Attachment TCI Notice

This document pretains to ITC-T/C-20150430-00113 for Transfer of Control on a International Telecommunications filing.


                                              KELLEY DRYE & WARREN llp
                                                       A LIMITED LIABILITY PARTNERSHIP

                                              WASHINGTON HARBOUR, SUITE 400
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                                                      3050 K STREET, NW                                        (202)   342-8451

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  STAMFORD.          CT

 PARSIPPANY               N J
                                                           (202) 342-8400
                                                                                                            STEVEN A, AUGUSTINO

BRUSSELS.      BELGIUM                                                                                    DIRECT LINE: (202) 342-8612

                                                                                                       EMAIL; sauguslino@kel!

                                                            April 30, 2015

       Marlene Dortch                                                                             via IBFS
       Federal Communications Commission
       445 12* Street SW
       Washington, DC 20554

                    Re:         Notification, pursuant to Section 63.24(f) of the Commission’s Rules, of a
                                pro forma merger and transfer of control of Total Call International, LLC, which
                                holds blanket domestic Section 214 authority and international Seetion 214
                                authority (File No, lTC-214-20000121-00036); and
                                Notification, pursuant to Section 63.24(f) of the Commission’s Rules, of a
                                pro forma transfer of control of Total Call Mobile, LLC which holds international
                                Section 214 authority (File No. ITC-214-20091105-00474); and

                                Notification, pursuant to Section 63.24(f) of the Commission’s Rules, of a
                                pro forma transfer of control of Locus Telecommunications, LLC which holds
                                blanket domestic Section 214 authority and international Section 214 authority
                                (File No. lTC-214-19950819-00044)

       Dear Ms. Dortch:

                Total Call International, LLC ', (“TCI”) Total Call Mobile, LLC (“TCM”) and Locus
       Telecommunications, LLC.^ (“Locus” and together with TCI and TCM, the “Companies”), by
       their attorneys, hereby notify the Federal Communications Commission of a series of non­
       substantive,     forma transactions, pursuant to Section 63.24(f) of the Commission’s Rules, that
       took place on March 31, 2015. Specifically, the Companies have undertaken internal
       reorganizations resulting in pro forma transfers of control and TCI completed a pro forma
       merger with a commonly owned affiliate. None of these transactions resulted in any change in
       the ultimate ownership of the Companies nor were any services discontinued.^
                    FRN: 0006807309.
                    FRN: 0018458091.
                    In addition, TCM and Locus converted from Delaware corporations to Delaware limited liability
                    companies on March 31, 2015.

                               KELLEY DRYE & WARREN                   llp

Ms. Marlene Dortch
April 30, 2015
Page Two

        TCI is a provider of prepaid calling card services and holds domestic and international
Section 214 authority from the Commission."^ TCM is a provider of wireless telecommunications
service and holds international Section 214 authority from the Commission.^ Locus provides
both prepaid calling card services and wireless telecommunications service and holds
international Section 214 authority^ and, with respect to its prepaid calling card services,
domestic Section 214 authority.

Description of the Pro Forma Transactions

       Prior to the pro forma internal reorganization, TCI Inc. and Locus were directly held and
wholly owned by KDDI America, Inc. (“KDDI America”) which, in turn is wholly owned by
KDDI Corporation. TCM was a direct, wholly owned subsidiary of TCI Inc. and an indirect
wholly owned subsidiary of KDDI America. In turn, KDDI America is a direct, wholly owned
subsidiary of KDDI Corporation, a public corporation based in Japan. With this filing, the
Companies notify the Commission of the following, effective March 31, 2015:

        (i) KDDI US Holding Inc. (“KDDI US”), a newly formed entity incorporated under the
laws of the State of Delaware, has been inserted into the chain of ownership between TCI and
Locus, on the one hand, and their prior direct parent entity, KDDI America. KDDI US is a
direct, wholly owned subsidiary of KDDI America. There has been no change in the ultimate
ownership of TCI or Locus.

       (ii) Control of TCM has been transferred from TCI to KDDI US. As a result, TCM is
now directly held and wholly owned by KDDI US. There has been no change in the ultimate
ownership of TCM.

        (iii) TCI, a California corporation, merged with and into. Total Call International, LLC,
(“TCI LLC”) a commonly owned affiliate and limited liability company formed under the laws
of the State of Delaware, with TCI LLC as the surviving entity. Both before and after the
merger, TCI LLC was, and remains a direct and wholly owned subsidiary of KDDI US.

