Attachment 20170502132625-637.p





This document pretains to ITC-T/C-20141121-00304 for Transfer of Control on a International Telecommunications filing.


                                         Federal Communications Commission
                                               Washington, D.C. 20554

  International Bureau
                                                                                       (202) 418—1462
                                                                                       (202) 418—2824 (fax)
                                                                                       December 11, 2014
                                                                                       Ref: EB 2014—31

  Douglas May                (202) 647—5835              Christopher Hemmerlein        (202) 482—1885
  Shawn B. Cooley            (202) 282—8489              Jonathan McHale               (202) 395—5656
  Edward T. Hand             (202) 514—2464              Richard Sofield               (202) 233—0702
  Robert Gorman              (301) 225—6116              Michael M. Johnson            (202) 456—7341

_ Re:        Section 214and T/C of Cable Applications

             Comments Due: December 31, 2014

  Dear Sir or Madam:

             Please review the following applications and advise us whether you have any national
  security, law enforcement, foreign policy or trade concerns by Noon December 31, 2014,
  because we are prepared to takeaction on these applications. Electronic filed (e—file)
  applications are able to be viewed by accessing and searching by the file
  number.                                                                                          j

  ITC—214—20141202—00312 (e—file)
  Vezeti LLC‘s application for authority to provide Facilities—Based and Resale Service
  between the United States and permissible international points. Applicant is 100%
  ownedby a citizen of Nigeria.

 ITC—T/C—20141121—00304 (e—file)
 Columbus Networks Telecommunications Services USA, Inc. requests consent to the
 transfer of control of section 214 authorization, ITC—214—20070220—00077, from
 Columbus Networks, Ltd. To Cable & Wireless Communications Plc. (C&W).

  C&W is a publicly—listed company incorporated under the laws of England & Wales.
  Currently, a Bermuda company has 14.19% interest in C&W, but it is expected to hold
  less than 10% following consummation of the transaction.

  A Barbados company (ultimately controlled by a Canadian citizen) is expected to have
  19.5% interest in C&W following consummation of the transaction.

  ITC—T/C—20141121—00307 (e—file)
  Columbus Networks Puerto Rico, Inc. requests consent to the transfer of control of
  section 214 authorization, ITC—214—20091127—00497, from Columbus Networks Ltd. To
  Cable & Wireless Communications Plc. (C&W).

  SCL—T/C—20141121—00013 (e—file)
  Application for consent to the transfer of control of ARCOS—1 cable, SCL—LIC—
  19981222—00032, from Columbus Networks, Ltd. To Cable & Wireless Communications
  Plc. (C&W).

               SCL—T/C—20141121—00014 (e—file)                                        .
               Application for consent to the transfer of control of CFX—1 cable, SCL—LIC—20070516—
               00008, from Columbus Networks. Ltd. To Cable & Wireless Communications Ple.
                       The above listed applications will be placed on Accepted for Filing Public Notice
               to be release on December 19, 2014, and will be eligible for auto—grant on January 2,

                       If we do not hear from you by Noon December 31, 2014, we will assume that
               you do not have any concerns with the above listed applications and these applications
               will be auto—granted on January 2, 2015 per Commission‘s rules, 47 C.F.R. § 63.12.


                                                              George Li, Deputy Chief, Policy Division

%P                                                                                                    on

From:                             Adrienne Downs
Sent:                             Thursday, December 11, 2014 4:04 PM
To:                                ‘‘; ‘‘; ‘‘;
                                   ‘‘; ‘‘;
                                   ‘‘; ‘‘;
                                   ‘Shawn.Cooley@HQ.DHS.Gov‘; ‘‘; ‘‘;
                                   ‘‘; ‘‘; ‘‘;
                                   ‘‘; ‘‘;
                                   ‘‘; ‘‘;
                                   ‘‘; ‘IP—‘; ‘‘;
                                   ‘‘; ‘‘; ‘‘;
                                   ‘‘; ‘‘; "Hagar, Richard‘
Ce:                                George Li; David Krech; Susan OConnell; Howard Griboff; James Ball; Kathleen Collins;
           .                       Veronica Garcia—Ulloa; Jodi Cooper; Cathy Hsu
Subject:                           Cover Letter Reference EB 2014—31 (comments by December 31, 2014)
Attachments:                       Executive Branch 2014—31.docx

