Attachment Joint Application

This document pretains to ITC-T/C-20150612-00146 for Transfer of Control on a International Telecommunications filing.


                                      Before the
                                 Washington, D.C. 20554

In the Matter of the Joint Application of                )
TeleGuam Holdings, LLC                                   )      WC Docket No. 15-_______
        Licensee                                         )
                                                         )      IB File No. ______________
AP TeleGuam Holdings, Inc.                               )
        Transferor                                       )
and                                                      )
Telekomunikasi Indonesia International (USA) Inc.,       )
        Transferee                                       )
For Grant of Authority to Complete a Transfer of Control )
of the Licensee Pursuant to Section 214                  )
of the Communications Act of 1934, as Amended, and       )
Sections 63.04 and 63.24 of the Commission’s Rules       )
_______________________________________________ )


        TeleGuam Holdings, LLC (“TeleGuam”); AP TeleGuam Holdings, Inc. (“AP TG”); and

Telekomunikasi Indonesia International (USA) Inc. (“Telkom USA”) (collectively, the “Appli-

cants”) hereby respectfully request authority, pursuant to Section 214 of the Communications

Act of 1934, as amended (the “Act”), 47 U.S.C. § 214, and Sections 63.04 and 63.24 of the

Federal Communications Commission’s (“Commission”) Rules, 47 CFR §§ 63.04, 63.24(3), to

transfer control of TeleGuam to Telkom USA.

        TeleGuam, a wholly-owned subsidiary of AP TG, serves as the incumbent local exchange

provider in Guam and provides local, long distance and wireless services in Guam. TeleGuam

holds Section 214 authorization to provide international telecommunications services and


provides interstate telecommunications services pursuant to blanket domestic Section 214

authorization under Section 63.01 of the Commission’s Rules. 47 C.F.R. § 63.01.1 Telkom USA

is a U.S. communications company, incorporated under the laws of Delaware, and is a wholly

owned direct subsidiary of PT Telekomunikasi Indonesia International (“Telin”), a holding

company, and a wholly owned, indirect subsidiary of PT Telekomunikasi Indonesia Tbk (“PT

Telkom Indonesia”), the semi-privatized, majority state-owned telecommunications and network

service provider in Indonesia. Telkom USA has a pending application for Section 214 authority

to provide facilities-based and resold international services. 2

        As discussed in more detail below, the Applicants and certain individuals and entities

holding the direct and indirect interests in AP TG have entered into an agreement whereby

Telkom USA will acquire all of the ownership interests in AP TG and, indirectly, in TeleGuam.

The transaction will not result in any loss or impairment of service for any TeleGuam customers

and will have no adverse effects upon competition in Guam, the rest of the United States, or

abroad. Indeed, as a result of the proposed transaction, TeleGuam will enjoy access to the

financial and technical resources of PT Telkom Indonesia and its subsidiaries as well as greater

opportunities to collaborate on international communications ventures. Consequently, although

the transaction will result in a change in the ultimate ownership of TeleGuam, the Commission

should find that the transaction will serve the public interest.

        TeleGuam holds four wireless licenses and two short-term de facto spectrum leases from the
        Commission. Applicants are concurrently filing applications for Commission consent to
        transfer control under Section 310(d) of the Act of these wireless licenses and leases as well
        as any licenses subsequently granted to TeleGuam. See FCC File Number 0006489830
        (requesting consent for Club 42 CM Limited Partnership to assign three wireless licenses to
        IB File No. ITC-214-20140918-00265.


        Pursuant to Section 63.04(b) of the Commission’s Rules, 47 C.F.R. § 63.04(b), the Ap-

plicants are filing a combined domestic and international application for the proposed transfer of

control of TeleGuam. The Applicants provide below the information required by Sections

63.24(e)(2) and 63.04(a)(6) through (a)(12) of the Commission’s Rules, 47 C.F.R. §§

63.24(e)(2), 63.04(a)(6-12).

        The Applicants respectfully request streamlined treatment for this Application, pursuant

to Sections 63.03 and 63.12 of the Commission’s Rules, 47 CFR §§ 63.03, 63.12. This Applica-

tion is eligible for streamlined processing pursuant to Section 63.03 because Telkom USA, the

transferee, will not provide domestic telecommunications services in Guam, TeleGuam serves

fewer than two (2) percent of nationwide U.S. subscriber lines and, combined, Telkom USA and

TeleGuam will hold less than a ten percent share of the interstate interexchange market. Thus the

transaction presents no risk of competitive harm in Guam or elsewhere. The Application quali-

fies for streamlined processing pursuant to Section 63.12 because, although TeleGuam will be

affiliated with foreign carriers post-close, none of those carriers holds market power except in

Indonesia, and TeleGuam accepts dominant carrier status for the U.S.-Indonesia route. Alterna-

tively, for the reasons set forth above, Applicants request streamlined treatment on a case-by-

case approach, and for the Commission to process this Application using similar timeframes for

comments and approvals as would be used for an Application granted streamlined processing. 3

        See Implementation of Further Streamlining Measures for Domestic 214 Authorizations,
        Report and Order, 17 FCC Rcd 5517, ¶ 34 (2002).



