Attachment Pro Forma Petition

This document pretains to ITC-T/C-20151030-00256 for Transfer of Control on a International Telecommunications filing.


                                      Before the
                                 Washington, D.C. 20554

In the Matter of                                     )
BridgeVoice, Inc.                                    )
(Licensee)                                           )
And                                                  ) File No.: ITC-214-20080929-00443
Company Shareholder, Bankim Brahmbhatt               )
(“Transferor” and Beneficial Transferee)             ) FRN: 0018151829
FRN: 0024975872                                      )
And                                                  )
BB Carrier LLC                                       )
FRN: 0024975757                                      )
And                                                  )
BB Group LLC                                         )
FRN: 0024976086                                      )
(Transferees)                                        )
Application for Pro Forma Transfer Control of        )
International facilities-based and resale            )
Authority Pursuant to Section 214 of the             )
Communications Act of 1934, as amended.              )
____________________________________________________ )

                               OF INTERNATIONAL AUTHORITY OF
                                          BRIDGEVOICE, INC.

                   By and through its Attorney:
                   Edward A. Maldonado, Esq.
                   The Law Offices of Edward A. Maldonado, P.A.
                   2850 Douglas Road, Suite 303, Coral Gables, FL 33134
                   Tel: 305-477-7580 Fax: 305-477-7504 Direct Line 786-292-0459

                                                                         Page 1

                            TABLE OF APPLICATION CONTENTS


I.      INTRODUCTION                                                     4
II.     REQUEST FOR STREAMLINE PROCESSING                                5

        a.   Bridge Voice, Inc.                                          6
        b.   Bankim Brahmbhatt                                           6
        c.   BB Group, LLC. d/b/a Bankai Group                           7
        d.   BB Carrier, LLC. d/b/a Bankai Carrier                       7

IV.     TRANSFER IN THE PUBLIC INTEREST                                  8
V.      47 C.F.R. § 63.12 INFORMATION                                    9
VI.     47 C.F.R. § 63.18 INFORMATION                                    10
VII.    CONCLUSION                                                       15
VIII.   VERIFCATION OF APPLICATION                                       16
IX.     CERTIFICATION OF APPLICANT – BB Carrier                          17
X.      CERTIFICATION OF APPLICANT – BB Group                            18
XI.     CERTIFICATION OF APPLICANT – Licensee                            19

                                                                         Page 2

                                    Before the
                               Washington, D.C. 20554

In the Matter of                                     )
BridgeVoice, Inc.                                    )
(Licensee)                                           )
And                                                  ) File No.: ITC-214-20080929-00443
Company Shareholder, Bankim Brahmbhatt               )
(“Transferor” and Beneficial Transferee)             ) FRN: 0018151829
FRN: 0024975872                                      )
And                                                  )
BB Carrier LLC                                       )
FRN: 0024975757                                      )
And                                                  )
BB Group LLC                                         )
FRN: 0024976086                                      )
(Transferees)                                        )
Application for Pro Forma Transfer Control of        )
International facilities-based and resale            )
Authority Pursuant to Section 214 of the             )
Communications Act of 1934, as amended.              )
____________________________________________________ )


Bankim Brahmbhatt (“Brahmbhatt” or “Transferor”), sole stockholder of Bridge Voice, Inc.
(“Licensee”), together with BB Carrier LLC, a Delaware limited liability company solely held
by Brahmbhatt (“BB Carrier” or “Transferee”), herein collectively called the "Applicants,"
hereby give notice of and request record of a pro forma transfer of control of Bridge Voice,
Inc.’s the international authority pursuant to Section 214 of the Communications Act of 1934, as
amended, 47 U.S.C. Section 214 et. al. (1982), and Section 63.18 of the Federal Communication
Commission's (hereafter called “Commission”) Rules, 47 C.F.R. Section 63.18, in order to
provide global or limited international facilities-based and resale services between the United
States and international points, under a new corporate holding structure. In support of this
application, the Applicants state as follows:
                                                                         Page 3