       As a result of these transactions, TCI LLC, TCM and Locus are each directly and wholly
owned by KDDI US. KDDI US is direetly and wholly owned by KDDI America and there has
been no change in the ownership of KDDI America. Accordingly, these transactions have not

       See File No. ITC-214-20000121-00036 (granted Feb. 23, 2000). Domestic authority was obtained by
       operation of rule. See47C.F.R. §63.01.
       See File No. lTC-214-20091105-00474 (granted Dec. 4, 2009),
       See File No. lTC-214-19950819-00044 (granted Sept. 1, 1995),

                             KELLEY DRYE & WARREN            llp

Ms. Marlene Dortch
April 30, 2015
Page Three

resulted in any change in the ultimate control of TCI LLC, TCM or Locus. Diagrams of the pre-
and post-transaction corporate structures are provided as Exhibit A.

         In addition, on March 31, 2015, TCM and Locus, both corporations formed under the
laws of the State of Delaware, completed corporate conversions to become Delaware limited
liability companies.

       In accordance with Section 63.24(f)(2) of the Commission’s Rules, the Companies
provide the information requested in paragraphs (a) through (d) and (h) of Section 63.18 of the
Commission’s Rules.

(a)    Name, address and telephone number of the parties:

                      Total Call International, LLC
                      1411 W. 190th Street, Suite 650
                      Gardena, CA 90248

                      Total Call Mobile, LLC
                      1411 W. 190th Street, Suite 650
                      Gardena, CA 90248
                      (310) 818-4300

                      Locus Telecommunications, LLC
                      2200 Fletcher Avenue
                      Fort Lee, New Jersey 07024
                      (201) 585-3600

(b)    TCI LLC, TCM and Locus are each limited liability companies formed under the laws of
       the State of Delaware.

(c)    Correspondence concerning this filing should be sent to:

                      Steven A. Augustino
                      Denise N. Smith
                      Kelley Drye & Warren LLP
                      3050 K Street, N.W.
                      Washington, D.C. 20007
                      Tel: (202) 342-8400

                           KELLEY DRYE & WARREN             llp

Ms. Marlene Dortch
April 30,2015
Page Four


(d)   TCI LLC holds an international Section 214 license to provide global or limited global
      facilities-based and resale international telecommunications services, granted in File No.
      ITC-214-20000121-00036 on February 23, 2000. TCM holds an international Section
      214 license to provide global or limited global facilities-based and resale international
      telecommunications services, granted in File No. ITC-214-20091105-00474 on
      December 4, 2009. Locus holds an international Section 214 license to provide global or
      limited global resale international telecommunications services, granted in File No. ITC-
      214-19950819-00044 on September 1, 1995. TCI, TCM and Locus were all
      subsequently acquired, in separate transactions, by KDDI America, Inc. The
      Commission approved these acquisitions in File Nos. ITC-T/C-20091214-00538, ITC-
      T/C-20091214-00537 and ITC-T/C-20091022-00453, respectively.

(h)   After the international reorganization of the Companies and TCI LLC merger, the following
      individuals or entities hold a 10% or greater ownership interest in the Companies:

      KDDI US Hoidins Inc. KDDI US holds 100% of the membership of the Companies.
      KDDI US is a corporation formed under the laws of the State of Delaware with principal
      offices at 825 Third Avenue, Third Floor, New York, NY 10022. KDDI US’ principal
      business is that of a holding company.

      KDDI America, Inc. KDDI America holds 100% of the ownership interest of KDDI US.
      KDDI America is a corporation formed under the laws of the State of New York with
      principal offices located at 825 Third Avenue, Third Floor, New York, NY 10022. KDDI
      America’s principal business is as a provider of interexchange and international
      telecommunications in the United States.

      KDDI Corporation KDDI Corporation holds 100% of the ownership interest of KDDI
      America. KDDI Corporation is a corporation formed under the laws of Japan with principal
      offices located at 3-10-10 lidabashi Chiyodaku, Tokyo 102-0072, Japan. KDDI
      Corporation owns and operates a portfolio of telecommunications companies throughout the
      world. KDDI Corporation is a publicly traded company and, as such, its ownership is
      widely held. The following entities hold 10 percent (10%) or more of the outstanding stock
      of KDDI Corporation:

                              KELLEY DRYE & WARREN             llp

Ms. Marlene Dortch
April 30, 2015
Page Five

           Name: Kyocera Corporation
           Business Address: 6 Takeda Tobadono-cho, Fushmi-ku, Kyoto, Japan 612-8501
           Ownership: 12.76% in KDDI Corporation
           Citizenship: Japanese Coiporation
           Principal Business: Conglomerate - advanced materials, components, devices,
           equipment, networks and services.

           Name: Toyota Motor Corporation
           Business Address: 1 Toyota-Cho, Toyota City, Aichi Prefecture 471-8571, Japan
           Ownership: 11.09% in KDDI Corporation
           Citizenship: Japanese Corporation
           Principal Business: Automobile manufacturing and sales

       Apart from those identified above, no other individual or entity holds a 10% or greater
       ownership interest in TCI, TCM or Locus under the FCC’s ownership attribution rules.

