Attachment Attachment 2

This document pretains to ITC-T/C-20150720-00176 for Transfer of Control on a International Telecommunications filing.


                                                  Before the
                                 Washington, D.C. 20554

In the Matter of

                                                                    w n N n h h h Ne Ne Ne Ne Ne N Ne Ne N N N Nn N Ni
     (FRN 0005753116) and

     (FRN 0003719937)

          Section 214 Authorization Holders

HARRY H. BAKER, JR. (FRN 0023047822)                                                                                       WC Docket No.


                                                                                                                           File No. ITC—
JOHN H. BAKER (FRN 0023047848)


Joint Application for Transfer of Control of
Section 214 Authorizations for
Domestic and International
Telecommunications Authorizations

                                       JOINT APPLICATION

          Sierra Telephone Company, Inc. ("STC") and Sierra Telephone Long Distance ("STLD®)

(jointly, the "214 Holders"), Harry H. Baker, Jr. by John H. Baker as Executor of the Estate of

Harry H. Baker, Jr. ("Transferor"), and John H. Baker, as successor and sole trustee for each of

two trusts that hold a combined 98% of the voting stock of the 214 Holders® controlling company

("Transferee")      hereby   request   approval     of the     Federal                                                   Communications    Commission

("Commission") pursuant to Section 214 of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended, 47

U.S.C. §214, and Sections 1.763, 63.03, 63.04, 63.18, and 63.24(e) of the Commission‘s rules,

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47 C.F.R. §§1.763, 63.03, 63.04, 63.18, and 63.24(e), to transfer control of the Section 214

Holders from Transferor to Transferee.         All parties are collectively referred to herein as the


iA           Combined Application to Transfer Control of Domestic and International Section
             214 Authorizations

             Under Section 63.04(b) of the Commission‘s rules, the Applicants are filing a combined

domestic and international application for the transfer of control of the Section 214

authorizations to the Transferee.

             Applicants do not claim this application qualifies for streamlined processing under

applicable rules; however, if the Commission staff finds that the application so qualifies, it will

be amended as needed to allow for streamlined processing.

IL.          Applicants

             A.     Sierra Telephone Company, Inc.

             STC is a corporation organized under the laws of California. Its address is PO Box 219,

49150 Rd. 426, Oakhurst, CA 93644. STC is authorized by the California Public Utilities

Commission to provide local exchange telephone service as the incumbent local exchange carrier

("ILEC") in portions of Mariposa and Madera Counties, California.

             STC is a wholly owned subsidiary of Sierra Tel Communications Group ("STCG®") (FRN

0011406113) which is a holding company, not a communications service provider. STCG is a

California corporation whose address is the same as that of STC. Stock ownership interests in

STCG are listed in Exhibit A to this application.

             B.     Sierra Telephone Long Distance

             STLD is a corporation formed under the laws of California. Its address is PO Box 1505,

49150 Rd. 426, Oakhurst, CA 93644.            STLD is a reseller of long distance services. STLD

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provides interstate interexchange and international telecommunications services in and around

the area served by STC.

             STLD is a wholly owned subsidiary of STCG.

             C.      Harry H. Baker, Jr. by John H. Baker as Executor of the Estate of Harry H.
                     Baker, Jr.

             Until January 12, 2015, Harry H. Baker, Jr. controlled STC and STLD as the sole trustee

of two trusts, each of which owns 49% of the issued and outstanding common stock of STCG.‘

Mr. Baker was a United States citizen who died April 3, 2015 at the age of 87.

             Other than the telecommunications service providers named in this application, Harry H.

Baker, Jr. did not have a controlling interest in any telecommunications service provider.

             D.     John H. Baker

             John H. Baker is the son of Harry H. Baker, Jr. and is a United States citizen. His address

is PO Box 219, 49150 Rd. 426, Oakhurst, CA 93644. His principal business is communications

and he serves as Vice President of STC, STLD and STCG.

             John H. Baker also serves as the executor of the Estate of Harry H. Baker, Jr.

             Other than the telecommunications service providers named in this application, John H.