      I.         INTRODUCTION: Summary of the Contemplated Pro Forma Transfer

The Licensee is a telecommunications carrier that provides international telecommunications
services pursuant to authority by the Commission under ITC-214-20080929-00443. BridgeVoice
provides both international telecommunications services to the public, other carriers, as well as
consumers. Licensee has operated since 2009 and all shares of the Licensee have been
personally owned and held by Brahmbhatt since inception. Brahmbhatt, now seeks to re-
organize his personal holdings in the telecommunications sector under a corporate structure
wherein all stock of the Licensee will be transferred to a holding company, Transferee BB
Carrier, who will be controlled by another holding company, Transferee BB Group, which
would be controlled by Brahmbhatt. The Licensee will thereafter be operated as a subsidiary of
the holding company Transferee BB Carrier. See “Post Pro Forma Transfer” structure diagram
on page 20 of this Application. The transfer contemplated will not affect Licensee’s existing:

           1.) Control structure wherein Brahmbhatt may appoint more than 50 percent of the
               board of directors of the Licensee;

           2.) Brahmbhatt’s control to appoint, promote, demote, or fire senior executives
               controlling the daily activities of the Licensee;

           3.) Brahmbhatt’s existing ability to play an integral role in major management decisions
               of the Licensee;

           4.) Brahmbhatt’s existing ability to receive monies or profits from the facilities’
               operations; or

           5.) Brahmbhatt’s existing unfettered use of all of Licensees facilities and equipment.1

Insofar as the transfer contemplated is non-substantive and pro forma in nature, the applicants
desire streamline treatment of this application. The result of this pro forma transfer will not
affect the daily operations of the Licensee, discontinue or impair existing services, or affect any
other continuing obligations to customers, other carriers or consumers of service.

    See 47 CFR §§ 63.04(d), 63.24(d).
                                                                         Page 4

Applicant Brahmbhatt presently holds one hundred percent (100%) of stock of the Licensee, a
Delaware corporation. Brahmbhatt has been previously been approved by the Commission
under the Licensee’s original application. Applicant Brahmbhatt presently holds one hundred
percent (100%) of membership units of Transferee, BB Group, a Delaware limited liability
company, which holds one hundred percent (100%) of membership units of Transferee, BB
Carrier, also a Delaware limited liability company. Brahmbhatt is a citizen of India and lawful
permanent resident of the United States. Transferee, BB Group, is a Delaware limited liability
company held by Brahmbhatt for investment and does not, and will not, provide international
telecommunications services.        BB Group is not affiliated with any foreign carrier in a
destination market, nor does it have an affiliation with any dominant U.S. carrier whose
international switched or private line services. Transferee, BB Carrier, is a Delaware limited
liability company held by BB Group for particular investment into telecommunication
businesses. BB Carrier is not affiliated with any foreign carrier in a destination market, nor does
it have an affiliation with a dominant U.S. carrier whose international switched or private line
services it seeks authority to resell.

The Licensee serves customers throughout the United States, but primarily prepaid calling
services in the states of California, Florida, New Jersey and New York. By granting this
application, the Commission will serve the public interest, convenience and necessity by
promoting competition in the international services market as well as such services in the states
of California, Florida, New Jersey and New York. Competition will continue to benefit U.S.
consumers with this pro forma transfer by maintaining service options and lowering prices.
Thus, the public interest will be served by the grant of this Application for Pro Forma Transfer
of Control.

