Attachment Attachment 1

This document pretains to ITC-T/C-20150603-00138 for Transfer of Control on a International Telecommunications filing.


                                    Before the
                               Washington, DC 20554

In the Matter of the Application of                 )
Cequel Corporation,                                 )       File No. ITC-T/C-2015________
Transferor                                          )       WC Docket No. _____________
and                                                 )
Altice S.A.,                                        )
Transferee                                          )
Application for Authority Pursuant to Section       )
214 of the Communications Act of 1934, as           )
Amended, to Transfer Control of Domestic and        )
International Section 214 Authorizations            )

                                      JOINT APPLICATION

       Pursuant to Section 214 of the Communications Act, as amended, 47 U.S.C. § 214 (the

“Act”), and Part 63 of the Commission’s Rules, 47 C.F.R. § 63.01, et seq., Altice S.A., a

Luxembourg Société Anonyme (“Altice” or “Transferee”), and Cequel Corporation, a Delaware

corporation (“Cequel” and together with Altice the “Applicants”) respectfully request

Commission approval to consummate a transaction (the “Transaction”) whereby Altice will

acquire ultimate control of Cequel and its subsidiaries, including Cequel Communications

Holdings, LLC (“Cequel Holdings”), Cebridge Telecom Limited, LLC (“Cebridge Limited”) and

Cebridge Telecom TX, L.P. (“Cebridge TX,” and together with Cequel Holdings and Cebridge

Limited, the “Licensees”). The Licensees hold domestic and international Section 214

authorizations to provide telecommunications services. As specified below, the Applicants

respectfully request that this Application be accorded streamlined treatment.

       The proposed Transaction is in the public interest because it will provide Cequel access

to Altice’s operational expertise, scale and resources, thereby allowing Cequel and its

subsidiaries to become even more robust competitors in the marketplace for telecommunications

services. The Transaction will result in a change in the ultimate equity ownership of Cequel and

its subsidiaries, with the existing majority shareholders retaining approximately 30 percent; it

will not result in an assignment of licenses, assets or customers. Cequel and its subsidiaries will

continue to provide service to existing customers. As a result, the proposed Transaction will be

seamless and transparent to consumers.

Table of Contents

I.        DESCRIPTION OF THE APPLICANTS ........................................................................... 4

     A. Altice S.A. ........................................................................................................................... 4

     B.     Cequel Corporation ........................................................................................................... 4

II. DESCRIPTION OF THE TRANSACTION ....................................................................... 5

III.        PUBLIC INTEREST STATEMENT ............................................................................... 6

IV.         REQUEST FOR STREAMLINED TREATMENT ....................................................... 8

V. INFORMATION REQUIRED BY SECTION 63.24(e) OF THE RULES..................... 10

VI.         INFORMATION REQUIRED BY SECTION 63.04(B) OF THE RULES ................ 15

VII.        CONCLUSION ................................................................................................................ 18

Attachment A Pre- and Post-Transaction Corporate Organizational Charts ............................... 19

Attachment B List of Foreign Carrier Affiliates and Destination Countries .............................. 20

Attachment C Other FCC Authorizations ................................................................................... 23

Attachment D Altice S.A. Officers and Directors ....................................................................... 27


       A.      Altice S.A.

       Altice S.A. is a publicly traded holding company that, through its subsidiaries, operates

as a provider of fixed and mobile voice, video and broadband services in a range of markets

throughout the world, including in Western Europe (France, Belgium, Luxembourg, Portugal and

Switzerland), Israel, the French Caribbean and Indian Ocean regions, and the Dominican

Republic. Altice serves approximately 34.5 million subscribers world-wide and is widely

recognized for its technical, managerial and operational expertise in bringing innovative services

to market, for operating in highly competitive environments. Neither Altice nor its subsidiaries

currently holds any Commission authorizations. The acquisition of Cequel will mark Altice’s

entry into the U.S. market, as neither it, nor any of its subsidiaries, currently has U.S. operations.

       B.      Cequel Corporation

       Cequel Corporation provides services through subsidiaries that collectively do business

as Suddenlink Communications (“Suddenlink”). Suddenlink is the seventh largest cable operator

in the United States, providing cable television, broadband Internet access, Voice over Internet

Protocol (“VoIP”) and/or certain competitive telecommunications services to more than 1.5

million customers in seventeen states. 1

       Cequel offers domestic interstate telecommunications services through its affiliate Cequel

Holdings (which holds a blanket domestic Section 214 authorization), 2 and offers international

 Cequel offers telecommunications services in the following sixteen states: Arizona, Arkansas,
California, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouri, New Mexico, Nevada, North
Carolina, Ohio, Oklahoma, Texas, Virginia, and West Virginia.
 See Domestic Section 214 Authorization Granted, Public Notice, WC Docket No. 12-207, DA
12-1746 (WCB Nov. 1, 2012).


telecommunications services through its affiliates Cebridge Limited and Cebridge TX (each of

which holds an international Section 214 authorization). 3

       Although Cequel operates in the telecommunications arena primarily as a VoIP provider,

its operating entities also provide interstate telecommunications services and hold certificates of

public convenience and necessity to provide certain intrastate telecommunications services in

Arizona, Arkansas, California, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouri, New

Mexico, Nevada, North Carolina, Ohio, Oklahoma, Texas, Virginia, and West Virginia. 4 Cequel

also indirectly controls TCA Communications, LLC, which provides interexchange

services in Arkansas, as well as Cequel Communications Access Services, LLC, and its affiliate,

Orbis 1, L.L.C., both of which provide interexchange services nationwide.


       On May 19, 2015, Cequel and Altice entered into a Purchase and Sale Agreement

(“Agreement”), pursuant to which Altice will acquire 70 percent of the share capital of Cequel.

