the laws of Delaware.

            (c)    (Answer to Question 10) Correspondence concerning this Application should be

 sent to:

 For Transferor and Licensee:                       For Transferee:
            Catherine Wang                              Brian Weimer
            Brett P. Ferenchak                          Douglas Svor
            Morgan, Lewis & Bockius LLP                 Sheppard Mullin Richter & Hampton LLP
            2020 K Street, N.W., Suite 1100             2099 Pennsylvania Ave., N.W., Suite 100
            Washington, DC 20006-1806                   Washington, DC 20006-6801
            202-373-6000 (tel)                          202-747-1930 (tel)
            202-373-6001 (fax)                          202-747-3818 (fax)

   with a copy to:                                  with a copy to:
            Howard Siegel                                   Matthew M. Murphy
            VP of External & Regulatory Affairs             Vice President
            Logix Communications                            LOGIX Intermediate Holding Corporation
            210 Barton Springs Road, Suite 100              1900 K Street NW
            Austin, Texas 78704                             Suite 1130
                        Washington, DC 20006

            (d)    Section 214 Authorizations

            Transferor:   Mr. Henriksen does not hold international or domestic Section 214 author-

            Licensee:     Logix holds international Section 214 authority to provide global or lim-
                          ited global facilities-based and resale services granted in IB File No. ITC-
                          214-19970409-00200 (Old File No. ITC-97-209). Logix is authorized to
                          provide interstate service by virtue of blanket domestic Section 214 au-
                          thority. 47 C.F.R. § 63.01.

            Transferee:   LAC does not hold international or domestic Section 214 authority.

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          (h)     (Answer to Questions 11 & 12) The following entities will hold, directly or indi-

 rectly, a 10% or greater interest2 in Licensee upon completion of the Transaction, as calculated

 pursuant to the Commission’s ownership attribution rules for wireline and international tele-

 communications carriers:

 Post-Transaction Ownership of Licensee:

          The following entities will hold a ten percent (10%) or greater direct interest in Logix
          Communications, LP:

                  Name:                 LOGIX GP, LLC
                  Address:              2950 N Loop West, 8th Floor
                                        Houston, TX 77092
                  Citizenship:          U.S. (Delaware)
                  Principal Business:   General Partner
                  % Interest:           100% (directly in Logix as its General Partner with a 1%
                                        equity interest)

                  Name:                 LOGIX Investors, LLC (“Investors”)
                  Address:              2950 N Loop West, 8th Floor
                                        Houston, TX 77092
                  Citizenship:          U.S. (Delaware)
                  Principal Business:   Limited Partner
                  % Interest:           100% (directly in Logix as its Limited Partner with a 99%
                                        equity interest and indirectly in Logix as 100% owner of
                                        LOGIX GP, LLC)

                  Name:                 LOGIX Holding Company (“HoldCo”)
                  Address:              2950 N Loop West, 8th Floor
                                        Houston, TX 77092
                  Citizenship:          U.S. (Delaware)
                  Principal Business:   Holding Company
                  % Interest:           100% (indirectly in Logix as the 100% owner of Investors)

        Unless otherwise indicated, the ownership interests provided herein represent both equity
 and voting interests.

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 Post-Transaction Ownership of HoldCo:

          Upon completion of the Transaction, the following entity will hold a ten percent (10%) or
          greater direct interest in LOGIX Holding Company:

                  Name:                 LOGIX Acquisition Company, LLC (“Transferee”)
                  Address:              1900 K Street, N.W.
                                        Suite 1130
                                        Washington, DC 20006
                  Citizenship:          U.S. (Delaware)
                  Principal Business:   Holding Company
                  % Interest:           100% (directly in HoldCo)

          Upon completion of the Transaction, the following entity will hold a ten percent (10%) or
          greater direct interest in LOGIX Acquisition Company, LLC:

                  Name:                 LOGIX Intermediate Holding Corporation (“Sub-Parent”)
                  Address:              1900 K Street, N.W.
                                        Suite 1130
                                        Washington, DC 20006
                  Citizenship:          U.S. (Delaware)
                  Principal Business:   Holding Company
                  % Interest:           100% (directly in Transferee)

                  Sub-Parent is the sole member and manager of Transferee. As described in Sec-
                  tion II.B above, ACM will exercise day-to-day operational control of Transferee
                  pursuant to a Management Services Agreement between ACM and Transferee.

