Digicel Ex Parte Pre


Digicel Ex Parte Presentation Part 2


This document pretains to ITC-T/C-20141121-00307 for Transfer of Control on a International Telecommunications filing.



Gov‘t approves LIME/Flow merger — Latest News — JamaicaObserver.com                                                                                                                  Page 1 of 3

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                                                                                                      Gun found by graveside
                                                                                                      in St James

 Gov‘t approves LIME/Flow                                                                             NGO coalition condemns
                                                                                                      St Kitts Supervisor of
 merger                                                                                               Elections

 Thursday, January 15, 2015 | 719 PM        © 9 Commenis                                              4 children killed
                                                                                                      execution style,
    Like    Share       <111     Tweet 24         Q                                                   Colombian officials
                                                                                                      arrest woman

                                                                                                      1 don‘t read the
                                                                                                      newspapers or watch the
                                                                                                      news — Dorothy

                                                                                                      Tourism Ministry
                                                                                                      committed to upgrading
                                                                                                      public beaches
                                                                                                      ONLINE READERS
                                                                                                      COMMENT: Andrew
                                                                                                      Holness should do the
                                                                                                      right thing, resign

                                                                                                      OUR directs JPS to
                                                                                                      refund customers J$973

                                                                                                      Tivoli Enquiry:
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 KINGSTON, Jamaica — Minister of Science, Technology, Energy, and Mining Phillip                      © 3 Comments

 Paulwell on Thursday approved the transfer of control of Columbus                                    Sammy sold in 2015
                                                                                                      Indian Premier League
 Communications Jamaica Limited (FLOW) and Columbus Networks Jamaica                                  auction
                                                                                                                                                                                     More Videos »
 Limited (CNJL) from their parent company Columbus International Inc to Cable and
                                                                                                      Holding stams ‘pathetic‘
 Wireless Communications Pic (CWC).                                                                   West Indies
                                                                                                      © 4 Comments                          ADVERTISEMENT
 A statement from the ministry said that Paulwell was formally advised of the                         Trinidad: Gunman kills
 agreement to acquire all the shares of Columbus International Inc in November                        man who ‘wined‘ on his
 2014, at which time a request was made for ministerial approval to transfer the                      © 2 Comments
 control of FLOW and CNJL from Columbus International Inc to CWC.                                     20 electrocuted during
                                                                                                      Carnival street parade in
 CWC is the parent company of Cable and Wireless Jamaica Limited (LIME), which                        Haltl

 has fixed and mobile carrier and service providerlicences to own and operate                         India probes world
                                                                                                      cricket boss over IPL
 networks and provide telecommunications services into, out of and throughout
                                                                                                      broadcast fee
                                                                                                      Stephen Fray withdraws
                                                                                                      appeal to Privy Council
                                                                                                      © 1 comment

http://www.jamaicaobserver.com/latestnews/Gov—t—approves—LIME—Flow—merger                                                                                                            2/117/2015

Gov‘t approves LIME/Flow merger — Latest News — JamaicaObserver.com                                                                                     Page 2 of 3

  See the statement from the Ministry of Science, Technology, Energy, and                  Former JCDC head,
                                                                                           principal Denham Town
  Mining below:                                                                            High and Primary, Dr                                 OMNI
                                                                                           Clover Thompson
                                                                                           Gordon dies in Florida
  Minister of Science Technology Energy and Mining today, (January 15) approved
                                                                                           © 1 comment
  the transfer of control of Columbus Communications Jamaica Limited (FLOW) and
                                                                                           Update: St Kitts ruling
  Columbus Networks Jamaica Limited (CNJL) from their parent company Columbus              party wins first seat
  International Inc. to Cable and Wireless Communications Plc.                             UPDATE: St Kitts Team
                                                                                           Unity wins first seat
  Cable and Wireless Communication Plc (CWC) by way ofletter dated November 6,
                                                                                           St Kitts Premier Amory
  2014 and Columbus November 7, 2014, formally advised the Minister of its                 takes early lead as
                                                                                           results trickle in              EDUCA]’OR
 agreement to acquire all the shares of Columbus International Inc. and concurrently
 requested Ministerial approvalto transfer the control of Columbus Communications          Cricket World Cup: New                                   B m-!"m'q
                                                                                           Zealand beat Scotland by
 Jamaica Limited (FLOW) and Columbus Networks Jamaica Limited (CNJL) from                  three wickets
 their parent company Columbus InternationalInc. to CWC.