Prior to consummation, Altice will form a new indirect wholly owned subsidiary, BidCo US 5, a

  See IBFS File Nos. ITC-21420051216-00526 and ITC-21420060330-00173. The Commission
previously authorized the transfer of control of these authorizations pursuant to Public Notice,
International Authorizations Granted, Report No. TEL-01018, DA No. 06-905 (Apr. 20, 2006);
Transfer of Control of Cox Texas Telcom, LP to Cebridge Connections Holdings, LLC, File No.
ITC-T/C- 20051219-00532. See also International Authorizations Granted: Section 214
Applications (47 C.F.R. § 63.18); Section 310(b)(4) Requests, DA No. 12-1740 (IB, Oct. 31,
  Cequel indirectly controls the following entities that provide competitive telecommunications
services in the jurisdictions identified above: Cebridge Telecom CA, LLC, Cebridge Telecom
KS, LLC, Cebridge Telecom KY, LLC, Cebridge Telecom LA, LLC, Cebridge Telecom MO,
LLC, Cebridge Telecom MS, LLC, Cebridge Telecom NC, LLC, Cebridge Telecom NM, LLC,
Cebridge Telecom OH, LLC, Cebridge Telecom OK, LLC, Cebridge Telecom VA, LLC,
Cebridge Telecom TX, L.P., and Cebridge Telecom WV, LLC, and Mercury Voice and Data,
LLC. Cequel also indirectly controls TCA Communications, LLC, Cequel Communications
Access Services, LLC, and Orbis1, L.L.C., each of which provides interstate and intrastate
interexchange services.
           This entity may take a different name when formed.


Delaware corporation directly wholly owned by Altice U.S. Holding II Sà r.l. (“Altice US II”).

Upon completion of the proposed transaction, BidCo US will hold approximately 45% of

Cequel’s shares acquired from Cequel’s current owners in exchange for cash. At consummation,

BidCo US will merge with and into Cequel, with Cequel surviving and converting equity

interests in BidCo US into common shares of Cequel. In addition, upon completion of the

proposed transaction, Altice US Holding I S.à r.l. (“Altice US I”), a Luxembourg private limited

liability company indirectly wholly owned by Altice, will hold approximately 25% of Cequel’s

shares acquired from Cequel’s current owners in exchange for cash. Altice US I wholly owns

Altice US II and expects to contribute its equity interests in Cequel to Altice US II shortly after

the Transaction is completed. The end result will be that Altice will indirectly hold 70 percent of

Cequel’s equity, with existing shareholders of Cequel retaining approximately 30 percent of the

post-Transaction Cequel. As described in further detail below, existing shareholder CPPIB-

Suddenlink LP will hold approximately 11.8 percent of Cequel, and a group of limited

partnerships formed under the laws of Guernsey, U.K. and associated with BC Partners Holdings

Limited, also existing shareholders, collectively will hold approximately 18.2 percent of Cequel.

For the Commission’s reference pre- and post-Transaction organization charts are provided as

Exhibit A.


       The proposed Transaction will serve the public interest. Cequel, doing business as

Suddenlink, has a demonstrated record of success as a leader in the provision of high-quality

video, broadband, telephony services to residential and business customers in sixteen states.

Altice, for its part, is a leading provider of communications services (cable television, high-speed

broadband Internet and fixed-line telephony) in Western Europe, Israel, the French Overseas

Territories and other regions that is committed to network investment and service innovation in


its markets. The proposed Transaction will afford Cequel access to Altice’s operational

expertise, scale and resources, which will enable Cequel to accelerate network investment while

maintaining a superior level of reliability and customer support. In short, the proposed

Transaction will enable Cequel to continue to develop as a stronger competitor.

       Although the Transaction will constitute Altice’s first investment in the U.S. market,

Altice already has considerable experience as an owner of existing video, telephony, and

broadband service providers that will enable it to contribute global strategic insights to Cequel’s

current and future operations. Indeed, Altice has a demonstrated history of investing in existing

video, telephony and broadband service providers and making strategic investments that enhance

their value proposition for consumers. In some cases this has manifested itself through

investments in network infrastructure, which has resulted in higher broadband speeds for

subscribers. In other cases, this has manifested itself through accelerations in existing planned

network investment and deployment, bringing improved services to market faster. And in still

other cases, it has resulted in the expansion of service offerings, thereby expanding consumer

choices and enhancing competition.

       Because Altice is deeply involved in the operations of service providers across multiple

jurisdictions, it has been able to import its experience from one jurisdiction into another,

injecting vitality, innovation and a “new way of thinking” into different markets. For instance, in

some of its operating companies, Altice has taken steps to migrate legacy information technology

systems to newer platforms, resulting in operational efficiencies and overall improvements to the

customer experience. In other cases, Altice has enhanced the customer experience by focusing

on the deployment of improved set top boxes that can enable consumers to navigate its panoply

of service offerings with greater speed and efficiency. Altice and its operating affiliates also


have taken steps in the past to simplify and improve their product offerings so that consumers

have a clearer understanding of what they are purchasing and the differences in price points for

various service options. The Joint Applicants anticipate that Altice will bring these experiences

to the U.S. market to enhance the overall operations of Cequel.

       Again, Altice has no existing interest in any United States communications entity, and

thus Altice’s investment in Cequel will serve to bolster domestic voice, video, and broadband

competition. As explained in Section IV below, Cequel’s post-Transaction affiliation with

Altice’s foreign carriers will have no adverse effect on competition in the domestic market

because Altice’s foreign carriers are non-dominant in their markets or, with respect to markets

where an Altice carrier is treated as dominant, will be subject to dominant-carrier regulation in

their provision of service to or from the United States.