Cover Letter Reference EB 2014—31 {comments by December 31, 2014)

Adrienne Downs
International Bureau
Federal Communications Commission

                                      FeJeral Cc mruunicaticns Comtais sic n
                                             V/a: hington, D.T. 20554

      International Bureau
                                                  December : , 2014

      Mr. Doug May
      Deputy U.S. Coordinator
      Office of International Commun icatic s ind Inform: ticn Policy
      Bureau of Economic and Business Af ai) s—— ——————F.ocm 4634
      U.S. Department of State
      2201 C Street. NW
      Washington, D.C. 20520—5818

      Re: SCL—T/C—20141121—00012 ARCOs$—1 Cable
          SCL—T/C—20141121—00014 CF3 —1 C;ible

Dear Mr. May:

On November 21, 2014, Columbus Ne twor:s, Liinited ("C NJ           ." or "T1 an ifeor"), an inclirect wholly—owned
subsidiary of Columbus International nc. (°CJ(") and Calle          & Wirel :s; Communicat ons F le ("C& W" or
"Transferee") requested approval for t ie tra is :r of contrc l 0   ‘ARCO|i—1 USA, In :. "A RGOS$"), A.SurNet,
Inc. ("ASN") and Columbus Networks USA , L ic. ("CNUS A"            ) (collecively the "Limerses,‘ and together
with Transferor and Transferee, the "A pplicans‘ from CIIL          to C&W .

ARCOS and ASN are jointly authorized by the Commission o operat:s tie. ARCOS 1 :ib =r c ptic submarine
cable system (the "ARCOS—1 Cable") unde FCXC File No. SCL—LIC—: 95 §1222—000 32. C NL SA is authorized
by the Commission to operate the CFX—1 fijer oftic subm ari ie cable y: tein (the "CF.i—‘ C ible") under
FCC File No. SCL—LIC—20070516—00 308.

C&W is a publicly—listed company incor>01 ate d 1 nder the la‘vs of En ;la 1d & Wale :; i s : ha es are listed on
the London Stock Exchange. Pursuant to th : p oposed Trs ns: ction, C& N will acqiire C [I, ind thus will
come to indirectly wholly—own CNL and th: L censees.

The above—referenced application has beien ile d pursuant o 1t ie provi io is of the : I an ling License
Act, 47 U.S.C. §§ 34—39, section 1.767 of th e Cornmissior‘s ‘ules, 47 C.R.IL. § 1.767, :nc E ;ecutive Order
No. 10530, § 5(a) (May 10, 1954), reprirtec a: amended in 3 U.S.C. § 3 )1. The Counse| for the applicants
has certified that on November 21, 2014, she has served copies of the application to the Department of
State, NTIA, and DOD as required by the Commission‘s rules 47 C.F.R. §1.767 (J).

        This letter begins the 30—day review process set out in the letter from the Under Secretary ofState for
        Economic, Business, and Agricultural Affairs to the Chairman, Federal Communications Commission (dated
        Dec. 3, 2001).

                                                              Yours truly,

                                                              facnee _=—
                                                              George Li
                                                              Deputy Chief, Policy Division

        ce:     Christopher Hemmerlein, DOC/NTIA/OCC
                Robert S. Gorman, DOD, DISA
                Timothy Finton, DOS/EB/CIP

George Li

From:                             Adrienne Downs
Sent:                             Wednesday, December 03, 2014 3:31 PM
To:                               "‘ (‘
 Ce:                              "‘ ("; "‘
                                  ("; ‘‘; James Ball; David Krech;
                                  Susan OConnell; George Li; Howard Griboff; Jodi Cooper
Subject:                          ARCOS—1 Cable and CFX—1 Cable
Attachments:                      State Letter 12.03.14.doc

Please see the attached letter.

Adrienne Downs

Document Created: 2019-05-26 05:55:03
Document Modified: 2019-05-26 05:55:03

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