Attachment Joint Application

This document pretains to ITC-T/C-20150702-00167 for Transfer of Control on a International Telecommunications filing.


                                 Before the
                            Washington, D.C. 20554

In the Matter of                              )
                                              ) WC Docket No. __________
HyperCube Telecom, LLC,                       )
                                              ) IB File No. ______________
West IP Communications, Inc.,                 )
and                                           )
West Corporation                              )
Application for Consent to the Elimination    )
of a Controlling Interest in Companies        )
Holding International Section 214 Authority   )
and Blanket Domestic Section 214 Authority    )
Pursuant to Section 214 of the Communications )
Act of 1934, as Amended                       )


       HyperCube Telecom, LLC (“HyperCube”), West IP Communications, Inc.

(“West IP”) and West Corporation (“West” and, together with HyperCube and West IP,

the “Applicants”) hereby respectfully request authority pursuant to Section 214 of the

Communications Act of 1934, as amended (the “Act”), 47 U.S.C. § 214, and Sections

63.04 and 63.24(e) of the Commission’s Rules, 47 CFR §§ 63.04, 63.24(e) to undertake

one or more stock transactions that may result in the elimination of a controlling interest

in Applicants. The transaction will not result in any loss or impairment of service for any


       Pursuant to Section 63.04(b) of the Commission’s Rules, 47 C.F.R. § 63.04(b),

the Applicants are filing a combined application for the proposed change of control of

HyperCube and West IP. The Applicants provide below the information required by

Sections 63.04(a)(6) through (a)(12) and 63.24(e)(2) of the Commission’s Rules, 47

C.F.R. §§ 63.04(a)(6) through (a)(12), 63.24(e)(2).

       The Applicants request streamlined treatment for this Application. Consistent

with Section 63.03(b)(1)(ii), 47 C.F.R. §63.03(b)(1)(ii), new stockholders in West

resulting from the proposed stock sales will be members of the public and are not

expected to include telecommunications providers. Moreover, this Application is eligible

for streamlined processing pursuant to Section 63.03(b)(2), 47 C.F.R. 63.03(b)(2),

because (i) immediately following the transaction, Applicants (and their Affiliates, as that

term is defined in Section 3(1) of the Act, 47 U.S.C. § 153(1) (“Affiliates”)) will have a

market share in the interstate, interexchange market of less than 10%; and (ii) Applicants

(and their Affiliates) will provide competitive telephone exchange services or exchange

access services (if at all) exclusively in geographic areas served by a dominant local

exchange carrier that is not a party to the transaction.

       Applicants similarly submit that this Application qualifies for streamlined

treatment pursuant to Section 63.12(c) of the Commission’s Rules, 47 C.F.R. § 63.12(c),

because although HyperCube holds a recently granted license from Canada and both

HyperCube and West IP are affiliated with foreign carriers, all West-affiliated foreign

carrier operations are located in World Trade Organization (“WTO”) member countries

and none of the foreign carriers holds market power. Further, Applicants are not

affiliated with any dominant U.S. carrier whose international switched or private line

services HyperCube or West IP seek authority to resell, nor will Applicants be so

affiliated post-close; and, furthermore, none of the other scenarios outlined in Section

63.12(c) of the Commission’s Rules, 47 C.F.R. § 63.12, apply.



       A.      HyperCube

       HyperCube is a Delaware limited liability company located at 3200 W. Pleasant

Run Road, Suite 300, Lancaster, TX 75146. HyperCube provides wholesale local and

national tandem switching and transport services, termination services, toll-free

origination services, and Direct Inbound Dial services to telecommunications and

information service providers, including wireless carriers, wireline CLECs and IXCs,

cable telephony providers, and VoIP providers. HyperCube’s customers are

telecommunications and information service providers, including wireless carriers,

wireline CLECs and IXCs, cable telephony providers, and Voice over Internet Protocol

(“VoIP”) providers.

       HyperCube provides service to its customers using its nationwide optical

backbone network that is both IP- and TDM-based. While HyperCube owns and operates

its own network equipment, it leases transmission lines (including access circuits) from

other carriers. HyperCube’s services are currently available in 47 states1 and the District

of Columbia.

