Columbus USA - Respo

OTHER submitted by Columbus Networks USA, Inc.

Information Request Response


This document pretains to ITC-T/C-20141121-00307 for Transfer of Control on a International Telecommunications filing.


Morgan, Lewis & Bockius LLP
2020 K Street, NW
Washington, District of Columbia 20006-1806
Tel. 202.373.6000
Fax: 202.373.6001

Ulises R. Pin

                                                             June 2, 2015


Denise Coca
Chief, Policy Division
International Bureau
Federal Communications Commission
445 12th Street, S.W.
Washington, D.C. 20554

Re:          Applications of Columbus Networks, Limited and Cable & Wireless Pic for
             Consent to Transfer Control of Licensees, File Nos. ITC-T/C-20141121- 00304,
             ITC-T/C-20141121-00307, SCL-T/C-20141121-00013, SCL-T/C- 20141121-00014

Dear Ms. Coca:

        In response to your Information Request dated May 19, 2015 (the “Information
Request”),1 Columbus New Cayman Limited,2 Columbus Networks USA, Inc. and ARCOS-1
USA, Inc. (collectively, “Columbus USA”)3 hereby submit the following information in relation
to the above-referenced applications:

      Capitalized terms used herein and not otherwise defined have the respective meanings ascribed to such terms
      in the Information Request.
      Columbus New Cayman Limited replaced Columbus Networks, Limited as the Transferor in the above-
      referenced applications following a pro forma transfer of control completed on March 31, 2015. See
      Notification of Pro Forma Transfer and Minor Amendment to Applications, SCL-T/C-20150421-00010, et al.
      (filed April 21, 2015) (the “Pro Forma Transfer”).
      All references herein to “Columbus” mean collectively Columbus International Inc. (“CII”) and its foreign
      subsidiaries (other than Columbus USA). As noted in the Pro Forma Transfer, CII and its foreign subsidiaries
      were transferred to C&W on March 31, 2015. Columbus USA is owned by the same ultimate majority owners
      and controlling parties of CII prior to the Pro Forma Transfer. Thus, there has been no change to the ultimate
      control of Columbus USA.

    Almaty Astana Beijing Boston Brussels Chicago Dallas Dubai Frankfurt Harrisburg Hartford Houston London Los Angeles Miami Moscow
     New York Orange County Paris Philadelphia Pittsburgh Princeton San Francisco Santa Monica Silicon Valley Tokyo Washington Wilmington

Denise Coca
June 2, 2015
Page 2

1. For each of the submarine cable systems, provide for Columbus (a) the ownership interest
   and (b) the cable capacity held as of December 31, 2014. Provide the data as specified in
   Attachment A.

     Response. Please see Attachment A.

     U.S. Cable Systems:

     America Movil (AMX1)
     Antillas 1
     Pacific Caribbean (PCCS)

     Non-U.S. Cable Systems:

     Caribbean Bermuda U.S. Network (CBUS)
     Cayman-Jamaica Fiber System (CJFS)
     Eastern Caribbean Fiber System (ECFS)
     East-West Cable None

     If the ownership or capacity held varies significantly by segment of the particular cable,
     please insert rows in the spreadsheet to provide data on a segment-by-segment basis.

2. Provide the data on current (as of December 31, 2014) and planned capacity (as of December
   31, 2016) for each of the submarine cable systems listed below, as specified in Attachment B
   and indicate the source of the data.

     Response. Please see Attachment B.

     U.S. Cable Systems:

     America Movil (AMX-1)
     Antillas 1
     Pacific Caribbean (PCCS)


Denise Coca
June 2, 2015
Page 3


     Non-U.S. Cable Systems:

     Caribbean Bermuda U.S. Network (CBUS)
     Cayman-Jamaica Fiber System (CJFS)
     Eastern Caribbean Fiber System (ECFS)
     East-West Cable

     If the current or planned capacity varies significantly by segment of the particular cable,
     please insert rows in the spreadsheet to provide information on a segment-by-segment basis.