       Interloeking Directorates:

       Each of the following individuals is an officer or director of the Companies (as noted) as
       well as an officer or director of a foreign carrier as described below:

               Mr. Shinichi Suzukawa is a director for KDDI America, Inc. and the following
               KDDI entities: KDDI Europe Ltd., KDDI China Corporation, KDDI Singapore
               Pte Ltd, and DMX Technologies Group Limited.

         Finally, pursuant to Section 63.24(f)(ii) of the Commission’s Rules, the Companies
provide as Exhibit B certifications that the transfers of control and merger were pro forma and
that, together with all previous pro forma transactions, they do not result in a change in the actual
controlling party for any of the Companies.

                           KELLEY DRYE & WARREN            llp

Ms. Marlene Dortch
April 30, 2015
Page Six

      Please contact the undersigned counsel if you have any questions regarding this matter.

                                               Respectfully submitted,

                                               Steven A. Augustino
                                               Denise N. Smith
                                               Kelley Drye & Warren LLP
                                               3050 K Street, NW
                                               Suite 400
                                               Washington, D.C. 20007-5108

                                               Counsel for Total Call International, LLC,
                                               Total Call Mobile, LLC and Locus
                                               Telecommunications, LLC


            Diagrams of the Corporate Ownership Structure of Total Call
Exhibit A   International, LLC, Total Call Mobile, LLC and Locus
            Telecommunications, LLC Prior to and Following the Consummation of
            the Transaction

Exhibit B   Certifications

                                                  Exhibit A

Pre- and Post-Transaction Organizational Charts

Overview of the Pre-Transaction Structure

                           Kyocera Corporation*                                             Toyota Motor Corporation*
                                         12.76%                                                                  11.09%

                                                                      KDDI Corp

                                                                   KDDI America

                                                     100%                                          100%

                                     Total Call International,                             Locus Telecommunications
                                             Inc. (CA)                                              Inc. (DE)


                                   Total Call Mobile, Inc. (DE)

This chart reflects the ownership interests only of those entities relevant to the transaction. All other entities have been omitted.
*No other individual/entity holds a 10% or greater ownership interest in KDDI Corporation.

Overview of the Post-Transaction Structure

                               Kyocera Corporation*                                      Toyota Motor Corporation*

                                                                      KDDI Corp

                                                                  KDDI America

                                                                KDDI US Holding

                                 100%                                            100%                                               100%

                  Total Call Mobile                     Total Call International,                           Locus Telecommunications,
                      LLC (DE)                                  LLC (DE)                                             LLC (DE)

This chart reflects the ownership interests only of those entities relevant to the transaction. All other entities have been omitted.
*No other individual/entity holds a 10% or greater ownership interest in KDDI Corporation.

                                                                                           Exhibit B


       The undersigned hereby certifies, on behalf of Total Call International, LLC and with

respect to the foregoing notification of pro forma transactions, that the statements in the

notification are true and correct to the best of my belief and are made in good faith; that the

transactions were pro forma as described in Section 63.24(a) of the Commission’s Rules; and

that these transactions, together with all previous pro forma transactions, did not result in a

change in ultimate control.

                                               Robert Yap
                                               Chief Legal Officer
                                               Total Call International, LLC
                                               1411 W. 190th Street, Suite 650
                                               Gardena, CA 90248

Date: April 29, 2015

                                                                                          Exhibit B


        The undersigned hereby certifies, on behalf of Total Call Mobile, LLC and with respect

to the foregoing notification of a proforma transaction, that the statements in the notification are

true and correct to the best of my belief and are made in good faith; that the transaction was pro

forma as described in Section 63.24(a) of the Commission’s Rules; and that this transaction.

together with all previous pro forma transactions, did not result in a change in ultimate control.

                                               Robert Yap
                                               Chief Legal Officer
                                               Total Call Mobile, LLC
                                               1411 W. 190th Street, Suite 650
                                               Gardena, CA 90248

Date: April 29, 2015

                                                                                          Exhibit B


       The undersigned hereby certifies, on behalf of Locus Telecommunications, LLC and with

respect to the foregoing notification of a pro forma transaction, that the statements in the

notification are true and correct to the best of my belief and are made in good faith; that the

transaction was pro forma as described in Section 63.24(a) of the Commission’s Rules; and that

this transaction, together with all previous proforma transactions, did not result in a change in

ultimate control.

                                               Robert Yap
                                               Chief Legal Officer
                                               Locus Telecommunications, LLC
                                               2200 Fletcher Avenue
                                               Fort Lee, New Jersey 07024

Date: April 29, 2015

Document Created: 2015-04-30 18:23:52
Document Modified: 2015-04-30 18:23:52

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