       HyperCube holds blanket domestic Section 214 authority as well as international

Section 214 authority, granted in FCC File No. ITC-214-20050203-00058, to operate as a

global or limited global facilities-based and resale carrier. HyperCube has recently been

1      Alabama, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware,
       Florida, Georgia, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana,
       Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri,
       Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, New
       York, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania,
       Rhode Island, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Vermont,
       Virginia, Washington, West Virginia, Wisconsin, and Wyoming.


granted a Basic International Telecommunications Services (BITS) license from Canada.

           B.     West IP

           West IP is a Delaware corporation located at 401 S. 4th St., Louisville, KY

40202. West IP primarily provides interconnected VoIP services to business customers

in all 50 states plus the District of Columbia.

           West IP holds international Section 214 authority granted in FCC File No. ITC-

214-20110309-00066, to operate as a global or limited global facilities-based and resale


           C.     West

           West is a publically traded (Nasdaq: WSTC) Delaware corporation headquartered at

11808 Miracle Hills Dr, Omaha, NE 68154. West is the direct or indirect parent company

of several subsidiary companies, including HyperCube and West IP. Through its

subsidiaries, West provides a broad range of communications and network infrastructure

solutions to business customers throughout the United States and globally. These services

include emergency communications services, wholesale local and national tandem switching

and transport services, conferencing and other meeting replacement services, alerts and

notification services, automated call processing, and unified communications services. The

voice and data solutions of West's subsidiaries are deployed in a variety of industries,

including telecommunications, banking, retail, financial services, technology and healthcare.

West does not directly hold Section 214 authority or any other telecommunications



       In addition to HyperCube and West IP, West operates through the following

subsidiaries, as relevant to this Application.

       •       Intrado Communications Inc. (“Intrado”) and its wholly-owned
               subsidiary, Intrado Communications of Virginia Inc., currently provide
               telecommunications services in Florida, Louisiana, Nevada, North
               Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Texas, Vermont, and
               Virginia. Intrado or one of its subsidiaries holds certificates or
               registrations to provide local, intrastate toll, or emergency services in all
               U.S. states except for Alaska, Iowa, Maine and New Hampshire.

       •       InterCall, Inc. is a U.S. entity and a private services provider that delivers
               advanced audio, event, web and video conferencing solutions throughout
               the U.S. and outside of the U.S. as well.

       •       InterCall Conferencing Services Limited is a United Kingdom (“UK”)
               entity with authority to provide voice and/or data services in Belgium,
               France, and the UK. 2

       •       InterCall Canada, Inc. is a Canadian entity licensed to provide resold
               voice and/or data services in Canada as well as international services to
               and from Canada.

       •       Preferred One Stop Technologies Limited is a UK entity licensed to
               provide non-conferencing voice and/or data services in the UK.

No other West subsidiaries hold regulatory authority to provide telecommunications

services in the United States.

       West is not a foreign carrier. Certain West subsidiaries, as noted above, are

licensed for telecommunications operations in foreign countries; however, these

subsidiaries operate in WTO countries and do not hold market power.

2      InterCall UK as well as other foreign affiliated companies also provide
       conferencing services worldwide.



       As noted above, West is a publicly-held corporation. West’s primary shareholders

       The THL Funds. Funds managed by Thomas H. Lee Partners, L.P. (the “THL

Funds”)3 currently hold approximately 22% of West. The THL Funds are limited

partnerships and limited liability companies formed under the laws of Delaware. Thomas

H. Lee Partners, L.P. is a private equity firm headquartered at 100 Federal St., 35th Floor,

Boston, MA 02110. All THL entities discussed in this Application are U.S. entities.

       The Quadrangle Funds. Funds affiliated with Quadrangle Group LLC (the

“Quadrangle Funds”)4 currently hold approximately 5% of West. The Quadrangle Funds

are limited partnerships formed under the laws of Delaware. Quadrangle Group LLC is a

private investment firm located at 1065 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY 10018.

