Supplemental Informa

SUPPLEMENT submitted by Ace Telephone Company of Michigan Inc

Supplemental Information In Support of Joint Appli


This document pretains to ITC-T/C-20150922-00226 for Transfer of Control on a International Telecommunications filing.


Founded in 1852                                                                                              MICHIGAN: Ann Arbor
by Sidney Davy Miller                                          l    l                                       Detroit e Grand Rapids
                                                                        ER                                   Kalamazoo * Lansing
                                                                                                                    Saginaw e Troy
                                                                   I    4         I   ’                           FLORIDA: Tampa
                                                                                                                 ILLINOIS: Chicago
MicHaEL C. RAMPE                           Miller, Canfield, Paddock and Stone, P.L.C.                       NEW YORK: New York
TEL (517) 483—4941                               One Michigan Avenue, Suite 900                                   OHIO: Cincinnati
Efigfi?fi;‘:&                             Lal’}s}igig’ Michigan 48933                       CANADA: Toronto - Windsor
                                                               (517) 487—2070                                   CHINA: Shanghai
                                                        FAX (517) 374—6304                                    MEXICO: Monterrey
                                                                                 POLAND: Gdynia
                                                                                                               Warsaw e Wrociaw

                                                 December 3, 2015
          Marlene H. Dortch, Secretary                                                    Via ECFS and MyIBFS
          Federal Communications Commission
          Wireline Competition Bureau Applications
          P.O. Box 979091
          St. Louis, MO 63197—9000

                     RE:    In the matter of the Joint Application of Great Lakes Commnet, Inc., Ace
                     Telephone Association, and Ace Telephone Company of Michigan, Inc. for Approval of
                     Transfer of Control of Great Lakes Comnet, Inc., Clinton County Telephone Company,
                     Westphalia Telephone Company, Westphalia Broadband, Inc., and Comlink, LLC, to
                     Ace Telephone Association and Ace Telephone Company of Michigan, Inc., pursuant to
                     Section 214 of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended.
                             WC Docket No. 15—224
                             1TC—T/C —20150922—00226
                             1TC—T/C —20150922—00227

                     **Supplemental Information in Support of Joint Application**

          Dear Ms. Dortch:

                  Enclosed for filing in the above matter please find the Joint Applicants‘ Supplemental
          Information in Support of their Joint Application. The Joint Application was filed pursuant to
          Section 63.04(b) of the Commission‘s rules as a combined International and Domestic Section 214
          transfer of control application. The attached Supplemental Information is being filed via the
          Electronic Comment Filing System and the MyIBFS Filing System.

                     Please contact me if you have any questions or concerns.

                                                             Very truly yours,

                                                              MzA C N_
                                                             Miller, Canfield, Paddock and Stone, P.L C..

                                                             Michael C. Rampe
          co:    Dennis Johnson (
                 Jodie May (
                 Sumita Mukhoty (


                                      Before the
                                Washington, D.C. 20554

In the Matter of the Joint Application of      )
Great Lakes Comnet, Inc.,                      )
       Transferor                              )
and                                            )         WC Docket No. 15-224
Ace Telephone Association and                  )         IB File No. ITC-T/C-20150922-00226
Ace Telephone Company of Michigan, Inc.        )
                                               )         IB File No. ITC-T/C-20150922-00227
       Transferees.                            )
Pursuant to Section 214 of the                 )
Communications Act of 1934, as Amended, for    )
Approval of the Transfer of Control of         )
Great Lakes Comnet, Inc.,                      )
Clinton County Telephone Company,              )
Westphalia Telephone Company,                  )
Westphalia Broadband, Inc., and                )
Comlink, LLC                                   )
to Ace Telephone Company of Michigan, Inc. and )
Ace Telephone Association                      )

                             JOINT APPLICATION

       In support of their Joint Application in this matter, Great Lakes Comnet, Inc. (“GLC”),

Clinton County Telephone Company (“CCTC”), Westphalia Telephone Company (“WTC”),

Westphalia Broadband, Inc. (“WBI”), Comlink, LLC (“Comlink”), Ace Telephone Association

(“ATA”) and Ace Telephone Company of Michigan, Inc. (“Ace Michigan”), collectively “Joint

Applicants,” hereby respectfully provide the supplemental information contained herein. The

purpose of this supplemental filing is to describe the geographic territories in which the Joint


Applicants either provide service or have network facilities, as well as to identify over-lapping or

adjacent geographic territories in which the transferee and transferor entities have customers.

