Attachment Exhibit 1

This document pretains to ITC-T/C-20150819-00203 for Transfer of Control on a International Telecommunications filing.


                                          ATTACHMENT 1


        Pursuant to Section 214 of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended (the

“Communications Act”), 47 U.S.C. § 214, and Section 63.24 of the Commission’s Rules, 47

C.F.R. § 63.24, The People’s Operator Holdings Limited (“TPO Holdings”) and The

People’s Operator (US) LLP ( “TPO (US) LLP”) hereby notify the Commission of a pro

forma transfer of control of the domestic and international Section 214 authorizations held by

The People’s Operator USA, LLC (“TPO USA”) from TPO Holdings to TPO (US) LLP, a

United Kingdom limited liability partnership.1

        The Transfer: This transfer of control took place in connection with an internal

corporate restructuring that was completed on July 20, 2015. The purpose of the

restructuring was to facilitate and enable the commitment of TPO USA to ultimately direct

twenty five percent (25%) of its profits to charitable causes. Prior to the restructuring, TPO

USA was a wholly-owned subsidiary of TPO Holdings. The restructuring entailed the

creation of TPO (US) LLP as a subsidiary of TPO Holdings and the transfer of the ownership

interests of TPO USA held by TPO Holdings to TPO (US) LLP. Thus, direct control of TPO

USA transferred from TPO Holdings to TPO (US) LLP. The restructuring thus inserted a

new subsidiary between TPO Holdings and TPO USA. There was, however, no ultimate

change in control.

  TPO USA holds an international Section 214 authorization for global resale a granted under FCC File No.
ITC-214-20141219-00324. See International Authorizations Granted, Public Notice, Rep. No. TEL-01741 (rel.
Jul. 9, 2015) (global resale authorization). TPO USA also provides domestic common carrier service pursuant
to the blanket Section 214 authorization granted under Section 63.01 of the Commission’s rules.

       As a result of the transaction, TPO (US) LLP is entitled to receive all of the profits of

TPO USA. TPO Holdings contributed 90.9% of the capital of TPO (US) LLP and is entitled

to receive seventy-five percent of the profits of TPO (US) LLP. The other twenty-five

percent of the profits of TPO (US) LLP will be directed initially to TPOF (US) Limited, a

private limited company incorporated in England and Wales that contributed 9.1 % of the

capital of TPO (US) LLP. TPOF (US) Limited in turn is 100% owned by The TPO (US)

Foundation, a private company limited by guarantee incorporated in England and Wales.

The TPO (US) Foundation will direct that all of its funds go to the TPO Charitable

Foundation, a District of Columbia nonprofit corporation, which will identify the charities to

which 25% of TPO US profits will be directed. This structure mirrors the structure that is

used in the United Kingdom to distribute to charities the profits of a UK wireless provider.

Pre- and post-transaction structure charts are attached hereto.

       Pro Forma Nature of Transfer of Control: The instant transaction qualifies for pro

forma transfer procedures because The People’s Operator PLC, through its wholly-owned

subsidiary TPO Holdings, held ultimate control of the TPO USA prior to the transaction and

retains ultimate control over the TPO USA after the transaction.

       In compliance with Section 63.24(f), the following information is provided:

       (1) Name, address and telephone number of each party:


The People’s Operator Holdings Limited
40 Underwood Street
London N1 7JQ
United Kingdom
+44 2072516648


The People’s Operator (US) LLP
40 Underwood Street
London N1 7JQ
United Kingdom
+44 2072516648

(2) Government, state or territory under the laws of which each corporate or
partnership party is organized

TPO Holdings and TPO (US) LLP are organized under the laws of England and Wales.

(3) Name, title, post office address, and telephone number of the officer or contact
point of each party to whom correspondence concerning this notification is to be

For the Transferor and the Transferee:

Michael Pryor
Cooley LLP
1299 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
Suite 700
Washington, DC 20004
Tel. (202) 776-2339
Fax    (202) 842-7899

(4) Statement as to whether the parties have previously received authority under
Section 214 of the Act.

TPO USA holds international Section 214 authorization for global resale granted under FCC
File No. ITC-214-20141219-00327. TPO USA also holds domestic Section 214
authorization granted under the blanket authorization provision of Section 63.01 of the
Commission’s rules. 47 C.F.R. § 63.01. The authorizations remain with TPO USA.

