214 - Attachment 1 (

ERRATA, ERRATUM OR ADDENDUM submitted by Schurz Communications, Inc.

Amended ASttachment 1


This document pretains to ITC-T/C-20150123-00017 for Transfer of Control on a International Telecommunications filing.


Schurz Communications, Inc., Applicant/Transferee
Long Lines Communications, LLC, Transferor

January 28, 2015

Attachment 1 (amended)

Answer to Question 10

Information requested by 47 C.F.R. § 63.18(c) & (d):

(c) Legal Representative Contacts

        For Transferor Long Lines Communications, LLC:

        Michael Salsbury
        c/o Long Lines, LLC
        501 Fourth Street
        Sergeant Bluff, IA
        Tel:     (410) 446—8300
        Email:   msalsbury@longlines.biz

        For Applicant/Transferee Schurz Communications, Inc.:

        Jack N. Goodman
        1200 New Hampshire Avenue, N.W.
        Suite 600
        Washington, DC 20036
        Tel.:  (202)776—2045
        Email:   jack@jackngoodman.com

(d) Previous Section 214 Authority

Applicant/Transferee Schurz Communications, Inc. has not previously received authority under Section
214 of the Act.

Transferor Long Lines Communications, LLC has not previously received authority under Section 214 of
the Act, although its wholly—owned subsidiary Long Lines, LLC holds an international resale authorization
under Certificate No. ITC—214—20060724—00362 (which is the subject of this application). Another
wholly—owned subsidiary of Communications, Long Lines Wireless, LLC, previously held an international
resale authorization under Certificate No. ITC—214—20130709—00182, which the Commission consented
to be assigned to LL Acquisition Company, LLC, an indirect, wholly—owned subsidiary of AT&T Inc.

Answer to Question 11

Applicant/Transferee Schurz Communications, Inc. (SCl) is an Indiana corporation (FRN 0008712937).
SCI‘s address is:

        1301 E. Douglas Road
        Mishawaka, IN 46545

The following persons own at least 10 percent of the equity ownership of SCI:

    *   Todd F. Schurz (US citizen, FRN 0019312420)                        24.8%
        1211 E Eckman Street
        South Bend, IN 46614

        Mr. Schurz is the CEO of SCI.

    *   Robin S. Bruni (US Citizen, FRN 0019313527)                        10.3%
        401 Ledroit Lane
        Laguna Beach, CA 92651

        Mrs. Bruni is a stockholder of SCI.

The following entity holds 75.2 percent of the voting interest of SCI:

    *   Schurz Communications, Inc. Voting Trust (FRN 0019981125)
        c/o Schurz Communications, Inc.
        1301 E. Douglas Road
        Mishawaka, IN 46545

        The trustees of this trust are:

            *   Todd F. Schurz (US Citizen, FRN 0019312420)
            *   Scott Schurz, Sr. (US Citizen, FRN 0019312396)
            *    Franklin Schurz (US Citizen, FRN 0019312347)

There is no other entity or individual with a direct or indirect 10 percent or greater equity or voting
interest in SCI.

Transferor Long Lines Communications, LLC (Communications) is a Delaware limited liability company
(FRN 0015136211). Communications‘ address is:

        501 Fourth Street
        Sergeant Bluff, IA 51054

Communications was formed as a holding company of Long Lines, LLC during July 2006. At that time,
each of the equity interest holders in Long Lines, LLC exchanged their interests for an equal ownership in
Long Lines Communications, LLC, which thereby became the 100 percent owner of Long Lines, LLC.

The following persons own at least 10 percent of the equity ownership of Communications:

    *   CALCO, Inc., an lowa corporation (FRN 0002581288)                          40.1%
        P.O. Box 128
        Jefferson, SD 57038

        CALCO is controlled by Charles A. Long (US Citizen, FRN 0015562663), who resides at:
        90 Sunset Drive
        Dakota Dunes, SD

    *   1818 Mezzanine Fund II, L.P., a Delaware limited partnership                22.1%
        (FRN 0017744889)
        c/o Brown Brothers Harriman & Co.
        140 Broadway
        New York, NY 10005

        Sioux City, L.P., a Delaware limited partnership (FRN 0017744897)           21.6%
        c/o Brown Brothers Harriman & Co.
        140 Broadway
        New York, NY 10005

        Brown Brothers Harriman & Co., a New York entity, is the general partner of the 1818
        Mezzanine Fund II, L.P. and of Sioux City, L.P.

There is no other entity or individual with a direct or indirect 10 percent or greater equity or voting
interest in Communications.

Licensee Long Lines, LLC (Long Lines) is a Delaware limited liability company (FRN 0015136211).
Long Lines‘ address is:

        501 Fourth Street
        Sergeant Bluff, IA 50154

As noted, Communications holds 100 percent of the equity ownership and voting interest in Long Lines.
Long Lines was formed in 2005. When Communications was formed in 2006, through inadvertence,
Communications failed to request a pro forma transfer of control of Long Lines‘ international 214 resale

Answer to Question 13

Transferor Long Lines Communications, LLC (Communications) presently owns 100% of the equity of
Long Lines, LLC (Long Lines), which holds an international Section 214 resale authorization under
Certificate No. ITC—214—20060724—00362.

Pursuant to a Membership Interest Purchase Agreement, dated as of January 15, 2015, transferee
Schurz Communications, Inc. has agreed to purchase 100% of the equity ownership interests of Long
Lines from Communications.

Question 20 — Streamlined Processing

The applicants respectfully request streamlined processing of this application pursuant to 47 C.F.R. §
63.12 because (a) Schurz Communications is notaffiliated with a dominant foreign carrier, (b) Schurz
Communications will not become affiliated with any foreign carrier as a result of the proposed
transaction, and (c) none of the other provisions of 47 C.F.R. § 63.12 (c) applies.

Document Created: 2019-04-18 09:04:10
Document Modified: 2019-04-18 09:04:10

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