Attachment SelecTel 214 TOC

This document pretains to ITC-T/C-20150521-00129 for Transfer of Control on a International Telecommunications filing.


                                Lance J.M. Steinhart, P.C.
                                      Attorneys At Law
                                  1725 Windward Concourse
                                          Suite 150
                                  Alpharetta, Georgia 30005

Also Admitted in New York                                             Telephone: (770) 232-9200
Email:                                  Facsimile: (770) 232-9208

                                        May 19, 2015

International Bureau
Federal Communications Commission
9300 East Hampton Drive
Capitol Heights, MD 20743

         Re:   Application for Approval of a Transfer of Control for SelecTel, Inc.

Dear Sir/Madam,

       Enclosed please find for filing an Application for SelecTel, Inc. (“SelecTel”) requesting
approval from the Federal Communications Commission (“FCC” or “Commission”) pursuant to
Section 214 of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended, 47 U.S.C. § 214, and Sections
63.04 and 63.24 of the Commission’s rules, 47 C.F.R. §§ 63.04 and 63.24, to transfer control of

       A combined Joint Application for approval of the transfer of control was filed on
December 12, 2014; however, the international application was withdrawn at SelecTel’s request
and the domestic application is currently pending before the Commission.

      If you have any questions concerning the enclosed, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Thank you.

                                            Respectfully submitted,

                                            s/ Lance Steinhart

                                            Lance J.M. Steinhart, Esq.
                                            Managing Attorney
                                            Lance J.M. Steinhart, P.C.
                                            Attorneys for SelecTel, Inc.,
                                            Compass Atlantic Inc. and
                                            Compass Capital Incorporated

                                 BEFORE THE
                             WASHINGTON, DC 20554

In the Matter of                               )
SelecTel, Inc.                                 )
                                               )           WC Docket No. 15-_____
Application for Authorization Pursuant to      )           File No. ITC-T/C-2015_____
Section 214 of the Communications Act of 1934, )
as Amended, for Assignment of Assets           )
and/or Transfer of Control                     )


       SelecTel, Inc. (“SelecTel” or “Applicant”), hereby requests approval from the Federal

Communications Commission (“FCC” or “Commission”) pursuant to Section 214 of the

Communications Act of 1934, as amended, 47 U.S.C. § 214, and Sections 63.04 and 63.24 of the

Commission’s rules, 47 C.F.R. §§ 63.04 and 63.24, to transfer control of SelecTel, from

Matthew S. O' Flaherty, Teri L. O'Flaherty and Stacy Hergenrader (collectively "Transferors") to

Compass Capital Incorporated and Compass Atlantic Inc. (collectively "Compass" or

"Transferees").    The Applicant previously filed a combined domestic and international

application, however, the international application was withdrawn at the Applicant’s request and

the domestic application is currently pending before the Commission.


SelecTel, Inc. (FRN: 0018498352)

       Applicant is a corporation organized under the laws of the State of Nevada. Its principal

offices are located at 1825 N Bell St, Fremont, NE 68025. Applicant provides competitive local

exchange services on a retail basis in the following states: Massachusetts, Minnesota, New


Jersey, New York, Oregon, Pennsylvania, and Washington. Applicant also provides wireless

telecommunications service as an MVNO in all fifty states.1

       Transferee, Compass Atlantic Inc. ("Compass Atlantic") is a holding company organized

under the laws of the state of Delaware. It is a wholly owned subsidiary of Compass Capital

Incorporated, which in turn is organized under the laws of the province of Ontario, Canada.

       Neither Compass Capital Incorporated nor Compass Atlantic Inc. currently provide any

telecommunications services, nor are they affiliated with any provider of telecommunications

service.   Compass Atlantic was formed for the purposes of this transaction/investment



       The transaction will have no impact on the day-to-day operations of SelecTel. The

purpose of the transaction is to provide the potential for a new source of investment capital for

SelecTel in order to continue and to expand its operations. As noted above, Compass Capital

Incorporated has formed a new Delaware corporation, Compass Atlantic Inc. that will acquire a

majority of the stock of SelecTel. SelecTel currently has three shareholders: Teri O'Flaherty,

Matthew O'Flaherty, and Stacy Hergenrader, each holding 33.33% of the stock of SelecTel.

