Columbus - CW Maps a

SUPPLEMENT submitted by Columbus Networks USA, Inc.

Supplemental Response - 4-24-15


This document pretains to ITC-T/C-20141121-00307 for Transfer of Control on a International Telecommunications filing.


Morgan, Lewis & Bockius LLP
2020 K Street, NW
Washington, District of Columbia 20006-1806
Tel. 202.373.6000
Fax: 202.373.6001

Ulises R. Pin

                                                           April 24, 2015


Marlene H. Dortch, Secretary
Federal Communications Commission
445 12th Street, S.W.
Washington, D.C. 20554

                     Re:      Joint Application for Transfer of Control of Cable Landing Licenses
                     from Columbus Networks, Limited to Cable & Wireless Communications
                     Plc, File Nos. SCL-T/C-20141121-00013 and SCL-T/C-20141121-00014;
                     Applications for Transfer of Control of Section 214 Authorizations from
                     Columbus Networks, Limited to Cable & Wireless Communications Plc,
                     File Nos. ITC-T/C-20141121-00304 and ITC-T/C-20141121-00307

Dear Ms. Dortch:

      Pursuant to the request of International Bureau staff during the ex parte meeting held on
March 26, 2015, Cable & Wireless Communications Plc (“C&W”) and Columbus Networks,
USA, Inc. (“CNUSA”) hereby submit the following information to the Commission:

        1.      Maps depicting each submarine cable network in which C&W, CNUSA and their
respective affiliates have an interest; as well as other competing submarine cable networks in the
Americas region: See Attachment A.

        2.     List of all cable landing points and applicable landing party per landing point in
all submarine cable systems in which C&W, CNUSA and their respective affiliates have an
interest: See Attachment B.

       3.      Status of regulatory approvals in foreign jurisdictions: When the transaction
agreement was signed and announced in November, 2014, the Applicants promptly filed
applications and/or notifications, as applicable, in those jurisdictions where they determined
there was a regulatory requirement triggered by the transaction. The applicable regulatory
requirements have now been satisfied in several jurisdictions (including but not limited to

    Almaty Astana Beijing Boston Brussels Chicago Dallas Dubai Frankfurt Harrisburg Hartford Houston London Los Angeles Miami Moscow
     New York Orange County Paris Philadelphia Pittsburgh Princeton San Francisco Santa Monica Silicon Valley Tokyo Washington Wilmington

Marlene H. Dortch, Secretary
April 24, 2015
Page 2

Jamaica, Barbados, Trinidad & Tobago, British Virgin Islands, Colombia, Curacao and Turks &
Caicos), and on March 31, 2015, the Applicants completed (and subsequently notified the FCC
of) an initial closing of the transaction in these and other non-U.S. jurisdictions. The Applicants
are continuing to work with the applicable regulatory bodies in all jurisdictions where they

          Please direct any questions regarding this matter to the undersigned.

                                        Respectfully submitted,

                                        /s/ Patrick S. Campbell
                                        Counsel to Cable & Wireless Communications Plc

                                        /s/ Ulises R. Pin
                                        Counsel to Columbus Networks USA, Inc.

cc:       Nese Guendelsbeger, Deputy Bureau Chief, IB
          Kathleen Collins, Assistant Bureau Chief, IB
          Walt Strack, Assistant Bureau Chief and Chief Economist, IB
          Howard Griboff, Acting Division Chief, Policy Division, IB
          David Krech, Associate Division Chief, Policy Division, IB
          Mark Uretsky, Senior Economist, Policy Division, IB
          Jody Cooper, Senior Attorney, Policy Division, IB
          James Bird, Office of General Counsel, IB

          Eric Fishman (


                ATTACHMENT A

Columbus Networks Submarine Cables
         Privately Owned Systems
                                   = Consortium Systems with CWC Ownership Interest
                                   = Privately Owned Systems by CWC
                                   = CWC Affiliate Owned Cable
                                   = Consortium Systems with CN Ownership Interest
                                   = Privately Owned Systems by CN
                                   = Other Subsea Systems