Baker does not have a controlling interest in any telecommunications service provider.

III.         Transfer of Control of STC and STLD

             Harry H. Baker, Jr. was aware he was seriously ill. To assure that operations of STC and

STLD continued in capable hands he appointed his son, John H. Baker, as successor and sole

trustee for each of the two trusts that hold a combined 98% of the voting stock of STCG and

resigned as trustee of both trusts effective January 12, 2015. Neither Harry nor John Baker was

‘ There are three classes of stock of STCG, Common, Class A Preferred and Class B Preferred. Only the
common stock has voting rights. Until January 12, 2015, Harry H. Baker, Jr. was the sole trustee ofthe
Harry H. Baker, Jr. 1975 Trust and the Harry H. Baker Revocable Trust (2003), each of which owns 49%
of the common stock of STCG.

1034999. 1                                           3

aware at that time that prior authorization of the Commission was needed for what amounted to a

transfer of control of STC and STLD.

            John H. Baker has served as an officer of STC since 1981, and STLD since 1998.

IV.   Information Required by Section 63.24(e) of the Commission‘s Rules for Transfer of
Control of Section 214 Authorizations

            In furtherance of this application the Applicants submit the specific information pursuant

to Section 63.24(e) of the Commission‘s rules. The following paragraphs refer to Sections (a)

through (d), and (h) through (p), of Section 63.18.

            (a)    Name, address and telephone number of Applicants:

                   214 Holders:

                   Sierra Telephone Company, Inc.
                   PO Box 219, 49150 Rd. 426
                   Oakhurst, CA 93644
                   Attn: John H. Baker, Vice President
                   Tel: 559—683—4611

                   Sierra Telephone Long Distance
                   PO Box 1505, 49150 Rd. 426
                   Oakhurst, CA 93644
                   Attn: John H. Baker, Vice President
                   Tel: 559—683—4611


                   Harry H. Baker, Jr., Decedent
                   Attn: John H. Baker, Executor
                   PO Box 219, 49150 Rd. 426
                   Oakhurst, CA 93644
                   Tel: 559—683—4611


                   John H. Baker
                   c/o Sierra Telephone Company, Inc.
                   PO Box 219, 49150 Rd. 426
                   Oakhurst, CA 93644
                   Tel: 559—683—4611

1034999.1                                           4


            (b)   Both STC and STLD are corporations organized under the laws of California.

            (c)   Correspondence concerning this application should be sent to:

                  For the 214 Holders, Transferor and Transferee:

                  Cindy A. Huber, Vice President Operations
                  Sierra Telephone Company, Inc.
                  PO Box 219, 49150 Rd. 426
                  Oakhurst, CA 93644
                  Tel: 559—683—4611

                  With a copy to:

                  David L. Nace, Esq.
                  Lukas, Nace, Gutierrez & Sachs, LLP
                  8300 Greensboro Drive, Suite 1200
                  McLean, VA 22102
                  Tel: 703—584—8661

            (d)   STLD provides international telecommunications under Section 214 authorization

for global resale in File No. ITC—214—19960718—00321 (Old File No. ITC—96—391). STC and

STLD hold blanket domestic Section 214 authority to provide domestic telecommunications


            (h)   Information responsive to Section 63.18(h) is provided in Exhibit A. Section

63.18(h) also calls for disclosure of any interlocking directorates with a foreign carrier. None of

the Applicants have interlocking directorates with a foreign carrier.

            (i)   Section 63.18(i) calls for a certification as to whether or not the applicants are, or

are affiliated with, a foreign carrier. Applicants hereby certify that none is a foreign carrier and

that none is affiliated with a foreign carrier.

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            (J) Section 63.18(j) calls for a certification as to whether or not the applicant seeks to

provide international telecommunications services to any destination country for which any of

the following is true:

                   (1) The applicant is a foreign carrier in that country. Transferee hereby certifies

he is not a foreign carrier, nor are either of the 214 Holders, a foreign carrier in any destination


                    (2) The applicant controls a foreign carrier in that country. Transferee hereby

certifies neither of the 214 Holders, nor the Transferee, controls a foreign carrier in any

destination country.