    II. Request for Streamlined Processing as to Transferor and the Transferee

As related to Transferor (Brahmbhatt)        and the Transferee (BB Carrier), the Applicants
respectfully submit that this Application is eligible for streamlined processing pursuant to the
Commission's Rules, found at 47 C.F.R. § 63.12(a). This Application is eligible for streamlined
processing pursuant to Section 63.03(b)(2)(i) because, immediately following the transactions: (1)
No applicant or its affiliate(s), as defined in Section 3(1) of the Communications Act (hereafter
                                                                         Page 5

called “Affiliates") combined shall hold a ten percent (10%) or more share of the interstate and/or
interexchange market; and (2) the Applicants nor their Affiliates are, or will be, dominant with
respect to any service before or after the transaction.2

In support of this Application, Applicants provide the following information:

II.      Description of the Applicants

         A.         Bridge Voice, Inc. (“Licensee”)

         The Licensee, Bridge Voice, Inc., is a Delaware corporation operating from the State of
         New       York       and      provides       global      facilities     based      and      resold      international
         telecommunications services to the public pursuant to 47 U.S.C § 214 et. al. under
         Commission Authority ITC-214-20080929-00443. Licensee is a non-dominant carrier
         under 47 CFR Section 63.03(b)(2)(i).

         B.        Bankim B. Brahmbhatt ("Transferor")

         Bankim B. Brahmbhatt (“Brahmbhatt”) is natural person and resident of the State of
         New York with domiciled at 80-02 Kew Gardens Road Suite 1040 Kew Gardens, New
         York 11415 for purposes of this Application. Brahmbhatt presently holds one hundred
         percent (100%) of Licensee’s outstanding equity and stock. Brahmbhatt currently
         serves as President of the Licensee, and this management position will not change post-
         Transaction. Brahmbhatt possesses a collective thirty (30) years of experience in the
         field of telecommunications, and is citizen of India and lawful permanent resident of the
         United States. Brahmbhatt is not affiliated with any company holding a dominant
         position in any international market. Under the contemplated Transfer, Brahmbhatt will
         transfer his an equity interest in the Licensee into Transferee (BB Carrier) for financial
         organization purposes. This stock of Brahmbhatt in the Licensee will be transferred

  This Application satisfies the criteria for streamlined processing pursuant to Section 63.12(a) of the Commission’s rules,
because none of the provisions of Section 63.12(c) of the Commission’s rules, that prevent streamlined treatment, apply to the
proposed Transaction. No Applicant (Licensee, Brahmbhatt or Transferee) is affiliated with a foreign carrier in a destination
market, nor do any have an affiliation with a dominant U.S. carrier whose international switched or private line services it seeks
authority to resell. Pursuant to Section 63.12(a) of the Commission’s rules, the Commission should deem this Application granted
on the 15th day after the date of the public notice listing this Application as accepted for filing.

                                                                         Page 6

      directly into Transferee (BB Carrier), and no payment to Brahmbhatt will result under
      this transfer. Thereafter, Licensee will be structured under the holding company BB
      Carrier, which is wholly owned by Transferee BB Group under the control of the
      Applicant Brahmbhatt. See “Post Pro Forma Transfer” structure diagram on page 20 of
      this Application.

      C.     BB Carrier, LLC. d/b/a Bankai Carrier (“Transferee”)

      The Transferee, BB Carrier LLC, is a Delaware limited liability company with its
      offices domiciled at 16192, Coastal Highway, Lewes, Delaware 19958-9776 (“BB
      Carrier”). BB Carrier is a company dedicated to Brahmbhatt in order for him to
      organize investment in the business of telecommunication services. Upon consummation
      of the Transfer, BB Carrier will hold a 100% stock position in the Licensee, and, will
      hold Board of Director appointments with voting rights equal to its equity position in the
      Licensee. BB Carrier will be represented on BridgeVoice’s Board of Directors by

      D.     BB Group, LLC. d/b/a Bankai Group (“Transferee”)

      The direct owner of BB Carrier, LLC d/b/a and Transferee, BB Group LLC, d/b/a
      Bankai Group is a Delaware limited liability company with its offices domiciled at
      16192, Coastal Highway, Lewes, Delaware 19958-9776 (“BB Group”). BB Group is a
      company dedicated to Brahmbhatt in order for him to invest into the business sectors of
      information technology and telecommunication services. Upon consummation of the
      Transfer, BB Group will hold a 100% membership interest in BB Carrier who shall
      hold a 100% stock position in the Licensee. BB Group will hold all Board of Director
      appointments with voting rights equal to its equity position in BB Carrier. BB Group is
      100% held by Brahmbhatt who is the sole LLC member.

