Attachment Notification

This document pretains to ITC-T/C-20150423-00103 for Transfer of Control on a International Telecommunications filing.


A rent hx                                                                                                  Arent Fox LLP / Attorneys at Law
                                                                       Los Angeles, CA / New York, NY / San Francisco, CA / Washington, DC

        April 22, 2015                                                                                 Katherine E. Barker Marshall
                                                                                                       Senior Attorney
                                                                                                       202.857.6104 pirect
                                                                                                       202.857.6395 rax
        VIA IBFS                                                                             

        Marlene Dortch
        Federal Communications Commission
        445 12st Street SW
        Washington, DC 20554

        Re:        Notification of a Pro Forma Transfer of Control of Perseus
                   Telecom Limited (FRN: 0019491802; File No. File No. ITC—214—20100115—00020)
                   Pursuant to Section 214 of the Communications Act of 1934, As Amended

       Dear Ms. Dortch:

               Perseus Telecom Limited [FRN: 0019491802], ("Licensee"), by its counsel and pursuant
       to Section 214 of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended, 47 U.S.C. §214 (the "Act"), and
       Sections 63.03, 63.04, and 63.24(f) of the Commission‘s Rules, 47 CFR §§ 63.03, 63.04, and
       63.24(f), hereby notifies the Federal Communications Commission ("Commission") of a pro
       forma transaction, which resulted in the insertion of a new direct parent company between the
       Licensee and the ultimate ownership of the Licensee, Perseus Telecom Holding Company
       Limited ("Holding"). In addition, this Transaction resulted in the transfer of 12.5% of the
       ownership interest to Goldman, Sachs & Co. ("Goldman") (the "Transaction"). At all times, Dr.
       Jock Percy, the Chief Executive Officer of Perseus and its majority shareholder, held and
       continues to hold de facto and de jure control of the Licensee. Prior to the Transaction, there
       was no intermediate entity between the ownership and the Licensee. The Transaction was
       effective March 19, 2015.

                While the Transaction adds an additional 10% or more ultimate shareholder in the
       Licensee, the Licensee believes this is a minor transaction under 63.24(f), and as such,
       Commission approval is not required because the ultimate de facto and de jure control remained
       at all times with Dr. Jock Percy. Further, the Licensee is a non—dominant competitive carrier,
       controlling less than 10% of the telecommunications market in the United States.

       In support of this Notification, Licensee provides the following information:

555 West Fifth Street, 48th Floor   1675 Broadway                     55 Second Street, 21"" Floor       1717 K Street, NW
Los Angeles, CA 90013—1065          New York, NY 10019—5820           San Francisco, CA 94105—3470       Washington, DC 20006—5344
T 213.629.7400    F213.629.7401     T 212.484.3900   F 212.484.3990   T 415.757.5500   F415.757.5501     T 202.857.6000   F 202.857.6395

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  L.    The Parties

        A.     Perseus Telecom Limited

         Perseus Telecom Limited is an entity formed under the laws of Ireland, headquartered at
 1 Floor, Riverview House, 21—23 City Quay, Dublin, Ireland, with an office located at 30 Vesey
 Street, 14‘" Floor, New York, NY, 10007. Perseus Telecom Limited holds blanket domestic
 authority to provide interstate telecommunications services, pursuant to Section 214 of the
 Communications Act of 1934, as amended. 47 U.S.C. §214. Additionally, Perseus Telecom
 Limited holds authority to provide International Services, under File No. ITC—214—20100115—
 00020, granted July 22, 2010.

        B.     Dr. Jock Percy

        Dr. Percy is a citizen of the United Kingdom, and is Chief Executive Officer of Licensee.
 His business address is: 30 Vesey Street, 14° Floor, New York, NY, 10007. Post—close, Dr.
 Percy retains 64.52% indirect interest in Perseus Telecom Limited. In his capacity of Chief
 Executive Officer, Dr. Percy has retained de facto and de jure control of the Licensee and
 manages the day—to—day operations of the Licensee.