       Cequel, for its part, will continue to be operated by highly experienced, well-qualified

management, operational and technical personnel. But at the same time, Cequel will have access

to the operational and managerial resources of Altice. Post-Transaction management will be able

to share best practices and draw upon the substantial combined experience of their respective

management teams. Following consummation of the Transaction, which is entirely at the

parent/ownership level, Cequel will continue to offer competitive and innovative products at the

same rates and on the same terms and conditions as currently provided (subject to future changes

pursuant to applicable law and contract provisions), with improvements introduced over time.

The Transaction is not expected to result in the discontinuance, reduction, loss or impairment of

service to any customer.


       Domestic. Applicants respectfully request streamlined processing, pursuant to Section

63.03 of the Commission’s rules, 47 C.F.R. § 63.03, for the portion of this Application that


pertains to the domestic Section 214 authorization held by Cequel Holdings. This portion of the

Application is eligible for streamlined processing pursuant to Section 63.03(b)(2)(i) because

immediately following the Transaction (1) Transferee and its affiliates, as defined in Section 3(1)

of the Act (“Affiliates”), collectively will have less than a ten percent (10%) share of the

interstate, interexchange market; (2) Transferee and its Affiliates will provide local exchange

service, if at all, only in areas served by dominant local exchange carriers (none of which is a

party to the Transaction); and (3) none of the Applicants or their Affiliates is dominant with

respect to any U.S. service.

       International.    Applicants respectfully request streamlined processing, pursuant to

Section 63.12 of the Commission’s rules, 47 C.F.R. § 63.12, for the portion of this Application

that pertains to the international Section 214 authorizations held by Cebridge Limited and

Cebridge TX. This portion of the Application is eligible for streamlined processing because the

Applicants’ foreign carrier affiliates in certain destination markets (upon consummation of the

Transaction) either (1) will be presumptively non-dominant pursuant to Section 63.10(a)(3), as

each has less than a 50-percent market share in the international transport and local access

markets on the foreign (i.e., non-U.S.) end of the route, see 47 C.F.R. § 63.12(c)(1)(ii); or (2)

will be located in a destination market that is a WTO Member country and the Applicants will

agree to be classified as a dominant carrier to that affiliated destination country under Section

63.10, without prejudice to its right to petition for reclassification at a later date, 47 C.F.R. §


       Attachment B to this Application sets forth all foreign carriers that will be affiliated with

Applicants upon consummation of the Transaction. Except for the destination country identified

in Attachment B with an asterisk (*), Transferee qualifies for a presumption of non-dominance


under Section 63.10(a)(3) of the Commission's rules, 47 C.F.R. § 63.10(a)(3).


          In accordance with Section 63.24(e) of the Commission’s rules, the Applicants submit the

following information, as requested in Section 63.18(a) through (d) for each of Altice, Cequel,

Cequel Holdings, Cebridge Limited and Cebridge TX, and in Section 63.18(h) through (p) for


          (a)    Name, Address and Telephone Numbers of Applicants

                 Altice S.A.
                 3 Boulevard Royal, L-2449
                 +352 27 380 800

                 Cequel Corporation
                 Cequel Communications Holdings, LLC
                 Cebridge Telecom Limited, LLC
                 Cebridge Telecom TX, L.P.
                 520 Maryville Centre Drive, Suite 300
                 St. Louis, MO 63141
                 (314) 315-9400

          (b)    Government, State or Territory of Incorporation

                 Altice is organized under the laws of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg

                 Cequel, Cequel Holdings, Cebridge Limited and Cebridge TX each is organized
                 under the laws of the State of Delaware.

          (c)    Contacts

                 For Altice

                 Mace Rosenstein
                 Yaron Dori
                 Michael Beder
                 Covington & Burling LLP
                 One CityCenter
                 850 Tenth Street, N.W.
                 Washington, DC 20001
                 Tel: (202) 662-6000



              For Cequel and its Subsidiaries

              Craig L. Rosenthal
              Dennis Moffit
              520 Maryville Centre Drive, Suite 300St. Louis, MO 63141
              Tel: (314) 315-9400

              with copies to:

              Steven Horvitz
              K.C. Halm
              1919 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W., Suite 800
              Washington, DC 20006-3401
              Tel: (202) 973-4200

       (d)    Existing Section 214 Authorizations

              As noted above in in Section II, neither Altice nor any of its subsidiaries holds
              any Section 214 authorizations.

              Cequel’s subsidiary Cequel Holdings, and its affiliated operating entities, are
              authorized to provide domestic interstate telecommunications services pursuant to
              47 C.F.R. § 63.01. Cequel’s indirect wholly owned subsidiaries Cebridge Limited
              and Cebridge TX each is authorized to provide international Section 214 authority
              on a global facilities-based and resale basis. See FCC File Nos. ITC-214-
              20051216-00526 6 and ITC-20060300-00173). 7

 The Commission granted this authority pursuant to Public Notice, Internationals Authorizations
Granted, Report No. TEL-01018, DA No. 06-905 (Apr. 20, 2006).
 See id. (Transfer of Control of Cox Texas Telcom, LP to Cebridge Connections Holdings, LLC,
File No. ITC-T/C- 20051219-00532).