          Upon completion of the Transaction, the following entity will hold a ten percent (10%) or
          greater direct interest in LOGIX Intermediate Holding Corporation:

                  Name:                 LOGIX Parent Corporation (“Parent”)
                  Address:              1900 K Street, N.W.
                                        Suite 1130
                                        Washington, DC 20006
                  Citizenship:          U.S. (Delaware)
                  Principal Business:   Holding Company
                  % Interest:           100% (directly in Sub-Parent)

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          Upon completion of the Transaction, the following entities will hold a ten percent (10%)
          or greater direct interest in LOGIX Parent Corporation3:

                  Name:                   Astra-LOGIX Holdings, LLC (“Astra Holdings”)
                  Address:                1900 K Street, N.W.
                                          Suite 1130
                                          Washington, DC 20006
                  Citizenship:            U.S. (Delaware)
                  Principal Business:     Holding Company
                  % Interest:             6% (directly in Parent)

                  Name:                   LOGIX Co-Invest I, LLC (“Co-Invest”)
                  Address:                1900 K Street, N.W.
                                          Suite 1130
                                          Washington, DC 20006
                  Citizenship:            U.S. (Delaware)
                  Principal Business:     Holding Company
                  % Interest:             35% (directly in Parent)

                  Name:                   WRA-Astra Logix Investors LLC
                  Address:                850 New Burton Road
                                          Suite 201
                                          Dover, DE 19904
                  Citizenship:            U.S. (Delaware)
                  Principal Business:     Investment Holding Company
                  % Interest:             59% (directly in Parent)

        As noted above, the three entities that will be equity holders in Parent at consummation of the
 Transaction are Astra Holdings, LOGIX Co-Invest I, LLC, and WRA-Astra Logix Investors LLC (collec-
 tively, the “Co-Investors”). Pursuant to an Interim Investor Rights Agreement between the Co-Investors,
 Astra Holdings retains the right to increase its equity position to a maximum of 29% in Parent by reduc-
 ing the equity commitment of WRA-Astra Logix Investors LLC and LOGIX Co-Invest I LLC. As a
 result, the amount of the equity contributions of these three entities could change prior to the consumma-
 tion of the Transaction. In the event that Astra Holdings exercises this right, the parties shall promptly
 notify the Commission and will provide appropriately updated ownership information. Moreover, Astra
 Holdings (like ACM) is controlled by Mark. J. Johnson. Thus, any change in ownership of Parent will
 only result in increased indirect ownership by Mark J. Johnson, a U.S. citizen, and will not affect control
 of Licensee. Regardless of the level of the equity contributions among the Co-Investors at consummation
 of the Transaction, ACM will continue to manage the day-to-day operations of HoldCo and thus retain
 operational control of the Licensee.

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          Upon completion of the Transaction, the following individuals will hold a ten percent
          (10%) or greater direct interest in Astra-LOGIX Holdings, LLC:

                  Name:                 Mark J. Johnson
                  Address:              1900 K Street, N.W.
                                        Suite 1130
                                        Washington, DC 20006
                  Citizenship:          U.S.
                  Principal Business:   LLC Member
                  % Interest:           50%

                  Name:                 Matthew M. Murphy
                  Address:              1900 K Street, N.W.
                                        Suite 1130
                                        Washington, DC 20006
                  Citizenship:          U.S.
                  Principal Business:   LLC Member
                  % Interest:           25%

                  Name:                 Kevin L. Beebe
                  Address:              1900 K Street, N.W.
                                        Suite 1130
                                        Washington, DC 20006
                  Citizenship:          U.S.
                  Principal Business:   LLC Member
                  % Interest:           25%

          Upon completion of the Transaction, the following entity will hold a ten percent (10%) or
          greater direct interest in LOGIX Co-Invest I LLC:

