Attachment Pro Forma Notice

This document pretains to ITC-T/C-20150206-00040 for Transfer of Control on a International Telecommunications filing.


Morgan, lewis & Bockius LLP
2020 K Street, NW                                                                                  Morgan Lewis
Washington, District of Columbia 20006-1806                                                         COUNSELORS              AT    LAW
Tel. 202.373.6000
Fax: 202.373.6001

Ulises R. Pin
+1.202 .373.6664

                                                         February 6, 2015


Marlene H. Dortch, Secretary
Federal Communications Commission
Room TW-B204
445 12th Street, SW
Washington, DC 20554

Attention:          International Bureau, Policy Division

         Re:        Iusatel USA, Inc., Notification of Pro Forma Transfer

Dear Secretary Dortch:

       Iusatel USA Inc. ("Iusatel USA"), by its undersigned counsel submits this Notification of
Pro Forma Transfer, pursuant to Section 63.24(d) of the Commission's Rules, 47 C.F.R. §

        Iusatel USA holds global, facilities-based and resold international Section 214 authority,
File No. ITC-214-19960923-00459. Iusatel USA solely provides cross-border services to U.S.
carriers at several locations along the U.S.-Mexico border, including international voice and data

        By this pro forma transfer filing, Iusatel USA is providing the Commission notice of a
transaction (the "Transaction") whereby, Iusatel USA's ultimate shareholders Grupo Televisa
S.A.B. ("Grupo Televisa") and Grupo Salinas Telecom, S.A. de C.V. ("Grupo Salinas
Telecom"), agreed that Grupo Televisa will transfer to Grupo Salinas Telecom its 50% equity
interest in Iusatel USA and other Mexican operating subsidiaries of Grupo Iusacell, S.A. de C.V.
("Grupo Iusacell"). 1 As a result of the Transaction, Grupo Salinas Telecom indirectly holds

     Prior to the Transaction, each ofGrupo Televisa and Grupo Salinas Telecom, held an indirect 50% equity and
     voting interest in Iusatel USA.

   Almaty Astana Beijing Boston Brussels Chicago Dallas Dubai Frankfurt Harrisburg Hartford Houston London Los Angeles Miami Moscow
    New York Orange County Paris Philadelphia Pittsburgh Princeton San Francisco Santa Monica Silicon Valley Tokyo Washington Wilmington
N76673424 1

                                                                                         Morgan Lewis
Marlene H. Dortch, Secretary                                                             COUNSELORS        AT   LAW

February 6, 2015

100% of the equity and voting interests in Iusatel USA. Pre and post Transaction charts are
attached hereto as Exhibit A.

             The Transaction was governed by Mexican law and was consummated on January 6,

        For the following reasons, the Transaction does not constitute a change of control of
Iusatel USA under Section 63.24 of the Commission's Rules, 47 C.F.R. § 63.24:

     •       The Transaction does not result in a de jure or de facto change of control in Iusatel USA.
             Iusatel USA will continue to be controlled by Grupo Salinas Telecom one of the
             shareholders that currently control the company. The Commission has previously
             considered other transactions in which two shareholders each has a 50% equity interest in
             a licensee (i.e., each shareholder has negative control) and then one shareholder assumes
             a positive control interest in the licensee, as pro forma transfers. In particular, the
             Commission has repeatedly considered that no additional approval is necessary when a
             party that has negative control assumes positive control of the licensee and that
             controlling party was previously vetted by the Commission in prior applications.3

     •       The Transaction does not involve an assignment of any license or a change in the day-to-
             day operations of lusatel USA.

     •       There will be no change in the services offered to customers or the rates oflusatel USA's
             services, and the Transaction is completely transparent to lusatel USA's customers.

      Subsequent to the Transaction, Grupo Salinas Telecom agreed to sell 100% ofGrupo Iusacell, including all of
      its Mexican wireless operating subsidiaries to AT&T Inc. ("AT&T"). However, Iusatel USA is not part of the
      Mexican wireless companies sold to AT&T and remains wholly-owned and controlled by Grupo Salinas
      See, e.g. In re Request ofMcCaw Cellular Communications, Inc., 4 FCC Red 3784, 3791, n. 9 (1989). The test
      for "substantiality" has been, (a) whether 50% or more of the stock is being transferred.... and (b) whether as a
      result of the transaction, 50% or more of the outstanding stock will be held by a person or persons whose
      qualifications have not been approved or "passed upon" in a "long form application" ... for the particular
      station involved. In the Matter ofGrace Missionary Baptist Church, 80 FCC 2d 330 (1980) (citing In the
      Matter of Barnes Enterprises, Inc., 55 FCC 2d 721 ( 1975). In Barnes, the Commission found that where 90%
      of the stock remained in the hands of individuals whose qualifications have been passed upon, did not amount
      to a substantial change of control requiring a long-form application. Similarly, in GafJfney Broadcasting, the
      Commission ruled that a short form application for transfer of control was properly used where a husband and
      wife held 50% of the licensee's stock and acquired the remaining 50% from other stockholders. In the Matter
      ofGaffney Broadcasting, 35 RR 2d 1607 ( 1976).