        A.      TeleGuam Holdings, LLC (“TeleGuam”) & AP TeleGuam Holdings, Inc.
                (“AP TG”)

        TeleGuam is a limited liability company formed under the laws of Delaware. Its principal

place of business is 624 North Marine Corps Dr., Tamuning, GU 96913.

        TeleGuam operates as the incumbent local exchange carrier in Guam, following its win-

ning bid in the privatization of Guam’s state-owned network.4 TeleGuam provides local wireline,

long distance (both international and domestic) and wireless services in Guam. TeleGuam also

provides video services and Internet access services within Guam.

        Currently, TeleGuam is a wholly-owned subsidiary of AP TG, a Delaware holding com-

pany. Approximately 92% of AP TG is held by three private investment funds: AP Cayman

Partners II, L.P., Advantage Partners IV, ILP, and Japan Ireland Investment Partners (collective-

ly, the “AP Entities”).5 A diagram of the pre-transaction corporate structure of TeleGuam and AP

TG is provided hereto as Exhibit A.

        B.      Telekomunikasi Indonesia International (USA) Inc. (“Telkom USA”)

        Telkom USA is a corporation organized under the laws of Delaware. Its principal place

of business is The Bloc Executive Suites, 700 S Flower Street, 11th Floor, Office No. 36, 37A-B,

Los Angeles, CA 90017.

        Telkom USA’s immediate parent company is Telin, a company organized under the laws

of Indonesia. Telkom USA is a wholly owned subsidiary of Telin, which in turn is wholly

owned by PT Telkom Indonesia. Telin is Telkom USA’s direct parent and holding company of
        In 2012, GTA Telecom, LLC, GTA Services, LLC and Pulse Mobile, LLC merged into
        TeleGuam, with TeleGuam surviving and holding all FCC telecommunications authoriza-
        tions and licenses.
        See Notification Regarding Pro Forma Change in Indirect Ownership of TeleGuam
        Holdings, LLC, ITC-T/C-20150427-00100 (filed April 27, 2015).


PT Telkom Indonesia’s operating subsidiaries outside of Indonesia. These subsidiaries provide

telecommunications, broadband and information services as well as media and edutainment

offerings on a wholesale and end user basis in multiple countries. The Telin subsidiaries outside

the U.S. serve as Mobile Virtual Network Operators (“MVNO”) in Malaysia, Hong Kong,

Macau and Saudi Arabia, and as a Mobile Network Operator (“MNO”) in Timor Leste. Telkom

companies also provide Business-Process Outsourcing (“BPO”) services in Australia and New

Zealand and manage other telecommunications-related businesses in Taiwan and Myanmar.

        Telkom USA’s ultimate parent, PT Telkom Indonesia,6 is Indonesia’s largest provider of

telecommunications and network services, delivering a full range of communications services,

including wireline, wireless, interconnection, Internet and data services. In support of enhanced

global connectivity, PT Telkom Indonesia, beyond the businesses engaged in by Telin and its

subsidiaries,   is collaborating to develop an inter-regional and intercontinental gateway via

submarine cable communications systems. 7 Collectively, the PT Telkom Indonesia companies’

undertakings have met with measurable success. Illustrative of this, PT Telekom Indonesia’s

2014 annual report listed double-digit growth in revenues, EBITDA and net income for its core

        PT Telkom Indonesia is a licensee on the Asia America Gateway Consortium (“AAG”)
        submarine cable system. See FCC File No. SCL-LIC-20070824-00015 (July 3, 2008).
        Telin and Telkom USA are members of a consortium that announced in August 2014
        plans to build a new submarine cable system (SEA-US) linking areas and territories of
        Manado (Indonesia), Davao (Philippines), Piti (Guam), Oahu (Hawaii), and Los Angeles.
        The system will be approximately 9000 miles in length and will avoid earthquake-prone
        areas in East Asia, thereby helping to ensure stable connectivity. Globe Telecom, RAM
        Telecom International (RTI), Hawaiian Telcom, GTI Corp. (a member of the Globe Tele-
        com group of companies), and TeleGuam Holdings (GTA) are also members of the con-
        sortium. See
        build-sea-us-undersea-cable-system.html. Last visited on June 6, 2015.


mobile business operations.8 The Government of the Republic of Indonesia owns 52.56 % of PT

Telkom Indonesia.

