Attachment 20170330114336-270.p





This document pretains to ITC-T/C-20150521-00129 for Transfer of Control on a International Telecommunications filing.


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From:                             Paz, Bermel (NSD) <>
Sent:                             Friday, May 29, 2015 9:14 AM
To:            :                  David Krech
Ce:                               Adrienne McNeil; Dennis Johnson; Jodie May; Denise Coca
Subject:                          RE: Request for Dismissal: FCC Application (WC DK 15—8) Selectel, Inc./Compass
                                  Atlantic (TT 15—06)

Team Telecom has no objection.

From: David Krech []
Sent: Thursday, May 28, 2015 12:26 PM
To: Paz, Bermel (NSD)
Co: Adrienne McNeil; Dennis Johnson; Jodie May; Denise Coca
Subject: RE: Request for Dismissal: FCC Application (WC DK 15—8) Selectel, Inc./Compass Atlantic (TT 15—06)

Hi Bermel,

We have received a request for Special Temporary Authority (STA) from SelecTel to close its deal with Compass
{(attached) —ITC—STA—20150521—00128, see also ITC—T/C—20150521—00129 and WC Docket No. 15—8. According to
SelecTel if they cannot close the transaction and receive the additional funding from Compass by May 31, 2015, its
customers will be disconnected. SelecTel acknowledges that grant of the STA will not prejudice FCC review of the under
Iying application, which includes Executive Branch review due to the foreign ownership of Compass.

We plan to grant the STA tomorrow unless Team Telecom provides a rationale for denying the request.

We will remind the applicants that they are required to be responsive to Team Telecom in its review of the application.


From: Shaifer, Marilyn (NSD) [mailto:]
Sent: Thursday, April 02, 2015 9:05 AM
To: David Krech; Adrienne Downs
Cc: Paz, Bermel (NSD); Hojati, Shahram (NSD); IP—FCC (IP—FCC@HQ.DHS.GOYV);; ‘‘
Subject: Request for Dismissal: FCC Application (WC DK 15—8) Selectel, Inc./Compass Atlantic (TT 15—06)

Good Morning,

We have an application for which DOJ has not received the requested responses. Questions were sent to the
applicant on February 10, 2015, with a deadline to respond by March, 3, 2015, and a Final Notice was sent on
March 27, 2015 with a deadline to respond by April 1, 2015.

Given the length of time that this application has been pending and the failure of the Applicant to respond to
our request for information, we are asking that the FCC dismiss this application.

We would like to confirm first that the Applicant has not communicated with you, and then to request that
this application be dismissed without prejudice.

FCC Application (WC DK 15—8) Selectel, Inc./Compass Atlantic

Bermel Paz is the point of contact and can be reached at (202) 233—2022.

Thanking you in advance,

Marilyn Shaifer
Administrative Specialist
Foreign Investment Review Staff
National Security Division

Phone (202) 233—0751
Fax: (202) 233—2607

Document Created: 2019-05-23 09:28:38
Document Modified: 2019-05-23 09:28:38

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