 CWC is the parent company of Cable and Wireless Jamaica Limited (LIME) which                                         Poll
 hasfixed and mobile carrier and service providerlicences to own and operate
 networks and provides telecommunications services into, out of and throughout
                                                                                                                       Should Andrew Holness step down as leader of
 Jamaica.                                                                                                              the Opposition?
                                                                                                                       O     Yes
  The authority and actions of the Minister in relation to the assignment or transfer of
 control of licences is provided for in section 17 (2) and (3) of the Act.                                             O     No

 In order to be satisfied as the Minister with responsibility for Telecommunications,                                   Cast Your Vote
 advice was sought from the Office of Utilities Regulation. Further, in arriving at his                                                                View Results »

 decision note was taken of previous advice received from the Attorney General in
 relation to the Digicel Claro merger that the Telecommunications Act did not
 expressly authorise him to impose conditions in relation to the transaction.


 "Nonetheless, taking into consideration the various concerns and views expressed          "5 Minute"
 publicly regarding the possible implications of the transaction, and as such certain
 assurances were sought and received including: existing termination rates agreed
 as a part of existing interconnection agreements will remain in effect until a new
 fixed termination rate is established by the OUR; CWC will be required to observe
 and comply with any limitations and or requirements of the licences whose control
                                                                                            Sugar                          Deeply rooted
 are being transferred to CWC. ; should there be a rationalization of the networks
 and /or the provision of different service packages offered by Flow and LIME,              Killer                         in Jamaica,

 customers should have the option to keep their existing package or transfer to a
 more favourable one; customers opting to terminate their contracts should be              (Do THIS)                                                   \ § Scotoboni*
 allowed to do so without penalties; CWC should provide access to International
 bandwidth on a non—discriminatory basis noting that effective competition in this
 market segment necessitates that smaller operators have access to concessionary
 terms to enable competitive resale of services; all efforts and resources will be               [video]              Today‘s Cartoon
 provided to ensure that the operations of LIME and Flow are ready to enable the
 implementation of number portability on by May 31, 2015; and in regards to
 Infrastructure or Facilities Sharing CWC should ensure that other Licensees are
 provided with non—discriminatory access to tangibles (including ducts, poles and
 landing stations) which could act as a competitive bottleneck prior to the
 development of rules governing infrastructure sharing.

 "With respect to access to Intenational Bandwidth through their subsea joint
 venture, CNL—CWC Networks, Inc. ("JVCO®) CWC has indicated that the proposed
 CWC/Columbus merger has a zero net impact on JVCO or the subsea systems in
 Jamaica, which were already effectively operating together since the closing of the
 JVCO transaction in June 2013. JVCO nevertheless has sought to address the
 concems by offering to continue to operate the subsea network business
 independently of the other business lines of CWC/Columbus as it has to date in
 providing all carrier and service provider customers with the requisite contractual
                                                                                                                                            View Previous Cartoons »
 assurances of confidentiality and thatits information will not be used for unlawful
 activities such as price fixing and other anticompetitive behaviour‘, the Minister
 emphasized.                                                                                                          ADVERTISEMEN T

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http://www.jamaicaobserver.com/latestnews/Gov—t—approves—LIME—Flow—merger                                                                                    2/17/2015


                         INTERNATIONAL INC.

                     Ministry of Science, Technology, Energy and Mining
                                        January 20, 2015

The authority and actions of the Minister in relation to the assignment or transfer of control of
licences is provided for in section 17 (2) and (3) of the Telecommunications Act ("the Act")
which states respectively:

       (2)   A licensee may, with the prior approval of the Minister, assign its licence or any rights
             thereunder or transfer control of its operations.