        Telkom USA was formed in 2013 to provide communications services in the U.S. The

company has a pending application for international Section 214 authority to provide facilities-

based and resold services to all international points.9 A diagram of the pre-transaction corporate

structure of Telkom USA is provided hereto as Exhibit B.


        Pursuant to the terms of an Agreement and Plan of Merger (“Agreement”) dated May 29,

2015, Telkom USA will acquire all of the ownership interests in AP TG, including indirect

ownership of TeleGuam. Specifically, Merger Sub will merge with and into AP TG and AP TG

will be the surviving entity. As a result of this merger, AP TG will become a direct wholly-

owned subsidiary of Telkom USA; and TeleGuam (the licensee), will become an indirect whol-

ly-owned subsidiary of Telkom USA.

        The transaction will be transparent to TeleGuam’s customers. All existing customers of

TeleGuam will continue to be served by TeleGuam pursuant to its existing authorizations as well

as its existing tariffs and contracts. The Applicants intend that TeleGuam’s existing management

team and personnel will remain in place, ensuring that TeleGuam’s managerial, technical and

operational standards will be maintained. The only change resulting from the transaction from

the current organization of TeleGuam will be that TeleGuam will ultimately be owned by

Telkom USA and its parents rather than AP Entities. Following closing, TeleGuam will enjoy

access to the considerable financial and technical resources of PT Telkom Indonesia companies

        Telkom Indonesia 2014 Annual Report: Sustainable Competitive Growth Through
        Digital Business P. 2-3 (Mar. 26, 2015).
        IB File No. ITC-214-20140918-00265 (currently under review by Team Telecom).


as well as a heightened opportunity to collaborate on international communications ventures. PT

Telkom Indonesia, through its subsidiaries Telin and Telkom USA, is financially well-qualified

to become the new ultimate owner of TeleGuam, and TeleGuam will be able to maintain and

advance its state-of-the-art infrastructure and bring even more innovative service offerings to

customers in Guam.

        A diagram of the post-closing corporate structure of the Applicants is provided hereto as

Exhibit C.


        Pursuant to Section 214 of the Act, the Commission will approve a proposed transfer of

control of an authorization if it concludes that, after balancing the potential benefits and harms,

doing so serves the public interest, convenience, and necessity. 10 The Commission will inquire

whether the proposed transaction complies with relevant provisions of the Act, other applicable

statutes, and the Commission’s Rules, including whether the proposed transferee is qualified to

hold the authorizations.

        Consistent with its Rules and precedents, the Commission should find that the proposed

transaction is in the public interest and approve this Application. Telkom USA is well qualified

to become the new owner of TeleGuam. Telkom USA benefits from the considerable financial,

managerial, operational, and technical resources both of its ultimate parent, Telkom Indonesia,

and its immediate parent, Telin, as well as the numerous Telkom Group operating subsidiaries.

As a result of its proposed new ownership, TeleGuam will enjoy access to these resources as

well. Moreover, TeleGuam and the Telkom companies will be positioned to collaborate more

        47 U.S.C. § 214.


effectively in efforts to develop and introduce new services to customers and expand global

network facilities and capabilities.

        At the same time, TeleGuam will maintain and even improve its quality of service and

will continue to operate pursuant to existing service arrangements and authority. The transaction

will be effectively transparent to TeleGuam’s customers and those customers will incur no loss

or diminishment of service whatsoever.

        The transaction also poses no threat to competition in Guam, the national U.S. market, or

abroad. The Telkom companies do not operate in Guam and thus there will be no concentration

of resources or elimination of competitors in that market. Instead, the communications market

sectors in Guam will remain highly competitive. Additionally, even combined, Telkom USA and

TeleGuam will hold well below ten (10) percent of the interstate interexchange market in the

U.S.11 Post-close, TeleGuam will be affiliated with a number of foreign carriers. Of all the

Telkom Indonesia companies, only PT Telkom Indonesia and, its mobile telephone subsidiary,

PT Telekomunikasi Selular (“Telkomsel”), both operating in Indonesia, have market share above

50 percent in their respective product markets. Both companies are subject to Indonesian

regulation designed to promote competition and curb potential abuses. Telkom USA accepts

dominant status and the related regulatory obligations, under FCC regulation, on the Indonesian

route. For the foregoing reasons, the transaction presents no adverse competitive effect.