                   (3) Any entity that owns more than 25 percent of the applicant, or that controls

the applicant, controls a foreign carrier in that country. Transferee hereby certifies there is no

such interest in the 214 Holders, or controlling interest in the 214 Holders.

                   (4) Two or more foreign carriers (or parties that controlforeign carriers) own, in

the aggregate, more than 25 percent ofthe applicant and are parties to, or the beneficiaries of, a

contractual relation (e.g., a joint venture or market alliance) affecting the provision or

marketing of international basic telecommunications services in the United States. Transferee

hereby certifies that the foregoing statement is not true as relating to either of the 214 Holders or

the Transferee.

            (k)    Section 63.18(k) calls for one of certain showings by the applicant for any

destination country listed by the applicant in response to paragraph (j). Based upon Transferee‘s

certifications in response to Section 63.18(j), no showing is required of Transferee in response to

Section 63.18(j).

            (1)   There is no need for response to Section 63.18(1) which is "reserved" in the

current version of FCC Rules and Regulations.

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            (m)    Transferee hereby responds to Section 63.10(m) by confirming that none of the

Applicants is a foreign carrier, or affiliated with a foreign carrier.           STLD satisfies the

requirements of Section 63.10(a)(1) to be presumptively classified as "non—dominant" for the

provision of international communications services.

            (n)    Transferee certifies that none of the Applicants has agreed to accept special

concessions directly or indirectly from any foreign carrier with respect to any U.S. international

route where the foreign carrier possesses market power on the foreign end of the route and will

not enter into such agreements in the future.

            (0)    With reference to §§ 1.2001 through 1.2003 of the Commission‘s rules,

Applicants certify that no party to the application is subject to a denial of Federal benefits

pursuant to Section 5301 of the Anti—Drug Abuse Act of 1988. See 21 U.S.C. 853a.

            (p)    Applicants note that the local exchange operations of STC serve fewer than 2% of

the subscriber lines installed in the aggregate nationwide, and that the control changes described

in this application result in no new overlapping or adjacent local service areas. While Applicants

do not claim this application qualifies for streamlined processing under applicable rules, it will

be amended to make such a request if the Commission staff deems it permissible.

v.          Additional Information Required by Section 63.04(b) of the Commission‘s Rules or
            Assignment/Transfer of Control

            In response to requirements of Section 63.04(b) of the Commission‘s rules, the additional

information required by Sections 63.04(a)(6) through 63.04(a)(12) is provided in Exhibit B to

this application.

VI.         Conclusion

            Applicants respectfully submit that the public interest, convenience and necessity would

be furthered by grant of this application which will permit a continuation of telecommunications

1034999.1                                           7

services by STC and STLD under the control of Transferee whose qualifications are shown


                                 Respectfully submitted,

                                 SIERRA TELEPHONE COMPANY, INC.

                                 s CSoQ. 0 G.@z—
                                          jhn H. Baker, Vice President

                                 Date:        7//6//?
                                 SIERRA TELEPHONE LONG DISTANCE

                                 leg.0 RQu
                                         ohn H. Baker, Vice President

                                 Date: 7/[@; ((S
                                 HARRY H. BAKER, JR. BY JOHN H. BAKER AS
                                 EXECUTOR OF THE ESTATE OF HARRY H.

                                    KM@ %S-Q—QN
                                         { ohn H. Baker, Executor of the Estate of
                                            arry H. Baker, Jr.

                                 Date:        7\ /(Q)/(f

                                By:                      @ M
                                           Tjansferee as Sole Trustee of the Harry H. Baker,
                                           & . 1975 Trust and as Sole Trustee of the Harry H.
                                           Baker Revocable Trust (2003)

                                Date:        7!(@ I/(S\


                                            Exhibit A

                          SIERRA TEL COMMUNICATIONS GROUP
                                          As of July 13, 2015

Stockholder                           % Common              % Class A      % Class B
Name & Address                        (Voting)              Preferred      Preferred
                                                            (Non—Voting)   (Non—Voting)