       (e)-(g) Not applicable

       (h)     Name, address, citizenship, and principal business of entities that will own at
               least 10 percent of the Applicants, and identification of interlocking

Upon consummation of the Transaction, the following entities will hold a direct or indirect ten
percent (10%) or greater ownership interest in Cequel Corporation and its wholly owned

       Name:                  CPPIB-Suddenlink LP
       Address:               One Queen Street East, Suite 2600, P.O. Box 101, Toronto, Ontario,
                              M5C 2W5 Canada
       Citizenship:           U.S.
       Percentage Owned:      11.8%
       Principal Business:    Pension Investment Fund

       Name:                  CPPIB-Suddenlink GP LP (“CPPIB GP”)
       Address:               One Queen Street East, Suite 2600, P.O. Box 101, Toronto, Ontario,
                              M5C 2W5 Canada
       Citizenship:           U.S.
       Percentage Owned:      11.8% (indirectly as general partner of CPPIB Suddenlink LP)
       Principal Business:    Pension Investment Fund

       Name:                  CPPIB US Private Holdings Inc. II (“CPPIB US Private”)
       Address:               One Queen Street East, Suite 2600, P.O. Box 101, Toronto, Ontario,
                              M5C 2W5 Canada
       Citizenship:           Canada
       Percentage Owned:      11.8% (indirectly via ownership of CPPIB GP)
       Principal Business:    Pension Investment Fund

       Name:                  CPPIB LAV Holdings Inc. (“CPPIB LAV”)
       Address:               One Queen Street East, Suite 2600, P.O. Box 101, Toronto, Ontario,
                              M5C 2W5 Canada
       Citizenship:           Canada
       Percentage Owned:      11.8% (indirectly via ownership of CPPIB US Private)
       Principal Business:    Pension Investment Fund

       Name:                  CPP Investment Board (USRE II) Inc. (“CPPIB USRE”)
       Address:               One Queen Street East, Suite 2600, P.O. Box 101, Toronto, Ontario,
                              M5C 2W5 Canada
       Citizenship:           Canada
       Percentage Owned:      11.8% (indirectly via ownership of CPPIB-Suddenlink LP)
       Principal Business:    Pension Investment Fund


Name:                 CPP Investment Board
Address:              One Queen Street East, Suite 2600, P.O. Box 101, Toronto, Ontario,
                      M5C 2W5 Canada
Citizenship:          Canada
Percentage Owned:     11.8% (indirectly via ownership of CPPIB USRE and CPPIB LAV)
Principal Business:   Pension Investment Fund

Name:                BC European Capital - Suddenlink GP LP (“BC European GP”)
Address:             Heritage Hall, Le Marchant St., St. Peter Port, Guernsey, GY1 4HY
Citizenship:         U.K.
Percentage Owned: 18.2% (indirectly as general partner of various funds affiliated with
       BC Partners Holdings Limited)
Principal Business:   Investment management company

Name:                 CIE Management IX Limited (“CIE Management”)
Address:              Heritage Hall, Le Marchant St., St. Peter Port, Guernsey, GY1 4HY
Citizenship:          U.K.
Percentage Owned:     18.2% (indirectlyas general partner of BC European GP)
Principal Business:   Investment management company

Name:                 BC Partners Holdings Limited
Address:              Heritage Hall, Le Marchant St., St. Peter Port, Guernsey, GY1 4HY
Citizenship:          U.K.
Percentage Owned:     18.2% (indirectly via ownership of CIE Management)
Principal Business:   Investment management company

Name:                 Altice US Holding I S.à r.l.
Address:              3, Boulevard Royal, L-2449 Luxembourg
Citizenship:          Luxembourg
Percentage Owned:     25.00050% direct ownership and 44.99950% indirect ownership via
                      ownership of 100% of Altice US Holding II S.à r.l.
Principal Business:   Holding company - Telecommunications and Cable Television

Name:                 Altice US Holding II S.à r.l.
Address:              3, Boulevard Royal, L-2449 Luxembourg
Citizenship:          Luxembourg
Percentage Owned:     44.99950%
Principal Business:   Holding company - Telecommunications and Cable Television

Name:                 Altice S.A.
Address:              3, Boulevard Royal, L-2449 Luxembourg


       Citizenship:            Luxembourg
       Percentage Owned:       70% (indirectly via ownership of Altice US Holding I S.à r.l. and
                               Altice US Holding II S.à r.l.)
       Principal Business:     Telecommunications and Cable Television

       Name:                   Next Alt Sàrl
       Address:                3, Boulevard Royal, L-2449 Luxembourg
       Citizenship:            Luxembourg
       Percentage Owned:       40.95% (indirectly via 58.5% ownership of Altice S.A.)
       Principal Business:     Telecommunications and Cable Television

       Name:                   Next Limited Partnership Incorporated
       Address:                11 New Street, St Peter Port, Guernsey, GY1 2PF
       Citizenship:            Guernsey
       Percentage Owned:       40.95% (indirectly via ownership of Next Alt Sàrl)
       Principal Business:     Telecommunications and Cable Television

       Name:                   UpperNext Limited Partnership Incorporated
       Address:                11 New Street, St Peter Port, Guernsey, GY1 2PF
       Citizenship:            Guernsey
       Percentage Owned:       40.95% (indirectly via ownership of Next L.P.)
       Principal Business:     Telecommunications and Cable Television

       Name:                   Patrick Drahi
       Address:                Seilerwiesenstrasse 3920 Zermatt, Switzerland
       Citizenship:            Israel
       Percentage Owned:       40.95% (indirectly via ownership of UpperNext L.P.)
       Principal Business:     Telecommunications and Cable Television

         Altice has not definitively determined who will serve as officers or directors of the Cequel
entities after consummation of the Transaction. However, most officers and directors of Altice S.A.
currently serve as officers and directors of one or more of Altice’s non-U.S. carriers, and Altice
expects that one or more of these individuals may serve as officers or directors of Cequel and/or its
subsidiaries after consummation of the Transaction. Information about Altice S.A.’s officers and
directors is attached hereto as Attachment D.