All Quadrangle entities discussed in the Application are U.S. entities. Quadrangle’s

current telecommunications investments include the Hargray Group, providing services

in South Carolina and Georgia, the nTelos companies, authorized to provide services in

Virginia and West Virginia, and Access Spectrum, a broker of spectrum in the 700 MHz

3      The THL Funds specifically include Thomas H. Lee Equity Fund VI, L.P.,
       Thomas H. Lee Parallel Fund VI, L.P., Thomas H. Lee Parallel (DT) Fund VI,
       L.P., THL Coinvestment Partners, L.P., THL Equity Fund VI Investors (West),
       L.P., THL Equity Fund VI Investors (West) HL, L.P., Putnam Investment
       Holdings, LLC, and Putnam Investments Employees’ Securities Company III
4      The Quadrangle Funds specifically include Quadrangle Capital Partners II LP,
       Quadrangle Select Partners II LP, and Quadrangle Capital Partners II-A LP. The
       general partner of the Quadrangle Funds is Quadrangle GP Investors II LP, and its
       general partner is QCP GP Investors II LLC. The Quadrangle Funds, Quadrangle
       GP Investors II LP and QCP GP Investors II LLC are affiliated entities of
       Quadrangle Group LLC.


band. Details of these entities are provided as Exhibit A.

       The THL Funds and the Quadrangle Funds have agreed to act together on certain

matters with respect to West and its subsidiaries, including with respect to the election of

directors to West’s Board of Directors.

       The Wests. Gary L. West and Mary E. West (together, the “West Family”) each

hold less than 10% of West. Mr. West and Mrs. West are U.S. citizens; the principal

business of the West Family is investment in publicly traded and privately held

companies. The address of the West Family is 9746 Ascot Drive, Omaha, NE 68114.

       No other entity or individual holds a 10% or greater ownership interest in West. A

diagram showing the current corporate structure of Applicants is provided in Exhibit B.

       Recent Changes to Ownership

       West conducted an initial public offering of shares in early 2013 and the primary

shareholders have released shares into the public markets on subsequent occasions. As a

result of those offerings, the holdings in West of the THL Funds, the Quadrangle Funds and

the West Family have each been reduced; however, at all times, through their combined

shares and control of board seats, the THL Funds and the Quadrangle Funds have

continued to exercise de facto control of West and its subsidiaries.5 Currently, the THL

Funds and the Quadrangle Funds together hold approximately 27% of West and appoint 4

5      Because the THL Funds and the Quadrangle Funds have reached an agreement to
       act in concert on key matters concerning West and its subsidiaries, including the
       exercise of influence over Board of Directors’ seats, we reference their combined
       de facto control in this filing.


board members.6 No other entity or individual holds a 10% or greater ownership interest in


        Upcoming Changes to West’s Board of Directors

        Because West no longer qualifies as a “controlled company” within the meaning of

the corporate governance standards contained in the listing standards of NASDAQ, West is

required to have a Board of Directors consisting of a majority of independent directors on or

before March 16, 2016. As a result, the influence over West’s Board currently held by the

THL Funds and the Quadrangle Funds will be significantly diminished independently from

the reduction of their equity due to stock sales discussed in this Application.


        Subject to regulatory approvals and market conditions, the THL Funds and the

Quadrangle Funds are proposing to further reduce their shares of common stock. The

stock transactions may occur in a variety of ways, including, but not limited to, a series of

secondary market offerings on the open market or through underwriters, dealers or agents

or privately negotiated sales to one or more third parties7; repurchase of shares of

common stock by West8; in-kind distributions; or, other dispositions as may be deemed

appropriate. These stock transactions may (i) materially reduce the total holdings of the

6       The THL Funds have the right to appoint 1 additional board member.
7       Shelf Registration Statement (Including Prospectus) dated March 9, 2015
        available at
8       From time to time, West may repurchase shares of common stock held by the
        THL Funds and the Quadrangle Funds.


THL Funds and the Quadrangle Funds to below 10% of the outstanding voting shares of

West and (ii) eliminate the THL Funds’ and the Quadrangle Funds’ ability to exercise

substantial influence over the policies and actions of West and its subsidiaries through the

appointment of directors to the West Board of Directors. Moreover, in the event West

were to issue shares to third parties other than the THL Funds and the Quadrangle Funds,

the percentage ownership of West held by the THL Funds and the Quadrangle Funds could

drop below 10%. Thus, as a result of a single or a series of transactions, in addition to the

change in Board required by NASDAQ, the THL Funds and the Quadrangle Funds may no

longer have de facto control of West and its subsidiaries. Indeed, it is the expectation of

the THL Funds, the Quadrangle Funds, West and the other Applicants that following the

stock offerings, no single person or entity will hold de jure or de facto control of West

and its subsidiaries.

        While the disposition of additional shares of West common stock are subject to

market conditions, and may or may not be completed during any particular time period,

for purposes of this Application, the Commission may assume that controlling interests

will be disposed of through transactions that will occur within the next 18 to 24 months.