I.     Geographic Territories of ATA, Ace Michigan, and Ace Link.

       ATA is a telephone cooperative headquartered in Houston, Minnesota. ATA provides

local exchange service as an incumbent local exchange carrier (“ILEC”), long distance,

broadband Internet services, video service, and a variety of other services in small towns and

rural areas located in: (i) the Castalia, Clermont, Dorchester, Fort Atkinson, Highlandville,

Harpers Ferry, New Albin, Ossian, and Waterville exchanges located in Iowa; and (ii) the

Brownsville, Canton, Dakota, Eitzen, Granger, Hokah, Houston, La Crescent, Lanesboro,

Ostrander, Peterson, Rushford exchanges located in Minnesota. Maps showing the general

locations of the Iowa and Minnesota exchanges in which ATA provides service are contained in

Attachment A.

       Ace Link Telecommunications, Inc. (“Ace Link”) is a wholly-owned subsidiary of ATA

that provides local exchange service as a competitive local exchange carrier (“CLEC”), exchange

access, and broadband Internet services in the Caledonia exchange located in Minnesota. The

general location of the Caledonia exchange is shown in Attachment A.

       Ace Michigan, a wholly-owned subsidiary of ATA, is an ILEC licensed by the Michigan

Public Service Commission (“MPSC”)1 that provides local exchange service, exchange access,

domestic long distance service, broadband Internet service, and video services to the Allendale,

Buckley, Copemish-Thompsonville, Drenthe, Hoxeyville, Mesick, Old Mission and South

Boardman exchanges located in Michigan. Additionally, Ace Michigan, as a CLEC, provides

 August 14, 1992 Order in MPSC Case No. U-10054; 136 PUR 4th 93; 1992 WL 230483; December 21, 2010
Order in MPSC Case No. U-16468; August 13, 2013 Order in MPSC Case No. U-17262.


local exchange service, toll, broadband Internet, and video services to the Coopersville, Holland,

and Zeeland exchanges located in Michigan. See the telephone exchange map attached hereto as

Attachment B for the location of the Michigan exchanges in which Ace Michigan provides


II.       Geographic Territories of GLC and Its Subsidiaries.

          GLC is a broadband network and switching infrastructure company that is registered as a

competitive access provider (“CAP”) in Michigan. As a CAP, GLC is a “carriers’ carrier” that

does not have any end-user customers and does not serve the general public in any state. GLC’s

network facilities provide tandem switching, long-haul Internet connectivity, video and other

transport, toll resale, wholesale Ethernet, Signaling System 7 (SS7), and point-to-point services

to telecommunication providers. GLC’s facilities are used by ILECs, CLECs, toll service

providers that are homed to its tandem, and data and video providers. GLC’s tandem switch is

located in Westphalia, Michigan, and GLC’s transport facilities are located throughout Michigan,

as well as in portions of Ohio, Indiana, and Illinois. GLC has network facilities, but no carrier

customers, in Minnesota and Wisconsin. See Attachment C.

          GLC’s wholly-owned subsidiary, Comlink, provides local exchange service as a CLEC,2

and also provides exchange access, broadband Internet service, point-to-point private line

services, domestic and international toll services,3 and cloud computing and data center services.

Comlink provides services in numerous exchanges throughout Michigan. While most of

Comlink’s end user customers are located in Michigan, it also has some end user customers in

Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, and Wisconsin.

    Comlink was licensed by the MPSC’s June 3, 2004 Order in Case No. U-14041.
  Comlink provides resold international toll service pursuant to GLC’s international § 214 authority. See
correspondence dated February 17, 2011 filed with the International Bureau in GLC’s international license file.


          WTC is an ILEC, and is licensed by the MPSC4 to serve an area known as the Westphalia

exchange in Michigan. A map of the Westphalia exchange is appended as Attachment D. WTC

provides local exchange service, exchange access, broadband Internet service, video, private line,

transport, and other telecommunications services to business and residential customers in the

Westphalia exchange.

          WBI, d/b/a Comlink, is a CLEC licensed by the MPSC.5 WBI provides local exchange

service, exchange access, broadband Internet service, private line, transport and video service in

the following areas: (1) the DeWitt exchange, (2) the St. Johns exchange, and (3) the Fowler

exchange (a/k/a the Fowler-Pewamo exchange). WBI also provides video service in the Lansing

exchange. Maps of the DeWitt, St. Johns, Lansing and Fowler exchanges can be found at

Attachment E.

          CCTC is a holding company that does not itself offer any telecommunications services.

WTC and WBI are wholly-owned subsidiaries of CCTC.