                  Name:                 Secondary Opportunities Fund III LP (“SOF III”)
                  Address:              Deutsche Bank (Cayman) Limited
                                        Boundary Hall
                                        Cricket Square
                                        PO Box 1984
                                        Grand Cayman KY1-1104
                                        Cayman Islands
                  Citizenship:          UK
                  Principal Business:   Investment Fund
                  % Interest:           100%

                  Although SOF III will be the sole member of Co-Invest, the Manager of Co-
                  Invest will be Astra-LOGIX Manager, LLC (“Astra Manager”). The sole member
                  and manager of Astra Manager will be Mark J. Johnson, a U.S. citizen.

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          Upon completion of the Transaction, the following entities will hold a ten percent (10%)
          or greater direct interest in Secondary Opportunities Fund III, LP:

                  Name:                 Leonardo Secondary Opportunities Fund III (GP) Limited
                                        (“Leonardo SOF III”)
                  Address:              Deutsche Bank (Cayman) Limited
                                        Boundary Hall
                                        Cricket Square
                                        PO Box 1984
                                        Grand Cayman KY1-1104
                                        Cayman Islands
                  Citizenship:          Cayman Islands
                  Principal Business:   Investment Fund
                  % Interest:           less than 0.01% (as a General Partner of SOF III)

                  Name:                 Leonardo Secondary Opportunities Fund III (Alternate GP)
                                        LP (“Leonardo SOF III-Alt-GP”)
                  Address:              1209 Orange Street
                                        Wilmington, DE 19801
                  Citizenship:          U.S. (Delaware)
                  Principal Business:   Investment Fund
                  % Interest:           less than 0.01% (as the second General Partner of SOF III)

                  Leonardo SOF III-Alt-GP is the second GP of SOF III, and is wholly-owned by
                  Leonardo SOF III. There are no other limited partners in SOF III that would have
                  a 10% or greater interest in Transferee.

          Upon completion of the Transaction, the following entity will hold a ten percent (10%) or
          greater direct interest in Leonardo Secondary Opportunities Fund III (GP) Limited:

                  Name:                 Intertrust Fund Services Limited
                  Address:              190 Elgin Avenue
                                        George Town
                                        Grand Cayman KY1-9005
                                        Cayman Islands
                  Citizenship:          Cayman Islands
                  Principal Business:   Specialized financial and administrative services
                  % Interest:           100%

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          Upon completion of the Transaction, the following entity will hold a ten percent (10%) or
          greater direct interest in Intertrust Fund Services Limited:

                  Name:                 Intertrust NV
                  Address:              Prins Bernhardplein 200,
                                        1097 JB Amsterdam
                                        The Netherlands
                  Citizenship:          The Netherlands
                  Principal Business:   Specialized financial and administrative services
                  % Interest:           100%

                  The direct parent of Intertrust Fund Services Limited is Intertrust NV, a publicly
                  traded company (ENXTAM: INTER). The Blackstone Group L.P. (“Black-
                  stone”), a U.S.-based, publicly-traded multinational investment group (NYSE:
                  BX), currently holds 46.4% of the shares of Intertrust NV. To Transferee’s
                  knowledge, (1) no other person or entity owns 10% or more of Intertrust NV and
                  (2) no person or entity owns 10% or more of Blackstone.

          Upon completion of the Transaction, the following entity will hold a ten percent (10%) or
          greater direct interest in WRA-Astra Logix Investors LLC:

                  Name:                 WRA-Logix Investors LLC
                  Address:              850 New Burton Road
                                        Suite 201
                                        Dover, DE 19904
                  Citizenship:          U.S. (Delaware)
                  Principal Business:   Investment Holding Company
                  % Interest:           100%

                  WRA-Logix Investors LLC is the Sole Member of WRA-Astra Logix Investors

          Upon completion of the Transaction, the following entity will hold a ten percent (10%) or
          greater direct interest in WRA-Logix Investors LLC:

                  Name:                 WRA-Logix Holdings Ltd.
                  Address:              Clarendon House
                                        2 Church Street
                                        Hamilton HM 11
                  Citizenship:          Bermuda
                  Principal Business:   Investment Holding Company
                  % Interest:           100%

                  WRA-Logix Holdings Ltd. is the Sole Member of WRA-Logix Investors LLC.