       (i)     Foreign Carrier Affiliation

               Transferee certifies that it is currently affiliated within the meaning of 63.09(e) of
               the Commission’s rules, 47 C.F.R. §63.09(e), with the foreign carriers identified in
               Attachment B. Upon consummation of the Transaction, Transferee will be affiliated
               with Cequel and, thereby, Cequel will be affiliated with the foreign carriers
               identified in Attachment B.

       (j)     Foreign Carrier and Destination Countries


             Transferee currently and following consummation of the Transaction intends to
             continue to provide international telecommunications services to the countries
             identified in Attachment B in which Transferee controls a foreign carrier.

      (k)    WTO Membership for Destination Countries

             Transferee certifies that the countries identified in Attachment B are members of
             the World Trade Organization.

      (m)    Non-Dominance

             Except for the destination country identified in Attachment B with an asterisk (*),
             Transferee qualifies for a presumption of non-dominance under Section
             63.10(a)(3) of the Commission's rules, 47 C.F.R. § 63.10(a)(3). This is because
             although it will be affiliated with foreign carriers in certain destination markets,
             those foreign affiliates lack 50 percent market share in the international transport
             and the local access markets on the foreign end of its routes. Transferee agrees to
             be classified as a dominant carrier on those routes where its affiliate does not
             qualify for non-dominant treatment under Section 63.10(a)(3) of the
             Commission’s rules, subject to its right to demonstrate at a future time that any or
             all of its foreign affiliates lack sufficient market power on the foreign end of the
             route to affect competition adversely in the U.S. market, and that Transferee
             therefore qualifies for non-dominant treatment on the relevant route or routes.

      (n)    Concessions

             Applicants certify that they have not agreed to accept any direct or indirect special
             concessions from a foreign carrier or administration with respect to any U.S.
             international route where the foreign carrier possesses market power on the
             foreign end of the route and will not enter into such agreements in the future.

      (o)    Federal Benefits

             Applicants certify pursuant to Sections 1.2001 through 1.2003 of the Rules that
             they are not subject to a denial of Federal Benefits pursuant to Section 5301 of the
             Anti-Drug Abuse Act of 1988. See 21 U.S.C. § 853a; see also 47 C.F.R.§§

      (p)    Streamlined Processing

             Please refer to Section IV above.


      In accordance with Section 63.04(b) of the Rules specifying the additional information


required in joint international and domestic Section 214 transfer of control applications, the

Applicants submit the following, as requested by 47 C.F.R. §63.04(a)(6) through (a)(12).

        (a)(6) Description of the Transaction

                A description of the Transaction is set forth in Section II above.

        (a)(7) Description of Geographic Service Areas

                Altice does not provide telecommunications services in the U.S. A description of
                the geographic service areas served by Cequel, and its affiliated operating entities,
                and the services they provide in those areas is described in Section I.B above.

        (a)(8) Eligibility for Streamlined Processing

                A statement demonstrating the Application’s qualification for streamlined
                processing is provided in Section IV above.

        (a)(9) Other Related Applications

                The Applicants have filed simultaneous applications with the Commission
                seeking authority to transfer control of Cequel’s subsidiaries that hold
                Commission licenses relating to Cequel’s cable systems, including Cable
                Television Relay Services licenses and various private radio licenses. These
                licenses are set forth in Attachment C. Cequel does not hold any common carrier
                radio licenses.

                The list of call signs and file numbers set forth in Attachment C is intended to
                include all of the licenses and authorizations held by the respective licensees or
                lessees that are subject to the Transaction. However, Cequel licensees may now
                have on file, and may hereafter file, additional requests for authorizations for new
                or modified facilities that may be granted before the Commission takes action on
                this Application. Accordingly, the Applicants request that any Commission
                approval of the applications filed for this Transaction include authority for Altice
                to acquire control of: (1) any authorization issued to Cequel or its subsidiaries
                while this Transaction is pending before the Commission and the period required
                for consummation of the Transaction; (2) any construction permits held by Cequel
                or its subsidiaries that mature into licenses after closing; and (3) any applications
                that are pending at the time of consummation. Such action would be consistent
                with prior decisions of the Commission.8 In addition, Applicants request that
 See, e.g., SBC Communications Inc. and AT&T Corp. Applications for Approval of Transfer of Control,
Memorandum Opinion and Order, 20 FCC Rcd 18290,18392 ¶ 212 (2005); Applications of AT&T Wireless Services,
Inc. and Cingular Wireless Corp. for Consent to Transfer Control of Licenses and Authorizations, Memorandum
Opinion and Order, 19 FCC Rcd 21522 at 21626 ¶ 275 (2004); Southern New England Telecomm./SBC Order, 13
FCC Rcd 21292, 21317 ¶ 49; Applications of NYNEX Corp. and Bell Atl. Corp., Memorandum Opinion and Order,
12 FCC Rcd 19985, 20097-98 ¶¶ 246-56 (1997) (“NYNEX/Bell Atlantic Order”); Pacific Telesis Group/SBC Order,
12 FCC Rcd 2624, 2665 ¶ 93; Applications of Craig O. McCaw and Am. Tel. & Tel. Co., Memorandum Opinion and


                Commission approval include any authorizations that may have been
                inadvertently omitted.

        (a)(10) Special Considerations

                None of the Applicants is facing imminent business failure. Nevertheless, prompt
                completion of the proposed Transaction is critical to ensure that Applicants can
                obtain the benefits described in this Application. Accordingly, Applicants
                respectfully request that the Commission approve this Application expeditiously in
                order to meet an anticipated Transaction closing in the fourth quarter of 2015
                (provided all regulatory approvals have been obtained).

        (a)(11) Separately Filed Waiver Requests

                No separately filed waiver requests are sought in conjunction with this

        (a)(12) Public Interest Statement

                A statement demonstrating how grant of the Application will serve the public
                interest, convenience and necessity is provided in Section III above.