       (3)    An application for approval ofan assignment or transfer under this section shall be made
             in writing to the Minister who shall grant such approval if he is satisfied that the
             assignee satisfies the requirements of section 11 (1) (a) to (b) as regards the obligations
             imposed on a licensee by this Act or the licence.

In order to be satisfied as the Minister with responsibility for Telecommunications, advice was
sought from the Office of Utilities Regulation (OUR). Further, the Minister in arriving at his
decision took note of previous advice received from the Attorney General in relation to the
Digicel Claro merger that Act did not expressly authorise the Minister to impose conditions in
relation to the transaction.

Nonetheless, taking into consideration the various concerns and views expressed publicly
regarding the possible implications of the transaction, the Minister‘s consideration with
respect to the requirements of section 11(1) (a) to (b) of the Act took into account a number of
issues and the following assurances from CWC were sought in these regard:

1. Existing termination rates agreed as a part of existing interconnection agreements will
   remain in effect until a new fixed termination rate is established by the OUR.

2. No additional joining service charges should be imposed because of the migration of
   customers from one network to another.

3. CWC will be required to observe and comply with any limitations and or requirements of
   the licences whose control are being transferred to CWC.

                                             Page 1 of 2

. Should there be a rationalization of the networks and /or the provision of different service
  packages offered by Flow and LIME, customers should have the option to keep their
  existing package or transfer to a more favourable one. Customers opting to terminate their
  contracts should be allowed to do so without penalties Customer—centric arrangements
  should remain in place for a period of not less than 15 months after approval of the

. Connect with the internet exchange point (IXP) and peering with other users of same
  should be undertaken by January 31, 2015. In relation to the IXP CWC should refrain from;
     5.1. behaviour which is not in the best interest of the development of a vibrant
          Information and Communications Technology sector; and
     5.2. advocating for or subscribing to any governance structure that would result in
          tiered membership of the IXP or otherwise prevent open membership and
          participation in the IXP by all possible participants whether they are other Internet
          or network services providers, telecommunications companies or content

. _CWC should provide access to International bandwidth on a non—discriminatory basis
  noting that effective competition in this market segment necessitates that smaller operators
  have access to concessionary terms to enable competitive resale of services.

. All efforts and resources will be provided to ensure that the operations of LIME and Flow
  are ready to enable the implementation of number portability on by May 31, 2015.

. With regard to Infrastructure/Facilities Sharing CWC should ensure that other Licensees
  are provided with non—discriminatory access to tangibles (including ducts, poles and
  landing stations) which could act as a competitive bottleneck prior to the development of
  rules governing infrastructure sharing by the OUR.

. CWC will offer capacity to Resale and Indirect Access operators. Further where such
  contracts are currently in place the terms and conditions of same should be grandfathered
  into any new successor contracts arising from the transaction.

                                         Page 2 of 2


                              Update on regulatory processes in Caribbean

    1.   Bill Woodcock Presentation

The Caribbean Telecommunications Union (‘CTU‘) is an intergovernmental organization that facilitates
the exchange of knowledge by regulatory bodies in the region.

The CTU held a workshop on 10 December 2014 in Trinidad & Tobago at which the proposed acquisition
was discussed.

Mr. Bill Woodcock, Executive Director of Packet Clearing House, gave a presentation on the impact of
the proposed transaction on sub—sea fibre in the Caribbean region.

Packet Clearing House is a non—profit research institute based in San Francisco dedicated to
understanding and supporting Internet traffic exchange technology, policy, and economics.

    2.   Jamaica

Jamaica does not have a formal merger control process. The consent of the Minister of Science
Technology Energy and Mining (the ‘Minister‘) to the transfer of control of a licensee is required.

There are no merger control provisions in Jamaican law. While the Fair Competition Act contains anti—
trust provisions, a recent ruling by the Jamaican High Court held that these provisions are not a basis for
conducting a de facto merger control review.