Compass Atlantic will acquire all the stock of Teri O' Flaherty and Stacy Hergenrader. After the

transaction, Compass Atlantic will hold 66.67% of the stock and Matthew O'Flaherty will own

33.33% of the stock. SelecTel will remain the certificated entity. A chart showing the current

corporate structure and corporate structure post-Transaction is attached hereto as Exhibit B.

       Although there will be a change in ownership, with Compass Atlantic now owning a

majority of the stock of SelecTel, there will be no immediate changes to SelecTel's management

 In addition, Applicant has received an International Section 214 Authorization to provide
“Global or Limited Global Facilities-Based Service Global or Limited Global Resale Service."


team. SelecTel will have the necessary managerial and technical expertise, with the current

management team running SelecTel successfully operating the company today, to successfully

operate the company after the proposed transaction. A copy of the SelecTel Organizational Chart

after the Transaction is attached hereto as Exhibit C. The principal post-Transaction managers

will be Matthew S. O'Flaherty, who will continue as President of SelecTel; Teri L. O'Flaherty,

who will continue as Treasurer and Director, Human Resources; Stacy Hergenrader, who will

continue as Manager of Customer Relations; and Patrick Hall, who will continue as Dealer

Manager. The bios of these key members of the current SelecTel management team are attached

hereto as Exhibit D.


       Applicant respectfully submits that the transaction and transfer of control described

herein will serve the public interest. The proposed transaction will serve the public interest

because the transfer of control to Compass will provide SelecTel with new sources of investment

that will allow SelecTel to continue its track record of rapid growth. SelecTel is a low-cost

operator and additional financing will provide opportunities for the company to expand the reach

of its current products. Compass and its affiliates will have the capability to provide additional

resources to SelecTel which might not otherwise be readily available to SelecTel, including

additional back office support, as well as support for long term business planning and growth.

SelecTel currently offers competitive telecommunications service that feature competitive

pricing, high quality services, and responsive customer service. The transaction will permit

SelecTel to continue to offer these services to its existing consumers and will allow SelecTel to

expand these same competitive services to more customers over the next decade.


        SelecTel customers will not see any change to their services as a result of this change of

control. The SelecTel management team will not immediately change and customers will receive

the same reliable, low-cost service after the transaction closes. Because the transaction will

expand competition and benefit consumers, Applicant submits that the Transaction is in the

public interest.

        In support of this Application, the Applicant submits the following information pursuant

to Section 63.24(e) of the Commission's rules, which is the information requested in paragraphs

(a), (d), (o) and (p) of Section 63.18 for both the Transferors and Transferees and the information

requested in paragraphs (h) through (n) of Section 63.18 for Applicant.

(a)     Name, Address and Telephone Number

        i.         Transferors

                   Name: Teri L. O'Flaherty
                   Business Address: 1825 N. Bell Street, Fremont, NE 68025
                   Telephone: (402) 719-4350

                   Name: Stacy Hergenrader
                   Business Address: 1825 N. Bell Street, Fremont, NE 68025
                   Telephone: (386) 846-3871

                   Name: Matthew S. O'Flaherty
                   Business Address: 1825 N. Bell Street. Fremont, NE 68025
                   Telephone: (402) 727-2502

        ii.        Transferees
                   Compass Capital Incorporated
                   536 Kipling Avenue
                   Toronto, Ontario, Canada M8Z 5E3
                   Telephone: (416) 318-1904
                   Fax: (416) 252-2425

                   Compass Atlantic Inc.
                   536 Kipling Avenue


               Toronto, Ontario, Canada M8Z 5E3
               Telephone: (416) 318-1904
               Fax: (416) 252-2425

(b)    State of Organization

       SelecTel is a corporation organized under the laws or the state of Nevada. Compass

Capital Incorporated is a corporation organized under the laws of Ontario, Canada, and Compass

Atlantic, Inc. is a corporation organized under the laws of the state of Delaware.