                                                                         Page 7

III     Public Interest Considerations:

The Applicants believe that the added competition the Transaction contemplated and this

Transfer of Control will bring to the market will benefit the consumers of United States-

international telecommunications services, and specifically those in the State of Florida and in

territories where Bridge Voice, Inc. presently provides services.        This includes competitive

pricing of services and increased availability of a variety of innovative service options. Therefore,

grant of this Application will further the public interest.

                                                                         Page 8

                                        Before the
                                   Washington, D.C. 20554

In the Matter of                                          )
BridgeVoice, Inc.                                         )
(Licensee)                                                )
And                                                       )            File No.: ITC-214-20080929-00443
Company Shareholder, Bankim Brahmbhatt                    )
(“Transferor” and Beneficial Transferee)                  )            FRN: 0018151829
FRN: 0024975872                                           )
And                                                       )
BB Carrier LLC                                            )
FRN: 0024975757                                           )
And                                                       )
BB Group LLC                                              )
FRN: 0024976086                                           )
(Transferees)                                             )
Application for Pro Forma Transfer Control of             )
International facilities-based and resale                 )
Authority Pursuant to Section 214 of the                  )
Communications Act of 1934, as amended.                   )
_________________________________________________________ )

                                    Application Attachment I.
                                 (Information pursuant to 47 CFR § 63.12)

The following information is submitted, as required by 47 CFR § 63.12 of the Commission’s Rules, in
support of the Applicants’ request for pro forma transfer of Control of BridgeVoice’ authorization:

In Response to Question 9 of the Application: The Applicants respectfully requests streamline
processing pursuant to 47 CFR § 63.12 and certifies that:

            1. It is not affiliated with a foreign carrier in a destination market it seeks authority to serve;

            2. It has no affiliation with a dominant U.S. carrier whose international switched or private
               line services the Applicants or the Licensee seeks authority to resell, either directly or
               indirectly through the resale of another reseller’s services;

            3. It does not seek authority to provide switched basic services over private lines to a
               country for which the Commission has not previously authorized the provision of
               switched services over private lines.

            4. The Commission has not informed any Applicants or BridgeVoice in writing that this
               Application is not eligible for streamlined processing.

                                                                         Page 9

                                        Before the
                                   Washington, D.C. 20554

   In the Matter of                                      )
   BridgeVoice, Inc.                                     )
   (Licensee)                                            )
   And                                                   )        File No.: ITC-214-20080929-00443
   Company Shareholder, Bankim Brahmbhatt                )
   (“Transferor” and Beneficial Transferee)              )        FRN: 0018151829
   FRN: 0024975872                                       )
   And                                                   )
   BB Carrier LLC                                        )
   FRN: 0024975757                                       )
   And                                                   )
   BB Group LLC                                          )
   FRN: 0024976086                                       )
   (Transferees)                                         )
   Application for Pro Forma Transfer Control of         )
   International facilities-based and resale             )
   Authority Pursuant to Section 214 of the              )
   Communications Act of 1934, as amended.               )

                           Application Attachment II.
                               (Information pursuant to 47 CFR § 63.18)

The following information is submitted, as required by 47 CFR § 63.18 of the Commission’s
Rules, in support of Applicant‘s request for authorization:

47 CFR § 63.18(a): The names, addresses and telephone numbers of the Applicants are as follows:

               Bridge Voice, Inc.                              FRN: 0018151829
               80-02 Kew Gardens Road Suite 1040
               Kew Gardens, New York 11415
               Tel: (818) 450-5771
               Attn: Mr. Bankim Brahmbhatt, President