On this basis the Minister proceeded to grant his consent on 20‘" January 2015 in the absence of any
formal investigation of the competitive effects of the transaction being undertaken in Jamaica.

As part of the Minister‘s approval the merging parties provided certain assurances which included:

    e    International bandwidth to be provided on a non—discriminatory basis; and
    e    Non—discriminatory access to landing stations.

A copy of the assurances is attached hereto. In addition to being somewhat loosely worded, Digicel
understands that the assurances are not set out in a formal remedies agreement and no monitoring or
enforcement provisions are provided for.

Digicel made submissions to the Fair Trading Commission (‘FTC‘) requesting that it act to ensure that a
remedies agreement in line with international best practice is signed by the merging parties that
includes more specific details on the commitments of the merging parties including timeframes for the
provision of cost based access to international cables and facilities, and effective monitoring and
enforcement provisions.

The FTC also received a request from the Caricom Competition Commission to report on the transaction
(see below for further details).

However on 16‘" February 2015 the FTC issued a press release stating that it would not take any further
action in relation to the proposed acquisition. A copy of the FTC press release is attached hereto.

Further approvals required:

The Broadcasting Commission of Jamaica must approve the transfer of control of a broadcasting license

Digicel provided a detailed submission to the Broadcasting Commission on 16 January 2015 requesting
that the Broadcasting Commission impose certain remedies as clearance conditions including the
divestment of duplicate submarine cables.

However it is unclear whether the Broadcasting Commission will impose conditions as it may consider
that it mandate is limited to a binary decision either approving the transfer of control without conditions
or not approving the transfer.

Digicel understands that no decision has been taken to date.

    3. A summary of the regulatory review of the transaction in the relevant Caribbean countries
       and details on Submissions made by Digicel


    e   Barbados is the only jurisdiction in the Caribbean affected by the proposed acquisition with a
        formal merger control process set out in legislation
    e   The proposed acquisition was notified to the Fair Trading Commission (‘FTC‘) in November 2014
        whose investigation is continuing.
    e   In Barbados the proposed transaction will create a monopoly over fixed telephony, broadband
        provided by fixed infrastructure, and cable television services.
    e   The FTC extended its investigation beyond the initial three month period provided by the Fair
        Competition Act
    e   Digicel has met with FTC officials and has made a detailed submission, which included:
            o   A request that the FTC define a relevant market of access to cable landing stations;
            o   A request that the FTC mandate cost plus access pricing to cable landing stations;
            o   Divestment of duplicate fixed infrastructure;
            o   Prohibition of bundles that cannot be replicated by competitors until such time as
                competitors are in a position to offer similar bundies;
                Structural & accounting separation of the merged entity

   *    Separately, the consent of the Minister responsible for Telecommunications to a change of
        ownership of a licensee is also required.

       In taking this decision the Minister is advised by the Chief Telecommunications Officer who has
       stated that he intends to consult third parties before arriving at a decision.

Caricom Competition Commission

       The Caricom Competition Commission (the ‘Commission‘) is an institution of the Caribbean
       Community (‘Caricom‘) of fifteen member states and five associate members to monitor
       The Commission may investigate business conduct and make determinations regarding the
       compatibility of business conduct with the rules of competition and other related provisions of
       the Treaty by which it was established. (The Revised Treaty of Chaguaramas.)
       On 28 January 2015 the Commission requested competition authorities and
       telecommunications regulators of member states to investigate the proposed acquisition and to
       report to it within 30 days. As part of this investigation the Commission sent an information
       request to Digicel and other third parties on 12"" February 2015 and Digicel will respond to this.
       Digicel is not aware of any precedent whereby the Commission intervened to impose conditions
       on merging parties.

