Attachment Notification

This document pretains to ITC-T/C-20150417-00091 for Transfer of Control on a International Telecommunications filing.


Morgan, Lewis & Bockius LLP
2020 K Street, NW
Washington, District of Columbia 20006-1806
Tel. 202.373.6000
Fax: 202.373.6001

Douglas D. Orvis II
Brett P. Ferenchak

April 17, 2015


Marlene H. Dortch, Secretary
Federal Communications Commission
445 12th Street, S.W.
Room TW-A325
Washington, DC 20554
Attn: International Bureau (via IBFS)

Re: Notification Regarding Involuntary Change in Indirect Ownership of Sirius
    Telecommunications, Inc.

Dear Ms. Dortch:

Sirius Telecommunications, Inc. (“Sirius Telecom”), by undersigned counsel and pursuant to 47
C.F.R. § 63.24(f) and (g), notifies the Commission that an involuntary change in its ownership
that occurred on or about November 7, 2011(the “Involuntary Change”) in connection with the
death of Christopher E. Edgecomb. Specifically, at the time of Mr. Edgecomb’s death, Sirius
Telecom was directly wholly owned by the Christopher E. Edgecomb Living Trust (the “CEE
Trust” or “Transferor”) whose sole Trustee was Mr. Edgecomb.1 In accordance with the terms
of the living trust, CEE Trust’s ownership interest was transferred to The Maryann F. Edgecomb
Living Trust (“MFE Trust” or “Transferee”) whose sole Trustee is Maryann F. Edgecomb, the
widow of Mr. Edgecomb.2

        As described below, Sirius Telecom also notifies the Commission of a pro forma change in its
direct ownership.
        Importantly, the primary beneficiary of the CEE Trust was the MFE Trust. The contingent
beneficiaries of the CEE Trust were the same as the primary beneficiaries of the MFE Trust.

    Almaty Astana Beijing Boston Brussels Chicago Dallas Dubai Frankfurt Harrisburg Hartford Houston London Los Angeles Miami Moscow
     New York Orange County Paris Philadelphia Pittsburgh Princeton San Francisco Santa Monica Silicon Valley Tokyo Washington Wilmington

Marlene H. Dortch, Secretary
April 17, 2015
Page 2

                         Information Required by Section 63.24(f)(2)

As required by Section 63.24(f)(2), Sirius Telecom provides the following information required
by 63.18(a) through (d) and (h):

Sections 63.18(a): Name, address and telephone number of the Parties:

       Sirius Telecommunications, Inc.
       1933 Cliff Drive, Suite 28
       Santa Barbara, CA 93109
       Tel: 805-690-2800

       Christopher E. Edgecomb, Trustee
       Christopher E. Edgecomb Living Trust
       Maryann F. Edgecomb, Trustee
       The Maryann F. Edgecomb Living Trust
       c/o Sirius Telecommunications, Inc.
       1933 Cliff Drive, Suite 28
       Santa Barbara, CA 93109
       Tel: 805-690-2800

Sections 63.18(b): Organization of the Parties:

       Sirius Telecom is a California corporation.

       Transferee is a California trust.

       Maryann F. Edgecomb is a U.S. citizen.

       Transferor was a California trust.

       Christopher E. Edgecomb was a U.S. citizen.

Marlene H. Dortch, Secretary
April 17, 2015
Page 3

Section 63.18(c): Correspondence concerning this filing should be sent to the Parties’ counsel:

               Douglas D. Orvis II
               Brett P. Ferenchak
               Morgan, Lewis & Bockius LLP
               2020 K Street, N.W.
               Washington, DC 20006-1806
               202-373-6000 (Tel)
               202-373-6001 (Fax)

Section 63.18(d): Sirius Telecom holds international Section 214 authority to provide global or
limited global facilities-based and resale services granted in IB File No. ITC-214-20010426-

Sections 63.18(h): See Attachment 1 for the ownership of Sirius Telecom.

Sirius Telecom certifies that because the beneficiary of the CEE Trust is the trustee of the MFE
Trust, the Involuntary Change was pro forma and that, together with all previous pro forma
transactions,4 did not result in a change in the actual controlling party of Sirius Telecom.

                                      *       *       *       *

       Sirius Telecom also holds the following Signaling Point Code authorizations: SPC-NEW-
20020115-00002, SPC-NEW-20021210-00038, and SPC-NEW-20030507-00020
        At some indeterminate date before Mr. Edgecomb’s death, Sirius Holdings, Inc. (“Holdings”), a
California corporation, was removed as a holding company between Sirius Telecom and CEE Trust (the
“Pro Forma Change”). As a result, Sirius Telecom became 100% directly owned by CEE Trust;
previously CEE Trust indirectly owned 100% of Sirius Telecom as the direct 100% owner of Holdings.
Since the ultimate ownership of Sirius Telecom did not change, the removal of Holdings from the chain
of ownership was pro forma in nature.