         This Application contemplates that the THL Funds and the Quadrangle Funds

would not sell or allow the sale of their common stock in a coordinated manner so as to

transfer “control” to another entity. Consequently, as contemplated hereby, there is no

expectation that any owner (or owners acting in concert) of West will have indirect

control of the West operating subsidiaries after consummation of the proposed



        The proposed elimination of a controlling interest in Applicants will have no

impact on the rates or services of HyperCube or West IP. The Companies will maintain

the same rates, terms and conditions of their services following any such transaction and

there will be no adverse effect upon the quality of those services. Both companies will

continue to operate pursuant to their respective Section 214 authority. Indeed, the

transaction will be entirely transparent to the customers of HyperCube and West IP. At

the same time, West believes that it will be in a stronger financial position following the

transactions resulting from the increased availability of West’s common stock for trade in

the public market. This improvement in financial resources should inure to the benefit of

the West operating subsidiaries and, ultimately, to the benefit of their customers.


        Pursuant to Section 214 of the Act, control of HyperCube and West IP may not

be transferred unless the Commission finds that “the public interest, convenience and

necessity will be served thereby.” 47 U.S.C. § 214. As discussed below, the transaction

will serve the public interest, as it will yield tangible benefits for the public without

harming customers or competition in any market.

        A.      Public Interest Benefits of the Transaction

        The proposed change to Applicants’ ownership will serve the public interest. As

the Commission has recognized, allowing carriers flexibility to organize and revise their

financial structures is beneficial to consumers. In this case, West anticipates that the

increased availability of its stock in the public market will strengthen its financial

condition and thus provide enhanced financial resources to the West operating

subsidiaries, including HyperCube and West IP. That, in turn, will enable both


HyperCube and West IP to better serve customers in their respective markets.

       B.      The Transaction Will Have No Adverse Impact on Customers

       The proposed transaction will have no adverse impact on HyperCube’s and West

IP’s current customers. These customers will continue to receive their existing services

at the same rates, terms and conditions as at present. Any future changes to the rates,

terms and conditions of service will be made consistent with applicable Commission

requirements. The only significant change following the closing of the transaction from

the customers’ perspective will be that the THL Funds and the Quadrangle Funds will no

longer exercise de facto control over HyperCube and West IP and that change will be


       C.      The Transaction Poses No Competitive Risks for Domestic
               Telecommunications Markets

       Interstate interexchange markets. The proposed elimination of a controlling

interest in Applicants will pose no threat to competition in the domestic interstate

interexchange telecommunications market. HyperCube, West IP and West’s other

operating subsidiaries (as well as any domestic telecommunications affiliates through

Quadrangle) each have a miniscule share of this market. Furthermore, all of the West

subsidiaries and affiliates that provide domestic interstate telecommunications service –

including the nTelos entities and the Hargray incumbent local exchange carrier

subsidiaries – are regulated as nondominant.9 The proposed transaction will not make

9      See Regulatory Treatment Of LEC Provision Of Interexchange Services
       Originating In The LEC’s Local Exchange Area and Policy And Rules
       Concerning The Interstate, Interexchange Marketplace, 12 FCC Rcd. 15756, ¶
       163 (1997) (establishing criteria for independent ILECs to be eligible for
       nondominant regulatory treatment).


any change to the Applicants’ market position or influence.

       Local exchange markets. The Commission approved the current West operations

in 2012 when West acquired Hypercube, recognizing that the combined companies did

not present a threat to local exchange competition. The relinquishment by the THL

Funds and the Quadrangle Funds of their de facto control of West will not reconfigure the

West subsidiary operations nor will it expand their market presence. Consequently,

the proposed transaction will have no adverse effect upon competition in the local

exchange market.

       D.      The Transaction Poses No Competitive Risks for the International

       Finally, the transaction poses no risk of anticompetitive impact on the U.S.

international telecommunications marketplace. HyperCube and the other West

subsidiaries each have a very small share of the international telecommunications market,

and provide international services only on a resale basis. Although certain West

subsidiaries operate as foreign carriers and HyperCube has just been granted a license to

operate in Canada, the countries involved (Belgium, Canada, France and the United

Kingdom) are all WTO countries and the West subsidiaries operating there do not hold

market power. Aside from these subsidiaries, Applicants are not affiliated with a foreign

carrier in any market. This will not change as a result of the proposed transaction.