        Transactions resulting in material foreign ownership of a U.S. carrier can raise additional

concerns triggering increased scrutiny to ensure they do not present a threat to national security

or raise law enforcement concerns although only in “very rare circumstances” will such national

security and foreign policy considerations outweigh the presumption established by the Commis-
        Indeed, at this time, Telkom USA does not provide any interexchange services in the
        United States.


sion in favor of open entry into the U.S. communications markets.12 In this regard, TeleGuam

and AP TG have already been vetted by the U.S. Department of Justice, U.S. Department of

Defense and U.S. Department of Homeland Security (collectively, the “Executive Branch

Agencies”) when the AP Entities in 2011 obtained indirect control of TeleGuam. That review

resulted in the creation of a Security Agreement, which AP TG and TeleGuam have strictly

followed since it was instituted in 2011. The Applicants submit that this transaction raises no

additional concerns. Simultaneously with this Application, the Applicants intend to initiate

discussions with the Executive Branch Agencies to address any concerns about national security,

foreign policy, or related issues.

        The Applicants anticipate that, following closing of the transaction, AP TG and

TeleGuam will continue to be subject to the existing Security Agreement, or a modified Security

Agreement. The transfer of indirect control of TeleGuam to Telkom USA will not alter the

security protections in that Security Agreement. Accordingly, any national security concerns

pertaining to TeleGuam’s operations will remain safeguarded after closing, the same way as they

are at present. Telkom USA understands the importance of ensuring TeleGuam continues to

operate in a manner that protects national security and supports law enforcement. The Executive

Branch Agencies are already well acquainted with Telkom USA as a result of their ongoing

independent review of its pending Section 214 application. Telkom USA fully intends to contin-

ue working with the Executive Branch Agencies in connection with the instant applications to

ensure that any concerns the Executive Branch Agencies may have concerning the acquisition of

        See Rules and Policies on Foreign Participation in the U.S. Telecommunications Market,
        Report and Order and Order on Reconsideration, 12 FCC Rcd 23891, ¶ 113 (1997)
        (“Foreign Participation Order”).


control of TeleGuam are properly addressed through the existing Security Agreement, and if

necessary, any appropriate revisions to that agreement.

        In the event that the Executive Branch Agencies should intervene in the Commission re-

view of this Application, the Applicants will cooperate fully to resolve the agencies’ concerns

with the instant application and to negotiate any amendments to the Security Agreement that may

be deemed necessary. For this reason, Applicants would not object to the Commission’s making

approval of the proposed transaction contingent upon Applicants’ compliance with the existing

Security Agreement and any amendments of the Security Agreement deemed appropriate.


        The Applicants submit the following information pursuant to Section 63.24(e) of the

Commission’s Rules, including the information requested in Section 63.18:

        (a)     Name, address and telephone number of each Applicant:

        Telekomunikasi Indonesia International (USA) Inc.        FRN: 0023747660
        The Bloc Executive Suites
        700 S Flower Street
        11th Floor, Office No. 36, 37A-B
        Los Angeles, CA 90017
        Tel: 202-813-7569
        FRN: 0023747660

        TeleGuam Holdings, LLC                                   FRN: 0011458999
        624 North Marine Corps. Dr.
        Tamuning, GU 96913
        Tel: 671-687-9363
        FRN: 0011458999

        AP TeleGuam Holdings, Inc.                               FRN: 0020386967
        c/o 160 Greentree Drive, Suite 101
        Dover, DE 19904
        Tel: 302-674-4089
        FRN: 0020386967


        (b)     Government, State, or Territory Under the Laws of Which Each Applicant is

Organized. Telkom USA is a Delaware corporation. TeleGuam is a Delaware limited liability

company. AP TG is a Delaware corporation.

        (c)     Correspondence concerning the Application should be sent to:

For TeleGuam and AP TG:                                  with a copy to:

Daniel J. Tydingco, EVP-Legal & Regulatory               Russell M. Blau
TeleGuam Holdings, LLC                                   Danielle C. Burt
624 North Marine Corps Drive                             Morgan, Lewis & Bockius LLP
Tamuning, GU 96913                                       2020 K Street, N.W.
671-687-9363 (Tel)                                       Washington, DC 20006-1806
671-644-0010 (Fax)                                       Tel: 202-373-6000                                       Fax: 202-373-6001

For Telkom USA:                                          with a copy to:

Mr. Gabriel Eka Dhany Widjajanta                         Edward A. Yorkgitis, Jr.
VP Corporate Secretary                                   Denise N. Smith
Menara Jamsostek, North Tower 24th Floor                 Kelley Drye & Warren, LLP
Jl. Jend. Gatot Subroto Kav. 38                          3050 K Street, NW
Jakarta 12710 - Indonesia                                Washington, DC 20007
Tel: +62 21 2995 2300                                    Tel: 202.342.8400
Fax: +62 21 5296 2358                                    Fax: 202-342-8451                              