Columbus Networks Submarine Cables
  Consortium Systems with CN Ownership Interest
                                  = Consortium Systems with CWC Ownership Interest
                                  = Privately Owned Systems by CWC
                                  = CWC Affiliate Owned Cable
                                  = Consortium Systems with CN Ownership Interest
                                  = Privately Owned Systems by CN
                                  = Other Subsea Systems

Cable & Wireless Submarine Cables
        Privately Owned Systems
                              = Consortium Systems with CWC Ownership Interest
                              = Privately Owned Systems by CWC
                              = CWC Affiliate Owned Cable
                              = Consortium Systems with CN Ownership Interest
                              = Privately Owned Systems by CN
                              = Other Subsea Systems

Cable & Wireless Submarine Cables
Consortium Systems with CWC Ownership Interest
                                 = Consortium Systems with CWC Ownership Interest
                                 = Privately Owned Systems by CWC
                                 = CWC Affiliate Owned Cable
                                 = Consortium Systems with CN Ownership Interest
                                 = Privately Owned Systems by CN
                                 = Other Subsea Systems

Cable & Wireless Submarine Cables
       CWC Affiliate Owned Cable
                              = Consortium Systems with CWC Ownership Interest
                              = Privately Owned Systems by CWC
                              = CWC Affiliate Owned Cable
                              = Consortium Systems with CN Ownership Interest
                              = Privately Owned Systems by CN
                              = Other Subsea Systems

Columbus Networks Submarine Cables
    Privately Owned and Consortium Systems
                                 = Consortium Systems with CWC Ownership Interest
                                 = Privately Owned Systems by CWC
                                 = CWC Affiliate Owned Cable
                                 = Consortium Systems with CN Ownership Interest
                                 = Privately Owned Systems by CN
                                 = Other Subsea Systems

   Cable & Wireless Submarine Cables
Privately Owned, Affiliate Owned and Consortium Systems
                                      = Consortium Systems with CWC Ownership Interest
                                      = Privately Owned Systems by CWC
                                      = CWC Affiliate Owned Cable
                                      = Consortium Systems with CN Ownership Interest
                                      = Privately Owned Systems by CN
                                      = Other Subsea Systems

Columbus Networks and Cable & Wireless
 Privately Owned, Affiliate Owned & Consortium Systems
                                      = Consortium Systems with CWC Ownership Interest
                                      = Privately Owned Systems by CWC
                                      = CWC Affiliate Owned Cable
                                      = Consortium Systems with CN Ownership Interest
                                      = Privately Owned Systems by CN
                                      = Other Subsea Systems

Columbus Networks and Cable & Wireless
 Privately Owned, Affiliate Owned & Consortium Systems
                                      = Consortium Systems with CWC Ownership Interest
                                      = Privately Owned Systems by CWC
                                      = CWC Affiliate Owned Cable
                                      = Consortium Systems with CN Ownership Interest
                                      = Privately Owned Systems by CN
                                      = Other Subsea Systems

Columbus Networks and Cable & Wireless
              All Subsea Systems
                                   = Consortium Systems with CWC Ownership Interest
                                   = Privately Owned Systems by CWC
                                   = CWC Affiliate Owned Cable
                                   = Consortium Systems with CN Ownership Interest
                                   = Privately Owned Systems by CN
                                   = Other Subsea Systems

Columbus Networks and Cable & Wireless
              All Subsea Systems
                                   = Consortium Systems with CWC Ownership Interest
                                   = Privately Owned Systems by CWC
                                   = CWC Affiliate Owned Cable
                                   = Consortium Systems with CN Ownership Interest
                                   = Privately Owned Systems by CN
                                   = Other Subsea Systems