N76673424. 1

                                                                          Morgan Lewis
Marlene H. Dortch, Secretary                                              counsrroars an caw
February 6. 2015
Page 3

         As required by Section 63.24(f)(2) of the Commission‘s Rules (47 C.F.R. § 63.24(f)(2)),
Tusatel USA provides the following information required by 63.18(a) through (d) and (h) of the
Commission‘s Rules (47 C.F.R. § 63.18):

 1.      Section 63.18(a): Name, address and telephone number ofTusatel USA:

         Tusatel USA, Inc.                    FRN     0007453806
         Montes Urales No. 450
         Quinto Piso
         Colonia Lomas de Chapultepec
         Mexico City, 11000
         +52—55 5109—6840

2.       Section 63.18(b): Tusatel USA is a Delaware corporation.

$        Section 63.18(c): Correspondence concerning this filing should be sent to:

             Ulises R. Pin
             Morgan Lewis & Bockius LLP
             2020 K. Street, N.W.
             Washington, DC 20006—1806
             (202) 373—6664 (Tel)
             (202) 373—6001 (Fax)

4.     Section 63. l_Ll     Tusatel USA provides international facilities—based and resale
telecommunications services pursuant to FCC File No. ITC—214—19960923—00459.

$.     Section 63.18(h): The name, address, citizenship and principal business activity of any
person having a 10% or greaterinterest in Tusatel USA is attached hereto as Exhibit B.

         Other than as previously reported to the Commission, there are no interlocking officers or
directors to report.

         Tusatel USA certifies that the Transaction was pro forma and that, together with all
previous pro forma transactions, did not result in a change in the ultimate control of Tusatel USA.


                                                                   Morgan Lewis
Marlene H. Dortch, Secretary                                       counserors at caw
February 6, 2015
Page 4

          Please contact the undersigned at (202) 373—6664, if you have any questions or
comments regarding this filing.

                                   Respectfully submitted,

                                   Ulises R. Pin

                                   Counsel for Iusatel USA, Inc.

ce:       Norma Urzua, Esq.
          Eduardo Ruiz, Esq.

ancsrsiae t


          On behalf of lusatel USA, 1 hereby certify that the foregoing Pro Forma Transfer
Notification was prepared under my direction and control. 1 further certify that all statements
therein are true, complete, and correct to the best of my knowledge and are made in good faith
and that the Transaction described therein was pro /orma under the Commission‘s Rules. 1
certify under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true.


        es                    LW/,/ 0;
By:—                      ~                   z>
Name: Francisco Xavier Botrbgo Hindjosa Linage
Title: General Counsel
Date: February 5, 2015

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                    Exhibit A

                OWNERSIDP CHARTS

A/76673424. 1

                              Pre-Transaction Ownership Structure

                                                                        Grupo Televisa, S.A.B.

                                                                                   1 100%

         Grupo Salinas Telecom,                                         Corporativo Vasco de
             S.A. deC.V.                                                Quiroga, S.A. de C.V.

                                  50%                             50%

                                        GSF Telecom Holdings,
                                           S.A.P.I. de C.V.

                                                    1 100%

                                           Grupo Iusacell,
                                            S.A. deC.V.

                                                    I   100%

                                        Grupo Iusacell Celular,

                                                    I   100%

                                              Total Play
                                             S.A. deC.V.

                                                    I   100%

                                          lusatel USA, Inc.


               Post-Transaction Ownership Structure

                      Grupo Salinas Telecom,
                          S.A. de C.V.

                                 I   99.8%

                            Total Play
                           S.A. de C.V.

                                 I     100%

                         Iusatel USA, Inc.


                                              Exhibit B

                                  OWNERSHIP INFORMATION

 As of the date of the closing of the Transaction, the 10% or greater direct shareholders of Iusatel
 USA, Inc. will be:

           Name:                 Total Play Telecomunicaciones, S.A. de C.V. ("Total Play")
           Address:              Montes Urales No. 450
                                 Quinto Piso
                                 Colonia Lomas de Chapultepec
                                 Mexico City, 11000
           Ownership:            100%
           Citizenship:          Mexico
           Principal Business:   Telecommunications

The following entity will hold an indirect ten percent (1 0%) or greater equity or controlling
interest in Licensee through its ownership in Total Play:

           Name:                 Grupo Salinas Telecom, S.A. de C.V.
           Address:              Montes Urales No. 450
                                 Quinto Piso
                                 Colonia Lomas de Chapultepec
                                 Mexico City, 11000
          Ownership:             99.8%
          Citizenship:           Mexico
          Principal Business:    Holding Company

       The following person will hold an indirect ten percent (10%) or greater equity or
controlling interest in Licensee through its ownership ofGrupo Salinas Telecom:

          Name:                  Ricardo Benjamin Salinas Pliego
          Address:               Periferico Sur 4119
                                 Colonia Fuentes del Pedregal
                                 Mexico City, 14141
          Ownership:             73.75%
          Citizenship:           Mexico
          Principal Business:    Retailing, Telecommunications and Media

No other person or entity will hold a 10% or greater indirect interest in Iusatel USA through an
ownership interest in Grupo Salinas Telecom.


Document Created: 2015-02-06 12:37:47
Document Modified: 2015-02-06 12:37:47

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