Consequently, the diminishment of the THL Funds’ and the Quadrangle Funds’ interests in

West will have no adverse effect upon competition in the international

telecommunications market.



       In accordance with the requirements of Section 63.04(b) of the Commission’s

Rules, 47 C.F.R. § 63.04(b), the Applicants provide the following information.

63.04(b)(6):   Description of the Transactions

       The proposed transaction is described in Section III of the Application.

63.04(b)(7):   Description of Geographic Service Area and Services in Each Area

       A description of the geographic service areas and services provided in each area is

included in Section I of the Application.

63.04(b)(8):   Presumption of Non-Dominance and Qualification for Streamlining

       Applicants respectfully submit that this Application is eligible for streamlined

processing pursuant to Section 63.03 of the Commission’s Rules, 47 C.F.R. §63.03.

Consistent with Section 63.03(b)(1)(ii), 47 C.F.R. §63.03(b)(1)(ii), new shareholders in

West resulting from the proposed stock sales are not expected to include

telecommunications providers but instead will be members of the public who acquire

shares in West through the open market. Moreover, this Application is eligible for

streamlined processing pursuant to Section 63.03(b)(2), 47 C.F.R. 63.03(b)(2), because

(i) following the transaction, Applicants and their Affiliates will have a market share in

the interstate, interexchange market of less than 10%; and (ii) Applicants will provide

competitive telephone exchange services or exchange access services (if at all)

exclusively in geographic areas served by a dominant local exchange carrier that is not a

party to the transaction. As noted above, Applicants and their Affiliates are all regulated

as nondominant.


       Finally, and most pragmatically, streamlined treatment of this Application is

appropriate because the proposed stock sales will not result in a new combination of

carrier operations, will not create new affiliations and will not in any other respect affect

the competitive position of the Applicants and their Affiliates. Post-close, the West

operating subsidiaries and their Affiliates will remain just as before, except that the sale

of the Quadrangle Funds’ stock may actually eliminate current affiliations, which is

entirely pro-competitive.

63.04(b)(9):     Other Pending Commission Applications Concerning the Proposed


63.04(b)(10): Special Considerations


63.04(b)(11): Waiver Requests (If Any)


63.04(b)(12): Public Interest Statement

       Consummation of the proposed transaction will serve the public interest for the

reasons detailed in Section IV of the Application.


       The Applicants submit the following information pursuant to Section 63.24(e) of

the Commission’s Rules, 47 C.F.R. § 63.24(e), including the information requested in

Section 63.18:


(a)   Name, address and telephone number of the Applicants:

      HyperCube Telecom, LLC -- Licensee
      3200 W. Pleasant Run Rd, #300
      Lancaster, TX 75146-1086
      Tel: (469) 727-1510
      FRN: 0014485163

      West IP Communications, Inc. -- Licensee
      401 S 4th St.
      Louisville, KY 40202
      Tel: (469) 727-1510
      FRN: 0015480288

      West Corporation
      11808 Miracle Hills Dr.
      Omaha, NE 68154
      Tel: (720) 494-6136
      FRN: 0020792628

(b)   HyperCube is a Delaware limited liability company. West IP and West are
      Delaware corporations.

(c)   Correspondence concerning this Application should be sent to:

      Lynn A. Stang
      Vice President, Deputy General Counsel
      West Corporation
      1601 Dry Creek Drive
      Longmont, CO 80503
      Tel: (720) 494-6136

      with a copy to:

      Stephen A. Augustino
      Winafred R. Brantl
      Kelley Drye & Warren LLP
      3050 K Street, NW
      Washington, DC 20007
      Tel: (202) 342-8400


(d)   HyperCube holds international Section 214 authority, granted in FCC File No.
      ITC-214-20050203-00058, to operate as a global or limited global facilities-based
      and resale carrier. West IP holds international Section 214 authority, granted in
      FCC File No. ITC-214-20110309-00066, to operate as a global or limited global
      facilities-based and resale carrier. West does not hold any Section 214 authority.

(h)   Post-close, HyperCube and West IP will remain wholly-owned subsidiaries of West,
      located at 11808 Miracle Hills Dr, Omaha, NE 68154. West is a U.S. company with
      a principal business of communications.

      Following the transaction described herein, Applicants do not expect that there will
      be any individuals or entities holding a 10% or greater interest in West and thus a
      10% or greater interest in HyperCube and West IP. In the event that such an
      aggregate holding should emerge, Applicants will promptly notify the Commission.