Harry H. Baker, Jr. 1975 Trust                49%           42.1%
PO Box 219, 49150 Rd. 426
Oakhurst, CA 93644
Organized in California

       Sole Trustee:

       John H. Baker
       PO Box 219, 49150 Rd. 426
       Oakhurst, CA 93644
       U.S. Citizen


       John H. Baker
       PO Box 219, 49150 Rd. 426
       Oakhurst, CA 93644
       U.S. Citizen

       Marie Verna Baker                                                   49 %
       David Baker
       Heidi Baker
       Heidi Baker, Trustee of the Matthew Baker Trust
       c/o STCG
       PO Box 219
       49150 Rd. 426
       Oakhurst, CA 93644
       Each beneficiary, a U.S. citizen

Harry H. Baker Revocable Trust (2003)        49%           57.9%
PO Box 219, 49150 Rd. 426
Oakhurst, CA 93644
Organized in California

Stockholder                               % Common            % Class A      % Class B
Name & Address                            (Voting)            Preferred      Preferred
                                                              (Non—Voting)   (Non—Voting)

            Sole Trustee:

            John H. Baker
            PO Box 219, 49150 Rd. 426
            Oakhurst, CA 93644
            U.S. Citizen


            John H. Baker
            PO Box 219, 49150 Rd. 426
            Oakhurst, CA 93644
            U.S. Citizen

            Marie Verna Baker                                                49 %
            David Baker
            Heidi Baker
            Heidi Baker, Trustee of the Matthew Baker Trust
            c/o STCG
            PO Box 219
            49150 Rd. 426
            Oakhurst, CA 93644
            Each beneficiary, a U.S. citizen

John H. Baker Revocable Trust                   2%                           2%
PO Box 219, 49150 Rd. 426
Oakhurst, CA 93644
Organized in California

            Sole Trustee:

            John H. Baker
            c/o STCG
            PO Box 219, 49150 Rd. 426
            Oakhurst, CA 93644
            U.S. Citizen

1034999.1                                            10

Stockholder                      % Common   % Class A      % Class B
Name & Address                   (Voting)   Preferred      Preferred
                                            (Non—Voting)   (Non—Voting)


            John H. Baker
            c/o STCG
            PO Box 219
            49150 Rd. 426
            Oakhurst, CA 93644
            U.S. Citizen

            Elizabeth Baker
            c/o STCG
            PO Box 219
            49150 Rd. 426
            Oakhurst, CA 93644
            U.S. Citizen


                                                 Exhibit B

                    Information Required by Sections 63.04(a)(6) through 63.04(a)(12)

       Pursuant to Section 63.04(b) of the Commission‘s rules, Applicants provide the following
information in connection with the proposed transfer of control:

§63.04(a)(6) — Description of the Transfer of Control

            The transfer of control is summarized in Section III of the Application.

§63.04(a)(7) — Description of the Geographic Service Area and Services in Each Area

            Descriptions of the geographic service areas and the services provided in each area are
            provided in Section II.A. and Section II.B. of the Application.

§63.04(a)(8) — Presumption of Non—Dominance and Qualification for Streamlining

            Applicants make no request at this time for streamlined processing of this application.
            See Section IV(p) above.

§63.04(a)(9) — Other Pending Commission Applications Concerning the Subject Transaction

            In separate applications Applicants request special temporary authority for operation of
            the 214 Holders under the control of the Transferee while this application is pending.
            Also, Applicants request authorization of the same transfer of control as to radio licenses
            held by STC (KRR705 in the Industrial/Business Pool, Conventional Radio Service) and
            by Sierra Tel Internet, an affiliate of Applicants (WQK1997 in the 3650—3700 MHz Radio

§63.04(a)(10) — Special Considerations


§63.04(a)(11) — Waiver Requests


§63.04(a)(12) — Public Interest Statement

            As shown herein, Transferee is qualified to control STC and STLD. Authorization of the
            transfer of control described in this application will serve the public interest by allowing
            for a continuation of telecommunications services to customers of STC and STLD.

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Document Created: 2015-07-20 10:06:29
Document Modified: 2015-07-20 10:06:29

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