                                                                        Page 10

             Transferor/Beneficial Transferee:               FRN: 0024975872
             Bankim Brahmbhatt (a natural person)
             80-02 Kew Gardens Road Suite 1040
             Kew Gardens, New York 11415
             Tel: (818) 450-5771

             BB Carrier LLC. d/b/a Bankai Carrier            FRN: 0024975757
             16192, Coastal Highway,
             Lewes, Delaware 19958-9776
             Attn: Mr. Bankim Brahmbhatt

             Beneficial owner of Transferee:                 FRN: 0024976086
             BB Group LLC. d/b/a Bankai Group
             16192, Coastal Highway,
             Lewes, Delaware 19958-9776
             Attn: Mr. Bankim Brahmbhatt, Member

   47 CFR § 63.18(b): Jurisdiction of Persons and Organizations

          (1) Licensee: Bridge Voice, Inc. is a Corporation incorporated under the laws of the State
              of Delaware.

          (2) Transferor/ Beneficial Transferee: Bankim Brahmbhatt is a natural person and resident
              of the State of New York. Bankim Brahmbhatt is the sole Member of BB Group,
              LLC d/b/a Bankai Group, a Delaware limited liability company, which is the sole
              owner of BB Carrier, LLC d/b/a Bankai Carrier, a Delaware limited liability

          (3) Transferee: BB Carrier, LLC d/b/a Bankai Carrier is a Limited Liability Company
             formed under the laws of the State of Delaware.

          (4) Transferee: BB Group, LLC d/b/a Bankai Group is a Limited Liability Company
             formed under the laws of the State of Delaware

                                                                        Page 11

48 CFR § 63.18(c): Correspondence concerning this application should be sent to:

        For: BridgeVoice, Inc.                             With Copy to: Edward A. Maldonado, Esq.
        80-02 Kew Gardens Road Suite 1040                  Maldonado Law
        Kew Gardens, New York 11415                        2850 Douglas Road Suite 303
        Tel: (818) 450-5771                                Coral Gables, FL 33134
        Attn: Mr. Bankim Brahmbhatt, President             Tel: 305-477-7580 Fax: 305-477-7504
        For: Bankim Brahmbhatt                             on behalf of BridgeVoice, Brahmbhatt,
        80-02 Kew Gardens Road Suite 1040                  BB Group & BB Carrier.
        Kew Gardens, New York 11415
        Tel: (818) 450-5771
        Attn: Mr. Bankim Brahmbhatt

        For BB Carrier LLC d/b/a Bankai Carrier
        16192, Coastal Highway,
        Lewes, Delaware 19958-9776
        Attn: Mr. Bankim Brahmbhatt, Manager.

        For BB Group LLC d/b/a Bankai Group
        16192, Coastal Highway,
        Lewes, Delaware 19958-9776
        Attn: Mr. Bankim Brahmbhatt, Manager.

In Response to Question 14 and 15 of FCC 214 Application:

47 CFR § 63.18(d): Bridge Voice, Inc. has previously received authority under Section 214 of the Act.
Applicant Brahmbhatt is the only stockholder in the Licensee and has been previously approved by the
Commission as owner of the Licensee. BB Carrier LLC has not received previous authority from the
Commission under Section 214 of the Act.

47 CFR § 63.18(e): Applicants request approval for global or limited facilities-based and resale services
under Section 214 of the Act and pursuant to the terms and conditions of Section 63.18(e)(1) and (e)(2) of
the Commission's Rules. Applicant is not applying for authority to acquire facilities or to provide services
not covered by paragraphs (e)(1) through (e)(3) of Section 63.18. Applicant is not seeking facilities-
based authority under paragraph (e)(4) of Section 63.18.

47 CFR § 63.18(g): Applicants will use previously authorized facilities to provide the services requested
by the Application. Applicants are excluded from environmental assessment pursuant to Section 1.1306
of the Commission's Rules, specifically 47 C.F.R. § 1.1306.