        (d)     Section 214 Authorizations. TeleGuam holds blanket domestic Section 214 au-

thority pursuant to 47 C.F.R. § 63.01, and international Section 214 authority to provide global,

or limited global, facilities-based and resold services granted in FCC File Nos. ITC-214-

200411170045313 and ITC-214-20060202-00082.14 Telkom USA has a pending application for

        This authorization was assigned to TeleGuam as a result of a pro forma merger between
        TeleGuam and GTA Services, LLC. See IB File No. ITC-ASG-20120525-00138.
        This authorization was assigned to TeleGuam as a result of a pro forma merger between
        TeleGuam and Pulse Mobile, LLC. See IB File No. ITC-ASG-20120525-00137.


international Section 214 authority, under review in FCC File No. ITC-214-20140918-00265, to

provide facilities-based and resold services to all international points. AP TG does not hold

Section 214 authority.

        (h)     Ownership Information. Post-close, TeleGuam will remain a direct wholly-

owned subsidiary of AP TG, a Delaware holding company located at the address provided in (a)

above. AP TG will be a direct wholly owned subsidiary of Telkom USA, a Delaware corporation

located at the address provided in (a) above. Telkom USA’s principal business is telecommuni-

cations. The following individuals or entities hold a 10 percent or greater interest in Telkom

USA and thus will hold a 10 percent or greater interest in TeleGuam post-close:

                PT Telekomunikasi Indonesia International (“TELIN”)
                Menara Jamsostek, North Tower 24th Floor
                Jl. Jend. Gatot Subroto Kav. 38
                Jakarta 12710 - Indonesia
                Citizenship – Indonesia
                Principal Business – Telecommunications
                Resulting interest in TeleGuam: 100% (indirect)

        TELIN holds 100% of the direct ownership of Telkom USA. TELIN is wholly-owned by:

                PT Telekomunikasi Indonesia Tbk (“PT Telkom”)
                Jl. Japati No. 1
                Bandung 40133 – Indonesia
                Citizenship - Indonesia
                Principal Business - Telecommunications
                Resulting interest in TeleGuam: 100% (indirect)

        The Government of the Republic of Indonesia holds a 52.56% direct interest in PT

Telkom. The remaining 47.44% ownership of PT Telkom is widely held and no other entity or

individual or entity holds more than 5% of PT Telkom. TeleGuam has no interlocking direc-

torates with any foreign carrier. Telkom USA has the following interlocking directorates:

        • Tulus Sudarsono is a director of Telkom USA and of Telekomunikasi Indonesia Inter-
          national (TL), S.A.


        • Budi Satria Dharma Purba is a director of Telkom USA and of Telekomunikasi Indo-
          nesia International (Malaysia) Sdn. Bhd.

        (i)     Applicants certify that they are not foreign carriers. Post-close, Applicants will be

affiliated with foreign carriers in Indonesia, Singapore, Hong Kong, Timor Leste, Taiwan, and


        (j)     Applicants are not foreign carriers in any market and do not control an entity that

is a foreign carrier in any market. Post-close, entities that both control and own more than

twenty-five percent (25%) of Applicants will also either: (i) control foreign carriers; and/or (ii)

own more than twenty-five percent (25%) of the foreign carriers listed below:

         Country            Carrier
         Indonesia          Perusahaan Perseroan (Persero) PT Telekomunikasi Indonesia Tbk
                            trades as “PT Telekomunikasi Indonesia Tbk.”
         Indonesia          PT Telekomunikasi Selular

         Indonesia          PT Telekomunikasi Indonesia International

         Indonesia          PT Citra Sari Makmur (“CSM”), Jakarta

         Indonesia          PT Multimedia Nusantara

         Indonesia          PT Patra Telekomunikasi Indonesia

         Indonesia          PT Satelit Multimedia Indonesia

         Singapore          Telekomunikasi Indonesia International Pte. Ltd.

         Hong Kong          Telekomunikasi Indonesia International (Hong Kong) Ltd.,

         Timor Leste        Telekomunikasi Indonesia International (TL) S.A.

         Taiwan             Telkom Taiwan Limited

         Malaysia           Telekomunikasi Indonesia International (Malaysia) Sdn. Bhd.


        (k)     All of the countries listed in response to section 63.18(i) above, with the excep-

tion of Timor Leste, are members of the World Trade Organization. With respect to Timor Leste,

Applicant’s post-close foreign carrier affiliate, Telekomunikasi Indonesia International (TL)

S.A., lacks market power in that country.

        (l)     Not applicable.