III.      Overlapping and Adjacent Geographic Territories.

          With respect to exchanges served by transferees ATA, Ace Michigan and Ace Link, or

exchanges that are adjacent to their ILEC exchanges, the tables below describe where Comlink,

WBI, and WTC provide service, and where GLC has network facilities. For purposes of this

Section III, “Transferor Entity” refers collectively to GLC, Comlink, CCTC, WTC and WBI, and

“Transferee Entity” refers collectively to Ace Michigan, ATA, and Ace Link. The term “CLEC

Operations” refers to the operations as a CLEC of an entity itself or via a separately-incorporated

    August 14, 1992 Order in MPSC Case No. U-10054; 136 PUR 4th 93; 1992 WL 230483.
    July 22, 2004 Order in MPSC Case No. U-14119; 2004 WL 1746427.


 affiliated entity. As shown in the maps appended to this supplemental information and in the

 tables below:

                 None of the ILEC Exchanges of the Transferor Entities or Transferee Entities
                  Overlap or are Adjacent to Each Other: The ILEC exchanges of the ILECs
                  involved in the transaction—Ace Michigan, ATA, and WTC—are geographically
                  separated from each other, and therefore: (i) do not overlap; and (ii) are not
                  adjacent to each other.

                 No CLEC Operations of a Transferor Entity or Transferee Entity Provide Service
                  in any Transferor Entity or Transferee Entity ILEC Exchange: No CLEC
                  Operations of the Transferor Entities provide any service to end users in any
                  ILEC exchange of the Transferee Entities (i.e., Ace Michigan, Ace Link, or
                  ATA), and no CLEC Operations of the Transferee Entities provide any service to
                  end users in any ILEC exchange of a Transferor Entity (i.e., WTC).

                 CLEC Operations in Exchanges Adjacent to ILEC Exchanges: Comlink, a
                  CLEC, has 5 or fewer end user customers in 7 exchanges that are adjacent to Ace
                  Michigan ILEC exchanges (the Traverse City, Cadillac, Ravenna, Fruitport,
                  Hudsonville, Ravenna, and Hamilton exchanges).

                 Limited Overlap of CLEC Service Territories: Comlink, a CLEC, has 5 or fewer
                  end user customers in the Coopersville, Holland, and Zeeland exchanges, where
                  Ace Michigan has CLEC Operations.

                 GLC does not serve end user customers, but has fiber facilities located in the Ace
                  Michigan ILEC exchanges that are used by Ace Michigan for traffic transport.

 Exchanges Served                                              Transferor Entities
By Transferee Entity:

Iowa exchanges: Castalia,    Comlink, WTC, and WBI do not serve any end-user customers, the general public, or
Clermont, Dorchester, Fort   any carrier customers in Iowa or Minnesota.
Atkinson, Highlandville,
Harpers Ferry, New Albin,    GLC does not provide service to any end-user, the general public, or carrier customer
Ossian, and Waterville.      in Iowa.
Minnesota                    GLC does not provide service to any end-user, the general public, or carrier customer
exchanges: Brownsville,
                             in Minnesota.
Canton, Dakota, Eitzen,
Granger, Hokah, Houston,
La Crescent, Lanesboro,      GLC has fiber facilities located in Duluth, Minnesota, which is not in, or adjacent to,
Ostrander, Peterson, and     any exchange served by ATA, and those facilities are not currently in use.
Rushford exchanges.


  Exchanges Served                    Adjacent                                  Transferor Entities
   By Transferee                      Exchanges
    Ace Michigan
 Allendale                      Exchanges adjacent to          GLC does not provide any service to any end-user customer
                                Allendale: Grand Haven,        or to the general public in Michigan. GLC has network
                                Marne, Hudsonville,            facilities (but no end user customers) throughout Michigan,
                                Borculo and Jamestown          including in the Ace Michigan exchanges and some adjacent
                                Exchanges adjacent to
 Drenthe                        Drenthe: Hudsonville,          Comlink has five or fewer end-user customers in each of the
                                Jamestown, and Hamilton        following exchanges that are served by, or adjacent to, Ace
                                Exchanges adjacent to                Traverse City
                                Copemish-Thompsonville,              Cadillac
 Copemish-Thompsonville,        Buckley and Mesick:                  Ravenna
 Buckley and Mesick             Harietta, Kaleva, Bear               Fruitport
                                Lake, Beulah, Lake Ann,              Coopersville
                                Kingsley, Manton, and                Hudsonville
                                Cadillac                             Holland
                                Exchanges adjacent to                Zeeland
                                Hoxeyville : Harietta,               Hamilton
                                Brethren, Kaleva, Wellston,
 Hoxeyville                     Dublin, Irons, Luther,
                                Tustin, and Cadillac

 South Boardman                 Exchanges adjacent to
                                South Boardman: Fife           WTC does not provide any service in any exchange served
                                Lake, Kingsley, Traverse       by, or adjacent to, Ace Michigan.
                                City, Williamburg,
                                Kalkaska, Manistee River,      WBI does not provide any service in any exchange served by,
                                Moorestown and Lake City       or adjacent to, Ace Michigan.