                                                                        Page 12

CFR § 63.18(h): Following the completion of the pro forma transfer between the Applicants the
information regarding the 10% or greater direct or indirect owners of Bridge Voice, Inc. shall be as
         Name :                                BB Carrier LLC d/b/a Bankai Carrier
         Address:                              16192, Coastal Highway, Lewes, Delaware 19958-9776
         Citizenship:                          Delaware Limited Liability Company
         Principal Business:                   Private Investment Company
         Ownership:                            100%

                   Following the completion of the pro forma transfer between the Applicants the
                   information regarding the 10% or greater direct or indirect owners of BB Carrier LLC
                   d/b/a Bankai Carrier shall be as follow:

                   Name :                                BB Group LLC d/b/a Bankai Carrier
                   Address:                              16192, Coastal Highway, Lewes, Delaware 19958-9776
                   Citizenship:                          Delaware Limited Liability Company
                   Principal Business:                   Private Investment Company
                   Ownership:                            100%

                            Following the completion of the pro forma transfer between the Applicants the
                            information regarding the 10% or greater direct or indirect owners of BB Group
                            LLC d/b/a Bankai Group shall be as follows:

                            Name:                        Mr. Bankim B. Brahmbhatt3
                            Address:                     80-02 Kew Gardens Road Suite 1040,
                                                         Kew Gardens, New York 11415
                            Citizenship:                 India / lawful permanent resident of the United States
                            Principal Business:          Telecommunications
                            Ownership:                   100%

47 CFR § 63.18(i): The Applicants, Brahmbhatt, BB Group and BB Carrier, LLC, respectively
certify that they are not affiliated with any foreign facilities-based carriers or US dominant carriers.

47 CFR § 63.18(j): The Applicants, Brahmbhatt, BB Group and BB Carrier, LLC, respectively
certify that they do not seek to provide international telecommunication services to any destination
country for which any of the following are true:

                   1. They are not a foreign carrier in that country; or
                   2. They do not control a foreign carrier in that country; or

 Bankim B. Brahmbhatt is presently the sole owner of Bridge Voice, Inc. and has been previously been approved by the
Commission under ITC-214-20080929-00443.

                                                                        Page 13

                3. Any entity that owns more than twenty-five percent (25%) of BB Carrier, LLC or
                   the Licensee or that will control the Licensee after transaction, will control a foreign
                   carrier in that country.

47 CFR § 63.18(k):      Not Applicable.
47 CFR § 63.18(l):      Not Applicable.
47 CFR § 63.18(m):      Not Applicable.

47 CFR § 63.18(n): The Applicants and Bridge Voice, Inc. certify that they has not agreed and will
not agree in the future to accept any direct or indirect special concessions from a foreign carrier or
administration with regards to traffic or revenue flows between the United States and any foreign
countries the company is authorized to serve.

47 CFR § 63.18(o):      The Applicants certify that no party to this application has been denied federal
benefits pursuant to Section 5301 of the Anti-Drug Abuse Act of 1988.

47 CFR § 63.18(p): The Applicants respectively request Streamline Processing of this Application
pursuant to Section 63.12 of the Commission's Rules under 47 C.F.R. § 63.12.

                                                                        Page 14

In conclusion of the foregoing Application and Attachments, the Applicants, by and through Bankim
Brahmbhatt, certify that all of the information in this application is accurate and correct.        For these
reasons, respectfully requests that the Commission grant this application.

                        Respectfully submitted,

                        By: /s/ Bankim Brahmbhatt /s/
                        Name Bankim Brahmbhatt
                        Title: President of Bridge Voice, Inc. (a Delaware company)

By and through their attorney:

                                    /s/_ Edward A. Maldonado__/s/
                                    Edward A. Maldonado, Esq.
                                    MALDONADO LAW GROUP
                                     2850 Douglas Road, Suite 303 Coral Gables, FL 33134
                                     Tel: 305-477-7580 Fax: 305-477-7504 Direct Line 786-292-0459

