Attachment Attachment 1

This document pretains to ITC-T/C-20141107-00294 for Transfer of Control on a International Telecommunications filing.


                                      Before the
                                     Washington, D.C. 20554

 In the Matter of

                                                            No‘ Nune! Nune! Nune! Nun! Nune! Sent! Nunt! Nunr! SNet! Numd! Nent! Ner! Nt Nest! Nut! NN Ne Sunt! Neut! Nunt! Ne
      (FRN 0006164636) and

      (FRN 0015115207)

           Section 214 Authorization Holders

 BILLIE K. PIRNIE REVOCABLE TRUST                                                                                                                                                WC Docket No.
      (FRN 0023227630)


            and                                                                                                                                                                  File No. ITC—



 Joint Application for Transfer of Control of
 Section 214 Authorizations for
 Domestic and International
 Telecommunications Authorizations

                                     JOINT APPLICATION

          Union Springs Telephone Company, Inc. ("USTC") and Ropir Communications, Inc.

("RCI") (jointly, the "214 Holders"), Billie K. Pirnie Revocable Trust ("Transferor"), and Troy

Cablevision,      Inc.   ("Troy" or "Transferee") hereby request approval of the Federal

Communications Commission ("Commission") pursuant to Section 214 of the Communications

Act of 1934, as amended, 47 U.S.C. §214, and Sections 1.763, 63.03, 63.04, 63.18, and 63.24(e)

of the Commission‘s rules, 47 C.F.R. §§1.763, 63.03, 63.04, 63.18, and 63.24(e), to transfer


control of the Section 214 Holders from Transferor to Transferee. All parties are collectively

referred to herein as the "Applicants."

I.      Combined Application to Transfer Control of Domestic and International Section
        214 Authorizations

        Under Section 63.04(b) of the Commission‘s rules, the Applicants are filing a combined

domestic and international application for the transfer of control of the Section 214 authorizations

to the Transferee.

        This application qualifies for streamlined processing under applicable rules.

IL.     Applicants

        A.      Union Springs Telephone Company, Inc.

        USTC is a corporation organized under the laws of Alabama. Its address is 206 Hardaway

Avenue East, Union Springs, AL 36089. USTC is authorized by the Alabama Public Service

Commission to provide local exchange telephone service as the incumbent local exchange carrier

("ILEC") in portions of Bullock, Macon, Barbour, and Pike Counties, Alabama.

        USTC is a wholly owned subsidiary of Ropir Industries, Inc. ("Ropir Industries") (FRN

0015143415), a Delaware corporation formed in 1982. The address of Ropir Industries is 206

Hardaway Avenue East, Union Springs, AL 36089. Ropir Industries has been and remains, from

1982 to date, the sole stockholder of USTC.

        All stock of Ropir Industries is owned by the Billie K. Pirnie Revocable Trust of which

Robert E. L. Gilpin is the sole trustee.

       B.      Ropir Communications, Inc.

       RCI (originally named Call Points, Inc.) is a corporation formed in 1988 under the laws of

Delaware. Its address is 206 Hardaway Avenue East, Union Springs, AL 36089. RCI is a reseller

of long distance services. Since 1996, RCI has continuously provided interstate interexchange and

international telecommunications services in and around the area served by USTC.

        Like USTC, RCI is controlled by Ropir Industries. RCJI‘s authorized and outstanding stock

consists of Class A and Class B common stock. Ropir Industries owns and has always owned all

ofthe Class A common stock. Ropir Industries also owns (since December 1996) 1200 ofthe 1400

authorized and outstanding shares of RCI‘s Class B common stock. The other 200 shares of RCI

Class B common stock are now and have always been owned by USTC, a wholly owned subsidiary

of Ropir Industries.

        As noted in Section ILA., all stock of Ropir Industries is owned by the Billie K. Pirnie

Revocable Trust of which Robert E. L. Gilpin is the sole trustee.

       C.       Billie K. Pirnie Revocable Trust

       Robert E. L. Gilpin (FRN 0023227689) is a United States citizen and attorney in

Montgomery, Alabama whose address is Gilpin Givhan, PC, 2660 EastChase Lane, Suite 300,

Montgomery, AL 36117 is the sole trustee of the Billie K. Pirnie Revocable Trust which owns all

of the stock of Ropir Industries, Inc..

