Supplement HFN - Fin

SUPPLEMENT submitted by Hudson Fiber Network, Inc.



This document pretains to ITC-T/C-20140917-00270 for Transfer of Control on a International Telecommunications filing.


T EL EC O M M U NJ C A T O NS               A T T O R N EY S

W W W . T EL EC O M L A W Y E RS . C 0O M

DiREct (410) 349—4990 x 100

September 26, 2014


Marlene H. Dortch, Secretary
Federal Communications Commission
Office of the Secretary
445 12th Street, SW
Washington, DC 20554

Re:      Supplement to Joint Application for Transfer of Control of Domestic and International
         Section 214 Authorizations of Hudson Fiber Network, Inc.

Dear Ms. Dortch:

Enclosed please find one original and four copies of a Supplement to the Joint Application for
Transfer of Control of Domestic and International Section 214 Authorizations of Hudson Fiber
Network, Inc.

Please stamp and return the additional copy ofthis letter included herewith. A self—addressed,
stamped envelope is included for this purpose.

Any questions about the enclosed application or payment may be directed to the undersigned at
(410) 349—4990 x 100.


Thomas M. Lynch
Counsel for Hudson Fiber Network, Inc.

ce:     Jodie May, WCB via email
        David Krech, IB via email

700 Melvin Avenue, Suite 1    Telephone:    (410) 349—4990
Annapolis, Maryland 21401     eFax:         (443) 926—0574

                                          Before the
                             Washington, DC 20554

In the Matter of                                }
HUDSON FIBER NETWORK, INC.                      }
(FRN 0020739686)                                }
and                                             }
                                                }      File No.
HUDSON FIBER HOLDINGS, INC.                     }
(FRN 0023942758)                                }
for grant of authority to complete a            }
transfer of control of                          }
Hudson Fiber Network, Inc.,                     }
an authorized domestic and                      }
international carrier                           }


         Hudson Fiber Network, Inc. ("Hudson Fiber") and Hudson Fiber Holdings, Inc.

("Holdings") (collectively, "Applicants"), by and through undersigned counsel, hereby

submit the following additional information as a supplement to the application referenced


         The following entities are limited partners of Tiger Infrastructure Partners Fund LP.

By virtue of their ownership interest in Tiger, they will have a greater than ten percent

(10%) indirect interest in Hudson Fiber though as limited partners they exercise no control:

         1.     CAT Holding LLC, a Delaware limited liability company located at 350

Park Avenue, New York, NY 10022 whose principal business is investments, holds an

approximate 61.73% limited partnership interest in Tiger. As a limited partner CAT will

have no control over or involvement in the day—to—day management of Tiger.

        CAT Holding LLC is 99% owned by the Trust u/a/d December 24, 1985 f/b/o the

Issue of Dirk Ziff, a Florida trust with a mailing address at 350 Park Avenue, New York,

NY 10022. The principal business is as a trust. There is no person involved with the trust

controlling more than a 10% indirect interest in Hudson Fiber upon consummation of the


        2.         Kiewit Infrastructure Co., a Delaware corporation located at 3555 Farnam

Street Omaha, NE 68131 whose principal business is an investment company, holds an

approximate 17.64% limited partnership interest in Tiger. As a limited partner, Kiewit will

have no control over or involvement in the day—to—day management of Tiger.

        Kiewit Infrastructure Co., is 100% owned by Kiewit Infrastructure Group Inc., a

Delaware corporation with an address at 1000 Kiewit Plaza, Omaha, NE 68131.             Its

principal business is investments.

        Kiewit Infrastructure Group Inc. is 100% by Kiewit Corporation, a Delaware

corporation with an address at 1000 Kiewit Plaza, Omaha, NE 68131. Its principal business

is construction.

        Kiewit Corporation is 100% owned by Peter Kiewit Sons‘, Inc. a Delaware

corporation with an address at 1000 Kiewit Plaza, Omaha, NE 68 131. Its principal business

is construction.

       There is no owner of Peter Kiewit Sons‘, Inc. with more than a 10% indirect interest

in Hudson Fiber upon consummation of the transaction.

                           Respectfully submitted,

                           Thomas M. Lynch, Esq.
                           Thomas Lynch & Associates
                           700 Melvin Avenue, Suite 1
                           Annapolis, MD 21401
                           (410) 349—4990

                           Michael Brosse
                           Lowenstein Sandler LLP
                           1251 Avenue of the Americas
                           19th Floor
                           New York, NY 10020
                           (212) 419—5836

Dated Septembergli, 2014

Document Created: 2019-04-19 23:47:11
Document Modified: 2019-04-19 23:47:11

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