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          Upon completion of the Transaction, the following entity will hold a ten percent (10%) or
          greater direct interest in WRA-Logix Holdings Ltd.:

                  Name:                  Wafra Real Assets & Infrastructure Fund I L.P.
                  Address:               3rd Floor, First Caribbean House
                                         P.O. Box 1990
                                         Grand Cayman KY1-1104
                                         Cayman Islands
                  Citizenship:           Cayman Islands
                  Principal Business:    Close-ended Investment Fund
                  % Interest:            100%

                  Wafra Real Assets & Infrastructure Fund I L.P. is the Sole Shareholder of WRA-
                  Logix Holdings Ltd.

          Upon completion of the Transaction, the following entities will hold a ten percent (10%)
          or greater direct interest in Wafra Real Assets & Infrastructure Fund I L.P.:

                  Name:                  WRAIF I GP L.P.
                  Address:               3rd Floor, First Caribbean House
                                         P.O. Box 1990
                                         Grand Cayman KY1-1104
                                         Cayman Islands
                  Citizenship:           Cayman Islands
                  Principal Business:    General Partner of Wafra Real Assets & Infrastructure
                                         Fund I L.P.
                  % Interest:            less than 0.01% (as General Partner of Wafra Real Assets
                                         & Infrastructure Fund I L.P.)

                  WRAIF I GP Ltd. is the ultimate General Partner of WRAIF I GP L.P.

                  Name:                  Public Institution for Social Security
                  Address:               Al Sour Street, Safat
                                         13104 Kuwait
                  Citizenship:           Kuwait
                  Principal Business:    Autonomous agency of the Government of Kuwait
                  % Interest:            95.24% (Limited Partnership interest in Wafra Real Assets
                                         & Infrastructure Fund I L.P.)

          To the Transferee’s knowledge, no other person or entity, directly or indirectly, owns or
          controls a 10% or greater interest in Transferee.

          Transferee does not have any interlocking directorates with a foreign carrier.

          (i)     (Answer to Question 14) Applicants certify that none of the Applicants is a for-

 eign carrier or affiliated with a foreign carrier.

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          (j)     (Answer to Question 15) Applicants certify that they do not seek to provide inter-

 national telecommunications services to any destination country where:

                  (1)    An Applicant is a foreign carrier in that country; or

                  (2)    An Applicant controls a foreign carrier in that country; or

                  (3)    Any entity that owns more than 25 percent of an Applicant, or that con-
                         trols an Applicant, controls a foreign carrier in that country; or

                  (4)    Two or more foreign carriers (or parties that control foreign carriers) own,
                         in the aggregate more than 25 percent of an Applicant and are parties to,
                         or the beneficiaries of, a contractual relation affecting the provision or
                         marketing or international basic telecommunications services in the United

          (k)     Not applicable

          (l)     Not applicable.

          (m)     Not applicable

          (n)     Transferee and Licensee certify that they have not agreed to accept special con-

 cessions directly or indirectly from any foreign carrier with respect to any U.S. international

 route where the foreign carrier possesses market power on the foreign end of the route and will

 not enter into such agreements in the future.

          (o)     Applicants certify that they are not subject to denial of federal benefits pursuant to

 Section 5301 of the Anti-Drug Abuse Act of 1998. See 21 U.S.C. § 853a; see also 47 C.F.R. §§


          (p)     Applicants respectfully submit that this Application is eligible for streamlined

 processing pursuant to Section 63.12(a)-(b) of the Commission’s Rules, 47 C.F.R. §63.12(a)-(b). In

 particular, Section 63.12(c)(1) is inapplicable because none of the Applicants are or are affiliated

 with any foreign carriers and none of the scenarios outlined in Section 63.12(c) of the

 Commission’s Rules, 47 C.F.R. § 63.12(c), apply.

