Attachment Notification

This document pretains to ITC-T/C-20141007-00278 for Transfer of Control on a International Telecommunications filing.


Catherine Wang
Brett P. Ferenchak

October 7, 2014


Marlene H. Dortch, Secretary
Federal Communications Commission
445 12th Street, S.W.
Room TW-A325
Washington, DC 20554
Attn: International Bureau

Re: Notification Regarding Pro Forma Change in Indirect Ownership of
    Lightower Fiber Networks II, LLC (f/k/a Sidera Networks, LLC)

Dear Ms. Dortch:

Lightower Fiber Networks II, LLC (formerly known as Sidera Networks, LLC)
(the “Company”), by undersigned counsel and pursuant to 47 C.F.R. § 63.24(f),
notifies the Commission that effective October 1, 2014, Yankee Metro Partners,
LLC (“Yankee-LLC” or “Transferor”) was eliminated as an intermediate holding
company in the Company’s chain of ownership resulting in a pro forma intra
transfer of indirect ownership of Sidera (the “Pro Forma Transfer”). Sidera’s
ultimate parent, LTS Group Holdings LLC (“LTS Holdings”), did not change as a
result of the Pro Forma Transfer. In addition, the Company changed its name to
“Lightower Fiber Networks II, LLC”.

                   Information Required by Section 63.24(f)(2)

As required by Section 63.24(f)(2), the Parties provide the following information
required by 63.18(a) through (d) and (h):

Sections 63.18(a): Name, address and telephone number of the Company:

          Lightower Fiber Networks II, LLC
          80 Central Street
          Boxborough, MA 01719
          Tel: 978-264-6000

Sections 63.18(b): Organization of the Parties:

          The Company is a New York limited liability company.


Marlene H. Dortch, Secretary
October 7, 2014
Page 2

          Yankee-LLC is a Delaware limited liability company.

          LTS Buyer LLC (“Transferee”) is a Delaware limited liability company.

Section 63.18(c): Correspondence concerning this filing should be sent to the
Parties’ counsel:

                 Catherine Wang
                 Brett P. Ferenchak
                 Bingham McCutchen LLP
                 2020 K Street, N.W.
                 Washington, DC 20006-1806
                 202-373-6000 (Tel)
                 202-373-6001 (Fax)

Section 63.18(d): The Company holds international Section 214 authority to
provide (1) global or limited global facilities-based service granted in IB File No.
ITC 214-20101019-00408 and (2) global or limited global facilities-based and
resale service granted in IB File No. ITC-214-20001128-00698.

Sections 63.18(h): See Attachment 1 for the ownership of the Company. See
Attachments 2 and 3, respectively for pre-Pro Forma Transfer and current
corporate structure of the Company.

The Company certifies that the Pro Forma Transfer described herein was pro
forma and that, together with all previous pro forma transactions, did not result in
a change in the actual controlling party of the Company or the Authorizations.

                              *       *      *       *

This notification letter is being filed electronically via MyIBFS. Please direct any
questions to the undersigned.

Respectfully submitted,
/s/ Brett P. Ferenchak

Catherine Wang
Brett P. Ferenchak

Counsel for Lightower Fiber Networks II, LLC


                                         ATTACHMENT 1

Answer to Question 11 - Section 63.18(h) Ownership Information

          The following entities currently hold, directly or indirectly, a 10% or greater interest1 in

the Company as calculated pursuant to the Commission ownership attribution rules for

international telecommunications carriers:

a)        100% Direct or Indirect Owners of the Company

                 Name:                  Sidera Networks, Inc. (“Sidera”)
                 Address:               80 Central Street
                                        Boxborough, MA 01719
                 Citizenship:           U.S. (Delaware)
                 Principal Business:    Holding Company
                 % Interest:            100% (directly in the Company)

                 Name:                  Yankee Metro Parent, Inc. (“Yankee-Parent”)
                 Address:               80 Central Street
                                        Boxborough, MA 01719
                 Citizenship:           U.S. (Delaware)
                 Principal Business:    Holding Company
                 % Interest:            100% (indirectly in the Company as 100% owner of

                 Name:                  LTS Buyer, LLC (“LTS Buyer”)
                 Address:               80 Central Street
                                        Boxborough, MA 01719
                 Citizenship:           U.S. (Delaware)
                 Principal Business:    Holding Company
                 % Interest:            100% (indirectly in the Company as 100% owner of

                 Name:                  LTS Intermediate Holdings C LLC (“Holdings-C”)
                 Address:               80 Central Street
                                        Boxborough, MA 01719
                 Citizenship:           U.S. (Delaware)
                 Principal Business:    Holding Company
                 % Interest:            100% (indirectly in the Company as 100% owner of LTS

        Unless otherwise indicated, the ownership interests provided herein represent both equity and
voting interests.