Order, 9 FCC Rcd 5836, 5909 ¶ 137 n.300 (1994), aff’d sub nom. SBC Commc’ns Inc. v. FCC, 56 F.3d 1484 (D.C.
Cir. 1995), recons. in part, 10 FCC Rcd 11786 (1995) (“McCaw/AT&T Order”).



       For the reasons stated above, Applicants respectfully submit that the public interest,

convenience, and necessity would be served by grant of this Application.

                                                     Respectfully submitted,

CEQUEL CORPORATION                                   ALTICE S.A.

__/s/ _ K.C. Halm ____________________                /s/ Michael Beder
Craig L. Rosenthal                                   Mace Rosenstein
Dennis Moffit                                        Yaron Dori
CEQUEL CORPORATION                                   Michael Beder
520 Maryville Centre Drive, Suite 300                COVINGTON & BURLING LLP
St. Louis, MO 63141                                  One City Center
Tel: (314) 315-9400                                  850 Tenth Street, N.W.
E-mail:               Washington, DC 20001
               Tel: (202) 662-6000
                                                     Fax: (202) 662-6291
Steven Horvitz                                       E-mail:
K.C. Halm                                              
DAVIS WRIGHT TREMAINE LLP                              
1919 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W., Suite 800
Washington, DC 20006-3401
Tel: (202) 973-4200

Counsel for Cequel Corporation                         Counsel for Altice S.A.

Dated: June 3, 2015


                     Attachment A
Pre- and Post-Transaction Corporate Organizational Charts

                                         Cequel Corporation Pre-Closing Organizational Chart

                                CPP Investment                                                                                       BC Partners
                                   Board*                                                                                         Holdings Limited**

                               CPPIB Investment                                                                                BC Partners Investment
                                 Vehicles***                                                                                        Vehicles****

                                 100%                                                                                                 100%

                             CPPIB – Suddenlink LP                                                                        BC Partners Holding Entities*****
                                                                               Carry Partnership LP
                          48.3% Voting, 38.03% Equity                                                                         48.3% Voting, 58.69% Equity

                                                                                Cequel Corporation


                                                                             Intermediate Subsidiaries

                                                                                 Cebridge Telecom           Cebridge Telecom TX,
                                                                                   Limited, LLC                     L.P.
                                                     Holdings, LLC

    * CPP Investment Board is an investment management organization incorporated in Canada which invests the assets of the Canada Pension Plan.
   ** BC Partners Holdings Limited is a limited corporation organized under the laws of Guernsey.
  *** Consists of CPPIB intermediate management and investment entities in which CPPIB holds 100% voting interest. Cequel employees are investors in some of these entities.
 **** Consists of BCP intermediate management, co-invest, and fund entities in which BC Partners Holdings Limited holds 100% voting interest. Cequel employees are investors in some of
      these entities.
***** Consists of a number of BCP limited partnerships/corporations, none of which holds 5% or greater equity or voting interests in Cequel Corporation.

                                                     Altice S.A.
                                    Post-Closing Organizational Chart (Overview)
                                                              Patrick Drahi


                                                     UpperNext Limited Partnership


                                                       Next Limited Partnership
                                                                                                                             Other Holders
                                                              100%                                                           (None >= 10%)

                                                             Next Alt S.à r.l.                        41.5%


                                                               Altice S.A.
     CPPIB – Suddenlink LP                                                                                           BC Partners Holding Entities
See BCP/CPPIB Post-Closing Detail                                                                                 See BCP/CPPIB Post-Closing Detail
                                                                                                              15% Control,
      15% Control,
                                                                                                              18.2% Equity
      11.8% Equity                                     Altice US Holding I S.à r.l.

                                                       Altice US Holding II S.à r.l.


                                                          Cequel Corporation


                                                       Intermediate Subsidiaries

                                                           Cebridge Telecom            Cebridge Telecom TX,
                                                             Limited, LLC                      L.P.
                                     Holdings, LLC

                                                   BCP/CPPIB Post-Closing Detail Chart
                      CPP Investment                                                                                    BC Partners
                         Board*                                                                                      Holdings Limited**

           100%                             100%                                                                        100%

    CPP Investment Board                 CPPIB LAV                       Altice-affiliated                            CIE Management
        (USRE II) Inc.                  Holdings Inc.                        entity***                                   IX Limited

LP 0% Control,                                                                                      GP 100% Control,                    GP 100% Control,
                                       100%                       LP 0% Control,
100% Equity                                                                                         0% Equity                           0% Equity
                                                                  100% Equity
                                     CPPIB US Private                                                                                Limited Partners/
                                      Holdings Inc. II                                                                                 Investors***

                                                                               LP 0% Control,
                                                                               100% Equity
                                    CPPIB – Suddenlink                                                BC European Capital –
                                        GP LP*****                                                    Suddenlink GP LP*****                     LP 0% Control,
                                                                                                                                                100% Equity
                          GP 100% Control,                                                   GP 100% Control,
                          0% Equity                                                          0% Equity

                          CPPIB – Suddenlink LP                                                           BC Partners Holding Entities******

                  15% Control , 11.8% Equity                                                                         15% Control, 18.2% Equity

                                                                         Cequel Corporation


                                                                      Intermediate Subsidiaries

                                                                         Cebridge Telecom         Cebridge Telecom TX,
                                                                           Limited, LLC                   L.P.
                                                Holdings, LLC
      * CPP Investment Board is an investment management organization incorporated in Canada which invests the assets of the Canada Pension Plan.
     ** BC Partners Holdings Limited is a limited corporation organized under the laws of Guernsey.
   *** Altice S.A. will designate the entity that will hold these interests at or before closing.
  **** Consists of BC Partners funds and co-invest entities, none of which will hold 5% or greater equity or voting interests in Cequel Corporation.
 ***** The names of these entities are expected to change at closing.
****** Consists of 16 limited partnerships and BC European Capital IX Ltd., none of which will hold 5% or greater equity or voting interests in Cequel Corporation.

