Attachment 20170803151945-150.p





This document pretains to ITC-T/C-20131218-00338 for Transfer of Control on a International Telecommunications filing.


                                        Federal Communications Commission
                                              Washington, D.C. 20554

International Bureau
                                                                                      (202) 418—1462
                                                                                      (202) 418—2824 (fax)
                                                                                      December 24, 2013
                                                                                      Ref: EB 2013—37

Douglas May               (202)   647—5835              Christopher Hemmerlein        (202)   482—1885
Shawn B. Cooley           (202)   282—8489              Jonathan McHale               (202)   395—5656
Edward T. Hand            (202)   514—2464              Matthew Bernstein             (202)   324—5422
Richard Sofield           (202)   233—0702              Robert Gorman                 (301)   225—6116
Sean Desmond              (202) 456—6068

Re:        Section 214 Application

           Comments Due: January 15, 2014

Dear Sir or Madam:

         Please review the following applications and advise us whether you have any national
security, law enforcement, foreign policy or trade concerns by Noon January 15, 2014, because
we are prepared to take action on these applications. Electronic filed (e—file) applications are
able to be viewed by accessing and searching by thefile number.

ITC—T/C—20131218—00338 (e—file)
Application for the consent to transfer the control of section 214 authorization (ITC—214—
20090401—00143) held by Megatel Netcom Corp. (Peter Liu) from Xiangyang Luo to
Yonghui Liu, a citizen of China.

ITC—214—20131217—00329 (e—file)
JAGAT INTERNATIONAL LLC‘s application for authority to provide Individual
Switched Resale Service between the United States and permissible international points.
Applicant is 10% or greater owned by a citizen of India.

ITC—214—20131206—00337 (e—file)
Angel Mobile Inc.‘s application for authority to provide facilities based and resale
services betweenthe United States and permissible international points. Applicant is
100% indirectly owned by a Swiss company which is 10% or greater owned by a citizen
of Switzerland, Austria, and Oman, respectively.

ITC—214—20131213—00341 (e—file)
MTI (USA) LLC‘s application for authority to provide resale services between the United
States and permissible international points. Applicant is 100% owned by Aggregato
Global Ltd., an Australian company. Aggregato Global is owned by AGMO Holdings
Pty Limited (AGMO Holdings) (68 percent) and M2 Telecommunications Group Limited
(M2 Telecommunications) (32 percent), both Australian entities. AGMO Holdings is a
privately held company owned by the following Australian citizens: Iario Faenza (25.5

           percent), Allan Ghiassi (30 percent), Alan Barakat (20 percent) and Keith Wilson (24.5
           percent). M2 Telecommunications, Australia‘s fourth largest telecommunications
           company, is a publicly held company listed on the Australian Stock Exchange. None of
           M2 Telecomtnunications‘ shareholders hold an ownership and/or voting interest of ten
           percent or mcre in M2 Telecommunications.

                  If we do not hear from you by Noon January 15, 2014, we will assume that you
           do not have any concerns with the above listed applications and these applications will be
           auto—granted on January 17, 2014 per Commission‘s rules, 47 C.E.R. § 63.12.


                                                         (George Li, Deputy Chief, Policy Division

George Li

From:                           Ad—ienne Downs
Sent:                           Tuesday, Deceimber .24, 2013 11:224 AV
To:                             ‘edward.‘; ‘chem‘; ‘maydc@state gov‘;
                                ‘Christophe Sinfkan@ic.fbi.geyv‘; ‘‘;
                                ‘Ty one.f ; ‘‘;
                                ‘‘; "‘; ‘‘;
                                ‘alex.danan@dhs gev‘; ‘Joanr‘; ‘‘;
                                ‘Jennifer.‘; ‘‘; ‘‘;
                                ‘‘; ‘‘; ‘‘; ‘IP—
                      ‘; ‘‘; ‘‘; ‘‘;
                                ‘‘; ‘‘;
                                ‘caroline.brown@usdoj.go‘v‘; ‘Hagar, Richard (richard.hagar@HQ.DHS.GOV)‘
Ce:                             George l i; David Krech; Susan OConnell; Howard Griboff; James Ball; Jodie May; Sumita
                                Mukhoty; Dennis Johnson          —f
Subject:                        Cover Letter Reference EB 2013—37 (comments by January 15, 2014)
Attachments:                    Executive Branch 2013—37.docx

Cover Letter Reference EB 2013—37 {comments by January 15, 2014)

Adrienne Downs
Policy Division
International Bureau

Document Created: 2019-10-30 07:43:28
Document Modified: 2019-10-30 07:43:28

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