                 Name:                 LTS Intermediate Holdings B LLC (“Holdings-B”)
                 Address:              80 Central Street
                                       Boxborough, MA 01719
                 Citizenship:          U.S. (Delaware)
                 Principal Business:   Holding Company
                 % Interest:           100% (indirectly in the Company as 100% owner of

                 Name:                 LTS Intermediate Holdings A LLC (“Holdings-A”)
                 Address:              80 Central Street
                                       Boxborough, MA 01719
                 Citizenship:          U.S. (Delaware)
                 Principal Business:   Holding Company
                 % Interest:           100% (indirectly in the Company as 100% owner of

                 Name:                 LTS Group Holdings LLC (“LTS Holdings”)
                 Address:              80 Central Street
                                       Boxborough, MA 01719
                 Citizenship:          U.S. (Delaware)
                 Principal Business:   Holding Company
                 % Interest:           100% (indirectly in the Company as 100% owner of
                                       Holding- A)

b)        Ownership of LTS Holdings

          The ownership of LTS Holdings has not materially changed since the Commission last

considered the ownership in IB File No. ITC-T/C-20130107-00005.

          Certain investment funds and entities controlled and/or managed by Berkshire hold, in

aggregate, 46.0 percent of the direct or indirect ownership interests of LTS Holdings, as follows:

                                       Attachment 1 - Page 2

               Name                    Citizenship              General Partner       LTS Holdings
Berkshire Fund VII, L.P.        Delaware Limited            Seventh Berkshire             12.2%
                                Partnership                 Associates LLC
Berkshire Fund VII-A, L.P.      Delaware Limited            Seventh Berkshire             2.3%
                                Partnership                 Associates LLC
Berkshire Fund VIII, L.P.       Delaware Limited            Eighth Berkshire             20.72%
                                Partnership                 Associates LLC
Berkshire Fund VIII-A, L.P.     Delaware Limited            Eighth Berkshire              8.61%
                                Partnership                 Associates LLC
Berkshire Investors III LLC     Massachusetts Limited       N/A                           0.71%
                                Liability Company
Berkshire Investors IV LLC      Delaware Limited            N/A                           1.5%
                                Liability Company

                 Seventh Berkshire Associates LLC, Eighth Berkshire Associates LLC, Berkshire
                 Investors III LLC and Berkshire Investors IV LLC all are directly controlled by
                 the 17 Managing Directors of Berkshire, acting by a majority in voting interest.
                 All the Managing Directors of Berkshire are U.S. citizens. The principal business
                 of all the Berkshire entities described above is private equity, and all are located
                 at 200 Clarendon Street, 35th Floor, Boston, MA 02116.

          Certain investment funds and entities affiliated with ABRY Partners, LLC hold, in

aggregate, 10.46 percent of the direct or indirect ownership interests of LTS Holdings, as


          Name: ABRY Partners VI, L.P.
          Principal Business: Private Equity
          Address: 111 Huntington Avenue, 29th Floor, Boston, MA 02199
          Citizenship: Delaware Limited Partnership
          Ownership Interest: 9.63%

                 The sole general partner of ABRY Partners VI, L.P. is ABRY VI Capital Partners,
                 L.P., a Delaware limited partnership. The sole general partner of ABRY VI
                 Capital Partners, L.P. is ABRY VI Capital Investors, LLC, a Delaware limited
                 liability company. The sole owner of ABRY VI Capital Investors, LLC is Royce
                 Yudkoff, a citizen of the United States.

          Additional investment funds affiliated with ABRY Partners, LLC (the “Other ABRY
          Funds”) hold, in the aggregate, approximately 0.8 percent of the direct or indirect
          ownership interests in LTS Holdings. The sole owner of the ultimate general partner of

                                        Attachment 1 - Page 3

          each of the Other ABRY Funds is Royce Yudkoff. The principal place of business for
          the Other ABRY Funds and for Mr. Yudkoff is c/o ABRY Partners, LLC, 111
          Huntington Avenue, 29th Floor, Boston, Massachusetts 02199.