ECTEL markets

      Five Eastern Caribbean nations operate a joint regulatory regime consisting of a regional body,
      the Eastern Caribbean Telecommunications Authority (‘ECTEL‘) which advises and oversees the
      work of the National Telecommunications Regulatory Commission {‘NTRC‘) in each member
      Three of the member countries are affected by the proposed transaction: Grenada, St. Lucia and
      St. Vincent & the Grenadines.
      The proposed transaction will create a monopoly over fixed telephony, broadband provided by
      fixed infrastructure, and cable television services in these countries.
      The position as regards international connectivity is less critical for these countries as the
      merging parties will face competition.
       ECTEL has requested the merging parties to submit an application for approval, however Digicel
       understands that no such application has been received.
      There is no formal merger control or anti—trust regime in these countries.
      A difficulty for these countries is that approval of the Telecommunications Minister is required
      only when there is a change in shareholding of an entity that is licensed in the country. Where a
      transaction concerns the transfer of shareholdings outside of the jurisdiction of each country
      the approval process does not apply.
      Digicel has made various submissions to ECTEL and the NTRCs however it is unclear whether
      these bodies have any ability to intervene.

Trinidad & Tobago

       Trinidad & Tobago does not have a formal merger control process. The consent of the
       telecommunications regulator (‘TATT‘) to the transfer of control of a licensee is required before
       it can be effected.
       TATT is conducting an assessment of the proposed transaction and has sought the views of third
       Digicel has made detailed submissions to TATT.
       The position in Trinidad & Tobago is complicated by two additional factors, namely:
           o Cable & Wireless is a 49% shareholder in the incumbent fixed and mobile
               telecommunications operator in Trinidad & Tobago, TSTT.
           o TATT is conducting a tender for the award of a third mobile telecommunications
               concession and for LTE spectrum. Cable & Wireless and Columbus have both applied for
               these, while TSTT has also applied for the LTE spectrum.
       The impact of the proposed transaction on competition on retail markets in Trinidad & Tobago
       will depend to a large extent on how these issues are resolved.
       The position as regards international connectivity is less critical for these countries as the
       merging parties will face competition.
       Digicel has requested that TATT clarify the position as regards the shareholding of TSTT before
       turning to analyze the impact on competition of the proposed transaction.
       TATT‘s review is ongoing.

Other Submissions

       Digicel has made submissions to the telecommunications regulators in Anguilla, the British
       Virgin Islands, the Cayman Islands, Haiti and in Turks & Caicos to request investigations into the
       monopolization of sub—sea fibre that will result from the proposed transaction and the
       imposition of conditions to ensure non—discriminatory access to these and to landing stations.
       Regulatory bodies in these countries have indicated their deep concern to Digicel.
       However, the ability of the regulatory bodies in these countries to intervene is unclear.


                                 PRESS ADVISORY
                                                               FAIR TRADING COMMISSION
                                                      52 GRENADA CRESCENT, KINGSTON 5
                                                             TELEPHONE: (876) 960.0120—4
                                                                     FAX (876) 960.0763
                                                                 E—MAIL: fic@cwiamaica.com

                                                                           February 16, 2015

             Court of Appeal decision halts FTC‘s investigation of LIME‘s
                               acquisition of Flow

In November 2014 the Fair Trading Commission (FTC), pursuant to Section 17 of the Fair
Competition Act, commenced an investigation into the likely competitive effect of the proposal
by Cable & Wireless Communications PLC (parent company of LIME) to acquire 100%
ownership and control of Columbus International Inc (parent company of Flow).

However, the FTC has since discontinued its investigation based on a Judgment delivered by the
Court of Appeal in December 2014. The Court held that while the FTC has jurisdiction over
telecommunications matters and all agreements that are or are likely to be anti—competitive, it
does not have such jurisdiction over agreements relating to the transfer of telecommunication
licence, where such transfer has been approved by the relevant Minister pursuant to the
Telecommunications Act.

The FTC has applied to the Court of Appeal for conditional leave to appeal the Court‘s decision
before the Privy Council. The FTC is committed to fulfilling its mandate to maintain, encourage
and promote competition in Jamaica for the benefit of businesses and consumers.

David Miller
Executive Director

Document Created: 4300-04-18 00:00:00
Document Modified: 4300-04-18 00:00:00

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