       Aside from the telecommunications service providers named in this application, neither the

Billie K. Pirnie Revocable Trust nor Mr. Gilpin has a controlling interest in any

telecommunications service provider.

       D.       Troy Cablevision, Inc.

       Troy Cablevision, Inc. is a corporation organized under the laws of Alabama. Its address

is 1006 S. Brundidge Street, Troy, AL 36081. Exhibit B contains a list of company officers and


        Currently, Troy Cablevision, Inc. provides cable television services in the following areas

of Alabama: Banks, Brantley, Brundidge, Clayhatchee, Daleville, Elba, Enterprise, Glenwood,

Goshen, Grimes, Level Plains, Luverne, Midland City, Napier Field, New Brockton, Newton,

Ozark, Petrey, Pinckard, Rutledge, Troy, and unincorporated areas of Coffee, Crenshaw, Dale,

Houston, and Pike counties.

III.    Current Control and Management of USTC and RCI

        Ropir Industries and its subsidiaries, USTC and RCI (collectively the "Ropir Companies"),

are currently controlled by Mr. Gilpin. Mr. Gilpin controls the Ropir Companies in his capacity

as the sole trustee of The Billie K. Pirnie Revocable Trust. Mrs. Pirnie was a United States citizen

who died October 22, 2011.‘
        Since 1996 (and in the case of USTC, from an earlier date), USTC and RCI have operated

continuously under the day—to—day management of Larry C. Grogan. Since October 24, 2011, Mr.

Grogan has served as the President, Treasurer and Chairman of the Board of both companies and

Mr. Gilpin has served as Secretary. Also, since October 24, 2011, the Board of Directors of both

companies has consisted of Mr. Grogan and Mr. Gilpin.

IV.     Proposed Change of Ownership and Control of the 214 Holders

        By terms of a Stock Purchase Agreement, Transferee has agreed to purchase all shares of

Ropir Industries from Transferor. As a result, Transferee will acquire full control of the 214


! Domestic and International Section 214 authorizations for a transfer of control of the 214 Holders to Mr.
Gilpin were granted by the Wireline Competition Bureau in WC Docket 13—320, and by the International
Bureau in IB File No. ITC—T/C—20131230—00345.

       Transferee Troy Cablevision, Inc. intends to operate USTC and Ropir Communications,

Inc. in a manner similar to how it is currently operated.        Key management employees in

accounting, outside plant operations and engineering will be retained. Executive management will

continue to operate at the holding company level. And while Mr. Grogan, USTC‘s current

executive manager, has expressed desire to retire next year, it is the Transferee‘s intent to allow

an orderly transition during this process.

       To that end, Transferee intends on executing a consulting/management contract with a local

ILEC executive to work with Mr. Grogan on daily operations, contracting and regulatory reporting

for the first six months. The consultant has over 30 years of experience in the ILEC industry. In

addition to the consultant, Transferee intends on supplementing his expertise with other current

Transferee executives.

V.     Information Required by Section 63.24(e) of the Commission‘s Rules for Transfer of
       Control of Section 214 Authorizations

       In furtherance of this application the Applicants submit the specific information pursuant

to Section 63.24(e) of the Commission‘s rules. The following paragraphs refer to Sections (a)

through (d), and (h) through (p), of Section 63.18.

       (a)     Name, address and telephone number of Applicants:

               214 Holders:

               Union Springs Telephone Company, Inc.
               206 Hardaway Avenue East
               Union Springs, AL 36089
               Attn: Robert E. L. Gilpin, Secretary
               Tel: 334—244—1111

               Ropir Communications, Inc.
               206 Hardaway Avenue East
               Union Springs, AL 36089
               Attn: Robert E. L. Gilpin, Secretary
               Tel: 334—244—1111


              Robert E. L. Gilpin, Trustee
              The Billie K. Pirnie Revocable Trust
              Gilpin Givhan, PC
              2660 EastChase Lane, Suite 300
              Montgomery, AL 36117
              Tel: 334—244—1111


              Troy Cablevision, Inc.
              1006 S. Brundidge Street
              Troy, AL 36081
              Attn: VickiF. McPherson
              Tel: 334—566—3310

       (b)    USTC is a corporation organized under the laws of Alabama. RCI is a corporation

organized under the laws of Delaware. Troy is a corporation organized under the laws ofAlabama.