                                    ATTACHMENT B

                                    Columbus Networks
1. ARCOS‐11
    1. North Miami Beach, FL, USA               Columbus Networks Ltd.
    2. Nassau, Bahamas                          Bahamas Telecommunications Company
    3. Cat Island, Bahamas                      Bahamas Telecommunications Company
    4. Crooked Island, Bahamas                  Bahamas Telecommunications Company
    5. Providenciales, Turks & Caicos           Cable & Wireless Turks & Caicos Ltd.
    6. Puerto Plata, Dominican Republic         Cia Dominicana de Teléfonos S.A.
    7. Punta Cana, Dominican Republic           CODETEL
    8. Isla Verde, Puerto Rico                  Prepa Networks LLC
    9. Willemstad, Curacao                      UTS
    10. Punto Fijo, Venezuela                   CANTV
    11. Riohacha, Colombia                      Internexa S.A.
    12. Cartagena, Colombia                     Internexa S.A.
    13. Ustupo, Panamá                          Cable & Wireless Panamá S.A.
    14. Maria Chiquita, Panamá                  Cable & Wireless Panamá S.A.
    15. Puerto Limón, Costa Rica                Instituto Costaricene de Electricidad S.A.
    16. Bluefields, Nicaragua                   Columbus Networks de Nicaragua SRL
    17. Puerto Cabezas, Nicaragua               Columbus Networks de Nicaragua SRL
    18. Puerto Lempira, Honduras                Hondutel
    19. Trujillo, Honduras                      Hondutel
    20. Puerto Cortes, Honduras                 Hondutel
    21. Puerto Barrios, Guatemala               Columbus Networks de Guatemala S.A.
    22. Belize City, Belize                     Belize Telemedia Limited
    23. Tulum A, México                         Avantel Infraestructura S.A.
    24. Tulum B, México                         Columbus Networks de México S.R.L.
    25. Cancún, México                          Avantel Infraestructura S.A.

2. Maya‐11

     1.   Hollywood, FL                         AT&T
     2.   Grand Cayman, Cayman Islands          Cable & Wireless Cayman
     3.   Maria Chiquita, Panamá                Cable & Wireless Panamá
     4.   Puerto Lempira, Honduras              Hondutel
1. Consortium System
2. Private Cable System
* CWC Affiliate owned cable

     5. Puerto Limón, Costa Rica                    ICE
     6. Tulu, Colombia                              Telecom (Telefónica)
     7. Cancún, México                              Telmex

3. CFX‐1₂

    1. Boca Raton Florida                           Columbus Networks USA, Inc.
    2. Bull Bay, Jamaica                            Columbus Networks Jamaica, Ltd.
    3. Cartagena Colombia                           Columbus Networks Colombia Ltda.

4. EC Link

    1. Macqueripe Bay, Trinidad                     TSTT
    2. Williamstad, Curacao                         UTS
    3. Bonaire                                      Telbo

5. Fibralink

    1. Puerto Plata, Dominican Republic             CODETEL
    2. Kaliko Beach, Haiti                          Digicel Haiti S.A.
    3. Bull Bay, Jamaica                            Columbus Networks Jamaica, Ltd.

6. TT‐11

    1. Macqueripe Bay, Trinidad                     TSTT
    2. Toco, Trinidad                               TSTT

                                         Cable & Wireless
1. Antillas‐11

    1. Isla Verde, Puerto Rico                      AT&T Puerto Rico
    2. Miramar, Puerto Rico                         TU Puerto Rico
    3. Punta Cana, DR                               CODETEL
    4. Santo Domingo, DR                            CODETEL

2. ECFS1

    1. Les Terres Basses, Saint Martin              Orange
1. Consortium System
2. Private Cable System
* CWC Affiliate owned cable

    2. St. Kitts                              Cable & Wireless St Kitts & Nevis
    3. Nevis                                  Cable & Wireless St Kitts & Nevis
    4. Anguilla                               Cable & Wireless Anguilla
    5. Antigua                                Cable & Wireless Antigua
    6. Guadalupe                              Orange
    7. Dominica                               Cable & Wireless Dominica
    8. Martinique                             Orange
    9. St.Lucia                               Cable & Wireless St Lucia
    10. Barbados                              Cable & Wireless Barbados
    11. St. Vincent                           Cable & Wireless St Vincent
    12. Grenada                               Cable & Wireless Grenada
    13. Macquiripe Bay, Trinidad              TSTT