                                        Attachment B
                 List of Foreign Carrier Affiliates and Destination Countries

Destination Country                             Carrier
Belgium                                         Coditel Brabant S.p.r.l
                                                Eno Belgium
Dominican Republic                              Altice Hispaniola S.A.
                                                Tricom S.A.
France                                          Omea Telecom SAS
                                                Numericable-SFR SA
                                                NC Numericable SAS
                                                TME France SA
                                                Sequalum SAS
                                                Alsace Connexia Participation SAS
                                                Altice B2B France SAS
                                                Completel SAS
                                                LTI Telecom S.A.S.
                                                Invescom S.A.
                                                2SID S.A.S.
                                                2SIP S.A.S.
                                                Cinq sur Cinq S.A.
                                                Ariège Telecom S.A.S.
                                                Cap Connexion S.A.S.
                                                CID S.A.
                                                Debitex Telecom S.A.S.
                                                Eur@seine S.A.S.
                                                FOD SNC
                                                Futur Telecom S.A.S.
                                                Gravelines Network S.A.S.
                                                Haut-Rhin Telecom S.A.S.
                                                Loiret THD S.A.S.
                                                MACS THD S.A.S.
                                                Opalys Telecom S.A.S.
                                                Rennes Métropole Telecom S.A.S.
                                                Rimbaud Gestion B S.C.I.
                                                Foncière Velizy S.C.I.
                                                SFCM S.A.
                                                SFD S.A.
                                                SFR Collectivités S.A.
                                                SFR Développement S.A.S
                                                SID S.C.S.
                                                SRR S.C.S.
                                                SHD S.A.
                                                LTBR S.A.
                                                Pays Voironnais Network S.A.S.

                                               Pays Voironnais Network Part. S.A.S.
                                               SFR Service Client S.A.
                                               Iris 64 S.A.S.
                                               Manche Telecom S.A.S.
                                               Medi@lys S.A.S.
                                               Teloise S.A.S.
                                               Synerail Exploitation S.AS
                                               Inolia S.A.
                                               Moselle Telecom Part. S.A.S.
                                               Comstell S.A.S.
                                               Alsace Connexia S.A.S.
                                               Moselle Telecom S.A.S.
                                               Irisé S.A.S.
                                               La Poste Telecom S.A.S.
                                               Fischer Telecom S.A.S.
                                               INFRACOS S.A.S.
                                               Oise Numerique S.A.S.
                                               Eure et Loir THD S.A.S.
                                               Valofibre S.A.S.
                                               Groupe Telindus France S.A.
                                               Telindus France S.A.S.
French Overseas Territories – Antilles &       WLL Antilles-Guyane SAS
French Guiana
French Overseas Territories – Guadeloupe       World Satellite Guadeloupe SA
French Overseas Territories – La Réunion       Mobius SAS
French Overseas Territories – La Réunion and   Outremer Telecom Océan Indien
Mayotte                                        Note : this company will be transferred to third
                                               parties in July 2015
                                               Telco OI
                                               Note : this company will be transferred to third
                                               parties in July 2015
French Overseas Territories – Martinique       Martinique TV Câble SA
                                               Outremer Telecom
French Overseas Territories - Réunion          WLL Réunion SAS
Israel                                         HOT Telecommunication Systems Ltd
                                               HOT Mobile Ltd
                                               HOT Telecom Limited Partnership
                                               HOT Cable Telecommunications Systems Ltd
                                               HOT Net Internet Services Ltd
                                               HOT Vision Ltd
                                               Nonstop Ventures Ltd
                                               South Saron Communications Ltd
                                               Iscarable Ltd
                                               HOT TLM Subscription Television LTD
                                               HOT Eden Cables Systems Ltd

                                                   HOT Israël Cables Systems Ltd
                                                   HOT Net Limited Partnership
                                                   HOT EDOM Ltd
                                                   Zira (Copirights on the Internet) Ltd
Italy                                              LD Communications Italie Srl
Luxembourg                                         Coditel S.à r.l.
Morocco                                            Telindus Morocco S.A.
Netherlands                                        B3G International BV
                                                   LD Communications BV
Portugal*                                          CABOVISÃO - TELEVISÃO POR CABO
                                                   ONITELECOM - Infocomunicações S.A.
                                                   Knewon, S.A.
                                                   Hubgrade, S.A.
                                                   F300 – Fiber Communications, S.A.
                                                   Oni Madeira - Infocomunicações, S.A.
                                                   Oni Açores – Infocomunicações, S.A.,
                                                   PT Portugal SGPS, S.A.
Spain                                              OniTelecom España, S.A.
Switzerland                               AG
                                                   LD Communications Suisse S.A.

* Asterisk indicates route on which Transferee agrees to be classified as a dominant carrier,
subject to its right to demonstrate at a future time that any or all of its foreign affiliates lack
sufficient market power on the foreign end of the route to affect competition adversely in the
U.S. market, and that Transferee therefore qualifies for non-dominant treatment on the relevant
route or routes.