       (c)    Correspondence concerning this application should be sent to:

              For the 214 Holders and Transferor:

              Robert E. L. Gilpin
              Gilpin Givhan, PC
              2660 EastChase Lane, Suite 300
              Montgomery, AL 36117
              Tel: 334—244—1111

              With a copy to:

              David L. Nace, Esq.
              Lukas, Nace, Gutierrez & Sachs, LLP
              8300 Greensboro Drive, Suite 1200
              McLean, VA 22102
              Tel: 703—584—8661

                For the Transferee:
                Troy Cablevision, Inc.
                1006 S. Brundidge Street
                Troy, AL 36081
                Attention: Vicki F. McPherson
                Tel: 334—566—3310

                With a copy to:

                Scott Friedman, Esq.
                Cinnamon Mueller
                307 N. Michigan Ave., Suite 1020
                Chicago, IL 60601
                Tel: 312—580—8557

        (d)     (i) RCI provides international telecommunications under Section 214 authorization

for global resale in File No. ITC—214—19960207—00059 and ITC—T/C—20131230—00345. USTC and

RCI hold blanket domestic Section 214 authority to provide domestic telecommunications services

and transfer of control authorization in WC Docket 13—320.

                (ii) Transferee does not hold any Section 214 authorization.

        (h)     Information responsive to Section 63.18(h) is provided in Exhibit B. Section

63.18(h) also calls for disclosure of any interlocking directorates with a foreign carrier. None of

the Applicants have interlocking directorates with a foreign carrier.

        (i)     Section 63.18(i) calls for a certification as to whether or not the applicants are, or

are affiliated with, a foreign carrier. Applicants hereby certify that none is a foreign carrier and

that none is affiliated with a foreign carrier.

        (j) Section 63.18(j) calls for a certification as to whether or not the applicant seeks to

provide international telecommunications services to any destination country for which any of the

following is true:

                 (1) The applicant is a foreign carrier in that country. Transferee hereby certifies

that it is not a foreign carrier in any destination country.

                  (2) The applicant controls a foreign carrier in that country. Transferee hereby

certifies that it does not control a foreign carrier in any destination country.

                 (3) Any entity that owns more than 25 percent ofthe applicant, or that controls the

applicant, controls a foreign carrier in that country. Transferee hereby certifies that there is no

entity that controls a foreign carrier in any destination country has more than a 25 percent interest

in Transferee.

                 (4) Two or more foreign carriers (or parties that controlforeign carriers) own, in

the aggregate, more than 25 percent ofthe applicant and are parties to, or the beneficiaries of, a

contractual relation (e.g., ajoint venture or market alliance) affecting the provision or marketing

of international basic telecommunications services in the United States.           Transferee hereby

certifies that the foregoing statement is not true as relating to Transferee.

        (k)      Section 63.18(k) calls for one of certain showings by the applicant for any

destination country listed by the applicant in response to paragraph (J). Based upon Transferee‘s

certifications in response to Section 63.18(j), no showing is required of Transferee in response to

Section 63.18(J).

        (1)      In response to Section 63.18(1), Transferee does not propose to resell the

international switched services of an unaffiliated U.S. carrier for the purpose of providing

international telecommunications services to a country where it is a foreign carrier or is affiliated

with a foreign carrier.

        (m)      Transferee hereby responds to Section 63.10(m) by confirming that it is not a

foreign carrier, and it is not affiliated with a foreign carrier. Transferee satisfies the requirements

of Section 63.10(a)(1) to be presumptively classified as "non—dominant" for the provision of

international communications services.

        (n)      Transferee certifies that it has not agreed to accept special concessions directly or

indirectly from any foreign carrier with respect to any U.S. international route where the foreign

carrier possesses market power on the foreign end of the route and will not enter into such

agreements in the future.

        (0)      With reference to §§ 1.2001 through 1.2003 of the Commission‘s rules, Applicants

certify that no party to the application is subject to a denial of Federal benefits pursuant to Section

5301 of the Anti—Drug Abuse Act of 1988. See 21 U.S.C. 853a.

        (p)      Applicants request streamlined processing of this application pursuant to Section

63.03(b)(2)(ii) of the Commission‘s Rules. The local exchange operations of USTC serve fewer

than 2% of the subscriber lines installed in the aggregate nationwide. Transferee is presently a

cable television service provider non—dominant with respect to services provides. The ownership

and control changes described in this application result in no new overlapping or adjacent local

service areas.