3. Identify any submarine cable system planned or proposed to be in service in the Caribbean
   region within the next two years. Provide detailed information such as planned landing
   points, planned capacity and proposed in-service dates, and indicate the source of the
   information. In addition, state whether Columbus has an investment in the submarine cable
   system, and, if so, the level of ownership that will be held.

     Response. None to Columbus USA’s knowledge.

4. Provide a list of available terrestrial links between Haiti and the Dominican Republic,
   including the ownership of those links and provide:

     Response. Each of Digicel and NATCOM S.A. (a consortium created in 2010 between
     Viettel Telecom (60%) (Vietnam’s largest mobile operator) and the Government of Haiti
     (40%)) has built extensive fiber networks throughout Haiti including up to the border with
     the Dominican Republic in northern Haiti. Columbus USA does not have knowledge of
     how much capacity is available on these Haitian terrestrial fiber networks.

     BW Telecom (a Dominican carrier controlled by Mr. Manny Lora), owns and operates a
     fiber optic network from the Haitian border with the Dominican Republic (where it
     connects with Digicel and NATCOM) to Puerto Plata, Dominican Republic. Puerto Plata
     is home to multiple subsea links to the U.S. and elsewhere, including AMX-1, ARCOS-1
     and Fibralink. Columbus USA understands that Digicel has acquired one dark fiber pair
     from BW Telecom on this route. Hence, Columbus USA understands that Digicel has a
     robust terrestrial seamless platform from anywhere in Haiti to the Puerto Plata multi
     subsea network gateway. Columbus USA further understands that Digicel has the ability
     to port its capacity on the Kaliko Beach Haiti spur for use from Puerto Plata, Dominican


Denise Coca
June 2, 2015
Page 4

     Columbus USA understands that NATCOM had leased services also from BW Telecom to
     seamlessly connect its fiber network in Haiti to the Puerto Plata subsea networks in the
     Dominican Republic. However, Columbus USA understands that NATCOM recently
     cancelled these services.

     Other carriers in the Dominican Republic such as Trilogy (owners of Viva), Claro
     (America Movil) and other small integrators provide microwave links between Haiti and
     the Dominican Republic at their borders.

          a. The capacity held by Columbus and how the capacity is held, e.g., ownership of the
             facility, long-term lease, short-term lease, etc.

                  Response. Neither Columbus USA nor Columbus holds any capacity on the
                  terrestrial links in Haiti.

          b. For each link, to the extent known, a list of other capacity providers and capacity
             holders, the amount of capacity held by each of these entities, and indicate the source
             of this information.

                  Response. Neither Columbus USA nor Columbus has this information.

          c. Whether Columbus is having any problems, recent or ongoing, purchasing or
             accessing capacity on, or interconnecting with, terrestrial links between Haiti and the
             Dominican Republic. If so, explain what the access or interconnection impediments
             have been, such as capacity holders withholding capacity unless purchased at above
             cost-based rates.

                  Response. No.

5. Provide the amount of capacity, listed by cable system, sold to Digicel by Columbus, on
   either an IRU or ICL basis. Provide the data as specified in Attachment C.

     Response. Please see Attachment C.

6. Provide information on whether holders of capacity in cable systems serving the markets
   listed below have the legal and practical right (1) to collocate equipment in cable landing
   stations owned or controlled by Columbus in those markets; and (2) to acquire, access and
   connect to backhaul facilities provided by Columbus and/or other third parties, in those
   markets at cost-based rates.