3. East West Cable

    1. Nanny Cay, Tortola BVI                 Cable & Wireless BVI
    2. Santo Domingo Dominican Republic       Wind Telecom
    3. Bull Bay, Jamaica                      Cable & Wireless Jamaica

4. Taino‐Carib1

    1. Isla Verde, Puerto Rico                Telefónica de Puerto Rico
    2. Condado, Puerto Rico                   AT&T‐Puerto Rico
    3. Megan's Bay, St. Thomas                TransOceanic Communications Inc. (AT&T)

5. Americas II1

    1. Hollywood, Florida                     AT&T
    1. Miramar, Puerto Rico                   TransOceanic Communications Inc. (AT&T)
    2. St. Croix, USVI                        TransOceanic Communications Inc. (AT&T)
    2. Martinique                             Orange
    3. Willemsted, Curacao                    Antelecom S.A. (UTS)
    4. Camuri, Venezuela                      CANTV
    5. Macquiripe Bay, Trinidad               TSTT
    6. Cayenne, French Guyana                 Orange
    7. Fortaleza, Brazil                      Embratel

1. Consortium System
2. Private Cable System
* CWC Affiliate owned cable

6. PAN AM1

    1. St. Thomas                   TransOceanic Communications Inc. (AT&T)
    2. St. Croix, USVI              TransOceanic Communications Inc. (AT&T)
    3. Baby Beach, Aruba            SETAR
    4. Punto Fijo, Venezuela        CANTV
    5. Barranquilla, Colombia       TELECOM
    6. Ambush Range, Panama         Cable & Wireless Panama
    7. Balboa, Panama               Cable & Wireless Panama
    8. Salinas, Ecuador             CNT
    9. Lurin, Perú                  Telefónica de Perú S.A.
    10. Arica, Chile                Entel Chile and CTC Mundo (2 stations)


    1. Black River, Jamaica         Cable & Wireless Jamaica
    2. Negril, Jamaica              Cable & Wireless Jamaica
    3. Montego Bay, Jamaica         Cable & Wireless Jamaica
    4. Ocho Rios, Jamaica           Cable & Wireless Jamaica
    5. Port Antonio, Jamaica        Cable & Wireless Jamaica
    6. Harbour View, Jamaica        Cable & Wireless Jamaica

8. Columbus IIb1

    1. St. Thomas, USVI `           TransOceanic Communications Inc.(AT&T)
    2. West Palm Beach              AT&T

9. CBUS1

    1. Brewers Bay, Tortola         Cable & Wireless BVI
    2. Bermuda                      Link Bermuda

10. CJFS1

     1. Grand Cayman                Cable & Wireless Cayman
     2. Cayman Brac                 Cable & Wireless Cayman
     3. Montego Bay, Jamaica        Cable & Wireless Jamaica
1. Consortium System
2. Private Cable System
* CWC Affiliate owned cable

     4. Harbourview, Jamaica           Cable & Wireless Jamaica

 11. Gemini, Bermuda1

     1. Manasquan, New Jersey           Verizon
     2. St. Croix, USVI                 Link Bermuda

12. C11

     1. St. Thomas, USVI                TransOceanic Communications Inc.(AT&T)
     2. St. Croix, USVI                 TransOceanic Communications Inc.(AT&T)

13. BDSNi*

    1. Cat Island, Bahamas                   BTC
    2. Clarence Town, Bahamas                BTC

    3. Crooked Island, Bahama                BTC
    4. Cockburn Town, Bahamas                BTC
    5. Duncan Town, Bahamas                  BTC
    6. Fresh Creek, Bahamas                  BTC

    7. George Town, Bahamas                  BTC
    8. Governors Harbor, Bahamas             BTC
    9. Matthew Town, Bahamas                 BTC

    10. Mayaguana, Bahamas                   BTC
    11. Nassau, Bahamas                      BTC
    12. Port Nelson, Bahamas                 BTC
    13. Port‐au‐Prince, Haiti                NATCOM
    14. Sandy Point, Bahamas                 BTC

1. Consortium System
2. Private Cable System
* CWC Affiliate owned cable

Document Created: 2015-04-24 10:59:52
Document Modified: 2015-04-24 10:59:52

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