VI.    Additional Information Required by Section 63.04(b) of the Commission‘s Rules or
       Assignment/Transfer of Control

       In response to requirements of Section 63.04(b) of the Commission‘s rules, the additional

information required by Sections 63.04(a)(6) through 63.04(a)(12) is provided in Exhibit A to this


VII.   Conclusion

       Applicants respectfully submit that the public interest, convenience and necessity would

be furthered by grant of this application which will permit a continuation of telecommunications

services by USTC and RCJI under the control of Transferee whose qualifications are shown herein.

Respectfully submitted,


m t T( 2iz
        Robert E. L. Gilpin, Secretary

pate: __/1/t 30(

.{aitihoRobert E. L. Gilpin, Secretary

Date:   //1/(0'/02 fl/‘/‘

BILL        . PIRNI                 E TRUST

        Robert E. L. GllpmSole Trustee



        William H. Freeman, President



Respectfully submitted,


        Robert E. L. Gilpin, Secretary



        Robert E. L. Gilpin, Secretary



        Robert E. L. Gilpin, Sole Trustee



By: 7\//‘—6,
     William H. Freeman, President

Date:     M _6, Aotf


                                             Exhibit A

               Information Required by Sections 63.04(a)(6) through 63.04(a)(12)

       Pursuant to Section 63.04(b) of the Commission‘s rules, Applicants provide the following
information in connection with the proposed transfer of control:

§63.04(a)(6) — Description of the Transfers of Control

       The transfers of control are summarized in Section IV of the Application.

§63.04(a)(7) — Description of the Geographic Service Area and Services in Each Area

       Descriptions of the geographic service areas and the services provided in each area are
       provided in Section II.A., Section II.B. and Section II.D. of the Application.

§63.04(a)(8) — Presumption of Non—Dominance and Qualification for Streamlining

       Applicants request streamlined processing of this application. See Section V(p) above.

§63.04(a)(9) — Other Pending Commission Applications Concerning the Subject Transaction


§63.04(a)(10) — Special Considerations


§63.04(a)(11) — Waiver Requests


§63.04(a)(12) —— Public Interest Statement

       As shown herein, Transferee is qualified to control USTC and RCI. Authorization of the
       transfer of control described in this application will serve the public interest by allowing
       for a continuation of telecommunications services to customers of USTC and RCT.


                                          Exhibit B

                                    TROY CABLEVISION, INC.
                                      As of October 23, 2014

N. Kenneth Campbell                                      1,003 shares   0.066
Post Office Box 707
Troy, Alabama 36081—0707
U. S. Citizen

N. J. Cervera                                            1,003 shares   0.066
914 South Brundidge Street
Troy, Alabama 36081
U. S. Citizen

James Ryan Freeman                                       8 shares       0.001
4477 Lee Road 137, Lot #57
Auburn, Alabama 36832—8037
U. S. Citizen

Kristen L. Freeman                                       8 shares       0.001
1506 Windsor Street
Columbia, MO 65201
U. S. Citizen

William H. Freeman                                       4,717 shares   0.312
Troy Cablevision, Inc., President
Post Office Box 365
Troy, Alabama 36081—0365
U. S. Citizen

Vicki F. McPherson                                       4,717 shares   0.312
Troy Cablevision, Inc., Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer
Post Office Box 475
Troy, Alabama 36081—0475
U. S. Citizen


Vicki F. McPherson, Executor                         1,796 shares    0.119
Under the Last Will of William Harold Freeman, Sr.
Post Office Box 475
Troy, Alabama 36081—0475
Executor, U. S. Citizen

Vicki F. McPherson, Trustee of the                   816 shares      0.054
W. Harold Freeman Irrevocable Trust #3
Post Office Box 475
Troy, Alabama 36081 —0475
Trustee, U. S. Citizen

Vicki F. McPherson, Trustee of the                   444 shares      0.029
W. Harold Freeman Irrevocable Trust #4
Post Office Box 475
Troy, Alabama 36081 —0475
Trustee, U. S. Citizen

Vicki F. McPherson, Trustee of the                   588 shares      0.039
W. Harold Freeman Irrevocable Trust #5
Post Office Box 475
Troy, Alabama 36081 —0475
Trustee, U. S. Citizen

       Total shares outstanding                      15,100 shares


Document Created: 2014-11-07 15:19:49
Document Modified: 2014-11-07 15:19:49

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