Marlene H. Dortch, Secretary
April 17, 2015
Page 4

This notification letter is being filed electronically via MyIBFS. Please direct any questions to
the undersigned.

Respectfully submitted,
/s/ Brett P. Ferenchak
Douglas D. Orvis II
Brett P. Ferenchak

Counsel for Sirius Telecommunications, Inc.

                                         ATTACHMENT 1

Answer to Question 11 - Section 63.18(h) Ownership Information

        As a result of the Involuntary Change, the following entities hold, directly or indirectly, a

10% or greater interest1 in Sirius Telecommunications, Inc. as calculated pursuant to the

Commission ownership attribution rules for international telecommunications carriers:

                Name:                   The Maryann F. Edgecomb Trust (“MFE Trust”)
                Address:                c/o Sirius Telecommunications, Inc.
                                        1933 Cliff Drive, Suite 28
                                        Santa Barbara, CA 93109
                Citizenship:            U.S. (California)
                Principal Business:     Investments
                % Interest:             100% (directly in Sirius Telecom)

                Maryann F. Edgecomb is the sole Trustee of the MFE Trust. She is a U.S. citizen
                and can also be reached at Sirius Telecom’s address.

Answer to Question 12 - Section 63.18(h) Interlocking Directorates

        Sirius Telecom does not have any interlocking directorates with a foreign carrier.

Answer to Question 13 - Description of the Involuntary Change

        On or about November 7, 2011, there was an involuntary change in direct ownership of

Sirius Telecommunications, Inc. (“Sirius Telecom”) (the “Involuntary Change”) in connection

with the death of Christopher E. Edgecomb.2 At the time of Mr. Edgecomb’s death, Sirius

Telecom was wholly owned by the Christopher E. Edgecomb Living Trust (the “CEE Trust” or

“Transferor”) whose sole Trustee was Mr. Edgecomb. Following Mr. Edgecomb’s death and in

        Unless otherwise indicated, the ownership interests provided herein represent both equity and
voting interests.
        At some indeterminate date before Mr. Edgecomb’s death, Sirius Holdings, Inc. (“Holdings”), a
California corporation, was removed as a holding company between Sirius Telecom and CEE Trust (the
“Pro Forma Change”). As a result, Sirius Telecom became 100% directly owned by CEE Trust;
previously CEE Trust indirectly owned 100% of Sirius Telecom as the direct 100% owner of Holdings.
Since the ultimate ownership of Sirius Telecom did not change, the removal of Holdings from the chain
of ownership was pro forma in nature.

accordance with the terms of the CEE Trust, CEE Trust’s ownership interest in Sirius Telecom

was transferred to The Maryann F. Edgecomb Living Trust (“MFE Trust” or “Transferee”)

whose sole Trustee is Maryann F. Edgecomb, the widow of Mr. Edgecomb.3 Therefore, the

MFE Trust directly wholly owns Sirius Telecom and Ms. Edgecomb indirectly controls Sirius

Telecom as the Trustee of MFE Trust.

       Due to the nature of the Involuntary Change and further administrative oversight, this

filing was not made within 30 days of its occurrence, as required by Section 1.948(c)(1) of the

rules, 47 C.F.R. § 1.948(c)(1).4 The failure to timely file was entirely inadvertent and there was

no intent to violate or flout any Commission rule; rather, the Parties take their responsibilities to

comply with the Commission’s rules, including the rules regarding involuntary assignments and

transfers of control, very seriously. And, Sirius Telecom has implemented procedures to ensure

that similar oversights do not occur in the future. Aside from failing to timely submit filings for

the Involuntary Change and prior Pro Forma Change, Sirius Telecom has otherwise been

operated in compliance with the Commission’s rules and procedures.

        Importantly, the primary beneficiary of the CEE Trust was the MFE Trust. The contingent
beneficiaries of the CEE Trust were the same as the primary beneficiaries of the MFE Trust.
       Similarly, Sirius Telecom did not timely notify the Commission of the Pro Forma Change due to
an administrative oversight.


       I, Maryann F. Edgecomb, state that I am CEO of Sirius Telecommunications, Inc. (

"Sirius Telecom"); that I am authorized to make this Verification on behalf of the Sirius

Telecom; that the foregoing filing was prepared under my direction and supervision; and that the

contents are true and correct to the best of my knowledge, information, and belief.

      _T declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is ‘tr_ue andcorrect. Executed this

16th day of April, 2015.

                                             ‘Ma?yannF Edgecomb
                                             Sirius Telecommunications, Inc.

Document Created: 2015-04-17 10:38:06
Document Modified: 2015-04-17 10:38:06

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