        (m)     Post-close, TeleGuam qualifies for non-dominant carrier status on all international

routes with the exception of Indonesia. Each of its foreign carrier affiliates (except in Indonesia)

lacks 50% market share in the fixed local access and international transport markets on the

foreign end of the route. Perusahaan Perseroan (Persero) PT Telekomunikasi Indonesia Tbk.

trading as PT Telekomunikasi Indonesia Tbk., is the incumbent telecommunications service

provider in Indonesia and its mobile telephone subsidiary, Telkomsel, has market share above 50

percent in its product market. Accordingly, TeleGuam certifies that it will comply with the

dominant safeguards in Section 63.10 of the Commission’s rules with respect to TeleGuam’s

provision of international service between the United States and Indonesia.

        (n)     As evidenced by the signatures of Applicants’ representatives to this Application,

Applicants certify that they have not agreed to accept special concessions directly or indirectly

from any foreign carrier with respect to any U.S. international route where the foreign carrier

possesses market power on the foreign end of the route, and they will not enter into such agree-

ments in the future.

        (o)     As evidence by the signatures of Applicants’ representatives to this Application,

Applicants certify that, pursuant to Sections 1.2001 through 1.2003 of the Commission’s Rules,

they are not subject to a denial of Federal benefits pursuant to Section 5301 of the Anti-Drug

Abuse Act of 1988.


        (p)          Applicants respectfully request streamlined processing of this Application pursu-

ant to Section 63.12 of the Commission’s Rules, 47 C.F.R. § 63.12. This Application qualifies

for streamlined treatment under Section 63.12 for the following reasons:

              (i)        Post-close, Applicants will be affiliated with the foreign carriers identified in
                         response to (j) above. None of the foreign carrier affiliates possesses 50%
                         market share in the international transport or local access markets in those
                         countries except Applicants’ foreign carrier affiliates in Indonesia. Accord-
                         ingly, TeleGuam qualifies for non-dominant treatment or a presumption of
                         non-dominant treatment, under Section 63.10(a)(3), on all routes except U.S.-
                         Indonesia and with respect to these destination countries the Application
                         qualifies for streamlined processing pursuant to Section 63.12(c)(1)(ii).

              (ii)       With regard to Indonesia, post-close, TeleGuam will be affiliated with
                         Telkom Indonesia, the incumbent telecommunications provider in that coun-
                         try and Telkomsel. Indonesia is a WTO member and TeleGuam agrees to ac-
                         cept dominant carrier classification on the U.S.-Indonesia route. Accordingly,
                         with respect to Indonesia, the Application qualifies for streamlined pro-
                         cessing pursuant to Section 63.12(c)(1)(v).


        The Applicants submit the following information pursuant to Section 63.04(b) of the

Commission’s Rules:

        (b)(6): The proposed transaction is described in Section II of the Application above.

        (b)(7): A description of the geographic service areas and services provided in each area is

included in Section I of the Application above.

        (b)(8): Applicants respectfully submit that this Application is eligible for streamlined

processing pursuant to Sections 63.03 of the Commission’s Rules, 47 C.F.R. §63.03. With

respect to domestic authority, this Application is eligible for streamlined processing because,

immediately following the transaction,

•       Applicants (and their Affiliates) will have a market share in the interstate, interexchange
        market of less than 10 percent.


•       Although Telkom USA is (or will shortly be) a telecommunications carrier, it will
        provide service exclusively outside of Guam and thus there is no risk of anticompetitive
        concentration in the Guam telecommunications market.

•       TeleGuam serves fewer than two (2) percent of U.S. subscriber lines nationwide and
        Telkom USA does not provide local exchange services (and may not provide any domes-
        tic services).

        (b)(9):         In addition to its Section 214 authorizations, TeleGuam holds four wireless

licenses and two short-term de facto spectrum leases from the Commission. Additionally,

TeleGuam has submitted an application seeking FCC consent to the assignment of three wireless

licenses from Club 42 CM Limited Partnership, which remains pending.15          The Applicants are

filing contemporaneously herewith a series of applications seeking consent from the Wireless

Telecommunications Bureau under Section 310(d) of the Act to transfer control of the licenses and

leases to Telkom USA. Finally, the Applicants are submitting a petition for declaratory ruling that,

pursuant to 310(b)(4), it is not contrary to the public interest that PT Telkom Indonesia and the

Government of the Republic of Indonesia hold foreign ownership interests in excess of the 25

percent foreign ownership benchmark.

        (b)(10): No party is requesting special consideration because it is facing imminent

business failure.

        (b)(11): In conjunction with this Application, Applicants will file a Petition for Declara-

tory Ruling seeking the Commission’s approval of the proposed 100% foreign ownership of


        (b)(12): Consummation of the proposed transaction will serve the public interest for the

reasons detailed in Section III of the Application above.

