
OTHER submitted by c/o Covington & Burling LLP

Letter of Agreement


This document pretains to ITC-T/C-20151014-00237 for Transfer of Control on a International Telecommunications filing.


April 18, 2016

Mr. Richard C. Sofield
Director, Foreign Investment Review Staff
National Security Division
U.S. Department of Justice
950 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
Washington, D.C. 20530—0001

         Re:      FCC Application # ITC—T/C—20151014—00237 Altice—Cablevision (TT #15—73)

Dear Mr. Sofield:

Cablevision Systems Corporation, a corporation organized under the laws of the State ofDelaware
("Cablevision"), and Altice N.V., a naamloze vennotschap (public company) organized under the
laws of the Netherlands ("Altice", and together with Cablevision, the "Companies"), along with
Cequel Corporation (d/b/a Suddenlink Communications) ("Cequel", and together with the
Companies, the "Altice Entities")), provide this Letter of Agreement ("LQOA") in connection with
Federal Communications Commission ("ECC") Application # ITC—T/C—20151014—00237
(Altice—Cablevision (Team Telecom Case Number 15—73)) (the "ECC Application"), involving
Altice‘s proposed acquisition of 70 percent of the equity interest in Cablevision (the

On December 16, 2015, in furtherance ofits obligation to evaluate whether the transfer of
Cablevision‘s existing FCC authorities is in the public interest," the FCC advised several
Executive Branch agencies ofa deadline for comment as to whether the FCC Application poses
any national security, law enforcement, foreign policy, or trade concerns. Pursuant to a letter dated
December 16, 2015, from Ms. Kristin Taylor of the Department of Justice ("DOJ") to Ms. Marlene
Dortch of the FCC, the U.S. Departments ofJustice, Homeland Security, and Defense (collectively
the "Agencies") requested that the FCC defer action on the above—captioned matter pending a
review of the Transaction for any national security, law enforcement, and public safety issues. By
executing this LOA, the DOJ agrees to promptly notify the FCC that, provided the FCC conditions
the grant of the FCC Application on the Altice Entities‘ compliance with this LOA, the Agencies
have no objection to the FCC‘s grant or approval of the FCC Application.

In particular, the DOJ and the Altice Entities have agreed that upon closing ofthe Transaction, and
subject to the terms ofthis LOA, Cablevision will become a party and subject to the National
Security Agreement dated December 11, 2015, that was executed by and between Altice and
Cequel on the one hand, and the DOJ, on the other hand, ("NSA") involving Altice‘s acquisition of
70 percent of the equity interest in Cequel and based on similar national security, law enforcement,
and public safety concerns as those arising from the Transaction, The Companies agree that the

‘ See generally 47 U.S.C. § 214(a), 47 C.F.R. §§ 63.18 and 63.24; and Rules and Policies on Foreign Participation in
the U.S. Telecommunications Market: Market Entry and Regulation ofForeign—Affiliated Entities, PCC 97—398, 12
FCC Red. 23,891, 23,919 (1997) (Foreign Participation Order).

concerns arising from the Transaction are best addressed through the execution of this LOA. By
executing th ls LOA, Altice and Cequel acknowledge their lack of objection regarding the DOJ's
intention to move the FCC to condition Altice and Cequel's FCC authorizations in relation to
Cequel's business upon Altice and Cequel's compliance with the NSA and this LOA.

This LOA sets forth the following terms, to be implemented by the Altice Entities and overseen by
the DOJ (collectively, the "Parties"), to become effective immediately upon the execution by all
Parties of this LOA:

1.       Application of this LOA and the NSA to the Altice Entities

         a.       Except as set forth specifically herein, the Companies agree to be bound by all
                  definitions, 2 rights, and obligations contained in the NSA, with the Companies
                  being separately and individually responsible for complying with or enforcing any
                  such definitions, rights, and obligations as if "Cablevision" appears in the NSA
                  rather than "Cequel" or "Suddenlink."

         b.       Unless otherwise stated herein, this LOA neither amends the NSA nor alters the
                  meaning of the definitions for, or the rights or obligations of, Cequel or Altice
                  under the NSA as it relates to the Cequel business.

         c.      "LOA Effective Date," as used herein, means the date of the last signature affixed
                 hereto. With respect to the application of the NSA to the Companies, "Effective
                 Date," as used in the NSA, shall be read to mean "LOA Effective Date."