(c)    Contact Information

       All correspondence, notices and inquiries regarding this Application should be addressed


       i.      Transferors
               Lance J.M. Steinhart
               Managing Attorney
               Lance J.M. Steinhart, P.C.
               Attorneys At Law
               1725 Windward Concourse, Ste. 150
               Alpharetta, GA 30005
               Telephone: (770) 232-9200
               Fax: (770) 232-9208

       ii.     Transferees
               Lance J.M. Steinhart
               Managing Attorney
               Lance J.M. Steinhart, P.C.
               Attorneys At Law
               1725 Windward Concourse, Ste. 150
               Alpharetta, GA 30005
               Telephone: (770) 232-9200
               Fax: (770) 232-9208

(d)    International Section 214 Authorizations (Answer to IBFS Main Form

       Question 10)

       Applicant provides domestic telecommunications services pursuant to the blanket Section

214 authority granted in Section 63.01 of the Commission's Rules, and it also has Section 214

authority to Provide Global Facilities-Based and Resale Telecommunications Services pursuant

to FCC File No. ITC- 214-2009-0326-00133.

         Transferee, Compass Atlantic has not received authority from the FCC under Section

214 of the Act.

(e)      Ten Percent Greater Interest Holders Interlocking Directorates (Answer to IBFS

         Main Form Question 11 and 12)

         i.       Transferor

         The parties that currently own Ten Percent (10%) or more of the issued and outstanding

stock of SelecTel are provided below:

Name                            Occupation             Citizenship          Ownership Percent

Teri L. O'Flaherty              Telecommunications     USA                  33.33%

Stacy Hergenrader               Telecommunications     USA                  33.33%

Matthew S. O'Flaherty           Telecommunications     USA                  33.33%

         The business address for each of these individuals is 1825 N. Bell Street, Fremont, NE


         ii.      Transferees

         As noted above. Compass Atlantic Inc. is a holding company organized under the laws of

the state of Delaware. It is a wholly owned subsidiary of Compass Capital Incorporated, which in

turn is organized under the laws of the province of Ontario, Canada and 100% owned by The CC

Trust (2014). The CC Trust (2014) was formed in Ontario, Canada and the beneficiaries of the

trust are (i) the issue of Grant Hood; (ii) 2445506 Ontario Inc., an Ontario corporation, which is

100% owned by Grant Hood; and (iii) any corporation wholly owned by any one or more of the



          Thus, the parties that will, directly or indirectly, control ten percent (10%) or more of the

issued and outstanding stock of SelecTel after the consummation of this transaction are provided


Name                                      Occupation      Citizenship              Ownership Percent

Grant Hood                                Investor        Canada                   66.67% (Indirect)

The CC Trust (2014)                       N/A             Canada                   66.67% (Indirect)

Compass Capital Incorporated              N/A             Canada                   66.67% (Indirect)

Compass Atlantic Inc.                     N/A             USA                      66.67% (Direct)

Matthew S. O'Flaherty                     Telecom         USA                      33.33% (Direct)

          The business address of Compass, The CC Trust 214 and Grant Hood is located at 536

Kipling Avenue Toronto, Ontario, Canada M8Z 5E3. Mr. O'Flaherty's business address is 1825

N. Bell Street, Fremont, NE 68025.

          Transferees do not have any interlocking directorates with a foreign carrier,2 nor will

Applicant have any such directorates or managers after consummation of this transaction.

(f)       Foreign Carrier Affiliation Certification (Answer to IBFS Main Form

          Questions 14- 17)

          As evidenced by the signature of its authorized representative to this filing, Applicant

certifies that it is, or will be as a result of this transaction, affiliated with foreign carriers as


          Foreign Carrier                                 Country

          Frontier Networks, Inc.                         Canada

    As defined by 47 C.F.R. § 63.09(d).


        Frontier Networks Inc. (Ontario Corporation) resells broadband connectivity and VOIP to

end user customers in the business to business space. They are mainly Canadian corporations

with US subsidiaries. Grant Hood is the owner of Frontier Networks.

(g)     Foreign Carrier and Destination Countries (Answer to IBFS Main Form

        Questions 14- 17)

        As evidenced by the signatures to this Application, Applicant certifies that upon

consummation of this transaction it will not provide telecommunications services to any country

in which: (1) Applicant is a foreign carrier in the destination market; (2) Applicant controls a

foreign carrier in the destination market; (3) any entity that owns more than twenty-five (25%) of

Applicant, or that controls Applicant, controls a foreign carrier in the destination market; and (4)

two or more foreign carriers (or parties that control foreign carriers) own, in the aggregate, more

than twenty-five (25%) of the Applicant and are parties to, or the beneficiaries of, a contractual

relationship affecting the provision or marketing of international basic telecommunications

service in the United States.