                                                                        Page 15

                                         Before the
                             FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION
                                      Washington, D.C. 20554

   In the Matter of                                      )
   BridgeVoice, Inc.                                     )
   (Licensee)                                            )
   And                                                   )       File No.: ITC-214-20080929-00443
   Company Shareholder, Bankim Brahmbhatt                )
   (“Transferor” and Beneficial Transferee)              )       FRN: 0018151829
   FRN: 0024975872                                       )
   And                                                   )
   BB Carrier LLC                                        )
   FRN: 0024975757                                       )
   And                                                   )
   BB Group LLC                                          )
   FRN: 0024976086                                       )
   (Transferees)                                         )
   Application for Pro Forma Transfer Control of         )
   International facilities-based and resale             )
   Authority Pursuant to Section 214 of the              )
   Communications Act of 1934, as amended.               )

                             Pro Forma Transfer Application

I, Bankim Brahmbhatt, state that I am the President of Bridge Voice, Inc.; that I am authorized to
make this Verification on behalf of the Applicants; that the foregoing filing was prepared under
my direction and supervision; and that the contents are true and correct to the best of my
knowledge, information, and belief.

I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct.

Executed this October 28, 2015.

                       By: /s/ Bankim Brahmbhatt /s/

                       Name Bankim Brahmbhatt
                       Title: President of
                       Bridge Voice, Inc. (a Delaware company)

                                                                        Page 16

        CERTIFICATION OF APPLICANT – BB Carrier, LLC. d/b/a Bankai Carrier

The undersigned hereby certifies, on behalf of BB Carrier, LLC with respect to the foregoing application
for Section 214 Authority to provide international services that:

    1. BB Carrier, LLC is not affiliated with any foreign carrier in any of the countries to which BB
        Carrier, LLC proposes to provide service in the foregoing application.

    2. BB Carrier, LLC will comply with the terms and conditions contained in Section 63.21, 63.22
        and 63.23 of the Commission's Rules. 47 C.P.R. 63.21-.23

    3. BB Carrier, LLC does not seek to provide international telecommunications service to any
        destination where: (1) BB Carrier, LLC is a foreign caller in that country; (2) BB Carrier, LLC
        controls a foreign carrier in that country; (3) any entity that owns more than a 25% interest in BB
        Carrier, LLC, or controls BB Carrier, LLC, controls a foreign carrier in that country; or (4) two or
        more parties own, in the aggregate, more than 25% of BB Carrier, LLC and are parties to, or the
        beneficiaries of, a contractual relationship that affects that provision or marketing of international
        basic telecommunications services in the United States.

    4. BB Carrier, LLC has not agreed to accept special concessions directly or indirectly from any
        foreign carrier with respect to any U.S. international route where the foreign carrier possesses
        sufficient market power on the foreign end of the route to affect competition adversely in the U.S.
        market and will not enter into such agreements in the future

    5. BB Carrier, LLC is not subject to a denial of Federal benefits pursuant to Section 5301 of the
        Anti-Drug Abuse Act of 1988.

    6. The contents of the Application are true and correct to the best of my knowledge, information,
        and belief.

I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct.

Executed this October 28, 2015.

                         By: /s/ Bankim Brahmbhatt /s/

                         Name Bankim Brahmbhatt
                         Title: Manager of BB Carrier, LLC. (a Delaware company)

                                                                        Page 17

         CERTIFICATION OF APPLICANT – BB Group, LLC. d/b/a Bankai Group

The undersigned hereby certifies, on behalf of BB Group, LLC with respect to the foregoing application
for Section 214 Authority to provide international services that:

    1. BB Group, LLC is not affiliated with any foreign carrier in any of the countries to which BB
        Carrier, LLC proposes to provide service in the foregoing application.