            1. Anguilla

                   Response. Neither Columbus USA nor Columbus has any presence in this


Denise Coca
June 2, 2015
Page 5

            2. British Virgin Islands

                  Response. Neither Columbus USA nor Columbus has any presence in this

            3. Cayman Islands

                  Response. Neither Columbus USA nor Columbus has any presence in this

            4. Dominican Republic

                  Response. Columbus USA has no presence in this market. Columbus sells
                  collocation space at system landing stations and backhaul in the Dominican
                  Republic at market rates. In addition to Columbus, there are several other
                  providers of collocation and backhaul facilities in the Dominican Republic,
                  including Codetel (America Movil), Orange/Altice and Wind Telecom.

            5. Haiti

                  Response. Columbus USA has no presence in this market. Columbus resells
                  collocation space and backhaul from Digicel to its customers in Haiti at market
                  rates. In addition to Columbus, there are other providers of collocation and
                  backhaul facilities in the Haiti, including Digicel. As previously noted to the
                  Commission, Fibralink’s cable landing station in Haiti is owned and operated by

            6. Jamaica

                  Response. Columbus USA has no presence in this market. Columbus sells
                  collocation space at landing stations and backhaul in Jamaica at market rates.
                  In addition to Columbus, there are other providers of colocation and backhaul
                  facilities in Jamaica, including Telecomunicaciones Grand Caribe (operator of
                  the ALBA-1 Cable).

            7. Turks and Caicos (“T&C”)

                  Response. Columbus USA has no presence in this market. Columbus sells
                  collocation space at market rates at the T&C landing station, but Columbus does
                  not own any backhaul in T&C.


Denise Coca
June 2, 2015
Page 6

          Please direct any questions regarding this matter to the undersigned.

                                        Respectfully submitted,

                                        /s/ Ulises R. Pin

                                        Counsel to Columbus USA


cc:       David Krech
          FCC International Bureau Policy Division
          (via e-mail)

          Jodi Cooper
          FCC International Bureau Policy Division
          (via e-mail)

          Eric Fishman
          Counsel to Digicel International
          400 Central Park West 3R
          New York, New York 10025
          (via e-mail)

          Patrick S. Campbell
          Counsel to Cable & Wireless Communications Plc
          Paul, Weiss, Rifkind, Wharton & Garrison LLP
          2001 K Street, N.W.; Suite 500
          Washington, D.C. 20006
          (via e-mail)


                                                                   Attachment A

                                                           Columbus Networks, Limited
 Data Request

                                        Ownership (%)                             Cable Capacity Holdings (in STM-1s) as of 12/31/2014
                                                                Capacity                            Net Inter-Carrier    Net Capacity          Activated         Non-Activated
                                            Current          Thru Ownership       Net IRUs            Leaseholds             Held              Capacity            Capacity
                                                                                                                        (d) =(a)+(b)+(c)
                                        as of 12/31/2014          (a)               (b)                    (c)            (d) = (e) +(f)          (e)                 (f)
U.S. Cables:
America Movil (AMX1)                          0%                            0                  0                    0                      0                0                    0
Antillas 1                                    0%                            0                  0                    0                      0                0                    0
ARCOS-1                                      96%                        9400              -4404                     0               4996                4589                  407
CFX-1                                        100%                       10112             -3731                     0               6381                4410                1971
MAYA -1                                   less than 1%                     153                 -1                   0                152                   10                 142
Pacific Caribbean (PCCS)                      0%                              0                0                    0                      0                0                    0
Taino-Carib                                   0%                              0                0                    0                      0                0                    0
Non-U.S. Cables
ALBA -1                                       0%                            0                  0                    0                      0                0                    0
BDSNi                                         0%                            0                  0                    0                      0                0                    0
Caribbean Bermuda U.S. Network (CBUS)         0%                            0                  0                    0                      0                0                    0
Cayman-Jamaica Fiber System (CJFS)            0%                              0                0                    0                      0                0                    0
Eastern Caribbean Fiber System (ECFS)         0%                              0                0                    0                      0                0                    0
East - West Cable                             0%                              0                0                    0                      0                0                    0
Fibralink                                    100%                          448               -144                   0                304                   224                 80