         d.      Cablevision and Cequel are separately and individually obligated to comply with
                 the NSA and this LOA unless and until such obligations are merged in the manner
                 described herein. Thus, for example, under this LOA and the NSA, the Altice
                 Entities agree to develop or provide separate Implementation Plans and separate
                 notices, policies, standards, and procedures for both Cablevision and Cequel, and to
                 appoint and maintain separate officers or points of contact, in accordance with the
                 processes, standards, deadlines, and methods outlined in the NSA unless such
                 requirements are otherwise adjusted herein, provided however that the Altice
                 Entities may, subject to OOJ approval and the conditions for such appointment(s)
                 in the NSA, elect to appoint the same person to serve simultaneously in
                 corresponding roles for each of Cequel and Cablevision.

        e.       At a mutually agreeable time for the Altice Entities in the future not to exceed two
                 years from the LOA Effective Date, the Altice Entities shall create and abide by a
                 Joint Implementation Plan in accordance with the process outlined herein that shall
                 merge the Implementation Plan for Cablevision, adopted pursuant to this LOA in

  All terms in this LOA have the meaning given in the NSA as they apply to Cablevision (i.e., as if"Cablevision"
appears in the NSA definition in lieu of"Cequel") unless otherwise defined herein. Where a tenn used herein must
distinguish between the distinct applications of the NSA to Cequel and Cablevision, those instances will be
specifically noted (e.g., "the Implementation Plan for Cequel" versus "the Implementation Plan for Cablevision")).


           accordance with NSA Section 2.1, with the Implementation Plan for Cequel,
           adopted pursuant to NSA Section 2.1.

           i.     The Joint [mplementation Plan shall otherwise conform to the requirements
                  of NSA Sections 1.23 and 2.1 (i.e., regarding content, form, and adoption),
                  and shall be subject to DOJ approval.

           ii.    As a result of.the Joint Implementation Plan's adoption, Cequel and
                  Cablevision ultimately will operate and maintain compliance with the NSA
                  pursuant to a single regime .

           iii.   In order to assess whether additional amendment of the Joint
                  Implementation Plan is necessary, three years from the adoption date of
                  the Joint Implementation Plan the Altice Entities shall submit to the DOJ an
                  assessment of whether, and how, the Cablevision and Cequel businesses
                  have merged, integrated, or aligned since the Joint Implementation Plan's

           iv.    Should the Joint [mplementation Plan require amendment in the future, it
                  shall be subject to the adoption provisions outlined herein or as otherwise
                  outlined in the NSA.

     f.    Within two business days of Altice acquiring a majority of the outstanding equity
           securities of Cablevision (hereinafter the "Closing Date"), Altice will send a
           written notification to DOJ stating that the Transaction has been closed.

2.   Altered Timelines

     a.    The requirements of NSA Section 2.1 (Implementation Plan) to submit an
           Implementation Plan for DOJ review is hereby amended with respect to
           Cablevision to be one-hundred twenty (120) days of the Closing Date

     b.    The requirements contained in NSA Section 2.5 (Network and
           Telecommunications Architecture) to submit to the DOJ a comprehensive
           description of the Domestic Communications Infrastructure (DCI) network and
           detailed transport network diagrams within sixty (60) days of the Effective Date
           will be extended to ninety (90) days of the Closing Date.

     c.    The requirements contained in NSA Section 4.12(a)(2) (Outsourcing and
           Offshoring Control and Access) to "submit to the DOJ a notice of current
           outsourcing/offshoring providers within sixty (60) days of the Effective Date" will
           be extended to ninety (90) days of the Closing Date.

     d.    All other deadlines in the NSA remain the same and begin running individually for
           Cablevision as of the Closing Date.