      Applicants have interlocking directorates with foreign carriers as follows:

         Nancee R. Berger is Chief Operating Officer and a Director for HyperCube
         and West IP as well as for InterCall Canada, Inc., InterCall Conferencing
         Services Limited and Preferred One Stop Technologies Limited.

         Rodney Kempkes is Chief Administrative Officer for HyperCube and West IP
         as well as for InterCall Canada, Inc., InterCall Conferencing Services Limited
         and Preferred One Stop Technologies Limited

         Jan D. Madsen is Chief Financial Officer, Treasurer and a Director for
         HyperCube and West IP as well as for InterCall Canada, Inc., InterCall
         Conferencing Services Limited and Preferred One Stop Technologies Limited.

         David C. Mussman is Secretary for HyperCube and West IP as well as for
         InterCall Canada, Inc., InterCall Conferencing Services Limited and Preferred
         One Stop Technologies Limited.

         Tom Barker is Chief Executive Officer for HyperCube and West IP as well as
         for InterCall Canada, Inc. He is also a Director for HyperCube and West IP as
         well as for InterCall Canada, Inc., InterCall Conferencing Services Limited and
         Preferred One Stop Technologies Limited.

(i)   Applicants certify that with the exception of HyperCube, which holds a license to
      operate in Canada, they are not foreign carriers. Post-close, Applicants will
      continue to be affiliated with foreign carriers operating in Belgium, Canada,
      France, and the United Kingdom.


(j)   HyperCube holds a license to operate in Canada. West and West IP are not
      foreign carriers. West controls — and HyperCube and West IP are thereby
      affiliated with — the foreign carriers listed below:

         Country              Carrier
         Belgium              InterCall Conferencing Services Limited
         Canada               InterCall Canada, Inc.
         Canada               HyperCube Telecom, LLC
         France               InterCall Conferencing Services Limited
         United Kingdom       InterCall Conferencing Services Limited
         United Kingdom       Preferred One Stop Technologies Limited

(k)   All of the countries listed in response to 63.18(j) above are members of the World
      Trade Organization.

(l)   Not applicable.

(m)   Post-close, HyperCube and West IP continue to qualify for non-dominant carrier
      status on all international routes. HyperCube and each of the other foreign carrier
      affiliates lacks 50% market share in the fixed local access and international
      transport markets on the foreign end of the routes.

(n)   Applicants certify that they have not agreed to accept special concessions directly
      or indirectly from any foreign carrier with respect to any U.S. international route
      where the foreign carrier possesses market power on the foreign end of the route,
      and they will not enter into such agreements in the future.

(o)   Applicants certify that, pursuant to Sections 1.2001 through 1.2003 of the
      Commission’s Rules, they are not subject to a denial of Federal benefits pursuant
      to Section 5301 of the Anti-Drug Abuse Act of 1988.

(p)   Applicants request streamlined processing of this Application pursuant to
      Section 63.12 of the Commission’s Rules, 47 C.F.R. § 63.12. Post-close,
      Applicants will continue to be affiliated with the foreign carriers identified in the
      response to (j) above. HyperCube will continue to hold a license to operate in
      Canada. Neither HyperCube nor any of the other foreign carrier affiliates
      possesses 50% market share in the international transport or local access markets
      in their respective countries. Accordingly, HyperCube and West IP qualify for
      non-dominant treatment on all international routes.



       Based on the foregoing, the Applicants respectfully submit that the public interest,

convenience, and necessity would be furthered by grant of this Application.

                                 Respectfully submitted,

                                 HYPERCUBE TELECOM, LLC,
                                 WEST IP COMMUNICATIONS, INC.
                                 WEST CORPO     ION

Date: CD{’)_‘% |5
                                 David C. Mussman ~          *
                                 Executive Vice President, Secretary and
                                 General Counsel of West Corporation
                                 11808 Miracle Hills Dr.
                                 Omaha, NE 68154
                                 Tel: (402) 963—1487
                                 demussman (QWCSI.CO]T!