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          Pursuant to Commission Rule 63.04(b), 47 C.F.R. § 63.04(b), Applicants submit the fol-

 lowing information in support of their request for domestic Section 214 authority to transfer

 control of Licensee to Transferee in order to address the requirements set forth in Commission

 Rule 63.04(a)(6)-(12):

 63.04(a)(6): Description of the Transaction

          A description of the proposed Transaction is set forth in Section III above.

 63.04(a)(7): Geographic Areas Served

          Licensee provides various local exchange, interexchange and data telecommunications

 services primarily in Oklahoma and Texas. Logix also has limited resold local exchange opera-

 tions in Arkansas, Kansas and Missouri. Logix is authorized to provide competitive local ex-

 change and/or interexchange telecommunications services in Arkansas, Kansas, Missouri,

 Oklahoma and Texas.

          Transferee does not provide telecommunications services and is not currently affiliated

 with any telecommunications carrier.

 63.04(a)(8): Streamlining Considerations

          Applicants respectfully submit that this Application is eligible for streamlined processing

 pursuant to Section 63.03 of the Commission’s Rules, 47 C.F.R. §63.03. In particular, with respect

 to domestic authority, this Application is eligible for streamlined processing pursuant to Section

 63.03(b)(2)(i) because, immediately following the Transaction, Transferee (and its Affiliates, as

 defined in the Act) will have a market share in the interstate, interexchange market of less than

 10 percent, Transferee (together with its Affiliates) will provide competitive telephone exchange

 services or exchange access services (if at all) exclusively in geographic areas served by a

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 dominant local exchange carrier that is not a party to the Transaction, and none of the Applicants

 (or their Affiliates) is dominant with respect to any service.

 63.04(a)(9): Additional FCC Applications

          Licensee also holds two private microwave licenses: Call Signs WQRH652 and

 WQRH653. Applicants are filing an Application with the Wireless Telecommunications Bureau

 with respect to the transfer of control of those wireless licenses.

 63.04(a)(10): Special Consideration Requests

          No party is requesting special consideration because it is facing imminent business failure.

 63.04(a)(11): Waiver Requests

          No waiver requests are being filed in conjunction with the Transaction.

 63.04(a)(12): Public Interest Statement

           The Transaction will serve the public interest. The financial and managerial resources

 that Transferee will bring to Logix will enable it to better meet the needs of residential, enter-

 prise, wholesale, and other customers in its service territories and thus better compete in the

 telecommunications marketplace. At the same time, the Transaction will have no adverse impact

 on the customers of Logix. Immediately following the Transaction, Logix will continue to

 provide high-quality services at the same rates and on the same terms and conditions as are

 currently in effect. The only change immediately following closing of the Transaction from a

 consumer’s perspective is that Licensee’s indirect ownership will change, with Transferee being

 its ultimate owner.


          For the reasons stated above, Applicants respectfully submit that the public interest,

 convenience, and necessity would be furthered by a grant of this Application for the indirect

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 transfer of ownership and control of Logix Communications, LP to LOGIX Acquisition

 Company, LLC.

                                           Respectfully submitted,

 /s/    Brian Weimer                       /s/     Brett P. Ferenchak
 Brian Weimer                              Catherine Wang
 Douglas Svor                              Brett P. Ferenchak
 Sheppard Mullin Richter & Hampton LLP     MORGAN, LEWIS & BOCKIUS LLP
 2099 Pennsylvania Ave., N.W., Suite 100   2020 K Street, N.W.
 Washington, DC 20006-6801                 Washington, DC 20006
 202-747-1930 (Tel)                        202-373-6000 (Tel)
 202-747-3818 (Fax)                        202-373-6001 (Fax)              

 Counsel for Transferee                    Counsel for Transferor and Licensee

 Dated: November 12, 2015

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                                  EXHIBIT A

                  Pre- and Post-Transaction Corporate Structure

DB1/ 85164786.9

               Current Ownership Structure of Logix

                                          Ronald W. Henriksen

                                  (75% directly and
                       25% as trustee of four trusts
                          that directly own Holdco)

                                             LOGIX Holding

                                            LOGIX Investors,

                            LOGIX GP, LLC.                              Limited Partner

                     General Partner

                                                        Communications, LP
                                                         (“Logix” or “Licensee”)

Unless otherwise indicated all ownership percentages are 100%.