3.   Altered Audjt Procedures

     a.    After the submission of both (i) the final audit report for the first audit
           commissioned for Cablevision pursuant to this LOA and NSA Section 5. 1l and (ii)
           the final audit report for the first audit commissioned for Cequel pursuant to NSA
           Section 5. ! l, the Altice Entities may jointly petition the DOJ for waiver(s) from
           NSA Section 5.11 to allow for the commissioning of subsequent joint audit(s)
           regarding NSA compliance that, in a single final report derived from a single scope
           of work, will address the Cequel and Cablevision businesses collectively ("Joint

     b.    Such a request by the Altice Entities must be received by the DOJ nine (9) months
           before the next deadline for Cequel or Cablevision (whichever is earlier) under
           NSA Section 5.11 for anticipated audit(s), and must include an explanation of how
           the Cequel and Cablevision businesses are merged, integrated, aligned, or
           co-existing to such an extent that a Joint Audit serves the best needs of the Parties in
           efficiently and effectively assessing NSA compliance

     c.    Upon receiving a request for a waiver under this LOA and NSA Section 5.11, the
           DOJ shall respond within sixty (60) days unless further information is requested of
           the Altice Entities in good faith.

     d.    Should a waiver be granted, the DOJ shall determine the appropriate amended
           deadlines for the Altice Entities' requirements under NSA Section 5.11 with
           respect to notification(s) of the selected auditor, provision(s) to the DOJ of the
           terms for the audit's scope, and the receipt of the final audit report(s).

           i.     The DOJ's grant of a waiver from NSA Section 5.1 l pursuant to this LOA
                  may be conditional, and may apply to a single forthcoming audit
                  requirement (e.g., solely to the audit required for 2019) or to all future audit
                  requirements, as identified by the DOJ in its waiver.

           ii.    Once granted, the DOJ may not revoke, withdraw, or change the nature of
                  the waiver(s) granted within nine (9) months of the anticipated date of the
                  final report for the next audit due under NSA Section 5.11 and any
                  controlling waiver(s) at issue.

     e.    For the avoidance of doubt, nothing in this Section 3 is intended to prevent either
           Cablevision or Cequel from selecting the same auditor to perform any audit(s)
           required by NSA Section 5.11, subject to the terms for such appointment(s) in the

     f.    ln all other extents, the terms of Section 5.11 remain unchanged.


4.   Notices. All communications or other notices relating to this LOA may be made in any
     manner and form discussed in the NSA and to the individuals identified therein, except that
     for Cablevision, the notices can be sent to:

     Cablevision Systems Corporation
     l 11 l Stewart Avenue
     Bethpage, NY 11714

5.   Successors and Assigns: This LOA and any Implementation Plan adopted ·in accordance
     therewith shall inure to the benefit of, and shall be binding upon, the Altice Entities, the
     DOJ, and their respective successors and assigns. This LOA and any Implementation Plan
     adopted in accordance therewith shall apply in full force and effect to any entity or asset,
     whether acquired before or after the LOA Effective Date, over which the Altice Entities,
     including successors or assigns, have the power or authority to exercise de facto or de jure

6.   Termination of this LOA: This LOA may be terminated at any time by a written
     agreement signed by the Parties. The Parties agree that they will reasonably consider any
     termination request submitted pursuant to this LOA.

7.   Counterparts: This LOA may be executed in one or more counterparts, including by
     facsimile or portable document format (PDF), each of which shall together constitute one
     and the same agreement.

                     {Remainder ofthis page intentionally left blank]


Signed and agreed to as of the date first written above:

Altice, N.V.
Date:._ _ _ _ _ _ __                                By: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

                                                    Printed Name:_ _ _ _ _ _ __
                                                    Title:._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

Cablevision Systems Corporation

Date: "\ J \t   I\£0

Cequel Corporation
Date:. _ _ _ _ _ _ __                               By:_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

                                                    Printed Name:_ _ _ _ _ _ __
                                                    Title: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __


Signed and agreed to as of the date first written above:

Altice N.V.

Date: April 18, 2016                               By:

                                                   Printed Name:_Jérémic
                                                   Title:   General Secretary

Cablevision Systems Corporation

Date:                                              By:

                                                   Printed Name:


Cequel Corporation

Date:                                              By:

                                                   Printed Name:


Signed and agreed to as ofthe date first written above:

Altice N.V,

Date:                                             By:

                                                  Printed Name:


Cablevision Systems Corporation

Date:                                            By:

                                                 Printed Name:


Cequel Corporation

Date:_ April18,                                  my7.———£2
                                                 Printed Name:__Cfe« $ es e/‘”\-'/


Receipt acknowledged as of the date first written above:

United States Department of Justice

Date: ‘:H ZQ[ I 6                                By:

                                                 Printed Name: [Z‘L[Mfl €. 504\\93


Document Created: 2016-04-26 13:44:01
Document Modified: 2016-04-26 13:44:01

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