                                                                  Attachment B

                                                     Columbus Networks, Limited

 Data Request

                                                                                     Cable Capacity (in Gbps)

                                                   Current                     Source of                Planned                      Source of
Columbus internal information                  as of 12/31/2014              Capacity Data           as of 12/31/2016              Capacity Data
U.S. Cables:
America Movil (AMX1)                                         1000 Telegeography/Rawle Study                       1960 Telegeography/Rawle Study
Antillas 1                                                     3.7 Telegeography/Rawle Study                            10 Telegeography/Rawle Study
ARCOS-1                                                      1,468 Columbus internal information                  1,748 Columbus internal information
CFX-1                                                        1,580 Columbus internal information                  1,780 Columbus internal information
MAYA -1                                                       512 Telegeography/Rawle Study                       1200 Telegeography/Rawle Study
Pacific Caribbean (PCCS)                                     1000 Telegeography/Rawle Study                       1960 Telegeography/Rawle Study
Taino-Carib                                                    3.9 Telegeography/Rawle Study                        3.9 Telegeography/Rawle Study
Non-U.S. Cables
ALBA -1                                                       112 Telegeography/Rawle Study                        307 Telegeography/Rawle Study
BDSNi*                                                            30 Columbus internal information                      30 Columbus internal information
Caribbean Bermuda U.S. Network (CBUS)**                       160 Columbus internal information                    380 Columbus internal information
Cayman-Jamaica Fiber System (CJFS)                                40 Columbus internal information                 140 Columbus internal information
Eastern Caribbean Fiber System (ECFS)                         182 Telegeography/Rawle Study                         260 Telegeography/Rawle Study
East-West Cable                                                   40 Columbus internal information                  160 Columbus internal information
Fibralink                                                         70 Columbus internal information                      70 Columbus internal information
BDSNi Bahamas-Haiti segment only other links are Intra-Bahamas *
Segment 1 and Segment 2 of CBUS**

                                        Attachment C

                             Columbus Networks, Limited
                       Capacity Sold or Leased to Digicel by Cable
                                       (in STM-1s)
 Data Request

                                                        IRUs             Leaseholds
U.S. Cables:
America Movil (AMX1)                             None            None
Antillas 1                                       None            None
ARCOS-1                                                        11 None
CFX-1                                                          3 None
MAYA -1                                                        1 None
Pacific Caribbean (PCCS)                         None            None
Taino-Carib                                      None            None
Non-U.S. Cables
ALBA -1                                          None            None
BDSNi                                            None            None
Caribbean Bermuda U.S. Network (CBUS)*                         1 None
Cayman-Jamaica Fiber System (CJFS)               None            None
Eastern Caribbean Fiber System (ECFS)            None            None
East - West Cable                                None            None
Fibralink                                                      5 None
IRU capacity purchased from Cable & Wireless *


       On behalf of ARCOS-1 USA, Inc., Columbus Networks USA, Inc., and Columbus New
Cayman Limited, I hereby certify that the foregoing Information Request response, including its
corresponding attachments, was prepared under my direction and control. I further certify under
penalty of perjury that all statements therein are true, complete, and correct to the best of my
knowledge and are made in good faith.

By:    ____________________________________
Name: Brendan Paddick
Title: chief executive officer of ARCOS-1 USA, Inc. and Columbus Networks USA, Inc.
       president and chief operating officer of Columbus New Cayman Limited
Date: June 2, 2015



        On behalf of Columbus Networks, Limited, I hereby certify that the foregoing
Information Request response, including its corresponding attachments, was prepared under my
direction and control. I further certify under penalty of perjury that all statements therein are true,
complete, and correct to the best of my knowledge and are made in good faith.

s Ne
Name: Perley McBs#de
Title: Director

Date:   June 2, 2015

Document Created: 2015-06-02 18:03:06
Document Modified: 2015-06-02 18:03:06

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