          The following investment fund of Pamlico Capital holds direct and indirect ownership

interests of LTS Holdings:

          Name: Pamlico Capital II, L.P.
          Principal Business: Private Equity
          Citizenship: Delaware Limited Partnership
          Ownership Interest: 10.1 directly or indirectly in LTS Holdings

                 The general partner of Pamlico Capital II, L.P. is Pamlico Capital GP II, LLC, a
                 Delaware limited liability company. Pamlico Capital GP II, LLC is controlled by
                 a Board of Managers consisting of three Managing Partners of Pamlico Capital,
                 all of whom are U.S. citizens. Pamlico Capital II, L.P. and Pamlico Capital GP II,
                 LLC and its three Managers all are located at 150 N. College Street, Suite 2400,
                 Charlotte, NC 28202.

          Certain investment funds and entities affiliated with HarbourVest Partners, LLC hold, in

aggregate, 8.46 percent of the direct or indirect ownership interests of LTS Holdings, as follows:

          Name: HarbourVest Partners 2012 Direct Fund L.P.
          Principal Business: Private Equity
          Address: One Financial Center, 44th Floor, Boston MA 02111
          Citizenship: Delaware Limited Partnership
          Ownership Interest: 3.78%

                 The sole general partner of HarbourVest Partners 2012 Direct Fund L.P. is
                 HarbourVest 2012 Direct Associates L.P., a Delaware limited partnership. The
                 sole general partner of HarbourVest 2012 Direct Associates L.P. is HarbourVest
                 2012 Direct Associates LLC, a Delaware limited liability company. The
                 managing member of HarbourVest 2012 Direct Associates LLC is HarbourVest
                 Partners, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company.

          Name: Sunvest LLC
          Principal Business: Private Equity
          Address: One Financial Center, 44th Floor, Boston MA 02111
          Citizenship: Delaware Limited Liability Company
          Ownership Interest: 2.33%

                 The manager of Sunvest LLC is HarbourVest 2012 Direct Associates L.P., a
                 Delaware limited partnership. The sole general partner of HarbourVest 2012

                                       Attachment 1 - Page 4

                 Direct Associates L.P. is HarbourVest 2012 Direct Associates LLC, a Delaware
                 limited liability company. The managing member of HarbourVest 2012 Direct
                 Associates LLC is HarbourVest Partners, LLC, a Delaware limited liability

          Name: HarbourVest Partners IX-Buyout Fund L.P.
          Principal Business: Private Equity
          Address: One Financial Center, 44th Floor, Boston MA 02111
          Citizenship: Delaware Limited Partnership
          Ownership Interest: 0.82%

                 The sole general partner of HarbourVest Partners IX-Buyout Fund L.P. is
                 HarbourVest IX-Buyout Associates L.P., a Delaware limited partnership. The
                 sole general partner of HarbourVest IX-Buyout Associates L.P. is HarbourVest
                 IX-Buyout Associates LLC, a Delaware limited liability company. The managing
                 member of HarbourVest IX-Buyout Associates LLC is HarbourVest Partners,
                 LLC, a Delaware limited liability company.

          Additional investment funds affiliated with HarbourVest Partners (the “Other
          HarbourVest Funds”) hold, in the aggregate, approximately 1.56 percent of the direct or
          indirect ownership interests in LTS Holdings. The majority of the ownership of the
          ultimate controlling entity of HarbourVest is held by 19 individuals (15 managing
          directors and four senior advisors). The principal place of business for the Other
          HarbourVest Funds and their respective general partners and managers is c/o
          HarbourVest Partners, LLC, One Financial Center, 44th Floor, Boston MA 02111.

          HarbourVest and certain other beneficial holders of ownership interests in LTS Holdings

(each of whose interest individually constitute less than 10 percent of the total equity ownership

of Holdings) (i) granted irrevocable proxies to Berkshire or Pamlico or (ii) hold their interests

through a co-investment vehicle controlled by Berkshire or Pamlico. Consequently, Berkshire

controls 63.7 percent of the voting interests of LTS Holdings and Pamlico controls 18.3 percent

of the voting interests of LTS Holdings.

          To the Company’s knowledge, no other person or entity hold a direct or indirect

10 percent or greater ownership interest in LTS Holdings.