    2. BB Group, LLC by and through BB Carrier, LLC will comply with the terms and conditions
        contained in Section 63.21, 63.22 and 63.23 of the Commission's Rules. 47 C.P.R. 63.21-.23

    3. BB Group, LLC by and through BB Carrier, LLC does not seek to provide international
        telecommunications service to any destination where: (1) BB Carrier, LLC is a foreign caller in
        that country; (2) BB Carrier, LLC controls a foreign carrier in that country; (3) any entity that
        owns more than a 25% interest in BB Carrier, LLC, or controls BB Carrier, LLC, controls a
        foreign carrier in that country; or (4) two or more parties own, in the aggregate, more than 25% of
        BB Carrier, LLC and are parties to, or the beneficiaries of, a contractual relationship that affects
        that provision or marketing of international basic telecommunications services in the United

    4. BB Group, LLC has not agreed to accept special concessions directly or indirectly from any
        foreign carrier with respect to any U.S. international route where the foreign carrier possesses
        sufficient market power on the foreign end of the route to affect competition adversely in the U.S.
        market and will not enter into such agreements in the future

    5. BB Group, LLC is not subject to a denial of Federal benefits pursuant to Section 5301 of the
        Anti-Drug Abuse Act of 1988.

    6. The contents of the Application are true and correct to the best of my knowledge, information,
        and belief.

I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct.

Executed this October 28, 2015.

                         By: /s/ Bankim Brahmbhatt /s/

                         Name Bankim Brahmbhatt
                         Title: Member of BB Group, LLC. d/b/a Bankai Group (a Delaware company)

                                                                        Page 18

The undersigned hereby certifies, on behalf of Bridge Voice, Inc., Inc. with respect to the foregoing application for
Section 214 Authority to provide international services that:

    1. Bridge Voice, Inc. is not affiliated with any foreign carrier in any of the countries to which Bridge Voice,
         Inc. proposes to provide service in the foregoing application.

    2. Bridge Voice, Inc. will comply with the terms and conditions contained in Section 63.21, 63.22 and 63.23
         of the Commission's Rules. 47 C.P.R. 63.21-.23

    3. Bridge Voice, Inc. does not seek to provide international telecommunications service to any destination
         where: (1) Bridge Voice, Inc. is a foreign caller in that country; (2) Bridge Voice, Inc. controls a foreign
         carrier in that country; (3) any entity that owns more than a 25% interest in Bridge Voice, Inc., or controls
         Bridge Voice, Inc., controls a foreign carrier in that country; or (4) two or more parties own, in the
         aggregate, more than 25% of Bridge Voice, Inc. and are parties to, or the beneficiaries of, a contractual
         relationship that affects that provision or marketing of international basic telecommunications services in
         the United States.

    4. Bridge Voice, Inc. has not agreed to accept special concessions directly or indirectly from any foreign
         carrier with respect to any U.S. international route where the foreign carrier possesses sufficient market
         power on the foreign end of the route to affect competition adversely in the U.S. market and will not enter
         into such agreements in the future

    5. Bridge Voice, Inc. is not subject to a denial of Federal benefits pursuant to Section 5301 of the Anti-Drug
         Abuse Act of 1988.

    6. The contents of the Application are true and correct to the best of my knowledge, information, and belief.
I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct.

Executed this October 28, 2015.

                            By: /s/ Bankim Brahmbhatt /s/

                            Name Bankim Brahmbhatt
                            Title: President
                            Bridge Voice, Inc. (a Delaware company)

                                                                        Page 19


                                Pre-Pro Forma Transfer

        Mr. Bankim Brahmbhatt                                Bridgevoice Inc.

                                    100% Ownership

                                Post Pro Forma Transfer

                                 Mr. Bankim Brahmbhatt

        100% Ownership

                                    BB Group LLC
                                 D/B/A “Bankai Group”

                                                                  100% Ownership

                                    BB Carrier LLC
                                 D/B/A “Bankai Carrier”

                                                                   100% Ownership

                                    Bridgevoice Inc.

                                                                        Page 20

Document Created: 2015-10-28 13:48:47
Document Modified: 2015-10-28 13:48:47

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