(5) Name, address, citizenship and principal business of any person or entity that
directly or indirectly owns at least ten percent of the equity of the Transferee:

The following entities own 10% or more of the Transferee, TPO (US) LLP

       The People’s Operator Holdings Limited (“TPO Holdings”)
       40 Underwood Street
       London N1 7JQ
       United Kingdom
       Telephone: +44 2072516648
       Ownership: 75%
       Principal Business: Holding Company
       Citizenship: England and Wales

       TPOF (US) Limited (“TPOF”)
       40 Underwood Street
       London N1 7JQ
       United Kingdom
       Telephone: +44 2072516648
       Ownership: 25%
       Principal Business: Holding Company
       Citizenship: England and Wales

The following entities own 10% or more of TPOF

       The TPO (US) Foundation
       40 Underwood Street
       London N1 7JQ
       United Kingdom
       Telephone: +44 (0)207 451 4496
       Ownership: 100%
       Principal Business: Charitable Foundation

The following entities own 10% or more of the Transferor, TPO Holdings

       The Peoples Operator PLC (“TPO PLC”)
       40 Underwood Street
       London, N1 7JQ
       United Kingdom
       Telephone: +44 2072516648
       Ownership: 100%
       Principal Business: Holding Company

The following entities/persons each will own 10% or more of TPO PLC upon the completion
of the administration of the estate of Andrew Rosenfeld.2 Each is a citizen of the United
Kingdom and each will own 11.2 percent of TPO PLC

        Name: Juliet Georgina Lucy Rosenfeld
        Principal Business: Psychotherapist
        Address: 16 Park Square East
        London, NW1 4LH
        United Kingdom
        Telephone: +44 (0)7939 565 502

        Name: James Oliver Rosenfeld
        Principal Business: Real Estate Investment Analyst
        Address: Apartment 1, Paramount House
        168 Wardour St.
        London, W1F 8ZX
        United Kingdom
        Telephone: +44 (0)207 451 4496

        Name: Matthew Harry Rosenfeld
        Principal Business: Real Estate Investment Analyst
        Address: Apartment 1, Paramount House
        168 Wardour St.
        London, W1F 8ZX
        United Kingdom
        Telephone: +44 (0) 207 220 2500

        Name: Joanna Sarah Rosenfeld
        Principal Business: Actress
        Address: 19 Broadlands Road
        London, N6 4AE
        United Kingdom
        Telephone: +44 (0) 208 347 6949

        Name: Naomi Rebecca Rosenfeld
        Principal Business: N/A
        Address: 19 Broadlands Road
        London, N6 4AE
        United Kingdom
        Telephone: +44 (0)208 347 6949

No other entity directly or indirectly owns 10% or more of TPO USA.

 As reflected in supplements filed on March 10, 2015, and March 11, 2015, in connection with ITC-214-
20141219-00327, Mr. Rosenfeld, who owned 56.13 percent of the shares of TPO PLC, passed away
unexpectedly on February 8, 2015, at which time his shares passed into his estate.

Interlocking directorates with a foreign carrier. The following officers and/or directors of
TPO USA are also officers and/or directors of TPO PLC, which indirectly controls The
People’s Operator (UK) LLP, a non-dominant, wireless reseller in the United Kingdom.

       Mark Alexander Epstein
       35 Chelmsford Road
       London, E18 2PW
       United Kingdom
       Citizenship: UK

       Jimmy Donal Wales
       140 Island Way #294
       Clearwater Beach, Florida 33767
       Citizenship: USA

       Matthew Christopher Lea
       116 Fawe Park Road
       London, SW15 2EQ
       United Kingdom
       Citizenship: UK

There are no other interlocking directorates.

(6) Certification as to nature of the transaction:

The parties certify that the transfer of control described herein was pro forma and that,
together with all previous pro forma transactions, it does not result in a change in the actual
controlling party.

(7) Certification pursuant to 47 C.F.R. §§ 1.2001-1.2003 that no party to the
notification is subject to denial of federal benefits pursuant to Section 5301 of the Anti-
Drug Abuse Act of 1988, 21 U.S.C. § 583

The parties hereby certify, pursuant to 47 C.F.R. §§ 1.2001-1.2003, that to the best of thier
knowledge, information, and belief, no party to this notification is subject to denial of federal
benefits pursuant to Section 5301 of the Anti-Drug Abuse Act of 1988, 21 U.S.C. § 583.

Document Created: 2015-08-19 16:23:03
Document Modified: 2015-08-19 16:23:03

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