(h)     WTO Membership of Destination Countries (Answer to IBFS Main Form

        Questions 14-17)

        Not applicable.

(i)     International Telecommunications Services (Answer to IBFS Main Form

        Questions 14-17)

        Applicant will not resell the international switched services of an unaffiliated U.S. carrier

for the purpose of providing international telecommunications services to a country where it is a

foreign carrier or is affiliated with a foreign carrier.


(j)    Non-dominant Regulatory Classification (Answer to IBFS Main Form

       Questions 14-17)

       Not applicable.

(k)    Special Concessions Certification (Answer to IBFS Main Form Question 21)

       As evidenced by the signatures to this Application. Applicant has not agreed to accept

special concessions directly or indirectly from any foreign carrier with respect to any U.S.

international route where the foreign carrier possesses sufficient market power on the foreign end

of tile route to adversely affect competition in the U.S. market, and will not enter into such

agreements in the future.

(l)    Federal Benefits/Anti-Drug Act of 1988 Certification (Answer to IBFS Main

       Form Question 25)

       As evidenced by the signatures to this Application, the parties certify, pursuant to

Sections 1.2001 through 1.2003 of the Commission's rules that they are not subject to a denial of

federal benefits pursuant to Section 5301 of the Anti-Drug Abuse Act of 1988. 21 U.S.C. § 862.



       In accordance with the requirements of Section 63.04(b) of the Commission's rules, the

additional information required by Section 63.04(b) of the Commission's rules for transfer of

control of assets is provided in Exhibit A.



       For the foregoing reasons, Applicant respectfully requests that the Commission promptly

grant this Application.

                                    Respectfully Submitted,

                                    Matthew S. O'Flaherty, Teri L. O'Flaherty and
                                    Stacy Hergenrader

                                    Along with

                                    Compass Atlantic Inc. and
                                    Compass Capital Incorporated

                                           s/ Lance Steinhart

                                    By:    ___________________________________
                                           Lance J.M. Steinhart, Esq.
                                           Managing Attorney
                                           Lance J.M. Steinhart, P.C.
                                           1725 Windward Concourse, Ste. 150
                                           Alpharetta, GA 30005
                                           Telephone: (770) 232-9200
                                           Fax: (770) 232-9208
                                           Their Attorney

May 19, 2015


                                           EXHIBIT A


63.04(a)(6):   Description of the Transaction

Section III of the Application contains a full description of the proposed transaction.

63.04(a)(7):   Description of Geographic Service Area and Services in Each Area

Applicant provides competitive local exchange services on a retail basis in the following states:
Massachusetts, Minnesota, New Jersey, New York, Oregon, Pennsylvania, and Washington.
Applicant also provides wireless telecommunications service as an MVNO in all fifty states.

63.04(a)(8):   Presumption of Non-Dominance

Applicant will have market share in the interstate, interexchange market of substantially less than
10 percent (10%) and will provide competitive telephone exchange services exclusively in
geographic areas serviced by a dominant local exchange carrier that is not a party to the proposed
transaction, and the Applicant will not be dominant with respect to any domestic service.

63.04(a)(9):    Other Pending Commission Applications Concerning the Proposed
FCC File Number: ITC-T/C-20141212-00331 (WC Docket No. 15-8).63.04(a)(10): Special
63.04(a)(II): Waiver Requests (If Any)


63.04(3)(12): Public Interest Statement
Section IV of the Application contains the required public interest statement.

                                          EXHIBIT B



                         TERI O'FLAHERTY      STACY HERGENRADER
One Thousand (1,000)
                       One Thousand (1,000)   One Thousand (1,000)
 Shares of Common
                        Shares of Common       Shares of Common
                        Stock     (33.33%)     Stock      (33.3%)

                         SELECTEL, INC.


          COMPASS ATLANTIC Two                 MATT O'FLAHERTY One
          Thousand (2,000) Shares              Thousand (1,000) Shares
             of Common Stock                      of Common Stock
                 (66.67%)                             (33.33%)

                                   SELECTEL, INC.