 Old Mission                    Exchanges adjacent to Old
                                Mission: Traverse City

Coopersville exchange located Exchanges adjacent to
Michigan                      Coopersville: Grand Haven,
                              Fruitport, Ravenna, Conklin,
                              and Marne

Holland, and Zeeland           Exchanges adjacent to Holland
exchanges located in Michigan. and Zeeland: Grand Haven,
                               Borculo, Hudsonville,
                               Jamestown, Hamilton, and


 Exchanges Served                                          Transferor Entities
By Transferee Entity:
         Ace Link

Caledonia, Minnesota       Comlink, WTC, and WBI do not serve any end—user customers, the general public, or
                           any carrier customers in Minnesota.

                           GLC does not provide service to any end—user, the general public, or carrier customer
                           in Minnesota.

                           GLC has fiber facilities located in Duluth, Minnesota, which is not in, or adjacent to,
                           any exchange served by Ace Link, and those facilities are not currently in use.

e                 W“’{M/
 By:John C. Summersett
       Chief Executive Officer       of Great Lakes Comnet, Inc.
       Chief Executive Officer       of Comlink, LLC
       Chief Executive Officer       and President of Clinton County Telephone Company
       Chief Executive Officer       and President of Westphalia Telephone Company
       Chief Executive Officer       and President of Westphalia Broadband Inc.°

 Date: / Z.       u3.

 By: Todd R. Roesler
 Title: CEO of Ace Telephone Association and Ace Telephone Company of Michigan, Inc.



 8 The Joint Application filed in this ase was signed by Paul M. Bowman as President and CEO of GLC, President of
 Comlink, and CEO of CCTC, WTC, and WBI. Effective September 5, 2015, John M. Summersett became CEO of
 GLC and Comlink, and the CEO and President of CCTC, WTC, and WBI. Mr. Bowman remains President of GLC
 and Comlink.

 Exchanges Served                                          Transferor Entities
By Transferee Entity:
      Ace Link

Caledonia, Minnesota       Comlink, WTC, and WBI do not serve any end—user customers, the general public, or
                           lany carrier customers in Minnesota.

                           GLC does not provide service to any end—user, the general public, or carrier customer
                           in Minnesota.

                           (GLC has fiber facilities located in Duluth, Minnesota, which is not in, or adjacent to,
                           lany exchange served by Ace Link, and those facilities are not currently in use.

 By: John M. Summersett
         Chief Executive Officer of Great Lakes Comnet, Inc.
         Chief Executive    Officer of Comlink, LLC
         Chief Executive    Officer and President of Clinton County Telephone Company
         Chief Executive    Officer and President of Westphalia Telephone Company
         Chief Executive    Officer and President of Westphalia Broadband Inc.°


By: Todd R. Roesler
Title: CEO of Ace Telephone Association and Ace Telephone Company of Michigan, Inc.

Date:            1


© The Joint Application filed in this ase was signed by Paul M. Bowman as President and CEO of GLC, President of
Comlink, and CEO of CCTC, WTC, and WBI. Effective September 5, 2015, John M. Summersett became CEO of
GLC and Comlink, and the CEO and President of CCTC, WTC, and WBI. Mr. Bowman remains President of GLC
and Comlink.

Attachment A

       Broadband Service
               Updated October 1, 2010
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          Unserved Arcas
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        Broadband Service
               Updated October 3, 2010
                      BETA Version
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   Aeld testing efferts. Learmmoreaboutthis ardl other
     broadband mapping
 ® oy                 ——«— Municipal Boundary
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——> LocalRoad C3 NationalandState Lands|%
         Fiber Broadband Availsble
         Cable Broadband Available
         DSL Broadband Available
        Fixed Wircless Broadband Available
      + Mobile Wirclois Broodband Available®
        Unserved Areas
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       Broadband Service
                  Updated October 1, 2010
                      BETA Version
              Bvimé questonser neommended chioges io

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   —— US Highway
   —— Local Road
   ~——« Municipal Boundary
   ———~— County Boundary
     $ Water
    (Z3 National/State Park
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               Mobile Wireless
               Unserved Area
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           mnf@erenelbitIncocms prcm)

       Broadband Service
                  Updated Oclober1, 2010
                        BETA Vezsion
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 & Minnesota.
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   ———— County Boundary
     § Water
    (Z3 National/State Park
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     Cz3 Cable
      . . Fixed Wireless
     .. } Mobile Wireless
               Unserved Area
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           sedencttithien Lncwndernncspernent

     ~Broadband Service
                   Updated Octaber1, 2010
                         BETA Version
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   ——Municipal Boundary
   ———— County Boundary
    H» Water
   (Z3 National/State Park
           _ Fiber
    . _ Fixed Wireless
     .  Mobile Wireless
              Unserved Area
          # cormihitnttdemitammsemtant
           Ohnt mt DorlireyCennetitimmei tin

Attachment B

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Attachment C

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Attachment D


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Attachment E

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Document Created: 2015-12-03 17:55:06
Document Modified: 2015-12-03 17:55:06

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