Attachment Attachment 1

This document pretains to ITC-T/C-20150824-00214 for Transfer of Control on a International Telecommunications filing.


                               Attachment to Application for Transfer of Control of of Trilogy Dominicana S.A.

                                       ATTACHMENT 1

Answer to Question 10: Contact Information and Prior 214 Authorization

The name, title, post office address, and telephone number of the officer and any other
contact point, such as legal counsel, to whom correspondence concerning the application is
to be addressed.

Transferor                                             With copies to
Scott Morris                                           Danielle Frappier
Senior Vice President and General Counsel              Davis Wright Tremaine LLP
Trilogy International Dominican Republic               1919 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
LLC                                                    Suite 800
155 108th Avenue, NE                                   tel: 202-973-4242
Bellevue, WA 98004                                     fax: 202-973-4499
Suite 400                                    
tel: 425-458-5955                                      Legal Counsel to Trilogy International
fax: 425-458-5998                                      Dominican Republic LLC

Transferee                                             With copies to
Ivette Esmeralda Gómez Gómez                           Danielle Frappier
President                                              Davis Wright Tremaine LLP
Servicios Ampliados de Teléfonos, S.A.                 1919 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
Av 27 de Febrero, esquina San Martín                   Suite 800
Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic                      tel: 202-973-4242                           fax: 202-973-4499
                                                       Legal Counsel to Servicios Ampliados de
                                                       Teléfonos, S.A.

A statement as to whether the Transferor or Transferee has previously received authority
under Section 214 of the Act and, if so, a general description of the categories of facilities
and services authorized (i.e., authorized to provide international switched services on a
facilities basis)

       Transferor has never directly received Section 214 authorization.

       The international Section 214 authorization that is the subject of this application was

initially granted to a company that was unaffiliated with the parties to this transaction, Western


                               Attachment to Application for Transfer of Control of of Trilogy Dominicana S.A.

Wireless International Enterprise, Inc. In 2006, Transferor’s ultimate, 100% parent, Trilogy

International Partners LLC, purchased the stock of Western Wireless International Enterprise,

Inc. (ITC-T/C-214-20060201-00084) and changed the company’s name to Trilogy International

Enterprises, LLC. In 2014, Trilogy International Enterprises, Inc. assigned the authorization to

Applicant in a pro forma transaction (ITC-ASG-20140226-00055).                         Applicant Trilogy

Dominicana S.A., therefore, now holds international operating authority under Section 214 of the

Communications Act of 1934, as amended, to provide global facilities-based and resold

telecommunications service granted in file number ITC-214-20021021-00502.

       Transferee has never received Section 214 authorization.

Answer to Question 11: 10% or Greater Equity Holders of Transferee

       Servicios Ampliados de Teléfonos, S.A. (“SATEL”) is 96.99% owned by Ivette

Esmeralda Gómez Gómez. Ms. Gómez is a Dominican Republic citizen, and her address is

Guayubin Olivo Street, #5, Vista Hermosa, Santo Domingo Este, Dominican Republic. Ms.

Gómez’s principal business is acting as President of SATEL, a communications company in the

Dominican Republic. Please see the enclosed organizational charts for further information on

the parties’ current and post-closing ownership.

Answer to Question 13: Description of the Transaction

       Pursuant to an agreement, SATEL will acquire indirect control of the stock of Trilogy

Dominicana S.A., including its interests in IRUs for undersea cable capacity between the United

States and the Dominican Republic, its rights and obligations under all its international

telecommunications traffic exchange agreements, and its ownership of facilities used for the

provision of international telecommunications services.


                               Attachment to Application for Transfer of Control of of Trilogy Dominicana S.A.

Answer to Question 15: Foreign Carrier Status

       The entity holding international Section 214 authorization, Trilogy Dominicana S.A., is a

foreign carrier in the Dominican Republic, where it will continue to provide service.

Answer to Question 16: Justification for Non-dominant Classification Upon Consummation

       Applicant requests non-dominant classification upon consummation of the transaction

pursuant to 47 C.F.R. § 63.10(a)(3) because Applicant has well under 50 percent market share in

the Dominican Republic and is therefore, currently regulated as non-dominant on the U.S.-

Dominican Republic route. The Transferee, SATEL, is not a carrier nor is it affiliated with any

carrier. Upon consummation, therefore, TDR will continue to be non-dominant in all markets it

will serve.

       Applicant is authorized under Part 63 of the Commission’s rules to provide international

switched telecommunications services between the Dominican Republic and the United States,

and provides and will continue to provide such service solely through the resale of an

unaffiliated U.S. facilities-based carrier's international switched services (either directly or

indirectly through the resale of another U.S. resale carrier's international switched services), and

should therefore be classified as non-dominant on the Dominican Republic-U.S. route under 47

C.F.R. § 63.10(a)(4) for the provision of the authorized service.


                              Attachment to Application for Transfer of Control of of Trilogy Dominicana S.A.

Answer to Question 20: Justification for Streamlined Treatment

       Applicant requests streamlined treatment of this application pursuant to 47 C.F.R. § 63.12

because it is a non-dominant carrier and will continue to be non-dominant upon consummation

as demonstrated in the response to question 16 above.


Document Created: 2015-08-19 22:24:16
Document Modified: 2015-08-19 22:24:16

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