          Post-Closing Ownership Structure of Logix

                                            See Pages 3-5 for
                                           Ownership of Parent

                                        LOGIX Parent Corporation
       Mark J. Johnson

                                          LOGIX Intermediate
        Astra Capital                     Holding Corporation
      Management, LLC                         (“Sub-Parent”)

               Services                    LOGIX Acquisition
              Agreement                     Company, LLC

                                        LOGIX Holding Company

                                          LOGIX Investors, LLC

                             LOGIX GP, LLC.                          Limited Partner

                      General Partner

                                                     Communications, LP
                                                      (“Logix” or “Licensee”)

Unless otherwise indicated all ownership percentages are 100%.


            Post-Closing Ownership Structure of Parent

                       WRAIF I GP Ltd.

                                                     Public Institution for
                       WRAIF I GP LP                   Social Security

              General Partner                                      Approx.
             (< 0.01% Equity)                                      95.24%
                                                                   Limited Partner

                                           Wafra Real Assets &
                                           Infrastructure Fund I

                                               Holdings Ltd.

           See Page 5 for                        WRA-Logix
           Astra Holdings                      Investors LLC                           See Page 4 for
             Ownership                                                               Co-Invest Ownership

      Astra-LOGIX Holdings LLC               WRA-Astra Logix                    LOGIX Co-Invest I, LLC
           (“Astra Holdings”)                 Investors LLC                              (“Co-Invest”)

              6%                               59%                                               35%

                                         LOGIX Parent Corporation

Unless otherwise indicated all ownership percentages are 100%.


         Post-Closing Ownership Structure of Co-Invest

                                          Blackstone Group, L.P.


                                                Intertrust NV

                                      Intertrust Fund Services Limited

                                           Leonardo Secondary
                                           Opportunities Fund III
                                              (GP) Limited
                                             (“Leonardo SOF III”)

                                                                          Leonardo Secondary
                                            General                       Opportunities Fund III
                                             Partner                       (Alternate GP) (LP)
                                      (<0.01% Equity)                             Limited
                                                                         (“Leonardo SOF III-Alt-GP”)
           Astra LOGIX
           Manager, LLC                                                                 Partner
                                                                                        (<0.01% Equity)
                                          Secondary Opportunities
                                               Fund III, LP
                                                  (“SOF III”)

                                          LOGIX Co-Invest I, LLC

Unless otherwise indicated all ownership percentages are 100%.


    Post-Closing Ownership Structure of Astra Holdings

                   Mark J. Johnson           Matthew M. Murphy      Kevin L. Beebe

                            50%                 25%                 25%

                                         Astra-LOGIX Holdings LLC
                                              (“Astra Holdings”)

Unless otherwise indicated all ownership percentages are 100%.



          I, Mark J. Johnson, state that I am the President and CEO of LOGIX Intermediate Hold-

 ing Corporation, the sole member and manager of LOGIX Acquisition Company, LLC (“LAC”);

 that I am authorized to make this Verification on behalf of LAC; that the foregoing filing was

 prepared under my direction and supervision; and that the contents are true and correct to my

 knowledge, information, and belief.

          I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct. Executed this

 12th day of November, 2015.

                                                        /s/ Mark J. Johnson

                                                        Mark J. Johnson
                                                        President & CEO
                                                        LOGIX Intermediate Holding Corporation

DB1/ 85164786.9


          I, Howard J. Siegel, state that I am Vice President of External and Regulatory Affairs of

 Logix Communications, LP (the "Company*"); that I am authorized to make this Verification on

 behalf of the Company; that the foregoing filing was prepared under my direction and

 supervision; and that the contents are true and correct to the best of my knowledge, information,

 and belief.

          I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct. Executed this

\ Z_f_c\day of November, 2015.

                                                    Howard J. Siegel
                                                    Vice President of External and Regulatory
                                                    Logix Communications, LP

DB1/ 85214658.1

Document Created: 2015-11-12 19:46:50
Document Modified: 2015-11-12 19:46:50

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