        See FCC File Number 0006489830. The proposed assignments include the two licenses
        under which TeleGuam holds the spectrum leases.



        Based on the foregoing, the Applicants respectfully submit that the public interest, con-

venience, and necessity would be furthered by grant of this Application. Respectfully submitted,


_______________________________                  _______________________________
Edward A. Yorkgitis, Jr.                         Russell M. Blau
Denise N. Smith                                  Danielle Burt
Kelley Drye & Warren LLP                         Morgan, Lewis & Bockius LLP
3050 K Street, NW, Suite 400                     2020 K Street, N.W.
Washington, DC 20007                             Washington, DC 20006-1806
Tel: 202 342-8400                                Tel: 202-373-6000
Fax: 202 342-8451                                Fax: 202-373-6001                                

Counsel for Telkom USA                           Counsel for AP TG and TeleGuam



        Based on the foregoing, the Applicants respectfully submit that the public interest, con—

venience, and necessity would be furthered by grant of this Application. Respectfully submitted,

                                                               U}|         B{ k
Edward A. Yorkgitis, Jr.                          RusSell M. Blau
Denise N. Smith                                   Danielle Burt
Kelley Drye & Warren LLP                          Morgan, Lewis & Bockius LLP
3050 K Street, NW, Suite 400                      2020 K Street, N.W.
Washington, DC 20007                              Washington, DC 20006—1806
Tel: 202 342—8400                                 Tel: 202—373—6000
Fax: 202 342—8451                                 Fax: 202—373—6001                                  

Counselfor Telkom USA                             Counselfor AP TG and TeleGuam


                                   LIST OF EXHIBITS

          EXHIBIT A – Corporate structure of TeleGuam and AP TG pre-transaction

          EXHIBIT B -- Corporate structure of Telkom USA pre-transaction

          EXHIBIT C -- Corporate structure of Telkom USA, APTG and TeleGuam post-close



                                     EXHIBIT A

                 Diagram of the pre-transaction corporate structure of

                                TeleGuam and AP TG


                                                                                                                               Two US and           Richard L.              Taisuke
                                                                                                                              WTO citizens           Folsom                Sasanuma
        TeleGuam Ownership and Control Structure Chart                                                                        all below 10%         (US citizen)         (Japan Citizen)

                    (as of April 1, 2015)
                                                                                                                                  13.2%                   43.4%          43.4%

                                                                                                                                               Advantage Partners, Ltd
                                                          Douglas                                                                                       (Hong Kong)
                                                         (US citizen)                                                                                               100%

                                                                                                                                               Advantage Partners, Inc
                                                                 100%                                                                                     (Japan)

                                                                                                                                              100%                     100%
                                                       Cayman Capital
 Two US and       Richard L.         Taisuke                                  Two US and         Richard L.            Taisuke            AP IV GP Co.,
                                                       Management II,                                                                                                 AP5 Co., Ltd
WTO citizens       Folsom           Sasanuma                                 WTO citizens         Folsom              Sasanuma                 Ltd.
                                                           Inc.                                                                                                         (Japan)
all below 10%     (US citizen)     (Japan citizen)                           all below 10%       (US citizen)        (Japan citizen)          (Japan)                                            Widely
                                                       (Cayman Islands)
 13.068%          42.966%                                                    13.068%             42.966%                                                                                      Dispersed US
                                      42.966%                                                                              42.966%                                  100%
                                                     General                                                                           General                                                  and WTO
                                                                                                                                                                    Japan Ireland
                  Limited Partners                   Partner                                        Limited Partners                   Partner                                                 citizens all
                                                     1.000%                                                                            1.000%                                                  below 10%
                                                                                                                                                                    Partners, LTD
                                                                                                                                                                    (Cayman Islands)
                         AP Cayman                      Widely                                                                                                                             General    Limited
                                                                                    Widely                                                                                                 Partner    Partners
    Two WTO              Partners II                 Dispersed US                                           AP IV GP                                      100%
                                                                               Dispersed WTO                                                                                                0.1%       99.9%
      citizens         General Partner,                and WTO                                             Partnership
                                                                                  citizens all
  all below 10%             L.P.                      citizens all                                               (Japan)
                                                                                 below 10%                                                                                             Japan Ireland
                         (Cayman Islands)             below 10%                                                                                          JIIP LTD                       Investment
                                                                                                                                                     (Cayman Islands)
   Limited              General                      General      Limited         Limited                       General                                                                Partners, L.P.
   Partners             Partner                      Partner      Partners        Partners                      Partner                                                                (Cayman Islands)
    99.9%                0.1%                         0.1%         99.9%           99.9%                         0.1%
                                                                                                                                                            1%               99%             No Equity