                                       Attachment 1 - Page 5

Answer to Question 12 - Section 63.18(h) Interlocking Directorates

          Except for an interlocking directorate with Sidera Networks UK Limited, which is a non-

dominant foreign carrier in the United Kingdom providing telecommunications services pursuant

to blanket authority, the Company does not have any interlocking directorates with a foreign

carrier. The Company is a non-dominant foreign carrier in Canada holding a reseller registration

and a license to provide basic international telecommunications services.

Answer to Question 13 - Description of Transfers of Control

          Effective October 1, 2014, Yankee-LLC merged with and into LTS Buyer LLC,

whereupon the separate existence of Yankee-LLC ceased and LTS Buyer LLC was the surviving

entity. As a result Yankee-LLC was eliminated as an intermediate holding company in the chain

of ownership for the Company. Since the ultimate ownership of the Company did not change,

this intra-company change was pro forma in nature. Concurrently with the Pro Forma Transfer,

the Company changed its name to “Lightower Fiber Networks II, LLC”.

                                       Attachment 1 - Page 6

ATTACHMENT 2 -                                                                                    LTS Group Holdings LLC

Pre-Pro Forma Transactions                                                                    LTS Intermediate Holdings A LLC
Corporate Organization of Lightower
                                                                                              LTS Intermediate Holdings B LLC

                                                                                              LTS Intermediate Holdings C LLC

                                                                                                      LTS Buyer LLC

                                                               Yankee Metro Partners, LLC                  Light Tower                 Light Tower Holdings LLC
                                                                                                        Clearinghouse LLC

                                                                Yankee Metro Parent, Inc.                                                    Light Tower Metro Fiber LLC

                                                                  Sidera Networks, Inc.                                                           LT LLC

                        Sidera Networks, LLC   NEON Communications                 DataNet Communications              Lexent Inc.                Light Tower LLC
                                (NY)               Group, Inc.                           Group, Inc.
  Sidera Networks of
   Long Island, Inc.
                         Sidera Networks of      NEON Communications,                       Hudson Valley                   Open Access              Light Tower Fiber LLC
                         Virginia, Inc. (VA)            Inc.                                DataNet, LLC                   Acquisition LLC
    Light Tower
  Management, Inc.                                                                                                                                      Light Tower Fiber
                                                                                            Connecticut                     Lexent Metro
                                                      NEON Transcom, Inc.                                                   Connect, LLC                 Long Island LLC
                                                                                            DataNet, LLC
Light Tower Fiber New
    York, Inc. (NY)
                                                        NEON Connect, Inc.                New Jersey DataNet
                                                                                            Telecom, LLC

 Sidera Networks UK
    Limited (UK)                                      NEON Virginia Connect,

   Cross Connect
 Solutions, Inc. (PA)                                  NEON Optica, Inc.

                                                            NorthEast Optic Network
                                                              of Connecticut, Inc.

                                                            NorthEast Optic Network
                                                               of New York, Inc.

Current Corporate                                       LTS Group Holdings LLC
Organization of Lightower
                                                    LTS Intermediate Holdings A LLC

                                                    LTS Intermediate Holdings B LLC

                                                    LTS Intermediate Holdings C LLC

                                                            LTS Buyer LLC

                        Yankee Metro Parent, Inc.                  Light Tower        Light Tower Holdings LLC
                                                                Clearinghouse LLC

                           Sidera Networks, Inc.                                           Light Tower Metro Fiber LLC

                 Light Tower                                                               Lightower Fiber
               Management, Inc.                                                            Networks I, LLC
                                                                                           (f/k/a Light Tower Fiber
                Light Tower Fiber                                                          Long Island LLC)
               New York, Inc. (NY)

               Sidera Networks UK
                  Limited (UK)

                 Cross Connect
               Solutions, Inc. (PA)

                NEON Transcom,

                Lightower Fiber
                Networks II, LLC
                (f/k/a Sidera
                Networks, LLC)


                  I, David L. Mayer, am General Counsel, Executive Vice President and Secretary of LTS

    Group Holdings LLC and each of its subsidiaries, including Lightower Fiber Networks II, LLC

    (collectively, the "Company"); that I am authorized to make this Verification on behalf of the

    Company; that the foregoing filing was prepared under my direction and supervision; and that

    the contents with respect to the Company are true and correct to the best of my knowledge,

    information, and belief.

              I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct. Executed this

éwfi:day of October, 2014.                                        /

                                                         David L. Mayer      &
                                                         General Counsel, Executive Vice Pre31dent &
                                                         LTS Group Holdings LLC


Document Created: 2014-10-07 17:21:18
Document Modified: 2014-10-07 17:21:18

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