        C.      Goldman, Sachs & Co.

         Goldman, Sachs & Co. is headquartered at 200 West St., New York, NY, 10282. It is a
 limited partnership formed under the laws of New York. As a result of the Transaction,
 Goldman may assert a 12.5% indirect interest in the Licensee and may appoint one member to
 the board of Holding; however Goldman does not control the day—to—day operations of the

 II.    Designated Contacts

        The designated contacts for questions concerning this Notification are:

        Katherine Barker Marshall
        Arent Fox LLP
        1717 K Street NW
        Washington, DC 20036
        Telephone: (202) 857—6104
        Facsimile: (202) 857—6395

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Are nt F()X                                                                    Page 3

         With a copy to:

         Rachel Zublatt
         General Counsel
         Perseus Telecom Limited
         30 Vesey Street, 14th Floor
         New York, NY 10007
         Telephone: (347) 535—4626

  III.   Description of the Transaction

          By the terms of an Agreement, dated March 19, 2015, a new parent company, Perseus
  Telecom Holding Company Limited, was inserted into the then—existing ownership structure of
  the Licensee. In addition, Goldman obtained a 12.5% indirect ownership interest in the Licensee
  through its 12.5% ownership in Perseus Telecom Holding Company Limited.

          This Transaction is strictly internal in nature and does not result in a change in ultimate
  control of the Licensee. Dr. Percy has been, and continues to be, the Chief Executive Officer of
  Licensee, and had held a majority—shareholder interest in the Licensee.

          The Transaction will have no impact whatsoever on Licensee‘s customers. They will
  continue to receive their existing services at the same rates, terms and conditions that they have
  prior to the Transaction. The Licensee will continue to be managed by personnel with significant
  experience in the telecommunications industry.

  IV.    Information Required by Section 63.18(h) of the Commission Rules:

          Post—Transaction, the following Parties will be able to assert a 10% or more ownership
  interest in Perseus:

         Perseus Telecom Holding Company Limited
         1 Floor, Riverview House, 21—23 City Quay,
         Dublin, Ireland
          with an office located at:
         30 Vesey Street, 14"" Floor
          New York, NY, 10007
         Telephone: (212) 300—6813
         Ireland Company
         Ownership Interest: 100% of Perseus Telecom Limited

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  Perseus Telecom Limited Holding Company is controlled by:

         Dr. Jock Percy
         Chief Executive Officer
         Perseus Telecom Limited
         30 Vesey Street, 14th Floor
         New York, NY 10007
         Telephone: (212) 300—6813
         UK Citizen
         Ownership Interest: 64.52% (represents direct and indirect interest) in Perseus Telecom
                Limited Holding Company

         Goldman, Sachs & Co.
         200 West Street
         New York, New York 10282.
         Telephone: (212) 902—1000
         New York Limited Partnership
         Ownership Interest: 12.5% in Perseus Telecom Limited Holding Company

         Goldman is, in turn, controlled by:

         The Goldman Sachs Group, Inc., a bank holding company.
         200 West Street
         New York, New York 10282.
         Attn: Milt Millman
         Telephone: (212) 902—1000
         Ownership Interest: 100%

         No other individuals or entities can assert a direct or indirect interest of 10% or more in
 the Licensee.

 V.      Public Interest Statement

         The changes described in this Notification will have no impact on public interest
 considerations. The entity offering service to the customers is still the Licensee, and these pro
 forma changes in ownership do not impact the Licensee‘s ability to provide service to its
 customers. The net result of the Transaction is that the Licensee has obtained a new direct
 parental entity, and that Goldman has obtained a 12.5% indirect ownership in the Licensee. The
 majority shareholder has not changed, nor has his function as the Chief Executive Officer of the

                                                                             ?;)gr(ial 522, 2015
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 Licensee. Finally, this Transaction is transparent to its customers. Therefore, this Transaction is
 in the public interest.

 VI.    Conclusion

        Licensee respectfully submits this Notification to the Commission. .

        Thank you for your assistance in this matter and please do not hesitate to contact me if
 you have any questions or concerns.

 Respectfully submitted,

  PBUUQU E.laralat
 Katherine E. Barker Marshall

 ce:    David Krech, International Bureau (via e—mail)
        Adrienne Downs, International Bureau (via e—mail)

Document Created: 2015-04-22 16:59:10
Document Modified: 2015-04-22 16:59:10

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