      3 US Citizens                                         AP Cayman                          Advantage                                                        Japan Ireland
                                     U.S.                                                                                     Japan General
      all below 10%                                      Partners II, L.P.                   Partners IV, ILP                                                Investment Partners
                                 Partnership              (Cayman Islands)
                                                                                                 (Japan)                                                           (Ireland)
              0.22%                     4.64%                      24.73%                            42.08%                          2.81%

                                                                          AP TeleGuam Holdings, Inc.
                                                                     Stanley Emmett Thomas, III (sole director)
                                                                                             100%                                      (*) Although no equity ownership exists, Japan Ireland Investment
                                                                                                                                       Partners, L.P. holds a debt interest in Japan Ireland Investment
                                                                        TeleGuam Holdings, LLC                                         Partners, pursuant to which the limited partnership has certain
                                                                                                                                       priority rights vis-a-vis the equity holders.

                           EXHIBIT B

Diagram of the pre-transaction corporate structure of Telkom USA

                                Telkom Indonesia International (USA) Inc.
                               Pre-Merger Ownership and Structure Chart*


                                       52.56%                         47.44%

                                                PT Telekomunikasi
                                                  Indonesia Tbk


                                                PT Telekomunikasi
                                                 International Inc.

                                                International (USA)

                                                PacHub Acquisition

* Note that these diagrams highlight the ownership chain of the entities impacted by the transaction; unaffected
affiliate entities have been omitted to provide greater clarity of the transaction.

                 EXHIBIT C

    Diagram of the corporate structure of
Telkom USA, AP TG and TeleGuam post-closing

                                  Telkom Indonesia International (USA) Inc.
                                Post-Merger Ownership and Structure Chart*

                                          52.56%                          47.44%

                                                   PT Telekomunikasi
                                                     Indonesia Tbk

                                                   PT Telekomunikasi
                                                    International Inc.

                                                  International (USA)


                                                     AP TeleGuam
                                                    Holdings, Inc. **

                                                      Holdings, LLC

* Note that these diagrams highlight the ownership chain of the entities impacted by the transaction; unaffected
affiliate entities have been omitted to provide greater clarity of the transaction.

** AP TeleGuam Holdings will have merged with PacHub Acquisition with AP TeleGuam surviving the merger.


       I, Joseph Sahat Raja, Panggabean, state that I am the Chief Executive Officer; that I am

authorized to make this Verification on behalf of Telekomunikasi Indonesia International (USA),

Inc. and its affiliates; that the foregoing Joint Application of TeleGuam Holdings, LLC,

Licensee, AP TeleGuam Holdings, Inc., Transferor and Telekomunikasi Indonesia International

(USA), Inc., Transferee For Grant of Authority to Complete a Transfer of Control of the

Licensee Pursuant to Section 214 of the Communications Act of 1934, as Amended, and

Sections 63.04 and 63.24 of the Commission‘s Rules, was prepared under my direction and

supervision; and that the contents thereof and the certifications contained therein, regarding

Telekomunikasi Indonesia International (USA), Inc., its subsidiaries, and its affiliates, are true

and correct to the best of my knowledge, information, and belief.

       I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the United States of America that the

foregoing is true and correct. Executed this 12" day of June, 2015.

                                                      ts            ©

                                             Joseph Sahat Raja, Panggabean
                                             Chief Executive Officer
                                             Telekomunikasi Indonesia International (USA), Inc.


       I, Robert Haulbrook, state that I am the President and Chief Executive Officer of

Teleguam Holdings, LLC; that I am authorized to make this Verification on behalf of Teleguam

Holdings, LLC; that the foregoing filing was prepared under my direction and supervision; and

that the contents thereof and the certifications contained therein, regarding TeleGuam Holdings,

LLC, are true and correct to the best of my knowledge, information, and belief.

       I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct. Executed this

  \L day of June, 2015.

                                                   P l_
                                             Robert Haulbrook *          q
                                             President and Chief Executive Officer
                                             Teleguam Holdings, LLC


       I, Stanley Emmett Thomas, III, state that I am the Director of AP TeleGuam Holdings,

Inc.; that I am authorized to make this Verification on behalf of AP TeleGuam Holdings, Inc.;

that the foregoing filing was prepared under my direction and supervision; and that the contents

thereof and the certifications contained therein, regarding AP TeleGuam Holdings, Inc., are true

and correct to the best of my knowledge, information, and belief.

       I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the United States of America that the

foregoing is true and correct. Executed this    \ 7’ day of June, 2015.

                                               . n O
                                               Stanley Emmett Thomas, III
                                               AP TeleGuam Holdings, Inc.

Document Created: 2015-06-12 20:41:03
Document Modified: 2015-06-12 20:41:03

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