                                                                                          EXHIBIT C

                                             SELECTEL, INC. ORGANIZATIONAL CHART POST TRANSACTION

                                                                                           Matt O'flaherty

Customer Service
    Manager               Regional Store            Regional Store                                    Fremont Callcenter         Cebu Callcenter
                                                                           Dealer manager                                                                Senior Programmer
Dealer Support           Manager - North           Manager - South                                    Operations Manager       Operations Manager                               Human Resources
                                                                               Pat Hall                                                                   Fernando Cordero
Manager Stacy           Tamie Schmeckpeper        Stephanie Anderson                                    Cheryl Anthony            Carol Veloso

                                                                                                                                                            Systems Admin
                               Store Manager/
    Assistant Manager                                    Store Manager        Dealer Account Rep.            Office Manager            Team Leader                                      Marketing
                              Purchaser/Returns                                                                                                             Nathan Ustohal
     Shannon Hembre                                       Shawn Evers              TJ Dobson                  Robyn Kalisek           Geraldine Allera                                Andrew Jensen
                               Natali Freeman

                                                                                                                                                                  CLEC DBA
                                                                                                                                                                 Eddy Banagle
    Assistant Manager          Store Manager             Store Manager                                        Team Leader              Team Leader
     Samantha Smith             Jerry Minarik            Rachelle Elliot                                       Lisa Brown              Dorothy Alivio

                                                                                                                                                                Andrew Gozler
    Assistant Manager                                                                                         Team Leader              Team Leader
       Sean O'Reilly                                                                                          Zach Hadden              Grace Galarido

    Assistant Manager                                                                                         Team Leader
      Kristen Kruse                                                                                          Peter O'Connell

                                      EXHIBIT D

Matthew S O’Flaherty, President of SelecTel, Inc. has over 20 years of experience in the
telecom industry. Mr. O’Flaherty oversees the corporate direction and strategy for SelecTel’s
operations. He focuses on leadership, strategy, innovation, and customers. Mr. O’Flaherty
performed similar duties and responsibilities at NorthStar Telecom and Midwest Marketing
Group, Inc.

Previous Employment History:
Cordia Communications, October 2007-May 2010, National Sales Marketing Executive
NorthStar Telecom, May 2003-October 2007, Co-owner/Manager-Sales, IT, Regulatory
Midwest Marketing Group, Inc., July 1997-October 2007, Co-owner/Manager
Furst Group, 1993-July 1997, Sales Manager

Stacy L Hergenrader, Secretary of SelecTel, Inc. manages the customer service, order
provisioning and collections departments. Ms. Hergenrader also manages a wireless retail store
located in Florida. Ms. Hergenrader performed similar duties and responsibilities at NorthStar
Telecom and Midwest Marketing Group, Inc.

Previous Employment History:
NorthStar Telecom, May 2003-October 2007, Co-owner/Manager-Customer Service
Midwest Marketing Group, Inc., July 1997-October 2007, Co-owner/Manager
Furst Group, 1994-July 1997, Sales

Teri L O’Flaherty, Treasurer and Director of Human Resources of SelecTel, Inc. manages the
business finances, accounts receivable/payable and payroll.       Ms. O’Flaherty oversees the
operation of the wireless product and manages retail stores located in Nebraska. Ms. O’Flaherty
preformed similar duties and responsibilities at NorthStar Telecom and Midwest Marketing
Group, Inc.

Previous Employment History:
Cordia Communications, October 2007-May 2010, Office Manager
NorthStar Telecom, May 2003-October 2007, Co-owner/Manager-Finances/Office/Accts
Midwest Marketing Group, Inc. July 1997-October 2007, Co-owner/Manager
Furst Group, 1994-July 1997, Sales Manager

Patrick Hall brings more than 17 years of experience in business development, client relations
and consultative sales approach to his role as a National Dealer Accounts Manager. He brings
vitality and professionalism. Mr. Hall’s primary focus is to build a National Dealer program
promoting awareness about SelecTel’s Wireless products and services among prospective
clients, and develop and maintain relationships with current and potential clients. Prior to
joining SelecTel, Inc., Mr. Hall spent 5 years with Dataflo Consulting building the medical
reseller program from inception to well over a million dollars in annual revenue. During his time
at Dataflo he was awarded the President’s award for 4 straight years.

Document Created: 2015-05-19 17:03:04
Document Modified: 2015-05-19 17:03:04

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