                                 Stephen A. Augustino
                                 Winafred R. Brantl
                                 Kelley Drye & Warren LLP
                                 3050 K. Street, NW
                                 Washington, DC 20007
                                 Tel: (202) 342—8400

                                 Their Attorney

                          LIST OF EXHIBITS

EXHIBIT A – List of Quadrangle’s Telecommunications Investments

EXHIBIT B – Pre- and Post-Transaction Corporate Structure of Applicants


                                Exhibit A


 Quadrangle holds a 10% or greater interest or otherwise holds effective control
 over the domestic telecommunications entities listed below. As discussed in the
 Application, these holdings do not present any risk to market competition.

 •      Hargray. Hargray Communications Group, Inc. (“Hargray”) is an
        integrated telecommunications provider serving southeastern South
        Carolina and southeastern Georgia both directly and through its
        subsidiaries. All Hargray entities are U.S. entities. Hargray’s
        telecommunications subsidiaries include:

        •      Hargray Telephone Company, Inc., a rural ILEC operating in
               Hilton Head, Hardeeville, and Jasper, South Carolina;

        •      Bluffton Tel. Co. Inc., a rural ILEC operating in Bluffton, South

        •      Hargray of Georgia, Inc., a CLEC in Georgia;

        •      Hargray, Inc., a CLEC in South Carolina; and

        •      Low Country Carriers, Inc. (d/b/a Hargray Long Distance), a toll
               reseller operating in Georgia and South Carolina.

 •      NTELOS. NTELOS provides wireless communications services through
        its subsidiaries to consumers and businesses in Virginia and West
        Virginia. All NTELOS entities are U.S. entities.

 •      Access Spectrum, LLC. Access Spectrum holds undeployed spectrum
        assets in the 700 MHz band.

Pre-and Post-Transaction Corporate Structure of Applicants

                        Current West Corporate Structure

                                                                    Other Shareholders
               THL Funds            Quadrangle Funds                   (each < 10%)

                        22%                        5%                             73%

                                  West Corporation

                        100%                                100%

                                                        Rubik Acquisition
West IP Communications, Inc.                              Company, LLC
                                 100%                                                    74%

                                  Annex Holdings              26%       HyperCube, LLC
                                     HC LLC

                                                                    HyperCube Telecom, LLC

          West Corporate Structure After Proposed Transaction

                                West Corporation

                         100%                             100%

                                                      Rubik Acquisition
West IP Communications, Inc.
                                                        Company, LLC
                                      100%                                       74%

                                     Annex Holdings         26%       HyperCube, LLC
                                        HC LLC

                                                                  HyperCube Telecom, LLC



         Being first duly sworn the undersigned, Charles P. Holden, deposes and states that he is

Managing Director of THL Holdco, LLC; that he is authorized to make this verification on

behalf of Thomas H. Lee Equity Fund VI, L.P,, Thomas H. Lee Parallel Fund VI, L.P., Thomas

H. Lee Parallel (DT) Fund VI, L.P., THL Equity Fund VI Investors (West), L.P., THL Equity

Fund VI Investors (West) HL, L.P., Putnam Investment Holdings, LLC, and Putnam Investments

Employees' Securities Company III LLC; that he has read the foregoing Application and knows

the contents thereof; and that to the best of his information and knowledge, the facts stated in the

Application with respect to the above-listed entities are true and correct.

                                                        Charles P, Holden

State   of WlaJsaüu'¿efln

City/County   of                           lK
Sworn and subscribed to before me               this   day of July 2015

Notarized By
My Commission exp ires:         Otvil
                                -t              zl     ZDtt,
                   CHRISTINE M. DONALD
                           Notary Public
                     My   Co¡mission ExPites


       Being first duly sworn the undersigned, Michael A. Huber, deposes and states that he is

President and Managing Principal of QCP GP Investors II LLC; that he is authorized to make

this verification on behalf of Quadrangle Capital Partners II LP, Quadrangle Select Partners II

LP and Quadrangle Capital Partners II—A LP; that he has read the foregoing Application and

knows the contents thereof; and that to the best of his information and knowledge, the facts

stated in the Application with respect to the above—listed entities are true and correct.

                                                   M ie
                                                  Michael A. Huber

State of {‘\}{’W Uoy k

City/County of      |\J¥Aw   »rk

Sworn and subscribed to before mé this |_ day of July 2015.

Notarized By:    m\f
My Commission evk;;}es:       /4[))’!" L;}?o\"?

                No. 010L6322553
            Qualified in Kings County
        My Commission Explres April 06, 2019

Document Created: 2015-07-02 13:29:35
Document Modified: 2015-07-02 13:29:35

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