
SUPPLEMENT submitted by Northeast Communications of Wisconsin, Inc.

Supplement Regarding Ownership


This document pretains to ITC-T/C-20131206-00336 for Transfer of Control on a International Telecommunications filing.


                                                                                                   Law Offices
                                                                                               Hill & Welch

                                                                                  1025 Connecticut Ave., N.W.
                                                                                                    Suite 1000
 December 27, 2013                                                                    Washington, D.C. 20036
                                                                                                (202) 857—1470
                                                                                           Fax (301) 622—2864

                                                                                            Timothy E. Welch
 Marlene H. Dortch, Secretary
 Federal Communications Commission
 445 12th Street SW, Room TW—B204
 Washington, DC 20554

 Re:         Application for Transfer of Control of International Section 214 Authorizations
             Lakefield Telecom, Inc. and Northeast Communications of Wisconsin, Inc. dba Nsight

 Dear Ms. Dortch:

 In response to an informal inquiry by the Commussion staff, the following supplemental information
 is submitted with regard to the pending transfer of control application:

 The managing/general partners of Tailwinds Capital Partners are: David S. Bauman, Jeffrey M.
 Calhoun, James S. Hoch, Geoffrey S. Raker, Frank V. Sica, Lawrence B. Sorrel, and Adam F.
 Stulberger. Each of these persons is a citizen of the United States.

 There is an associated Domestic Section 214 Transfer ofControl Application pending in WC Docket
 No. 13—300.

 Respectfully submitted,

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 Timothy E. Welch

 cc: Lakefield Telecom, Inc.

Document Created: 2013-12-27 17:01:34
Document Modified: 2013-12-27 17:01:34

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