                                       Attachment C
                                  Other FCC Authorizations

International Section 214 Authorizations

Licensee                                       File Number
Cebridge Telecom Limited, LLC                  ITC-214-20051216-00526
Cebridge Telecom TX, L.P.                      ITC-214-20060330-00173

Domestic Section 214 Authorizations

Licensee                                       Authority
Cequel Communications Holdings, LLC            Blanket Authority
Cebridge Telecom Limited, LLC                  Blanket Authority
Cebridge Telecom TX, L.P.                      Blanket Authority

Earth Station Authorizations

Licensee                          Call Sign     Station Class     Expiration Date
Cequel III Communications I,      E890527       Fixed-TVRO        6/09/2024

Wireless Authorizations

Licensee                       Call Sign      Station Class        Expiration Date
Cequel III Communications      WQKL824        MG - Microwave       7/8/2019
I, LLC dba Suddenlink                         Industrial/Busine
Communications                                ss Pool,
                               WQKL825        MG - Microwave       7/8/2019
                                              ss Pool,
Cequel III Communications      WQDI918        IG -                 9/8/2015
II, LLC                                       Industrial/Busine
                                              ss Pool,
Classic Cable of Oklahoma      WQJH315        MG - Microwave       9/9/2018
Inc dba Suddenlink                            Industrial/Busine
Communications                                ss Pool,

                            WQJH316   MG - Microwave      9/9/2018
                                      ss Pool,
                            WQLY442   MG - Microwave      5/25/2020
                                      ss Pool,
                            WQLY651   MG - Microwave      5/27/2020
                                      ss Pool,
                            WQNY468   MG - Microwave      7/7/2021
                                      ss Pool,
                            WQNY469   MG - Microwave      7/7/2021
                                      ss Pool,
Friendship Cable of Texas   WQLN547   MG - Microwave      3/16/2020
Inc dba Suddenlink                    Industrial/Busine
Communications                        ss Pool,
                            WQLN550   MG - Microwave      3/16/2020
                                      ss Pool,
                            WQLN556   MG - Microwave      3/16/2020
                                      ss Pool,
                            WQLN557   MG - Microwave      3/16/2020
                                      ss Pool,
NPG Cable LLC dba           WQHJ681   MG - Microwave      8/15/2017
Suddenlink Communications             Industrial/Busine
                                      ss Pool,
                            WQHK362   MG - Microwave      8/21/2017
                                      ss Pool,

                                  WQHK363      MG - Microwave       8/21/2017
                                               ss Pool,
                                  WQJJ655      MM - Millimeter      10/2/2018
                                               Wave 70/80/90
UNIVERSAL CABLE                   WQTT821      MG - Microwave       4/10/2024
HOLDINGS, INC. d/b/a                           Industrial/Busine
Suddenlink Communications                      ss Pool,
                                  WQTT822      MG - Microwave       4/10/2024
                                               ss Pool,

Cable Television Relay Service (CARS)

Licensee                           Call Sign                       Expiration Date
Cequel III Communications I,       WGV-972                         5/1/2018
LLC                                WGV-973                         5/1/2018
                                   WGZ-480                         7/1/2018
                                   WHZ-401                         1/1/2016
                                   WHZ-690                         3/1/2018
                                   WLY-228                         9/1/2015
                                   WLY-605                         9/1/2017
                                   WLY-856                         2/1/2016
                                   WLY-862                         5/1/2016
                                   WLY-867                         6/1/2016
                                   WLY-868                         8/1/2016
                                   WLY-884                         8/1/2017
Cebridge Acquisition, L.P.         WBC-783                         4/1/2017
                                   WHA-63                          11/1/2015
                                   WLY-810                         11/1/2018
Cebridge Connections               WLY-862                         5/1/2016
                                   WLY-867                         6/1/2016
Classic Cable Of Oklahoma,         WLY-567                         12/1/2016
Inc.                               WGZ-440                         6/1/2017
Friendship Cable Of Texas, Inc.    WHZ-951                         5/1/2020
                                   WLY-352                         4/1/2017
NPG Cable, LLC                     WLY-853                         11/1/2015
                                   WLY-268                         2/1/2016
                                   WLY-733                         10/1/2015
                                   WLY-910                         12/1/2015

WLY-911   12/1/2015
WLY-912   12/1/2015
WLY-534   4/1/2016
WLY-736   10/1/2015

                                 Attachment D
                        Altice S.A. Officers and Directors

Name:           Patrick Drahi
Address:        Seilerwiesenstrasse 3920 Zermatt, Switzerland
Citizenship:    Israel
Position:       Executive Chairman

Name:           Dexter Goei
Address:        62, chemin des Gotettes, CH-1222 Vesenay, Switzerland
Citizenship:    United States
Position:       CEO.

Name:           Dennis Okhuijsen
Address:        8, quai Jean-Charles Rey, apartment 208, Monaco
Citizenship:    Netherlands
Position:       CFO.

Name:           Jérémie Bonnin
Address:        11 chemin de Sous-Caran, CH-1222 Vésenaz, Switzerland
Citizenship:    France
Position:       General Secretary, Head of Corporate and Business Development

Name:           Jena-Luc Allavena
Address:        6, rue Princesse Florestine MC-98000 Monaco
Citizenship:    Monaco
Relationship:   Independent Non-Executive Director

Name:           Scott Matlock
Address:        708, Keizersgracht, NL-1017 EW Amsterdam, Netherlands
Citizenship:    United States
Relationship:   Independent Non-Executive Director


         I, Jérémie Bonnin, hereby declare that:

       (1)     I am General Secretary, Head of Corporate and Business Development of Altice
S.A. (“Altice”);
         (2)    I am authorized to make this declaration on behalf of Altice and its subsidiaries;


         (3)    The statements in the foregoing application relating to Altice are true and correct

to the best of my knowledge and belief.

         I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct. Executed this

3rd day of June, 2015.

                                               Name: Jérémie Bonnin
                                               Title: General Secretary, Head of Corporate and
                                               Business Development

DC: 5728372-1                                                                                   FCC

Document Created: 2015-06-03 18:31:27
Document Modified: 2015-06-03 18:31:27

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